Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 139 Mark's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 139 Mark's Bizarre Adventure

Today's sunshine is very good, and the white clouds like cotton candy are floating in the sky peacefully along with the lighthouse.

The dome farm is lush with greenery.

Beautiful like an oil painting.

But Mark's mood was gray. He didn't dare to accept Ran Bing's love, nor could he accept it.

That love was too heavy, too heavy for her life to carry.

"Why?" She questioned in a crying voice, which made Mark's heart missing.

But now is not the time to be softhearted.

"This is an order, and what the hunter has to do is to obey." He turned around and asked angrily with a straight face, "Have all the beasts that devoured the poles been wiped out? Is the ground safe? The corpse of the hunter, you Can you count them?"

Ran Bing's sadness was visible to the naked eye, and the disappointment in his eyes was heartbreaking. He lowered his head and murmured, "I'm going to the Chenxi Hall... just tonight."

Since childhood, Mark has never seen her so at a loss.

But he turned around with a hard heart: "Complete your task."

Only then can you live.

The breeding task is the first of the three laws, and refusing the task is a felony that hinders genetic optimization, and will be executed!
Having the feelings of the old times violates the second of the three laws: banning family relations will be punished by burning!

Lighthouses cannot accommodate love, the most important thing in the last days is to be alive.

Mark returned to the hunter's station in a daze, and hit the sandbag desperately, trying to squeeze every bit of strength from his body to stop himself from thinking wildly.

Even though the bandages were soaked in blood from his hands, and even though every punch was painful, he still kept hitting the sandbag with one punch after another.

The sun gradually went down, the sky became dimmer, and his heart ached more and more.

Everyone could see that he was in a bad mood, and no one dared to disturb him to vent.

As the night slowly fell, he was left alone in the training ground, and the sound of hitting sandbags echoed in the open field.The abuse of training equipment didn't stop until a pistol was pointed in his back.

"Captain Mark, please take me to the Shangmin Medical Area." The gun-wielding woman was a 50-year-old female dustman, number 1225, a porter for the wild hunters.

"What's wrong with you? Do you have to go to Shangmin Medical Area?" Mark took off the bandages on his hands, not caring about the wound on his fist and the pistol pointed at him.

It doesn't matter, he doesn't care at all whether the other party will shoot or not.

"I...I want to exchange my heart for a Shangmin." 1225's figure was a little stooped, the hand holding the gun kept shaking, and his tone was full of pleading.

"Even if you go, they won't exchange a Dustman's heart for Shangmin." Mark picked up a towel to wipe his sweat, thinking that the other party could not succeed.

The barrier between the Shangmin and the dusty people has lasted for 21 years, and it has long been extremely stable.

Dust people have no breeding rights, no medical rights, no access to weapons, no names, and can only be distinguished by numbers.

They do the most tiring work, but they are allocated very few resources. They have never even eaten Shangmin's food in their entire lives, and their rations are only insect cakes.

And every time they go to the ground to collect, they are the ones who sacrifice the most.

Occupying more than half of the population of the lighthouse, the consumption is actually less than a fraction of that of the Shangmin.

Many Shangmin don't regard Dust Min as human beings, and think that limited resources should not be distributed to those smelly and inferior creatures.

In particular, the new generation of Shangmin, who were raised by the model of raising children together, is even more alienated and repelled by the Dust Min.

The reason is that the genetic testing results of the Dustmen show that they have a greater chance of getting sick, or that they carry genetic diseases in their genes.

Mark was six years old when the Three Laws were promulgated. He had already seen too many family members being forcibly separated. The original family was divided into Shangmin and Dustmin because of their genes. .

He does not discriminate against dust people, and is willing to help within the scope of his ability.

But today, he can't control it.

"Impossible, it's useless to go." He put on his coat and walked towards the door without looking back.

A gunshot from behind shocked Mark. He was not surprised that the other party would shoot, but he was surprised that he was not hit, and there was no ricochet around him.

The other side fired, but the target was not him.

Mark turned around suddenly and saw 1225 was shot in the abdomen. She dropped the pistol and covered the wound and fell to the ground. She said with difficulty, "How will you know if you don't try? Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I will try."

1225 breathed hard, grabbed Mark who helped her up, and begged: "He is waiting for me. Captain Mark, save him, he is waiting for me."

Mark knew that 1225 was referring to Shangmin Luke.

Luke is also a member of the wild hunters. In order to protect 1225 during the collection mission, his heart was pierced by a steel nail. He is now in the medical area and will die at any time.

He also knew that Luke and 1225 were originally a husband and wife, and they were separated after the promulgation of the three laws.

In 1225, she sneaked into the Church of Light and Shadow, and begged Charles, the leader, to agree to change her heart to save others, but Mark also knew about being punished by the law priests.

He also knows that even if the heart-changing is successful, Luke will be beaten as a dustman.

1225's behavior is not rational at all, and does not conform to the law of the last days.

