Chapter 108 Game
The violent wind had subsided, and the waves crashed on the beach, rising and receding. Mu Chenxing was stared at by more than 20 high-ranking angels flying in mid-air, and his heart was much more intense than the ups and downs of the waves.

The angels are all beautiful, with white wings, silver armor, delicate faces, and a good figure, which fit all the beautiful words in the legend.

But every angel is sharp and aloof, making it difficult for people to feel close.

They seem to be above all life for granted.

The base's alarm sounded suddenly, and it wasn't until the angels appeared in the naked eye that the observation post discovered their existence. All radars, including the detection satellite of the Deno-[-], were unable to capture their traces in advance.

The alarm was loud, but the angel didn't care.

"Yo, this little one is the power of the galaxy?"

Kaisha has read Mu Chenxing in the database, a very interesting kid who has had contact with demons, but can uphold justice, has some little secrets of his own, is not very smart, and is not bad for a 20-year-old.

The result of the calculation of the knowledge treasure house has a high matching ratio with Yan, and I am quite satisfied with the first meeting.

"My name is Mu Chenxing, and you are the holy Kaisa? What is your business when you come to Earth this time?" Mu Chenxing asked loudly.

At this moment, there is only myself, and no one else has rushed over, so I can't lose my momentum.

He had deduced the solution to the angel's arrival before, but he really didn't expect Kesha to choose to appear in front of him, or when he was alone.

Caught off guard.

The group of second-generation and third-generation high-ranking angels surrounding Keisha were colder and prouder than the other on the surface, but inside the internal communication channel, it was unbelievably lively.

"This is Sister Yan's future male god?"

"Sister Yan has a male god?"

"This little male god is quite handsome, I agree."

"Yan, I can test it for you."

"Sister Leng is trying to tease him?"

"I want, too."

"It's funny how nervous this little male god is."

Yan frowned, let this group of out-of-shape people continue to talk, and they didn't know what tiger and wolf words they would say, so they interrupted the topic and seriously reported to Queen Kaisa:
"Reporting to the Queen, the specific location of Morgana has been captured, but it is not sure whether it has been upgraded to the fourth generation of gods. If the full power of the Heavenly Blade Trial is carried out now, Morgana may be defeated again, but it will affect the inhabitants of the earth."

Keisha raised her hand to stop Hiko who was showing an unbearable expression.

"The choice can be left to humans themselves."

Mu Chenxing knew that he was speaking to himself.

This is putting him on fire.

Whatever choice he made was wrong.

"Holy Keisha, I am not qualified to make decisions on behalf of the earth. Personally, I do not want the angels to go to war in my home world."

"Where is the evildoer!"

Before he finished speaking, Monkey King landed beside him with a dark metal rod in hand.

But Keisha didn't pay attention to it, and the monkey only provoked the glare of the guardian angel.

Mu Chenxing had read Body Wars and understood Kaisha's choice.7000 years ago, the angels established diplomatic relations with the survivors of Kamigawa and launched a war against the beast body and the triangular body. After repeated battles, Kamikawa and the angels won the final victory.

Confirmed the Kamigawa body with the angel form as the standard, and became the mainstream civilization in the known universe.She may appreciate Brother Monkey's behavior of protecting the earth, but she will never let the half-beast body have the slightest right to speak in civilized conversations.

Brother Hou is very strong, possesses the power of a god, and his behavior is in line with the concept of justice, but Keisha will not allow Monkey King to become the main god of any civilization in the known universe.

Because this is a betrayal of the angel warriors who died in the physical war.

The atmosphere was a bit tense.

It was in this atmosphere that Ducao and the rest of the Xiongbing Company stepped through the worm door opened by Rose and appeared in front of the angel.

"Oh? Isn't this the war madman Ducao? After seeing you, everything seems to be clear." Keisha shifted her attention.

"Are you Holy Kaisa? What are you doing here on Earth? What do you really want?" Ducao has two big heads, one head and two big ones, the gluttons are stalking tigers, and the demons are about to move. Now there is another angel, and he wants to let the people on the earth live. up?

How can the earth stand up to your scourge!

"Earth, a beautiful world, but there are wars everywhere, and the whole history is wars. War...war...death...death, no wonder Karl is interested in your world." Kaisha crossed her legs and commented on the earth condescendingly.

Ducao retorted angrily: "Aren't you here for the war?"

