Chapter 45

Black Wind Valley Grand Canyon.

The roaring wind tore through the pouring rain, making a deafening roar in the canyon, and the rain fell to the bottom of the valley with an irreversible trend, rolling down the current.

The originally dead and silent toad belly was brightly lit again.

Man Xiong and others found the wine and meat, and started to make a fire to make food, and the cave was filled with the smell of fireworks.

Mastiff wolf and others and Wang Qiong Jinyiwei started to clean up the treasures against the ledger.

Jia Qiang was flipping through another secret ledger with relish, with an inexplicable expression that kept changing.

The ledger records in detail the evidence of Heifenggu's collusion with officials of various states, especially the Jiedushi of Ping'an Prefecture, who actually has a cooperative relationship with Heifenggu.

The Jiedushi of Pingan Prefecture, the hereditary third-rank Weiyuan general Ma Shang, the grandson of the governing male Ma Kui, the third-rank military general, the military, political and judiciary of Pingan Prefecture, and the existence of a local emperor.

He could actually get [-]% of the proceeds from robbery in Black Wind Valley.

What's even more shocking is that Black Wind Valley is a transportation fortress, recording special goods coming in and out.

Ma Shang was so bold that he actually colluded with Outer Mongolia, exchanging military supplies such as military equipment, food, cloth, porcelain, and iron for horses, beard girls, and leather. !
"Official bandits are deeply tied up, so it's no wonder they can let their bandits grow bigger!"

Jia Qiang frowned and sighed softly, "This time, I'm afraid I've got into a big trouble and drove Ma Shang into a hurry, maybe I won't be able to get out of Ping'an Prefecture!"


While thinking, several teams surrounded Jia Qiang and began to report the results.

"Horses don't eat night grass and don't get fat. Let me talk about the gold and silver harvested first!"

Mastiff wolf licked his lips, his face full of enthusiasm, "Gold, 3 taels, 50 taels of silver, and the rest are jewels, jade, and silk satin, worth nearly a million taels of silver."

"Unexpectedly, this place is one of the four branches of the Ming Cult. It is a granary and a military supply depot. There are more than [-] shi of grain stored here, which is enough to feed [-] elite soldiers for two months. This Ming Cult is going to rebel?!"

Wang Qiong led Jia Qiang to the granary covered by the rocks, with a look of regret, "The explosion damaged some, no more than [-]%, digging up these rocks, the grain inside should be intact."

He led Jia Qiang to a deep cave that had been dug up, rubbed his hands together, and said eagerly, "We found countless rare medicines, and three of them are of great benefit to us."

Then he said with a look of fear, "These bandits are all the elite of the Ming Cult, fortunately they were killed by the Feilei bombardment... Even without the help of natural danger, if you fight one-on-one with the War Wolf Camp, the result is extremely unpredictable!"

For him, military rations are far less beneficial than the great medicine that can improve his cultivation.

The Leopard Fetal Health Pill must be the fetal placenta of a ferocious snowflake female leopard that was pregnant on the snow mountain.It is cut out alive from the body, and then added with various precious medicinal materials, boiled for several months to become gelatin, and then kneaded into pills.

After taking it, the tendons will become more tenacious and powerful. It is a panacea that martial arts practitioners dream of.

The Vajra Daigo Crisp is even more miraculous. The skin of monks in the Great Chan Temple is as hard as fine steel, and the power is as soft as cotton when it dissipates.It was with the help of this elixir.

Tiger bone chalcedony ointment is based on tiger bone marrow.refined.After taking it, the hard bones of the whole body are as tough as steel!

Jia Qiang was very cooperative and made a look of excitement and yearning, but in fact these things were of no great use to him.

With the Nobile Guardian System, there are still three tasks to be completed.

Qin Keqing took the initiative to throw herself into her arms, and gained 20 years of internal strength. If the degree of admiration reaches 90 points, she can also gain 20 years of soul power cultivation.

Jiang Ruoshui's happiness index reached 90 points, rewarding innate physique.

Qingwen's happiness index reached 90 points, rewarding three times the kidney power of ordinary people.

It is completely pure energy that gathers the essence of heaven and earth. It is non-toxic and has no side effects. How can it be compared with various elixirs? !

What he needs most is martial arts? !

Otherwise, it's like begging for food with a golden bowl.

Money, even beautiful women, are things outside the body, only the body, strength, and cultivation are their own.


"Our peeling team also has unexpected gains!"

In line with the principle of not wasting, the Black Panther team carefully inspected the corpses. Like locusts crossing the border, all kinds of gold and silver were cleaned up. The three protectors, codenamed Ghost Shadow of the Flower Destroyer."


Wang Qiong cried out in shock.

"Is he famous?!" Black Panther was stunned.

