Chapter 111

Mu Chenxing really felt the urgency of Angel Yan. She increased the curvature to 9.9 inside the galaxy, and the speed of the aircraft reached 3052 times the speed of light.

I am not afraid of colliding with a large celestial body, and the plane will be destroyed.

When they crossed the Great Insect Bridge of the Angel system and rushed back to the solar system, the whole journey took only 52 minutes, which was three times faster than before.

While on the way, Mu Chenxing received a message from Ji An, saying that demons attacked the Tianhe, and the counterattack of the Xiongbing Company killed more than 100 demon fighters and repelled the enemy, but the commander Du Kao was shot and seriously injured. Light, the light of the sun is kidnapped.

China has not been invaded by aliens for the time being.

That's right, since the Xiongbing Company didn't collapse, Taotie really didn't dare to come.

This made him heave a sigh of relief, and decided to follow Yan to rescue the angel. The more vitality he can save now, the easier it will be to fight future wars.

Yan was really anxious, so anxious that he drove the aircraft directly into the battlefield between demons and angels.

But she was a step too late, Kaisha had disappeared, and twenty or so high-ranking angels had been cut off, and they were fighting fiercely with the devil in the form of a small team.

Mu Chenxing knew that these angels would not last long. Once Kaisha went offline, the treasure house of knowledge would be disconnected from the guardian angel. Without the blessing of this celestial computer, the individual advantages of the angels would not be so obvious.

Little Bichi’s slow-motion threatening to Morgana, your lungs are exploding, and panting heavily, you ordered: “Withdraw the troops!”

That way of manipulating space, you have to be prepared, and you also think that your weapon will be broken so easily.

"Fuck!" Yang Jingzhen stood up in surprise, gasping for breath in pain.

I only had time to fly over to catch Yan, and my seventy-odd angels fell into the clouds in embarrassment.

The dark communication and electromagnetic wave communication of the entire solar system have been suppressed by demons.The dark communication channels of the Angels and the Xiongbing Company were all destroyed, and the wired and wireless communications of the regular troops were also broken.

"That's settled." Morgana finally made a decision, looked at the angels and super soldiers sitting there, and said in a deep voice: "You know that it is right to make a deal with the devil, we advocate freedom and depravity, what do you want to do? Just do it, you're even sure we'll keep our word.

You did the same, the micro wormhole instantly became normal and disordered, and the method of suppressing the opponent's space ability was used firmly.

"That's wrong, where's the seventh one?"

"Bichi! He's waiting, my mother will take care of him sooner or later."

Yan opened his mouth to stop the angel's rebuttal: "There is no point in arguing, and we are ready to break through."

"You will agree on the time and coordinates with Zhi Xin during the last communication." Yan didn't want to give his heart a sword in order to activate the sub-biological engine in the body. Communication is so convenient.

Bai Ququ's little claws were instantly cut in half, making it difficult to continue to control, and fell straight into the clouds.

Holding a palm-sized spirit body in each hand, he looked at Xiao Bichi and said, "He should be vague about what you mean."

After some discussions, Huaxia and Angel formally formed a strategic alliance, and each action was assigned one by one.

In order to let that demon king understand my intentions better, I hooked my finger on a demon corpse under the floating island with my other hand, and said loudly, "Come on."

Of course I thought I could defeat the Demon King, but I had nothing to rely on.In the battle of Yunshan, he was suppressed so badly, he learned from the pain, and made many countermeasures for this.

You are afraid that if you stay longer, you will hold back your shots.

I believe that the demon whose soul was taken can be resurrected.

As soon as that incident was said, the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company were completely confused, and they could understand every word. What does it mean to connect them?
"Bad, Huaxia and those angels can't give it to him. If he dares to pass on his technology to a big bitch, my mother will kill every life in Huaxia, and an ant will be left for him."

"Apart from this, there are two very important things." Morgana also put forward her own suggestion: "The first is to help Angel Yan break through the demon's blockade and return to Tiancheng to take over the throne, which is related to your previous reinforcements. "

Gu Shixia hid the problem of having the minimum authority of the genetic system, and the angel gene module was turned on again, spread his wings, and rushed out of the aircraft following Yan's figure.

Angels, of course, have no life safety. You just shut down suddenly, and the genetic system can run abnormally before restarting, but the energy and computing power are slightly reduced, and the power of the engine is greatly reduced.

The effect is still wrong.

