Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 127 God vs. God

Chapter 127 God and God in Dialogue
"Are you going to lead your world in the form of a company?" Mu Chenxing asked Tony.

Stark Industries has long given up its main business of weapon manufacturing, and now it has become a giant in the field of new energy. Recently, it has established an aviation department, a new material department, and branches such as film and television, and disaster relief.

Thanks to Stark Industries No. [-] ship, the space battleship, the price of the stock has increased hundreds of times, and the company's market value, which was already huge, has now become the only private company on earth.

Absolutely rich is no longer an adjective for Tony.

"Humans don't need guidance. I'm just lucky enough to take one more step." Tony looked at the sand dunes in the distance, and there was a rare solemnity in his tone.

The desert under the setting sun is golden, and the breeze flows by, dispelling the heat of the sand sea.

The falling spaceship billowing in thick smoke, the mechanical wreckage scattered in a radius of several kilometers, and the large ship suspended in mid-air outline a chilling scene of future war.

Leaning on the transport boat behind him, he murmured, "I'm just walking forward, and I can only walk forward. They will catch up."

"You have enough time, and the council will also be your backing. You can slowly experiment with what you want to change the world into, don't worry."

Mu Chenxing glanced regretfully at the fallen Tama. The damage was too serious, and the technology routes were also very different. It was a pity that he could not complete the analysis of the stealth technology he was optimistic about, and only got some scattered data.

"I have to go now."

The cabin to trap Loki has been built, and was delayed by the Tiamat incident for a few days. He needs to continue the previous plan and return to the Super God Universe to correct the space structure and energy driver.

Whether the method of imitating the space gem to build the space controller can be successful is related to his future combat power system, and there should be no further delay.

After saying goodbye, he disappeared in the Marvel universe in an instant, and appeared in the cabin of Tianren No. [-].

No, it can't be said that way, the Skyblade battleship is not a conventional spaceship, and there is no such thing as a cabin.

The fifteen-kilometer-wide and twenty-kilometer-high hull carried more than 20 square kilometers of land, embedded in the center of the cross-shaped hull like an island.

Several castles and palaces were built on the ground, as well as corresponding gardens, fountains and other scenery. The pure white buildings are dotted among the green grass, making it difficult to classify it as a weapon of war.

The perfect combination of technology and retro, this is the aesthetics of angels.

It needs to be powerful, live comfortably, and most importantly, be beautiful.

Mu Chenxing has a small palace of his own, just behind the main control castle.

Living here is really comfortable.

Stepping out of the dormitory, he was going to meet the "Big Three" stationed at Tianren: Captain Keira, Zhi Xin who was in charge of scientific research, and Leng who was in charge of safety.

"Kayla, I need to link to Sky Blade Seven, some data of the school team."

"The application is approved, and the connection is complete." Keira completed the operation without hesitation. If Mu Chenxing hadn't traveled through the universe, his genetic engine would have been connected to the Skyblade system.

"Morning Star, the power of the galaxy, you have a secret, we won't interfere, but I hope you can trust the angel more." Keira couldn't help but express her heart, the queen has already given you her car, the angel's Isn't sincerity enough?
"It's not the time yet. This matter has nothing to do with whether you trust or not. You will know later." He didn't answer Kaila directly, and he hasn't figured out Carl's combat power standards yet. The news of the council is not suitable for large-scale disclosure.

Therefore, Wang Yan, the angel, and Qilin, who is in an important position, have no intention of inviting them to join for the time being.

"Mu Chenxing, you went offline suddenly, someone is very worried. You should know who that person is, right?" Angel Leng changed the topic of Kaila.

This topic is not suitable for further discussion.

What should be mentioned here is the bond between the power of the galaxy and the angels.

For the guy who had been bickering with her for 7000 years, she had never seen the other party's worried look before.

It's different to have a male god, but she has become a queen, and it's not suitable to read the oath of protection now. She is very curious about the future of this pair.

Of course the person he was talking about was Yan. Mu Chenxing knew Yan's feelings for him, but he only spent a little more than three days together. He couldn't fall in love with someone just based on data like an angel.

He can't even tell whether he likes the angel Yan in the Two-dimensional in the previous life, or the real Yan in this life.Similarly, facing Qilin, he couldn't tell the difference. The only thing he could confirm was that the clearest emotion in his heart was gratitude.

