People are in the heavens, not doing human affairs

Chapter 239 Chapter 246247 Ren Xue Knows the Truth

Chapter 239 Chapter 246-247 Qian Renxue Knows the Truth (Two in One)

As the public opinion offensive became more and more severe, Tang San and Grandmaster couldn't stay any longer.

Therefore, Tang San had already begun to think about his own way out.

It was at this moment-

Tang San's sixth test of God Asura finally came.

That's right, after this period of assessment, Tang San had already completed the first five tests and entered the sixth test.

The voice of God Shura sounded in Tang San's mind: "The sixth test of God Shura, if you persist for a stick of incense under the hands of the King of Slaughter in the capital of killing, you will be rewarded with a 10% increase in the affinity of God Shura, and an increase in the age of all soul rings by 1." Year."

Just like that, Tang San thought about where they went next.

Go to the killing capital!
The current gossip is nothing, as long as he becomes a god in the end, isn't Douluo Dalu his one word?
Therefore, without even saying hello, Tang San took Huo Yuhao, the bodyguard, to the Slaughter Capital.

Just like that, Douluo Continent once again fell into a calm, strange calm.

In fact, the storm is coming.

Dai Tianfeng, the emperor of the Star Luo Empire, seemed to feel something was wrong, as if a pair of big hands were manipulating everything, but he didn't know who it was.

Soon, Tang San came to the Slaughter Capital again.

With the Death God Domain, he can freely enter and exit the Slaughter City.

This long-lost place.

Tang San also thought about taking all the evil spirit masters in the Slaughter Capital for his own use, but he just can't do it yet.

Same as last time, Tang San still walked into the Slaughter City with great strides.

Two years have passed, and the Slaughter City hasn't changed much, it's still so lifeless.

However, since they are all here, let's provoke people's hearts first.

Thus, Tang San entered the Slaughter City, found the place with the most people, stood on the high platform, and started his speech.

"Ahem, everyone, friends, you probably don't know me anymore, I am King Shura, the King Shura who passed the road to hell!" Tang San said passionately.

The title of King Shura is still very useful, hearing Tang San's words, more and more people gathered here.

Tang San continued his speech: "Everyone, I just want to ask, do you like this environment? Don't you want to change?"


"Why not?"

Tang San continued to stir up the atmosphere: "Then we have to resist, we were thrown into this horrible place by the Spirit Hall, we are incompatible with the Spirit Hall, and the Spirit Hall is our eternal enemy!"

"So we should unite to break through the cage and obtain a better tomorrow." Tang San raised his finger to the sky, vowing.

In the audience, many people were mobilized and applauded.

at this time--

A fishy wind hit!
A bloody figure appeared in midair.

It is the king of killing!
"King of Slaughter, you are finally here!" Tang San said very calmly.

The Slaughter King looked down at Tang San with a look of contempt, "King Shura, haven't you already left? Why are you back?"

Now that the Slaughter King is here, Tang San's attitude is not so arrogant.

Tang San bowed and saluted: "King of Slaughter, I just want to ask, don't you want to get out of here?"

That's right, Tang San also wanted to recruit the Slaughter King into his command.

Although the Slaughter King has become a little different, he is still a powerful helper.

However, the Slaughter King just wanted to say, don't you think I don't want to?If only I could get out of here.

"No matter what, you can either join my Slaughter Capital or die!" the Slaughter King said lightly.

Tang San still said to himself: "King of Slaughter, why don't we make a bet?"

"What bet?" The Slaughter King asked subconsciously.

"Just bet on whether I can last a stick of incense under your hands. If I can, then you will let me go. If not, I will do whatever you want. Of course, you can only use the first six spirit rings." Three said.

The Slaughter King asked suspiciously, "Are you sure?"

"That's right." Tang San said to himself.

He had already thought of a way, which was to ask Huo Yuhao to help him cheat.

There's no way, for the sake of victory, he can only do this, besides, God Shura didn't say that it was a violation of the rules, did he?
"Okay, let's go to the killing field of hell." The King of Slaughter said cheerfully.

In this way, after such a long time, Tang San came to the hell killing field again.

With the lighting of a stick of incense, the two sides began to compete.

Of course, Huo Yuhao also opened his own mental detection sharing at this moment to help Tang San cheat.

This scene was so similar, it was so similar to the match between Beibei and Xu Tianshi 1 years later.

With Huo Yuhao's super cheat, Tang San can barely avoid the attack of the Slaughter King every time.