"War?" Keisha was very disdainful: "Too overestimated myself. Okay, I'm done talking with you." She turned to look at Mu Chenxing: "Mu Chenxing, you are the power of the galaxy, the god of the future, you should learn to How to make choices like a god."

Yan seemed to have received the order, flapped his wings, and flew towards the sky.

"Chen Xing, don't promise anything!" Ducao didn't know what the angel said before he came over, but he was really afraid that Mu Chen Xing was young and inexperienced and would be deceived.

The relationship between civilizations is not a happy and friendly neighborly relationship. There are countless killings and calculations in it.

Mu Chenxing glanced at Kaisha, he would not make a decision.

Angels came across countless nebulas to hunt down demons, and now they want to hand over the authority to fight or not?

Why is he so unbelievable!
The first shot in the confrontation between the two top civilizations, let yourself call the shots?Pure fucking bullshit!He felt that Keisha was fooling himself.

Morgana's space ability, other little angels may not be able to figure it out, will Keisha not understand?Counting on killing the Demon Queen in one Heaven Blade Trial?If it was that easy, angels and demons would have been entangled for 7000 years and fought four nebula-level wars?

Something is wrong, absolutely something is wrong, it must be a pit.

He couldn't jump into it anyway.

"Queen Keisha, I am not qualified to make a decision. I can only make a choice based on my personal position." Mu Chenxing replied to Kaisha, and said that the angel wanted to use the full power of the sky blade trial to kill the demon before, but it would affect the The recordings of the inhabitants of Earth are sent to Ducao.

Then the wings spread out, and after chasing Yan, he flew into the sky.

He wants to break away from this vortex where no decision is wrong, and stop Yan's trial with the Heavenly Blade. In this way, no matter what other people choose, his attitude will be there anyway.

While you were nagging, Lao Tzu had already taken practical actions.

The surging energy was transmitted to the Wings of Time and Space, and he flew hard, catching up with Yan's figure, and the two were almost shoulder to shoulder, rushing to the Lagrangian point.

This scene of "flying together" made Kesha feel that she seemed to see a bright future. From the overthrow of Hua Ye's Tiangong order 3000 years ago, to the design of the super gene of a new generation of male angels 7000 years ago, the twists and turns constantly.

Now, she finally sees the dawn of hope.

Single-sex civilization can't go far, how could she not know this truth, but Tianzha is definitely not a good choice, it is the hell for female angels.

The appearance of these two little guys flying together is the future she has been looking forward to.

glorious future.

At this time, Yan stabilized his figure in the synchronous orbit, raised the sword of flames, gathered the energy of the stars, and was ready for the trial of the full-power sky blade, waiting for the order of Queen Kaisha.

Mu Chenxing flapped his wings slightly, and stood in front of Yan, blocking the attack route of the Heavenly Blade Judgment, and protecting the earth behind him.

"Get out of the way, you can't stop it, once my blade is swung down, you will be burned to ashes." Yan frowned and warned, the full-power Heavenly Blade Judgment is definitely not something that three generations of warriors can stop, she doesn't want to see it in front of her. The little boy sacrificed in vain.

"Once your sword is swung down, we are enemies. I don't want to be enemies with angels, but I don't want to watch others kill my compatriots.

They didn't know anything, and died of inexplicable disasters inexplicably, which is not in line with justice as I understand it.

I know that this is the best way to judge the devil. Another method may cost more, but if justice is just weighing pros and cons, it is definitely not justice. "Mu Chenxing always felt that the current situation was not right.

Something is wrong with Keisha and nothing is right with Morgana.

It is impossible for Kaisa to really think that a trial of the sky blade can kill the demon king.

And Morgana took the initiative to lure the angel, but was found by the angel casually, and she still needs to use the earthlings as a talisman?
Would the fourth generation of gods with the ability of time and space be a waste?
He doesn't believe it anyway.

Therefore, he judged that this Heavenly Blade Trial would not last.

He will not be superstitious about the anime plots he has seen like a fool, but make a judgment after careful consideration.

Therefore, I decided to take the opportunity to enrich my personality: "I am willing to stand side by side with the angels of justice. Even if I die in the battle to judge the devil, I will never regret it. However, if the angels are no longer righteous, I don't mind fighting with your swordsmen." facing each other."

Yan thinks this child is a bit stupid, and Kaisha also thinks that this child is not very smart, but there is still someone among the angels who supports Mu Chenxing, and this person is a senior patient with secondary illness - Angel Leng.

