Chapter 133 Beacon
"After observing the triangle gene, I found that their genes are very similar to the dolphins on the earth." While writing the anti-triangle code, Zhixin also completed the preliminary research on the Wudongdong gene.

"I did a simulation experiment. Assuming that land civilization does not appear, dolphins will evolve to more powerful life forms. Before they were born with wisdom, their brain development rate surpassed that of Earth people, reaching 15%. Therefore, continue to evolve their brains. The domain probability exceeds 96%.

After bringing in the data of the triangle, the evolution process of several groups of dolphin family marine mammals collected from the earth, without exception, there has been an explosion of wisdom.

In just 3000 years, their brain development has reached 43%.You know, angels are only 45%, and it took us 10 years to evolve to this point.

It's incredible.How do they do it?How did we win the physical war back then?
Whether it is genetic evolution or technological application, it takes time.

From the conception of the big clock to its realization, the old Kamigawa civilization took 5 years; from the discovery of the void to the confirmation of the big clock, it took a full calculation of more than 5000 years;
It took angels 1 years to go from the Void theory to practical application; it took more than 2000 years to arm the Void ability to the inside of the gene; and the Void gene was conceived in my body for 500 years. "

Zhi Xin turned the pre-war meeting into a technical discussion, Mu Chenxing was a little dazed, and asked blankly, "What does this mean?"

She slapped her forehead coldly, it's over, this girl has committed her old problem again, and said with a groan: "Broken heart! Please tell me the answer directly."

Zhi Xin pouted in dissatisfaction, suppressed the desire to tell, and gave a conclusion: "Mottled Blue is a new civilization that evolved only in the last few thousand years."

After finishing this sentence, he added anxiously: "According to the data of Wu Dongdong's body and the data of the newly catalyzed triangle in the Southern Cross galaxy, I speculate that their war mode is completely different from ours.

They don't need to send troops, as long as they detect that there are dolphin mammals on the planet, they can catalyze on a large scale.Just imagine, if all the dolphins on the earth turned into triangles, how big would they be?
millions?tens of millions?Or hundreds of millions?In the entire galaxy, there are countless planets like the earth.

Triangles are bound to flood, we can't just focus on the Milky Way, we must find their parent star, otherwise, the enemy will only fight more and more.

Give them another few thousand years, and the entire Shenhe civilization will be impacted. "

Mu Chenxing also has such concerns. On the planet of the Qifu 31 star system in the Southern Cross galaxy, more than 15 small triangles were catalyzed, and the whole process only took a few months.

Many of them have been able to threaten a generation of angels.

This is also the biggest reason why he wants to destroy the planet occupied by the triangular body.

"First annihilate the enemies in the Southern Cross galaxy, and then search for traces of other triangles. The war must be fought one battle at a time. We could win 7000 years ago. Now, we can win the same." He boosted morale, and then arranged Combat missions:

"Leng, you lead thirty teams to hunt down the remnants of the enemy after I destroy the planet, and strive to completely wipe out the Triangle. Zhixin, you lead two teams to search for the fish that slipped through the outside. Keira leads four teams to stay at the Sky Blade Number seven."

Angel has long given up on the combat method of large-scale legion battles, and the basic combat unit is a small team of three.Coupled with the speed of Wings of Time and Space, the tactics are extremely flexible.

"Yes!" Zhi Xin, Leng, and Kaila got up and responded.

Actually, Mu Chenxing has no right to order them.

Angel Yan sent Tianren No. [-], but not the little angel.

The angels on this battleship are divided into three parts.More than 20 high-level guardian angels led by Leng, whose mission is to protect his safety;

Eighty or so young angels of the new generation led by Keira, the mission is to protect the sky blade and help defend the earth;
And Zhi Xin is a scientific researcher assigned by Yan to assist him in his growth.

None of them can be counted as his subordinates. Usually, three people command the angels, but now that it involves physical warfare, he is the god with the highest combat power in this star field, and he naturally became the commander.

This angel troop consisting of more than 70 first-generation angels, more than 30 second- and third-generation angels, and Zhi Xin, the third-generation god body, is the full force of Mu Chenxing's attack on Mottled Blue.

Don't underestimate this power. Except for the three top civilizations of angels, demons, and Styx, this team can beat most civilizations.

The task is conveyed, and the time for war has arrived.

Of course the first blow must be launched by him.

【Open space controller】

【Locker House 31 Star System】

[Lock the fifth star ring]

【Calculation of Space Curvature】

The Qifu 31 star system in the Southern Cross galaxy is 55 light-years away from the earth. The water area of ​​the fifth ring planet has reached [-]% of the star's surface area. Fortunately, no local civilization has been born.