The Slaughter King also wanted to let go, even his own Shura Demon Sword was useless.

In this way, after a stick of incense time passed, Tang San persevered.

Tang San finally won the sixth trial of God Shura.

The moment Tang San won, God Shura's voice appeared in his mind: "God Shura's sixth trial, completed within a stick of incense under the hands of the King of Slaughter in the Capital of Slaughter, will reward God Shura's affinity with 10 %, the age of all soul rings has been increased by 1 years."

Tang San felt the cold breath pouring into his limbs.

Immediately afterwards, the jet-black Blue Silver Emperor emerged from his left hand, on which appeared a jet-black soul ring, and a red natal soul ring.

The Clear Sky Hammer emerged from his right hand, and they were also soul rings over ten thousand years old.

The cold voice continued: "God Shura's seventh trial, obtained the approval of the Demon Sword of Shura, rewarded with a 10% increase in the affinity of God Shura, and a two-level increase in soul power."

The Slaughter King interrupted the ecstasy in Tang San's heart: "Okay, you won, you can go."

Tang San didn't leave, and then asked: "King of Slaughter, wait, don't you really want to go out?"

The Slaughter King was slightly taken aback, at this time he was accepting Qian Daoliu's order.

Immediately, he said: "Okay, you're right, I'm tired of staying in this city of killing for so long, it's all because of Wuhundian, otherwise I wouldn't have been imprisoned for so long! I would like to share with you Let's fight against the Spirit Hall together."

Immediately afterwards, a sword appeared in the Slaughter King's hand, which was blood red.

Immediately, he handed the sword to Tang San: "Now, I will hand over this Asura Demon Sword to you, I hope you can use this sword to destroy the Spirit Hall."

Tang San stared at the Shura Demon Sword, carefully examining it.

That was indeed the Shura Demon Sword that he knew.

Why did he give it to himself so easily?
It seems that I am the child of destiny!
However, he still took it quickly: "Thank you, King of Slaughter."

This behavior of the Slaughter King is of course Qian Daoliu's order.

Tang San thanked him many times, and immediately after, he found a quiet place, planning to find a way to get the approval of Shura Demon Sword.

However, just after Tang San put his hand on the Asura Demon Sword, the Asura Demon Sword was full of blood.

Immediately, Tang San felt that the Shura Demon Sword was connected with him.

A cold voice sounded in Tang San's mind: "God Shura's seventh trial, completed with the approval of the Demon Sword of Shura, will reward God Shura with a 10% increase in affinity and two levels of soul power."

Tang San was stunned immediately.

It's that simple?
Soon, Tang San thought of a reason and convinced himself.

In his previous life, he was chosen by the God of Shura, and he won the position of God of Shura even without taking the test of the God of Shura. In this life, isn't it normal for the Demon Sword of Shura to easily recognize him?

At the same time, there was a heat flow in his body, and his soul power was successfully raised by two levels.

It doesn't take long for the soul power to reach level eighty.

He is one step closer to becoming a god!
Just wait, Wuhundian, the day I become a god is the day when this evil organization of yours will be destroyed!

His god position is at the level of a god king, as long as he becomes a god, Wuhundian will not be his opponent at all.

Tang San's eighth test of God Asura came soon, and a cold voice sounded in his mind: "The eighth test of God Asura, cultivate to the level of Titled Douluo, and replenish your soul ring, reward God Asura The affinity is increased by 10%, and the soul power is increased by two levels."

Hearing this assessment, Tang San's mind became active.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is an evil soul master now, so why not use the method of an evil soul master to repair it?

So, he set his mind on the evil soul master in the killing capital.

Anyway, in the outside world, his reputation was already rotten, Tang San planned to gather the vitality of the Slaughter City first, and those who disagreed would directly turn them into nourishment for himself.

In this way, Tang San temporarily lived in the Slaughter Capital.

Heaven Dou Empire.

Due to the pressure of public opinion from the outside world, Xue Beng had to revoke the positions and honorary titles of Master and Tang San.

And the Star Luo Empire.

With the secret assistance of Yingzhao's forces, Dai Mubai did not die, but flourished in chaos.

Soon, Dai Mubai bribed his own father, Dai Tianfeng's personal maid, and then bribed Davis' personal bodyguard, and began to poison them.

Of course, without the support of Yingzhao, he would not be able to do such a thing.

And Wuhundian.

The time promised by the system is almost here. The system has helped him shield the gods from the God Realm for ten years, and now, there are only two years left.