"That's right, justice should be like this! I admire this kid very much. Yan, I recognize your little male god."

Who wants you to admit, Yan curled his lips, did he have such a predestined relationship with the second disease?She is a little skeptical about life.

Keisha was also silent. The new generation of angels seemed to be a little crooked, and their justice order had to be changed.

But her silence made Ducao and the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company extremely nervous.

The news here has been passed on, and the Supreme Command has not yet made a decision, but the devil opened a super-large worm gate, and drove the castle-like Devil One to the low-altitude area of ​​Juxia City.

I made up my mind to use ordinary earthlings as amulets.

"Queen Keisha, once the Heaven Blade Trial goes on, millions of people will die." Yan told his judgment.

"Morgana is the greatest evil in the known universe, and we regret that it has affected the inhabitants of Earth. You need to make a decision as soon as possible." Keisha has always said nothing.

Morgana moved Demon One to a densely populated area.

Mu Chenxing seemed to see a clue.

Keisha is looking for an answer, an answer to whether the Earth and the Super Seminary are in line with justice.

And Morgana is by no means waiting to be beaten on the ground. She is probably trying to seduce the angels to kill the inhabitants of the earth and introduce the super seminary into the demon camp.

The Xiongbing Company has activated two batches of trainees, fifteen super fighters.

Aside from Lena, the main god of Lieyang, there are three who have the potential of the main god, and there is one Sun Wukong who has the combat power of the main god.Everyone except Qilin is also a second-generation super gene.

This power is not very good now, but the future cannot be underestimated.

Be it Keisha or Morgana, they are all god-level figures with long-term vision.

Today's situation is probably their game.

Thinking of this, Mu Chenxing was certain that he was not paying attention to the tense situation at the seaside, nor was he paying attention to the so-called three-stage god-killing battle put forth by the Xiongbing Company.

That thing is a joke in front of Kesha, the silver blade can cut Leina, Liu Chuang, and Ge Xiaolun into mutton slices in less than a second, the kind that is guaranteed to be cooked in one heat.

He will not even participate in the verbal battle between the two sisters Kesha and Morgana, maybe they will enjoy it.

He looked at Angel Yan, who was more than ten meters away from him, and thought about how to continue to plump up the character design, show potential, and win the favor of angels, so as to get investment from the largest capitalist in the known universe.

After all, there are two powers of the galaxy, and I am not the only choice.

If he wants to upgrade the three generations of gods, he needs to show his value.

"Do you think I can beat you? I will defeat you before you release the Heavenly Blade Judgment." These words are not hostile at all, they are pure discussions.

Yan was almost amused, this kid has a big heart, he actually wants to beat himself?

Who are you?Representing the left guard of the holy Kaisa to patrol the universe, the prince of the angelic legion.How many civilized super fighters dare not even have the idea of ​​challenging themselves.

She didn't know how to answer in order to maintain the child's self-esteem.Just keep smiling—caring for the silly boy's smile.

"I think I can beat you." Mu Chenxing said seriously, and suggested with a smile: "Why don't we make a bet. You stop the trial of the sky blade first, let's try our hands, how about it?"

"I can definitely beat you." He emphasized with a playful smile.

Yan suddenly felt a little sad, she understood.

"You want to trick me into stopping the Heavenly Blade Trial, and then haunt me again? This idea is not good. But I respect your choice."

"You misunderstood. I really think that I can defeat you. If you don't believe me, we can try it. Let me tell you in advance, just in case you have a misunderstanding, and it will be bad if it triggers a dispute between the angels and the earth." Mu Chenxing He explained his intentions very carefully.

Yan doesn't believe it.

"Okay, don't say such things again." The more the child said that, the more sad she felt.

Facing the pressure from the angels, he was about to rack his brains. He wanted to stop himself, but he was also afraid of causing a big war. Although he was not smart, he was trying his best to protect his compatriots.

Have you already made up your mind to die here?

Mu Chenxing didn't want to die in battle, he just wanted to show his presence, defeat Angel Yan without triggering a war, and demonstrate his potential.

But the conversation between him and Yan changed in the angel's internal channel.Kesha cut off Morgana's projection with a wave of her hand, and felt that the scolding battle with her sister had become boring.

Down below is a cloud of darkness, and the tense state of war is on the verge of breaking out. What the hell are you young couples flirting with above?


I don't want to do it anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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