There is not much psychological burden to destroy a planet.

Mu Chenxing has two means of destroying stars.

The first is of course the Flying Sword of Destiny. The material of dark silver combined with the divine power of the god Tiamat and the energy of the space gem, it has the power to penetrate stars or tear apart star cores, and can also create energy singularities, triggering The annihilation reaction inside the star core destroys the entire star body.

It is also possible to use the gold beads at the end to load a star core in advance, and then release it inside the target star, causing the two star cores to collide and explode, resulting in the disintegration of the planet.

However, he was reluctant to use his fate to destroy the stars.

When the star core explodes, the energy fluctuations and high-energy radiation are extremely large, the space structure is severely distorted, and the weapons are at risk of being damaged or lost.

To be honest, he would feel distressed even if fate scratched the surface.

So, a second Star Destroyer weapon was researched: beacons.

The appearance of the beacon is a one-meter-long short spear, the main material is dark silver, and the inside of the spear handle is a gravitational field generator built by Uru metal surrounding the gravitational onium.

This kind of force field generator can not only assist the force field accelerator to accelerate the beacon to one third of the speed of light, so that it can be shot into the core of the star core, and then explode all the energy to build a relatively stable gravitational field and stabilize the curvature of space.

It is convenient for Mu Chenxing to open a space door connected to the surface of the star in the interior of the star core, and tear up the target planet with the help of the star's gravity and high-energy radiation.

The purpose of destroying stars is to kill the enemy, the disintegration speed of the target star must be fast, and the enemy cannot be given time to escape.

With the assistance of the beacon, the space gate connecting the star is opened from the core of the star core, and the planet will inevitably disintegrate instantly, and the sudden burst of gravitational field and high-energy radiation will completely disrupt the curvature of space, making it impossible for the enemy to escape.

Compared with breaking through the star core, or blowing a star storm on the surface of the planet, the damage effect is much stronger.

"Launch a beacon."

Following Mu Chenxing's order, the beacon disappeared instantly in the force field accelerator of the dark plane, and shot into the planetary core with a diameter of more than 5000 kilometers at a speed of [-] kilometers per second.

[Open the gravitational field]

[Calculation of the space curvature of the core of the star core]

【Open the space door】

The planet located in the fifth ring of the Qifu 31 star system is a planet with light blue luster, yellow and blue.

Under Mu Chenxing's attack, the earth's crust cracked instantly, and orange-red magma spewed out. The earthquake and volcanic eruption that spread all over the world lasted only three seconds. The entire planet burst like a blown balloon at first, and then Rapidly shrinking towards the center.

All the liquid water on the surface of the planet is completely vaporized in this process, and the high-heat steam is erupted, soaring 10,000+ kilometers into space.

All the life forms living in the waters are almost extinct.

Triangle suffered heavy losses.

A violent stellar storm followed, but it only lasted a dozen seconds before it was interrupted with the collapse of the space gate.It wasn't that Mu Chen Xing took the initiative to shut down, but that the material of the planet was crazily squeezed, destroying the space structure connecting the stars.

In just a few tens of seconds, a beautiful planet turned into a mass of dark red, distorted irregular aggregates.

After about tens of millions of years, it will become a planet again, or it may be torn apart by centrifugal force and become an asteroid belt floating in the fifth star ring.

Mu Chenxing didn't have time to care about this. The war had just begun. He opened a space door connecting Tianren No. 98 in the fourth star ring, and [-] angel warriors rushed into the battlefield.

The triangle has no ability to resist, and the most time-consuming part of the whole process is searching.

A group of angels cooperated with Qiyuan, a celestial-grade computer, to scan the inside and outside of the galaxy dozens of times.

"It has been confirmed that there is no life in the entire star field." Leng and Zhixin reported one after another.

"The battle is over, close the team."

This was the first time Mu Chenxing launched a god-level war. In just half a day, the entire planet was wiped out.

"We don't like this kind of war, but it is necessary. Chenxing, the universe is cruel, and life is very fragile. Only by winning can we protect what we want to protect." Yan immediately sent a comforting message.

Qiyuan and the Tianren Computing Group have been maintaining links, and Yan has watched the entire battle.

In her 7000 years as a warrior, it was nothing, but she worried about the little boy who was only 20 years old.

"I know what I'm doing, don't worry." Mu Chenxing stroked the twisted and broken beacon, which was recovered at the moment the star core exploded.

