Chapter 115
When Leina returned to Tianhe, her entire body was gloomy. The demon had seized her genetic authority and manipulated her around like a doll. Even Taotie wanted to arrest her.

The most hateful thing is that they actually succeeded.

If Xin Zhao hadn't arrived in time, she would have become a prisoner of those beast bodies.

She didn't want to bear this humiliation.

"You and I can work together to drive the gluttons and demons out of the earth." She didn't say to use the solar wind to destroy the gluttonous fleet entrenched on the earth, nor did she say to drive all the demons out.One can't be done, the other can't be done, and it's useless to say.

She just wanted to collect some interest first.

"It's not the time yet." Mu Chenxing explained: "If they go to the depths of space, we won't be able to find them. I'm waiting for reinforcements from the angels. They will bring equipment that can scan the entire solar system and track the gluttonous fleet."

Neither of them mentioned what to do with the demon, because they both knew they couldn't beat it.

Morgana weighed heavily on their hearts, making them suddenly lose interest in talking.

The biggest enemy can't be solved, whether it's revenge or taking back the earth, it's not easy.

My current eight-generation divine body has subverted the law of conservation of mass and energy, and has been redefined by the void. Various energies can be converted at will, and the drawbacks of the earth shrinking technique relying on the qi field have not been eliminated.

Including my own command ship, the small cross-like vanguard flagship and frigates, a total of more than 170 small warships approached Tianren No. [-] with great momentum.

The turbulent stellar storm and low-energy radiation swept across the entire fleet, and there was no way for the gluttons to escape, because the gravitational field of the star was also transmitted through the space gate, and the heavy particle ejector driven by antimatter energy could not escape at such a short distance. Capture of escaping stars.

Just think about it.

After thinking for a moment, he asked, "Kayla, can you design a cruise route with no stars within ten light-years? You want to attract the enemy and kill us."

I'm mad at you!

I want to use the Heavenly Blade as a bait to kill a wave of enemies and reduce Taotie's lifeless power.

"Can you link to Tianren No. [-] and get the computing power blessing?" Morgana wanted to know the lower limit of her space ability on top of the computing power blessing of Deno No. [-] and Tian Ren No. [-].

That is definitely what the current micro-wormhole technology can do.

Micro-wormhole transport can only transport the particles and energy radiated by the star, and cannot induce the influence of the star itself.

"I'll give you the space coordinates, we'll talk about it when you arrive." Morgana said weakly.

The door is now opened small enough that the stars can come right through.

[The micro-wormhole drive is turned on, preparations are complete]

My current time and space ability is not similar to the structure of the little worm bridge.

Turning all the way and flying, there is no trouble. The universe is too small, and it is difficult to find the super soldier wearing the dark metal armor even with strict monitoring.

【Calculus space structure】

Morgana wanted to drink with us, so she hid quietly. This is the silence of the first-term students of the Xiongbing Company, and it has nothing to do with her.

Zhixin understands the operation of Tianren, and you can help him defeat the enemy. "Yan's voice sounded in the quantum communication system.

"No, apply for the link to the power of the galaxy, and approve the loading of computing power." Keira is an angel who pays attention to efficiency.

The upper and lower gaps are extremely small.

In my opinion, it will be a matter of time before the super gene project and the divine body project are conquered. Resources are simply an obstacle to me.

"It's sneaking in weakly, you go to meet it." Morgana has forgotten that Tianren No. [-]'s shield was opened with a small hole by Mu Chenxing, and the gluttonous king who loaded the void engine has no attack on the angel. program.

"Earth, whose king does he want to be?"

"Okay! This goddess will show you a thousand cups and never get drunk!" Lena regained some of her old temper, and this place made her feel warm.

Big Bichi, is it true that the male king's calves are bigger than these short skirts?
The space coordinates are sent over, and it is [-] light-years away from the earth.I linked to Deno [-] and wanted to open the space door directly, but unfortunately the computing power is not enough to span such a long distance.

"Commanding space warships is too difficult, there are a lot of things to learn, do you have time." Qilin's reasons are extremely good.

Is it because the ability obtained in the super-energy out-of-control universe has reached the lower limit, or is it another reason, I have not researched to understand it so far.Similarly, those who have not researched the results have no souls, and they really lack relevant knowledge, so I can find the direction.

"Open the silver star system, connect the space nodes, and open all the worm doors." Keira gave the order.

It was a waste of effort.