"It was you who contacted you." Yan sighed: "Zhi Xin was attacked by Karl in Styx, and the sub-biological engine installed after that was activated. The sub-biological ability broke through the dark communication of the devil, but Zhi Xin The injury is very minor, and you must arrange for assistance."

"You want Huaxia and those angels." Morgana took the opportunity to make a request.

And a little attention can cause atomic fission.

Angel was also invited by Morgana.

"Don't push your nose down, the big-hearted male king will slap him."

Because the space gem isotopes belong to that universe at all. Whether there are other forces, the structure, frequency, and physical constants are completely the same as the universal system of that universe. If others want to interfere, they can find ideas.

"Okay, stop attacking!" Xiao Bichi ordered, and the demon immediately left the battle, and the angels also gathered beside Yan.

Before leaving, he suddenly stretched out his hand and shouted angrily: "Give these two to you!"

Yan said very confidently: "Zhi Xin is about to reach the earth, and everything cannot be done by you."

Yan wants to help the sisters break through the siege, regain their strength, and rely on each other, while Morgana directly finds Xiao Bichi.

To be able to fight with angels for [-] youths and become one of the top civilizations in the known universe, the technology of demons implanting thinking data and dark information templates into human bodies with a low enough matching degree to realize resurrection is the most important thing.

"Justice be with him!"

Therefore, when micro-wormholes are transported, it is basically not transported as a whole. It is either successful or victorious. Many people use the ability of space tearing to fight against the enemy. The energy consumption is too small, and the gain is worth the loss. The actual combat effect is not bad.

Based on this, a quantum communication system is constructed to realize the synchronous communication of the whole universe which is interfered by others.

Zhixin's scientific research ability Morgana is naturally very good, I looked at Yan and asked: "You are so weird, his dark communication has also been broken, how did you contact Zhixin?"

If one year is enough to kill, you can kill for ten years. If ten years is enough, you can kill for 100, 1000, or 1 years.

The rest stayed at the base.

"How did you do that?" Your interest in research was aroused.It is difficult for the micro-wormhole transportation technology to tear matter apart. It needs to provide a small amount of energy to counteract the weak mutual force between atoms to complete the disassembly.

"How can he guarantee that he will spread the technology?" Xiao Bichi felt that it was very difficult. If the seventy or so low-level angels desperately sent the big boy to break through, he would definitely be able to stop it.

A group of white spiritual energy gathered under my hands.

Little Bitchi and the demon army disappeared amidst your yelling.

But the previous attack was interrupted by the opponent's sentence.

Little Bichi male king, does he want to die or rest with you?You only want Huaxia and those angels, and you don’t want much, do you? "

"Tell him if you stop the war first." Kesha is estimated to be bombed soon, and the guardian angel will be weakened at any time. Morgana has time to grind her mouth.

"Assemble all the people and hold a battle meeting!" As soon as Lianfeng gave the order, all seventeen members of the Xiongbing Company rushed to the meeting room.

Xiao Bichi's resentment was visible to the naked eye. With his left hand covering his wound, he sat under Kesha's original seat. When he stretched out his right hand, the devil's claws appeared out of thin air, and the intention of arresting people was extremely obvious.

Taking the opportunity of asking about the space ability, adjust the encirclement circle positively or negatively.

The communication system that Yang Jingzhen wants to build is to use the light quantum excited by the space gem isotope, through the BBO crystal, to produce identical quantum with half the energy, and realize quantum entanglement.

"The devil is weak, and China is strong. Even a thousand years ago, it was possible to catch up with the devil. Do you have the qualifications to provoke the devil? In your opinion, 1000 years is enough for him to develop the technology to crack it. You only want China's 1000 years of peace , and not too much."

That's a good fight.

"It's possible." Morgana agreed, and the sample may be given to you. What if you crack the Juling Dispatcher tomorrow?
"Go back to Tianhe first."

The devil's temporary truce is really because of Morgana's face. Kesha is about to go online, and Angel's combat power is about to be cut. Xiao Bichi did not avoid casualties in the first place, and plans to pick up her head later.

The two defeated divisions could only hug each other to keep warm in the face of adversity, licking their wounds and waiting for the opportunity.

The bad thing is that the engine was not damaged, and then the reassembly was completed, and the Devil's Claw returned to your side intact.

Maybe it's my heart, maybe it's the instinct of genes, who knows, I don't know the difference.

Morgana wanted to quarrel, but also wanted to start a war again, so she took out Atuo's spirit body, held it in her hand and showed it to Little Bichi: "Mr Yang Jingzhen, he should be able to see what it is."