Can love in the old days be so unscrupulous?

Sister Hongkou and Lixiao would rather be burned to death and be together, and he seems to understand.

Mark hurriedly picked up 1225, rushed to the Shangmin medical area, drew his gun to force the doctor to agree to the heart transplant operation, and then rushed towards the Chenxi Hall with big strides.

Go fucking rational, go fucking three rules, I want to be with my lover, even if only for a moment.

There are many law priests guarding the Chenxi hall, and after knocking down a wave, they rush up a group, but these old men hiding in the sky and showing off their might have no actual combat experience.

Mark successfully broke through the defense of the gate, as long as he rushed through a corridor, he could see Ran Bing.

It's so easy that people can't believe it. These law priests have been domineering for too long. Are they so weak in combat?

Before he could think about it, the big dog Sharif wearing exoskeleton armor was standing at the door of the inner courtyard, obviously waiting for him.

a corridor.

An enemy.

There was nothing to say, Mark took off his coat and rushed towards Sharif, the loyal thug of the leader of the Light and Shadow Society.

The big dog Sharif was a silent person, and he didn't have the habit of nagging before the battle. His sturdy figure over two meters tall and the heavy armor covering his whole body didn't make him dull.

Hitting the thick goose-egg handle with the heel, the [-]-kilogram long-handled battle ax was swung forward, and the air was split at high speed. Death is disabled.

With a height of more than 1.9 meters, Mark looks majestic in front of others, but compared with Sharif, he is obviously one size smaller.The opponent is fully equipped with armor and weapons, tall and strong, and is invincible.

He exerted strength in both legs, and the speed of his advance increased again. He dodged sideways to dodge the slashing route of the battle axe, avoiding the enemy's attack by a slight margin.Taking advantage of the tomahawk splitting the air, he turned around and dodged to the opponent's side, took advantage of the situation, drew his pistol, and shot close to the face.

The hammer sounded, and the bullet was fired, but Sharif's right hand blocked it, and the bullet hit the ceiling.

Before Mark could close the gun and shoot again, Sharif rubbed his fingers, unloaded the magazine of the pistol, grabbed his wrist and flicked the gun body out of his hand.

Losing his weapon, Mark didn't panic. He bent his knees and dived, dodged and swayed to the enemy's left side, and hit the opponent's left rib with his right uppercut.

His hands hurt so much, the armor was too hard, his body was only slightly stiff, and the sole of Sharif's fifty-yard shoe kicked on his chest.

Mark rolled over and over, and was kicked more than ten meters away. He felt chest tightness and shortness of breath, and his eyes turned black.

Sharif hurried forward a few steps, swinging his long-handled battle ax downwards and sweeping, making Mark jump up and down, unable to parry, finally took advantage of the time when the enemy was too hard to strike the ground with his axe, he stepped on the handle of the ax and kicked in the air, viciously He kicked the opponent hard on the head and dropped the enemy's weapon.

But Sharif's helmet was too strong, so he didn't suffer any injuries at all. Mark, who was chasing him, seized the opportunity and hit a knee on the corner of the wall.Relying on the strength of the armor, he rushed forward and forced the man to beat and kick him in the corner, which made Mark dizzy and bloody.

The advantages brought by the exoskeleton armor are too great to deal with.

This place is only about twenty meters away from the inner court of Chenxi Hall, and you can see Ran Bing just by rushing over there. Mark will never allow himself to stop here!

The steel boxing was painted into the bone marrow, and the sternum, ribs, skulls, and five internal organs were moaning, but he still didn't give up.

Taking advantage of the gap exposed by the enemy's left hand swinging too hard, he dodges the attack, puts his left hand on the enemy's wrist, and pulls the momentum, Sharif's fist involuntarily hits the wall, swinging his left arm straight in front of Mark.

There is no reason to be polite with such a good opportunity.

He slammed his fist on the opponent's elbow, and the elbow joint broke at the sound. Sharif retreated in pain. In order to get rid of the struggle, the right fist he punched was hit by Mark's forehead and his wrist was broken.

The enemy's hands were useless, so Mark took advantage of the victory to pursue and broke Sharif's left leg with a kick, followed by a stormy iron fist.

Even the exoskeleton armor couldn't stop his continuous attacks, and Sharif was beaten and fainted like a dead dog.

There is no longer any obstacle preventing Mark from meeting Ran Bing.

When he opened the door, he was very glad that he had come. Seven or eight law priests fainted on the ground with their heads bleeding. They must have been knocked over by Ran Bing.

There is no need to doubt the skill of the adjutant of the Hunter's Army. It was honed through life and death, and honed with the beast. How could a few pampered law priests be her opponents.

Looking at Ran Bing who had no intention of running away and was sitting on the golden platform with his knees hugged, it was obvious that he didn't want to live anymore.