Fortunately, fate is useless, otherwise I would die of heartache.

The Triangle in the Southern Cross Galaxy was wiped out, but the war is not over yet, Angel needs to continue to patrol the Milky Way, and cooperate with Kaiyuan to find the rest of the invading Triangle.

He teleported to the Super Seminary to meet someone.

"If you're bored, come here and help this goddess bring up newcomers. I've been exhausted recently." For the ten thousandth time, Lena regretted her decision to agree to Dukao's decision to lead the third batch of students.

You are still young and inexperienced, and you were tricked by that old bastard.

I thought it would be the same as the first episode, just pretend to be aggressive, but who knew that she came here to be a nanny.More than once, she wanted to launch a flare bombing to destroy those thorny heads humanely.

"There is a business, you know about the body war?" Mu Chenxing would not work for the Super Seminary, so he didn't answer the question, and directly talked about his intentions.

"That's an old almanac from more than 7000 years ago. Fortunately, the goddess is knowledgeable, otherwise I would have been asked by you!" Leina recently did not pretend to be uncomfortable.

"Triangles have appeared, claiming to be mottled blue, and they are going to invade the Milky Way. Do you, Lieyang, have any records about them?" Mu Chenxing's goal this time is not Leina, but since they met, you might as well inquire casually.

"Let me ask Pan Zhen for you. I don't know much about this matter. We, Lie Yang, have never participated in body wars, and we don't have many records about triangle bodies and beast bodies." Sure enough, Lena couldn't get an answer here.

"I'll transmit the relevant information to you. If Lie Yang encounters the triangle, I hope you can stand by our side."

"Nonsense, it's as if our Lieyang is not Shenhe." Reina slapped him dissatisfied, and assured: "Don't worry, we are allies, we will advance together and retreat together!"

"I've got news that Mottled Blue is very troublesome, and its combat power is just the same, but the proliferation rate is too fast, and the evolution rate is also fast, so it must be wiped out as soon as possible." Mu Chenxing confessed, and went to find the real target.

The real goal, of course, is cold ice.

The demon queen played the cute rookie and had a good time at the Super Seminary.

Mu Chenxing finally understands that she is the kind of opponent who is willing to spend thousands of years in a mental confrontation with you, and she will not destroy your body viciously as soon as she comes up.

Of course, this kind of attitude is only for people she thinks are valuable, and she doesn't care about those who are worthless.

"Yo, the male god is here, is it fun to fry balls at the Southern Cross?" Liang Bing admired the child in front of him more and more.

She knew from the beginning that this child had unlimited potential, and she watched him grow rapidly time and time again, but she was still shocked by his growth speed.

A real god at 20 years old.

It's not the kind of kid with a godly body, but a real god who can start a god-level war.

Next, he should intervene in the king-level war, right?I don't know how long this step will take him.

Really looking forward to it.

"I think you should know Mottled Blue." Mu Chenxing wasn't sure about the relationship between the demon and the triangular body, and he couldn't tell whether the demon should be classified as the Shenhe body or the animal body.

Although the demons think that they belong to the Kamigawa system, they are too ugly and dark, which does not conform to the public's aesthetics.

But what he can be sure of is that Liang Bing has personally participated in the body war and is the goddess identified by Karl, so he must know a lot about the triangular body.

"Let's make a deal. I'll tell you Mottled Blue's information, and you give me the dark information template of A Tuo and A Tai."

"Yes." Mu Chenxing is no longer afraid of demons, and no longer cares about the deciphering of Juling's technology.

"I'm more confident, not bad!" Liang Bing praised, and then said: "I remember that 1000 years ago, Karl mentioned mottled blue, saying that their evolution rate was very fast in the last 3000 years. If they were given another 3000 years, they would definitely Will become a threat to the Kamikawa body."

She hooked her fingers and said dissatisfied: "You want to be a white wolf with empty gloves? It's time to get some dry goods."

Mu Chenxing understands, this means that if you don't see a rabbit, you won't cast an eagle.

In the end, the souls of the two demons, Atuo and Artest, exchanged coordinates.

The Magellanic Cloud, 451Z233-4631W.

"Hey, I'll give you back your weapon. My old lady never thought of stealing your things."

Mu Chenxing caught the Ansu silver dagger thrown by Liang Bing, which was his trophy for killing Su Mali, and was once his heart.

Now, it can only be regarded as a witness of my own growth.

He raised his hand and threw it back to Liang Bing.

"After defeating you, I will take back my weapon with my own hands."

(End of this chapter)

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