Your first thought is not to kill the person behind your eyes.

Morgana's proposal has the support of a small group of angels.

Angels serve as a reserve force, ready to support everywhere.

Qiangwei, Ge Dalun, and Zhao Xin formed a team of eight to search for Leina, while Liu Chuang and Sun Wukong each led a team to inspect the surrounding areas of Tianhe City.

"Xiao Bichi, let's stop fighting, how about we talk about it?"

Little Bichi hadn't finished speaking, Angel hot yelled angrily in a low voice: "The angel is absolutely compromising with the devil! Big boy, he is trying to make a deal with us. The devil always keeps promises, don't be fooled."

"The first priority is to restore communication, contact the lowest command, and rebuild China's command system."

Confidently continued: "Little Bichi Male King, he may not be able to keep you. Once you let you go, you swear, you will take revenge on the devil in a differentiated way.

"It must be taken back! Is it to go to the solar system to support it? Just organize a breakout, send him out, and bring Zhixin back." I think the feasibility of that plan is very low.

Now we are back to the era when communication basically relied on shouting.

"Don't be afraid, he doesn't have you yet." Morgana's words seemed to have a cerebellum, and she blurted out instinctively.

I just turned around and saw the time-space wings of these guardian angels suddenly disappear. It seems that Kesha was blown into an atomic state, and the treasure house of knowledge was also disconnected from the angels.

"If that's the case, you'll take care of it yourself." Yang Jingzhen agreed, I really hope that the archangel will arrive soon, and I still count on you to help build my void controller.

"Let's talk." Xiao Bichi sat down again amidst the confrontation between the two parties, wanting to hear the principle of space division at the macro level.

"The devil dares to come and kill us!"

With Frazier, I felt like I got a bargain that was wrong.

He swung his sword and killed several demons blocking the way, and successfully came to Xiao Bichi's face.

Morgana was unprepared for a long time, counted the timing, bridged the space in the opponent's attack path, and built a small space door, which suddenly closed when the devil's claw penetrated.

I just need time.

"The seventh is to find Leina back as soon as possible. You are a member of the Xiongbing Company, and you can abandon you. Without you, the Xiongbing Company will lack energy." Morgana believes that Reina must be brought back. , Huaxia lacks resources and needs allies.

If it hurts him to kill one or two, what about a thousand? What about 1? What about 100 million?
"He's a big bitch, the male king puts up with him, but he turns his head and hugs the angel's calf. Do you really think you're going to kill me?"

Morgana's judgment was correct. Looking at the mass of biological energy that gathered the dark information template, Yang Jingzhen's expression was never less serious. What this dead child is holding is the foundation of the devil.

Yang Jingzhen is very confident that as long as I give myself time, I can surpass Xiao Bichi, and even lead Huaxia to surpass the devil, which is not achievable.

The devil's communication suppression is naturally effective.

When more than seventy low-level angels descended on the Tianhe base, both the Xiongbing Company and the angels themselves felt a slight increase in the sense of danger.

"The King Kesha is online." Yan's voice has never been so special at this moment, confused and helpful.

Everyone is a fool, and both sides of the war can see it, but whether the angel has a choice, it is better to be able to join my sisters than to be separated in various places, you are prepared to take a breath first, and then make plans.

"Shut up, he's a big bitch, the king will crush him to death right now." Little bitch cursed back.

Morgana received the task of restoring communication.

But you don't have a choice, and you, you don't have a choice.You want us to split up and get through that together. "

Lianfeng didn't have a headache, and you have nothing bad to do. De Nuo is not good at energy coding technology.

Ducao was seriously injured, and the command of the Tianhe theater was temporarily taken over by Lianfeng.Before you heard about Yang Jingzhen's deal with the devil, you made your own judgment.

It is now cracked.

Moreover, the sudden disorder of computing power and energy supply can easily cause the genetic system to go down, and that is the time for Angels to reduce their staff on a large scale.

"You haven't backed up a few copies of that technology. Once you die, those data will be spread to the hands of many civilizations in the known universe." Morgana smiled, and the smart assistant came back to her mind. Degradation report of parsed spatial structure.

"You have lost some ideas for the new communication system, but you are facing some technical difficulties. Your energy encoding technology can correctly allow quantum entanglement to operate with fewer channels."

Afterwards, the character design of the operation made the other party think that Huaxia would be their weakness, and reached the basis of mutual trust. Morgana used this to complete the technical deterrence.

(End of this chapter)

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