Leading Taotie to kill Tianren No. [-], the angel who came to help suffered heavy casualties, and Zuo Yi Moyi died on the spot.

[10%...20%...50%...Calculation complete]

That kind of thing is still going to happen.

"Eight light-years away from Tianren-[-], there is not a star in the active period. The numerical calculation has been completed and is being imported."

The angel's space gate is really connected to the star. The gravitational field and space curvature of the star are all transmitted through the space gate. What is the difference between the gluttonous fleet and being on the surface of the star just now.

But the most important thing now is to make genes, but to meet the angel's reinforcements.

"It's enough without that beautiful battleship." Morgana really hated Tian Renyi.

For the time being, I can only continue to record the changes of the soul and do bad data accumulation.

But this child is only 70 years old, and the void gene was implanted, wasting the carrying capacity of the original gene, which is really a pity.

"Okay, you go back first, we are waiting for him, it will be difficult for them to get together once." Morgana left the reception banquet prepared for Leina by the first-term students of the Xiongbing Company, and once again devoted herself to the study of time-space genes middle.

The seventh space-time gene brought into Qilin's original genetic data is being produced, and the matter of burning the immortal body for you has not yet been completed.Some go to one person, and some use the self-cultivation furnace. Morgana discovered that it can scan the energy fluctuations of the human body and directly complete the transformation.

"You can't make him king, as long as he wants to." Morgana didn't have the confidence to help Qilin become the main god of China.

"He's leaving? Surrounded by these angels all day long, with short skirts all over his eyes, is he happy to look for him?" Qi Lin's words were full of resentment.

The bridging space at the macro level is a material structure that needs to be analyzed and passed, and the micro wormhole is driven at the micro level to make the space structure more stable and the action distance has reached a lower limit under the theory.

Both dark energy and light energy are activated, without the assistance of time-space genes that drive micro-wormholes, the range of action is not limited to the force field with a radius of ten kilometers, and it cannot be teleported over a long distance.

"Turn on the anti-gravity system, turn on the low-energy radiation shielding system, and increase the energy conversion power of the time-space shield." Keira's calm command kept Tianren No. [-] sufficiently stable.

Morgana opened her probing eyes, observed the position of the gluttonous fleet, and imported the star data into the gene engine.

[Import gravitational field data, import space curvature data, import stellar radiation data]

Time passed slowly in the continuous analysis of the data, and in the blink of an eye, it was the end of the [-]th year. The space-time gene with a very low fit with my own gene was finally manufactured, and Gong Rongyong's gene engine lost another space-time module.

The cooperation between micro and macro is indeed as Mu Chenxing judged, with limited potential, and it is also as Morgana thought at the beginning, it is extremely computationally demanding.

As long as the computing power and energy can keep up, I can do the method that Mu Chenxing envisioned by moving celestial bodies to attack the enemy.

"You must rush to Frazer as quickly as possible, and Kaila will follow him to the earth. You are the captain of Tianren No. [-], and you have rich experience. If there is something you don't understand, I can't ask you." Words, the situation is grim, and there is room for delay.

A figure of four big bastards appeared in your mind, maybe I can do it.

"Forget it, a space battleship will make you tired enough, male king or something, whoever you want to be, anyway, you want to suffer." Qi Lin was really interested in that matter.

"Master, the Skyblade warship is continuing to sail towards the Chiwu star system, do you want to intercept it?"

But the violent heartbeat, the pupils that stop vibrating, tell your panic.

For a full 7 minutes, Taotie struggled for 7 minutes, and also despaired for 7 minutes. Then, under the blowing of the stellar storm, the entire fleet burned into a pile of residue, becoming a complete space junk.

How could you use such perfect cannon fodder?

"Would you like to turn on the stealth mode and retreat into the Milky Way?" Keira asked about the previous action.

Linked to Tianren No. [-], Morgana felt that Deno No. [-] was not a piece of rubbish.

That can be described as how many times the computing power has increased.Nanima is the rhythm of replacing the abacus with the computer. Now I can directly open the worm gate across [-] light years and bring Tianren No. [-] back to Earth.

Generally, when viewed from the front, it looks like a sharp sword with wings.

"Mu Chenxing, let's take a look at his coveted time and space ability." Gong Rongyong muttered loudly, and on the right side of the Taotie Fleet, which is 40 kilometers away from Tianren No. [-], opened the star that is eight light years away space door.

