People are in the heavens, not doing human affairs

Chapter 227 Xiao Wu Abandoned Xiao Xiao by Herself 3

Chapter 227 Xiao Wu Destroys Xiao San by Herself
At this moment, Tang San didn't care whether the people from the Spirit Hall were still here, or whether they were in danger or not.

Now, there is only one thought in his mind - to kill Tang Si, to dissect the body and get the bones!

Now, after killing Tang Si, he can still get a 10-year spirit bone, but there is nothing to do if the 10-year spirit ring is gone.

Thinking of this, Tang San immediately rushed towards Tang Si and Xiao Wu.

After he came here, the sacrifice was complete.

As for Huo Yuhao, he kept watching from the side, watching Tang San's spirit ring and spirit bone be given to Tang Si.

At this moment, Tang San had the urge to question Huo Yuhao, why didn't you stop them?
However, Huo Yuhao couldn't stop things like sacrifices. Even if he could stop them, he wouldn't stop them.

However, Tang San didn't question Huo Yuhao stupidly, but looked at Tang Si with eyes full of killing intent.

At this moment, Tang Si held a small hammer in his hand, and a blood-red soul ring appeared on the hammer.

This undoubtedly stimulated Tang San's nerves again!

Tang Si also woke up at this moment, seeing Tang San, his expression instantly became awkward.

But the penetrating killing intent in Tang San's eyes made Tang Si tremble reflexively.

"Sangua, what's the matter with you?" Tang Si couldn't help asking.

At this moment, Tang Si decided that Tang San seemed to really want to kill himself!
Tang San ignored Tang Si, but looked at Huo Yuhao: "Yuhao, take down Tang Si!"

Hearing this, Huo Yuhao appeared behind Tang Si in a flash.

"Sangua, what are you doing?" Sensing the dangerous aura behind him, Tang Si panicked instantly.

He wanted to escape, but he couldn't escape at all.

Huo Yuhao just lightly pressed Tang Si's shoulder, and he couldn't move anymore!
Tang San smiled charmingly, and walked slowly, step by step, in front of Tang Si.

"What am I going to do? I'm going to kill you! My dear Oni-chan!"

Tang Si froze for an instant, he stammered: "You, you can't kill me, I'm your younger brother!"

Tang San raised his hand, fell hard and gave Tang Si a big-eared melon seed.

"I have endured you for a long time!"

Immediately, Tang San started punching and kicking.

Tang Si couldn't move, he could only beg for mercy: "Don't hit me, Sangua, I have so many props that I can give you, let me go!"

Nothing could compare to a 10 year spirit ring and a 10 year spirit bone, Tang San just wanted to vent the anger in his heart now.

Seeing this tragic scene, Huo Yuhao couldn't help feeling pity for Tang Si.

After fighting for a full 10 minutes, Tang San finally finished, and the interruption gave Tang Si a fatal reason!

He slowly took out his Clear Sky Hammer, after so many years of changes, Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer has already changed.

Now, his hammer is blood-red as a whole, exuding an astonishing murderous and evil spirit, and even has the blood that the last person didn't finish the joke!
At this moment, Tang Si was speechless, and could only beg for mercy with a bruised nose and swollen face: "Please don't kill me!"

at this time--


I saw the blood-red light on Tang Si's body flourishing!
The soaring blood red turned into a figure—Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu actually ran out from the soul ring!

"Stop me!"

With a loud shout, Xiao Wu started her own eight-duan wrestling.

And all of this happened in the blink of an eye, Tang San didn't react at all, Huo Yuhao was too lazy to react.

Because Tang San was too close to Tang Si, and Xiao Wu was a melee player, just like that, Tang San was sent flying into the sky by Xiao Wu who shot with all his strength.

Just like treating Bu Le, Xiao Wu burned her own soul and quickly performed the Eight-Duan Wrestling.

For Tang Si, Xiao Wu is willing to burn her soul.

What a touching love!
Also because of this, Huo Yuhao was helpless against Xiao Wu, unable to save Tang San!
Tang San's body was flying fast in the air, and Xiao Wu could accurately give Tang San a deadly kick with the help of teleportation.

In a blink of an eye, it was the last fall.

I saw Xiao Wu's 1.2-meter long legs raised high.

Tang San wasn't in the mood to appreciate Xiao Wu's other scenery, at this moment, he in mid-air had already started to fall head down.

With just a slight lift of her leg, Xiao Wu's right foot can hit the target.

But Huo Yuhao "just now" came to his senses and shouted, "Stop!"

Immediately, he kicked his feet and flew towards Tang San.

But it's too late!
With a thought, Xiao Wu's right leg fell heavily like an iron whip.

Hit the bullseye!

Chicken and egg beat!


Accompanied by the screams, Tang San screamed and fell down, his hands reflexively covered his crotch that had begun to ooze blood.

Accompanied by a muffled sound, Tang San fell heavily headfirst.

Nearly broke his neck.

Huo Yuhao who just flew into the sky immediately jumped down, jumped in front of Tang San, and helped him up in time.

"Father, are you okay! Are you okay?" Huo Yuhao asked anxiously.

Do you think I look good?

Maybe it was the head wound that distracted his attention, Tang San still clutched his three inches below the navel, but fortunately the pain was much reduced.

Tang San raised his head reluctantly, "Xiao Wu, you are treating me like this!"

Xiao Wu was expressionless, "Tang San, I didn't expect you to be such a person. I misread you before! Today, no matter what, I will fight for Xiao Si to survive!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Wu rushed towards Tang San and Huo Yuhao again.

But this time, Huo Yuhao didn't slow down on purpose.

He activated his martial spirit and spirit ring, and the breath in his body soared, and with a thought, Xiao Wu was crushed to the ground by a strong pressure.

How to say Tang San is also a soul master, with the support of soul power, Tang San can still stand up.

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu and Tang Si with red eyes, at this moment, the two of them were like fateful mandarin ducks in distress.

"Tang Si, I will kill you!"

After finishing speaking, a black shadow shot out from Tang San's palm, and the black blue silver grass shot at Tang Si like a vicious snake, and began to absorb his vitality and soul power!
Tang Sanyan at this moment looks like an evil soul master!
Nothing is more important than his own life. At this moment, who does Tang Si care about the person in front of him?

He couldn't break free, he could only let out a scream, from begging for mercy at the beginning, to anger.

"Please let me go!"

Tang San remained unmoved, and even devoured even faster.

Tang Si felt that his vitality was passing away quickly, and he felt that he was about to die.

"You don't deserve to be a human being, I hate you!"

"If there is an afterlife, I will definitely kill you!" Tang Si roared impotently.

Tang San remained unmoved, but Xiao Wu's body trembled.

Also because of Tang San's devouring, Xiao Wu's figure also became faintly visible.

Before Xiao Wu died, Qian Daoliu showed great mercy, and very kindly let Xiao Wu's true consciousness return for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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