Headwind of the Red Mansion

Chapter 31 Black Wind Valley Sand Table Deduction

Chapter 31 Black Wind Valley Sand Table Deduction

Ningrong Street, Huaiyuan.

Tomorrow is the day when we really don't have a chance to reply to Jia Lian. Yanhu and Heibao came back from Ping'an Prefecture after a starry night.

According to the information collected by the two, several people gathered around the miniature model of the Black Wind Valley and started a military meeting.

Jia Qiang sorted out her thoughts and fell into deep thought.

According to the original trajectory of the World of Red Mansions, the water in Ping'an Prefecture is extremely deep, and it was even the real reason why Rongguo Mansion ransacked the house.

Jia Lian's two visits to Ping'an Prefecture to handle important confidential matters were always received by the Ping'an Jiedu envoy. The Ping'an Jiedu envoy is the top military and political leader, and the existence of the big officials in the frontier? !

Sister Feng even participated in the lawsuit at Shuiyue Temple, and under the guise of Jia Lian's orders, she found someone to write a letter to Chang'an Jiedushi, and then handled it properly. It can be seen that even if Jia Amnesty only bears a title, his energy can be glimpsed.

Bandits are rampant in Ping'an Prefecture, and Xue Pan, the overlord, encountered bandits in Ping'an Prefecture and was rescued by Liu Xianglian.

The key point is that Ping'an Prefecture is only one day away from the capital. It can be seen that behind the prosperity of the city, it is like a donkey dung egg with a smooth surface and a mess inside.

"No wonder thousands of troops can't penetrate the Black Wind Valley."

Jia Qiang looked at the model sand table with deep eyes, and frowned.

Black Wind Valley is a grand canyon with a length of more than [-] miles. The bottom of the valley is like a winding python. The rock walls on both sides are vertical and steep, towering into the clouds. Nearly ten days away.

On the rock wall more than [-] feet away from the bottom of the valley, it seems to have opened a huge beast's mouth. Inside the beast's mouth is a natural culvert, which is the size of two school martial arts fields, which can accommodate five or six hundred mountain bandits. way.

One is to enter along the plank road along the ridge, which can only accommodate two people. The bandits only need to ambush a few crossbowmen in the culvert, and it can be said that no flies can fly in.

Another way of entry is to directly hoist it vertically from the bottom of the valley through the sling thrown out of the culvert.

Bandit leader Liu Heita took advantage of natural dangers to guard the main throat. The culvert was filled with gunpowder, kerosene, cobblestones, and rolling logs, including various military supplies for bows and crossbows.

This is much more difficult than siege, no wonder, ten thousand people can't attack by force.

Moreover, the bottom of the valley can only accommodate hundreds of people, and more people will hinder each other.


"It is heard that the bandit leader, Liu Heitai, is a remnant of the White Lotus Sect, and he secretly colluded with the government of Ping'an Prefecture by taking advantage of natural dangers."

Speaking of this, Yan Hu even looked envious, "This guy is like a government. He actually built a toll booth at the bottom of the valley, blatantly collecting tolls from merchants going back and forth, even tribute from the court..."

"The remnants of the White Lotus Sect?!"

Hearing this, Jia Rong was shocked. The legendary White Lotus Sect is actually true?

The White Lotus Sect began in the early Southern Song Dynasty. Legend has it that it was created by Mao Ziyuan, a monk in Wu County. He once joined forces with Dagan Taizu to fight against the Yuan Dynasty and drove the Mongolian emperor back to his hometown. …

During the Anti-Yuan period, the power of the White Lotus Sect was extremely prosperous. After Taizu won the world, he issued a decree to clear up and disband, and then went underground.

It is rumored that the quarrel between the Taizu and the White Lotus Sect may be related to the treasure left by the legendary Kublai Khan.

In the beginning, the White Lotus Sect taught people how to accumulate virtue and do good deeds, the Three Refuges and the Five Precepts, no killing, no stealing, no coquetry, no lying, and no drinking alcohol.

Those believers did all kinds of outrageous activities, and I don't know how many people's families were ruined.

"Originally in this canyon, there were many hills, and there were very few merchants coming and going.

Later, after Liu Heizhen appeared, he wiped out the bandits in one fell swoop, and his family was the only one, but he didn't fish in a dry marsh, and he was extremely brainy.
This guy is actually charging tolls at a clear price like the government, as long as he pays, he won't hurt people's lives!

Ordinary people pass by, charge two big money, merchants pass by, charge [-]% to [-]% according to the estimated value, the strange thing is, the number of merchants coming and going has increased, after all, it costs more to detour for ten days.

The bandits control the transportation fortress like a government. It can be said that they are making money every day, but they are in order.

How can you allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch?

Ping'an Jiedu envoys sent troops to encircle and suppress several times, but lost troops and generals, and returned without success. "

Speaking of this, the Black Panther smiled and said, "What really made the Battle of Black Wind Valley famous is that they did not spare even royal tributes.

It is said that Jiang Ke, the king of Wu, relied on his status as a prince to escort a batch of imperial silk and satin from the Jiangnan Weaving Bureau to pass through the Heifeng Valley by force, without paying the toll, and even killed the bandits at the toll booth at the bottom of the valley, causing Liu Heita to be furious .