He has passed the eighth trial of Qian Daoliu's god test, but he already has the strength to rival Shura God.

Granddaughter Qian Renxue's divine test is also in the eighth test, the eighth test of the God of Bright Angels: training to the level of Limit Douluo.

Now Qian Renxue stays in the virtual training ground to practice every day, and according to her current strength, she is almost there.

Bibi Dong's divine test has progressed to the seventh test, and the spiritual test of the six priests has also progressed very quickly, reaching the sixth or fifth test.

A few years later, they will be able to defeat the God Realm!

Time passed quickly, and another year passed.

Qian Renxue finally reached the level of Peerless Douluo, and finally ushered in the ninth trial.

The Ninth Trial of the God of Bright Angels - Asking the Heart.

Time is running out, Qian Renxue intends to quickly complete the ninth test.

Douluo Hall, in front of the Angel God Statue.

Qian Daoliu patted his good granddaughter on the shoulder: "Xiaoxue, since you are ready, do it. Grandpa believes in your ability."

Qian Renxue raised her head, determination was written all over her fair face: "Grandpa, I will definitely, wait for my good news."

Qian Daoliu felt very relieved, and watched Qian Renxue stride into the divine test space.

Of course, the God of Bright Angels is not that deceitful, and people have to sacrifice to open the divine test.

When Qian Renxue's figure disappeared behind the portal, a bright aura filled the entire Douluo Palace.

But immediately, Qian Daoliu turned his head to look at the Pope's Palace.

"Bibi Dong, I didn't expect you to enter the ninth exam so soon." He couldn't help but murmured.

It can only be said that she is indeed the most talented woman in Douluo Continent.

After all, in the original book, Bibi Dong comprehended the cultivation method of twin spirits by virtue of her own ability, and was able to freely switch between the two spirits, which shocked Tang San.

However, in front of his granddaughter Qian Daoliu, other people's cultivation talents are scum.

This is a filter from my grandpa.

Pope's Palace.

Suddenly, a dark aura permeated the air, and Bibi Dong's figure disappeared in the Pope's Palace.

Of course, the visions produced by the two divine tests were all hidden by Qian Daoliu.

God of the Angel of Light, God's God Test Mystery Realm.

This place was in chaos, which made Qian Renxue feel a little uncomfortable after arriving here.

Qian Renxue walked here slowly according to her feeling. Behind her, the three pairs of golden wings were fully stretched out, and in her right hand was holding a strange ancient long sword, which is the artifact of the God of Bright Angels, the Sword of Dawn, A strong golden flame bloomed from the blade.

Suddenly, she saw a high-definition picture.

A person appeared on the screen, her mother——Bibi Dong.

To be precise, it was Bibi Dong when she was young.

At this time, Bibi Dong was chatting and laughing with a man, like a pair of lovers.

Qian Renxue recognized it, isn't this person Yu Xiaogang, Tang San's teacher.

It turned out that the mother and this Yu Xiaogang were in love once?

What Qian Renxue didn't know was that Bibi Dong also saw this scene at this moment.

This scene awakened her past memories, and Bibi Dong couldn't help but sigh.

Back then, she didn't know people well, but she actually fell in love with such a scumbag.

She secretly vowed in her heart that in the future, Yu Xiaogang must be hacked into pieces!

Immediately after the screen jumps, it comes to the time when Qianxunji breaks up her and Yu Xiaogang.

Qian Xunji persuaded himself to fail, then knocked her unconscious and threw her into the secret room.

Subsequent plots are not suitable for children and are automatically blocked.

Seeing this, Bibi Dong's fair face had turned pale.

The scene of that night and the dark year that followed appeared in her mind unconsciously.

Until now, she still can't forget it.

Seeing this scene, Qian Renxue fell into a daze.

She can guess what will happen next.

She finally understood everything, why Bibi Dong didn't like her when she was a child, why Bibi Dong wanted to kill herself before she was six years old, it was all because of his father!

Qian Renxue felt that her father's tall and majestic image had collapsed.

Immediately after the screen jumps, Bibi Dong gave birth to Qian Renxue. Although Bibi Dong was very repulsed in her heart, she still couldn't help but want to hug Qian Renxue.

Seeing this, Qian Renxue felt deeply guilty about Bibi Dong.

The corner of Bibi Dong's mouth couldn't help but draw a smile.

Let that matter pass and let it pass, she is satisfied with such a beautiful daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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