It can be exchanged with my life... I am grateful, I owe others my life, and the grace of saving my life will never be exhausted in my life.

"Hey, why are you in a daze? Someone saw you online, and they must be anxiously waiting for you to take the initiative to contact you!" Angel's cold and urgent words interrupted Mu Chenxing's thoughts.

He glanced at his swordsmanship teacher. Based on his understanding of this guy, he was definitely more interested in watching the show, and maybe he had the idea of ​​taking the opportunity to ridicule Yan.

"The contact will not be in front of your face, put away those small thoughts, I have seen through you a long time ago."

"Cut, it's boring." Leng turned around and left. There was no fun to watch. It was time to get down to business. The plan to clear the Milky Way hadn't been completed yet, and she was busy.

Mu Chenxing was not in a hurry to contact Yan, he was planning the arrangement of computing power, connected to Tianren No. [-], the computing power was increased by hundreds of times, and the time required for data proofreading was greatly reduced.

As he expected, the space module can also operate in the super god universe, just need to re-introduce the parameters of the space structure and dark energy, and complete the proofreading, and then it can be operated smoothly.

He is going to complete a whole set of algorithm system, so that when he goes to other universes, he can directly bring in the local parameters and restore his combat power in a short time.

Now my own Kaiyuan supercomputing has two modules, the void controller and the space controller.

If you complete the manufacturing project of the Tianren No. [-] calculation group in the dark plane, then you can be regarded as having a king-level entry-level configuration.

But this is a very time-consuming project. After all, even if Angel builds the Skyblade battleship, it will take a long time, and the core computing group is the most important thing. It is a dream to complete it in a short period of time.

take it easy.

The current combat strength is barely enough, at least he has the confidence to fight Morgana head-on.As for Hexi, I have never been in contact with him, but there is no need to be too afraid.

The only thing that worries him is Carl, that old cunt's water is too deep to understand at all, and the other party has a big clock.

Facing the astro-level computer that can simulate the operation of the known universe, he has no confidence at all.

Spelling power is a dead end, so we have to find another way, Mu Chenxing stroked the sword of fate, trying to find a chance to sneak attack Karl.

I really want to slap him with a sword!
But that guy, always hiding behind the scenes, is hard to find opportunities.

During this period of time, he should have found a new agent, right?It's almost time for the scumbag Wang Huaye to take the stage.

Counting carefully, in the current Super God Universe, the four generations of gods include Yan, Hexi, Morgana, and Hua Ye. Among the three generations of gods, the more powerful ones are myself, Monkey King, and Pan Zhen.

Ruoning, the former angel left-wing guard and now the collaborator of Tian Zha Wang, shouldn't be too much of a threat.

The war between gods and gods is about to begin.

Which kind of rules the Super God Universe will implement in the future will have to be decided in this war.

"Yan, I have a question." He contacted the King of Angels who was serving as a lady in Frazer.

"I'm not sure I can answer your doubts. After all, the little boy's mind is always full of certain aspects of fantasy."

Mu Chenxing felt that Yan's tone was not serious.

But he didn't pick up on it, but asked seriously: "Why do you choose a city-state queen as the prince with the angel's civilization level? I don't understand how the thinking cultivated by such a social structure can lead the angel to move forward." ?”

He was really puzzled by this matter. After 10 years of advanced civilization, the next king is a person with ancient feudal ideas.

Is the angel going to change the regime and follow the path of a dictatorial empire?

This is important.

In future wars, he will definitely stand on the side of the angels, but he doesn't want to fight the enemy desperately and end up supporting a feudal empire.

He didn't like the kind of rules that the future universe followed.

"This is the result calculated by the sacred Kaisa's knowledge treasure house, and it is the optimal solution under known conditions." Yan's answer was almost thoughtless. She is a warrior and has long been used to following Kaisa's orders.

Mu Chenxing was not satisfied with her answer, maybe it was the best solution, but he couldn't understand it.

"If I say that I am a god of civilization, I am asking the king of angels, your heir, why he chose the queen of a feudal city-state, and she is a person who is united and follows the route of a dictatorial empire.