For a moment, kerosene, explosives, and boulders and logs poured down, and the bottom of the valley instantly became a hell on earth. Hundreds of escorts and elite guards were wiped out, and even a princess died.

The Holy One was furious when he heard that, and ordered the guerrilla general Xie Jing to destroy the Black Wind Valley.

Xie Jing's Zhenwei Battalion mobilized the entire army, but when they came to the Black Wind Valley, they found that it was like a tiger eating the sky, and there was no way to attack it. Thousands of officers and soldiers died and they did not capture it.

The culverts hanging alone in mid-air are not without flaws. Once the siege and supplies are interrupted, they will lose without a fight.

Unexpectedly, that fellow Liu Heikai had already prepared for it, and the cave had abundant food reserves. Even during the siege, he colluded with the outside world to replenish a batch of supplies and equipment.

The siege of thousands of officers and soldiers consumed a huge amount of resources, and finally had to withdraw in humiliation.

However, Liu Heitai's battle shocked the government and the public and made him famous, and the surrounding bandits fled to him one after another.With Black Wind Valley as his base, he quickly radiated to the surrounding areas. Many Orion people, even officers and soldiers in Ping'an Prefecture, have become bandits. It is said that there are actually thousands of people under his command.

This Liu Heikai is very smart, he only collects tolls and rarely kills people, only robs big households, and doesn't even harass the common people. on the back. "

I have to say that this Liu Heitai is really a talent for sitting in a dangerous place and earning money in a long line.


"A boulder has no power on the ground, just like turning a boulder on a thousand-foot mountain, it has power..."

Jia Qiang and the others stared at the sand table deduction, "It's no wonder no one wants to touch this hot potato. It's really hard to fight. How do you think you can win the Black Wind Valley?"

"There are a few things for sure. Due to the terrain, crowds don't work..."

Yan Hu frowned and continued, "Secondly, the siege is extremely difficult, and it is said that the grain reserves in the culvert are enough to consume for more than half a year.

As for the strong attack, even with a bow and crossbow, the vertical height is more than thirty feet, not to mention that very few people can shoot so high, and because of the angle of elevation, even if it can be done, it is almost useless.

The key point is that people are all living targets at the bottom of the valley, and there is nothing to hide when there is nowhere to hide.

It is even more illegal to enter from the narrow path on the ridge, the mountain is steep and precipitous, not to mention a strong attack, even if there is no one to stop it, it is extremely dangerous. "


"If our people can infiltrate into the culvert..." Mastiff Wolf rolled his eyes and smiled contemptuously, "This culvert is like a military supply depot, and it was directly detonated, wouldn't it be a disaster?"

"Hey... your idea is like a meeting of mice, how can you not be harassed by cats.

A clever mouse said that as long as a bell is hung around the cat's neck, the sound of the bell means that the cat is coming. The question is, who can hang a bell around the cat's neck? "

Yan Hu chuckled and said, "Besides detonating the explosives, I can't escape myself?!"

The power of artillery in this era is extremely limited, and Frang machine artillery, also known as Hongyi (Yi) artillery, has not yet been introduced into Dagan.

The so-called sharp guns of the Shenji Camp were firecrackers, and they would lose their accuracy if they were more than ten feet away, let alone thirty feet away. Moreover, loading ammunition was quite troublesome, and they could only fire two or three shots per minute.

The key point is that what the firecracker fires is not bullets, but stones and iron particles mixed with gunpowder, which are very easy to explode, killing a thousand people and injuring eight hundred.

Even if there is a red cannon, it is not an open plain, and it is extremely difficult to carry it in a winding canyon. What's more, the Franji cannon has not yet been born in this era.

The bandit army in the culvert can be described as a large number of first-class weapons and equipment. They are within the range of each other.


It is absolutely impossible to attack with cold weapons.

Jia Qiang recalled the distant anti-Japanese war, the industrial base was extremely backward, but even the bunkers could be blown up, why can’t the culverts be blown up?

As for gunpowder, does Daqian's Shenji camp have it? !
Gunpowder first originated from alchemists in the Warring States Period, and did not achieve a reasonable ratio. It can be said that it was early in the morning, but it was late. Gunpowder was more used in fireworks and firecrackers, indulging in grotesque camouflage.

Until the current Daqian, the ratio of black powder has not reached the best, and its power is extremely limited.

The truly useful "black powder" was the Francine Red Cannon introduced from the Portuguese at the end of Ming Dynasty, which brought the most powerful ratio of black powder.

But, as an instructor, Jia Qiang knows the best ratio? !
With powerful black gunpowder, isn't it a big killer in the cold weapon era?
"I, a modern warfare instructor, can't deal with a few bandits?!"

Jia Qiang clutched the charcoal pen to write and draw, and flicked the charcoal pen, "This Zhenwei camp is really lacking, we want it! Defeat the Black Wind Valley, become famous in one battle, and gain a firm foothold in this capital!"

 Such an easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack Black Wind Valley, if the reader master crosses it and substitutes himself, how can he get down? ()
(End of this chapter)

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