"He is the most important criminal in the imperial court who was offered a reward by the governor of Jinyiwei Town..."

Wang Qiong pondered and said, "Ghosting, with light kungfu and body skills, comes and goes without a trace, leaps over high walls like walking on flat ground, he has committed many crimes, and both humans and gods are angry.

Quietly sneaked into the official residence of the imperial court, in addition to stealing, specializing in spying on family scandals or evidence of corruption, and using this as a threat to force her into the water.

At the same time, in order to practice the evil art of harvesting yin and supplementing yang, countless wealthy daughters-in-law and boudoirs were picked by him.

The most recent time, the daughter of Captain Qiu was kidnapped, and dozens of elite warriors could not keep him!

Unexpectedly, this crooked strike killed a big fish! "

Hearing this, Jia Qiang's mouth curled into an arc, as if our army had tried an anti-aircraft gun during the War of Resistance Against Japan, shot down a plane with one shot, and killed a Japanese general.

"What a coincidence. According to the interrogation of the surviving guards, today is the day when the three protectors forcibly married Captain Qiu's daughter, and they died by Feilei Pao."

Hei Panther handed out a wooden box while talking, "Ghosting's body skills are elusive, climbing rock culverts like walking on flat ground, and occupying Toad's Mouth, he is indispensable.

He also has a code name called The Variety Scholar Destroyer, and there are many masks and some contract documents in it, but I can't read the words. "

After finishing speaking, he patted his head and took out a piece of silk from his bosom, "This is taken from Ghost Shadow's underwear, it seems to be a secret book of exercises!"

Jia Qiang took the silk, which was as thin as a cicada's wing but extremely tough, full of small script and patterns.

"God Walking Phantom Step?!" Jia Qiang looked intently and was overjoyed, "It's clearly an extremely clever movement. This is really dozing off, did you send me a pillow?!"

There are three moves in Phantom Step, combined with the mental method, each move contains thousands of changes.

Lingbo microstepping is like throwing stones on the water surface. When the speed is fast enough, the stone flakes can bounce continuously on the water surface without falling into the water.

Shrunk to an inch, like a boneless dragon, snakes through the jungle, the speed is extremely fast, like jumping in space;

Qiankun Drift, moving forward rapidly, violates the principle of inertia, and reminds Jia Rong of a great secret technique used by wild deer to escape and survive.

Curiously, Jia Qiang opened the wooden box. Apart from some banknotes, there were also two booklets. Gradually, her starry eyes widened and she looked shocked.

It clearly records the privacy of each noble, evidence of corruption, correspondence, and even evidence of collusion with the enemy.

"Are they all good things?! Taking them out at a critical moment, is it a ticking time bomb?!"

And opened another booklet, looked curiously, "Pfft..." almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"Conquering a boudoir girl comes from the love in the bed. As long as you let her experience the satisfaction she has never had before, she will be as tender as water and obey everything."

The title page is the experience of ghosting.

The pages inside are the history of his battles of stealing incense and jade, which actually involved two princesses.

Some women even took the initiative to leave tokens after Yunyu. No wonder there were some curly hairs in the box, as well as some translucent small clothes and sachets.

Putting down all kinds of documents, I picked up the mask casually. I don't know what kind of material it is made of. It is as warm and smooth as gelatin, and it fits tightly on the face as if it is absorbed. It is really ingenious.

"This is one of the four guardians, so there are so many methods?!"

Jia Qiang frowned and muttered, "Did you make a big mess this time?! Whether it's the Mingjiao, or Ma Shang, the governor of Ping'an Prefecture, none of them are easy to get along with.

If you are not careful, you will be in danger of a dragon's lake and a tiger's den! "

After thinking for a moment, I found a pen and paper in the culvert, wrote and drew, and put it in the thick bamboo tube with my little finger.

In the era of cold weapons, a smooth communication chain of command is also a factor that determines the success or failure of a war!
Ji Ming's ventriloquist imitates various birds and beasts, vividly, and he has already tamed a black electric falcon, which is not afraid of rainy nights and flies extremely fast, which can be called a communication fetish.

Ji Ming carefully tied the bamboo tube to the electric falcon's legs, and after explaining it, the electric falcon disappeared in the rainy night.


"The water in this world is very deep. If you have more strength and more self-protection ability, you should master the magic shadow step first!"

Jia Qiang put the box away carefully, and then re-invested in the study of the exercises. After all, you can save your life at critical moments, and running fast is also a skill if you can't win!

PS: Ma Shang, the grandson of Ma Kui who ruled the country, is a hereditary third-rank Weiyuan general Ma Shang. The original book only mentions that this place became the Jiedushi of Pingan Prefecture.

Jia Amnesty was deeply involved in Ping'an Prefecture and was impeached for making friends with foreign officials.

(End of this chapter)

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