So, how will the current King of Angels answer me?As an ally, I need an accurate answer.You should be able to see what I mean. "

Yan sighed, and said heavily: "If it weren't for you, I would say that no civilization is qualified to question the decision of the angel. But, Chen Xing, I don't know how to answer you, it is Queen Kaisha's decision, and I just stick to this position and wait for the crown prince to succeed.

I really didn't expect that you have grown to this point, faster than expected.Queen Keisha is offline, justice and order are crumbling, and too many civilizations are watching.Morningstar, tell me, what is your choice? "

"Of course I choose justice and order." Mu Chenxing replied without hesitation: "Without the protection of justice and order, how many weak civilizations can survive? In my opinion, there are not many at all. They will be wantonly destroyed by advanced civilizations." Looting, massacre.

The universe will fall into panic, and once the chain of suspicion is formed, it will be irreversible, and the known universe will inevitably become a dark jungle.

All weak civilizations will live in fear, and their aggression will grow infinitely.Between civilizations, there will only be life-and-death killings left.

That's not what I want to see.So I will ask why the Prince of Angels made such a choice.I hate the law of the jungle, and I don't like feudal dictatorship. "

After hearing this, Yan's eyes straightened a little, looking at the ancient city outside the castle, and the people in the city who were short of supplies and paralyzed.

Anicid, as far as the civilization on this planet is concerned, does have a strong cohesion and leadership ability, and is extremely charming as a queen.

However, there are millions of civilizations in the known universe. Does she really have the ability to take over as the king of angels and plan the universe?
"I do not know."

Yan didn't know whether he was answering himself or Mu Chenxing.

"What's your choice?" She was suddenly a little apprehensive. This was unprecedented in 7000 years, and she felt like waiting for a judgment.

"I choose to fight with you, but I have doubts about the prince of the angel. You said you will reign for 1000 years? Then, I promise that my power will be allied with the angel for 1000 years."

The power that Mu Chenxing mentioned is the council. For the earth, they need the protection of angels for a long time.

But he has not said clearly now that he does not want to leak information because of his lax tone.

"Just tell me this kind of thing, don't tell others, you will be beaten." Yan felt that his heart was really broken, and he had to tell his allies not to arouse the angel's emotions.

There are too few angels willing to fight for Earth.

Mu Chenxing actually doesn't care, when the power reaches a certain level, the number will be meaningless, but he can't refute the goodwill of others in a stupid way.

Changing the subject, he said, "There are no traces of demons on this side of the earth. Are there demons harassing Frazier? Morgana is a fourth-generation god, do you need my support?"

"I was underestimated by you again, I am also a fourth-generation god, I am not afraid of Morgana, don't worry.

The northern area of ​​Frazer is occupied by degenerate demons, Anisid is preparing for the northern expedition, and the other demons are still missing.You guard the Chiwu star system, don't take it lightly, the devil has always been good at hiding. "

Yan shook his head amusedly. This little boy's self-confidence is always inexplicable, but he has grown up really fast. He is only 20 years old, and he can think about the rules of the universe like a god of civilization, and complete the divine with angels. Dialogue with God.

How bright his future will be is really exciting.

"Protect yourself." She urged very seriously when she ended the call.

Mu Chenxing did not get an answer to the doubts about the angel prince, and his relationship with the angel has not changed much, but he has to say this time.

This is his support for Angel Yan.

Yan's influence in Melo Heaven is really weak, only Hexi is supporting her among the older generation of angels.

To be precise, she is not actually the queen of angels, she only has a title, and the combat power that can be mobilized is only those of the new generation, most of which are first-generation angels, and there are very few second- and third-generation angels.

Mu Chenxing clearly knew that with the rise of the scum king Huaye, future wars would be inevitable, and he was sure that his influence would increase greatly.Having one's own support is of great help to Yan's integration of the angel's forces.

Tian Zha has an army of millions, and there will only be more female angels who overthrew the order of Tiangong more than 2 years ago.

If he could integrate his forces faster, he wouldn't be defeated by Tian Zha.He would be beaten to the door of the house, and in the end even the Melo Heaven was lost, so he could only retreat to Frazer.

It's a big problem.

Now that you have decided to intervene in future wars, you must be more active.

Hua Ye had to deal with it, and so did the millions of scum under his command. He didn't want to do it alone.

(End of this chapter)

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