Xin Zhao came over to break the silence between the two of them: "Okay, Sister Na, being a glutton and a demon, that's all for the future. It's not easy for our army to gather again today, and we all came here to welcome you home. Come on , drink, you won’t return if you don’t get drunk.”

When I saw Yan again, you hadn't taken off the crown yet, and your shawl hair was coiled up, and you felt ten thousand years older.

The space-time module has two abilities, micro-wormhole transport and earth shrinking.

Everything is as you wish, and the gluttonous king Shi Hao personally led the main fleet to meet it.

Wormhole sniper tactics are really suitable for war snipers.That set of configuration is enough for you to shoulder the civilization of the earth.

The target of Tianren No. [-] is too small, if it rushes to the solar system through the small worm bridge, it will expose the location of the angel's worm bridge, and it will also fall into heavy siege.

To be honest, after loading the eight generations of gods, the force field actually becomes smaller, which is something that I am very puzzled about.

"Bad, turn on the sneak mode and go."

Loading that is mainly to deal with Mu Chenxing.

"There are a lot of people here, you are very satisfied. Keira, calculate the distance to the nearest star, the value of the gravitational field and the curvature of space." Morgana wanted to show off her space ability.

Yan took the Tianren No. [-] to the edge of the Milky Way, and if he went back, he would retreat into the monitoring range of the devil.

"You will turn on the stealth mode and weakly send Tianren No. [-] to the earth. The demons did not act in Frazier and tried to infect Anisid. You are very important to the angels. You must rush over. I'm sorry, it is possible fought alongside him.

I was going alone, facing Mu Chenxing and Chu Hao who didn't have the ability to attack angels, these low-level guardian angels who protected me would only become a burden.

The Tianren No. [-] in sneak mode was quickly locked by the demon. Mu Chenxing did not launch an attack, but wanted to expose his position, but passed the information to Taotie.

"Don't be so violent when you come up, chattering first, it's difficult to get together, he drank you all down, how can you talk to him." Liu Chuang was really afraid of Leina's drinking capacity, I added monkey Brother, the two of them drank that big girl before, and they drank it in one session.

Morgana replied angrily: "A certain villainous captain is too busy to answer the phone. I have asked him for dinner many times. Sister Qilin, is he mean to talk about you?"

"When did the big blue pools of the angels complete the space-time project?" Mu Chenxing quietly observed the whole process, until the space door was closed, and you cursed angrily.

Gong Rongyong's Qiyuan Supercomputing Institute is now completed. The next step is to conquer the super gene. The goal is placed under the space-time gene. He wants to load himself with a space-time module. He also feels that the space-time ability is very suitable for Qilin.

"something wrong."

Originally, you wanted to help the child get rid of the void gene and re-implant the space-time gene, but the four big bastards turned around and went to hug the angel's calf.

The golden-red low-energy storm illuminated the deep space behind, and Tianren No. [-] was also greatly affected.

It is possible to do so.

Yan only brought more than a hundred angels that time, so it can be seen that your situation is not too bad.

The micro-dark matter computer and the original gene of Rosa Du Qiangwei have no adjustments and changes made by mutual adaptation. If it is too vague, the gene produced is only suitable for Rose Rose, and it is difficult for others to implant.

Of course, it’s only theoretically impossible now, maybe in the case of using a small clock to load computing power and energy for me, I can’t try to move stars, neutron stars, etc., to smash the enemy’s lair.

The only way to go is to go to Xiao Chong Bridge.

"It's so old, he really dares to think about being a male king." Qi Lin had that kind of idea, and recently threw herself under the space battleship, wanting to be a competent flagship captain.

"Sister Qilin, does he want to be the male king?" Gong Rongyong's topic jumped too slowly, and Qi Lin's brain didn't follow along: "Whose male king should he be?"

There is no detailed data on the space-time rose outside the database of the Super Seminary, but if you want to manufacture it, you have to figure out the genetic template yourself.

Morgana stared intently at Taotie's loss, maintaining the space door.

You can move a stellar storm, but it's the same as the one that's not substantive.

Yan's original arrangement was to hide a small number of angels in the Milky Way, but now that Morgana has come to support them, this is unnecessary.

You take a dozen or so angels, pass through the worm gate opened under the wings of Tianren No. [-], and go to Frazer, Shuangyi Ah Zhui and Moyi also follow, leaving about forty angels who are willing to fight for the earth. Archangel in battle.

But I didn't.

"What are you stopping? Are you rushing down to seek death? Continue to hide."

(End of this chapter)

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