If she hadn't come, she would have left this world with grief and regret, right?
Mark picked up a blood-stained daisy on the ground, walked up to Ran Bing, and said softly, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize until now what Hong Kou would rather die to protect."

Ran Bing didn't even raise his head, and asked sadly, "Are you so idle? Are the Pole Devouring Beasts gone? Is the ground safe? You don't need to guard the lighthouse anymore?"

He himself refused the breeding task, and he trespassed into the Hall of Dawn, and neither of them could survive.

"The polar devouring beasts haven't been killed yet, and the ground is still not safe, but I'm more afraid of losing you like I lost Hongkou." Mark held the little daisy, knelt down on one knee, and handed the flower to Ran Bing:

"Ran Bing, are you willing to restore the family relationship in the old world with me? Leave the lighthouse with me and go to the ground to form your own family. As long as you are here, I don't care even if the world is destroyed. But without you, for me This is the real end.

Ran Bing, from today onwards, I will only protect you alone, you will no longer be hurt, and you don't have to endure anymore, no matter how difficult the ground is, I will build a home for you.No matter how powerful the Pole Devourer is, I will stand in front of you.

No matter how much time is left in the future, I want to spend the rest of my life with you in this fucking doomsday.Do you want to? "

As early as when Mark proposed to her, Ran Bing took off the golden mask she wore when doing breeding tasks.

At this moment, pear blossoms are already crying, no matter what happens in the future, no matter whether they will die in the next moment, at least at this moment, her love has been answered, and they love each other.

Is this love?There is endless sourness in the sweet taste.

"I don't want to." She held back her tears, took a breath, answered Mark seriously, and in his lost expression, snatched the daisy, and said emotionally: "I don't want everything to be yours." Stand in front, I want to build our home with you. Can you do it without me!"

The two embraced excitedly, but now was not the time to waste time. They took off their ID tags and prepared to leave the lighthouse.

But the world is hard to come by, as soon as he walked out of the door of Chenxi Hall, the city defense army surrounded the place.These people are different from the law priests holding steel whips, each of them is armed with live ammunition, and the unarmed two can't resist at all.

Ran Bing was imprisoned by the city defense army, Mark was handcuffed and brought before the city lord Morgan.

Morgan actually doesn't care about the crimes accused by the city defense commander Victor against Mark, nor does he care about Charles, the leader of the Light and Shadow Society, who fanned the flames, and he doesn't care about the plea of ​​the navigation commander Jingnan.

Because Mark is different, he is the only hope in the minds of himself and his teacher.

Now it violated the three rules he set, and he wanted to know the reason.


"In order to live, really live. The three laws are too harsh, is it really necessary? If we can return to the ground, many problems can be solved."

Mark's answer disappointed him.

Morgan reprimanded angrily: "Put down your unrealistic thoughts, we are no longer the masters of the ground! Humans have nowhere to hide in front of the beasts. They are more dangerous than you imagined!"

Mark disagreed with this point of view and retorted: "But the Mu Chenxing I brought back can live very well. I saw him knock down the polar-eating beasts with a radius of several kilometers in an instant. He said that I am the same as him, yes Genetically enhanced people. If we can find a way to genetically enhance the old world, we will definitely be able to return to the ground.”

"Uh, he...he's different." Morgan felt a headache, as if something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Mark is not in the mood to care about other things now, he just wants to leave with Ran Bing, and begs: "City Lord, please let me and Ran Bing go far away."

Morgan's anger can no longer be suppressed. How many soldiers did the Lighthouse lose in order to bring you back 27 years ago?The road to the laboratory was paved with corpses!
Why do you want to seek death on the ground?Are you worthy of those people's efforts?

He yelled angrily: "The lighthouse is the last home of mankind, returning to the ground is death!"

He felt colic in his heart, his body was weak, he shook a few times, fell on the steps, tilted his head, and passed out.

Santo Morgan's first aid medicine has been used up, and is judged to have no medical value by the life formula, but Mark doesn't want to give up, and is going to the collection point on the ground to find medicine.

The closest medical collection point to the lighthouse is the T69 area [-] kilometers away, which is an ecologically dense area. Normally, the wild hunter troops are not allowed to enter this area, let alone at night.

The risk factor is unprecedented.

Mark wanted to invite Mu Chenxing to go with him, but no one knew where this man was, and he disappeared without a trace.

I can only go alone.

Even if it was no different from sending him to death, Mark still decided to find medicine.

But when he came to the weapon maintenance room, many people in the wild hunter team had already known the news and were waiting for him at the door.

Mocheng, Jeff, Erica and other members of the team are not missing, except for the imprisoned Ran Bing, Mark's partners are all present.There is also a group of veterans who have just returned from other missions, the group of Hongkou's old subordinates, also decided to participate in this mission.

The task was unprecedentedly arduous, and the engineer in the weapon maintenance room naturally took out the good guys at the bottom of the press box. All heavy bodies were equipped with new modules, and Mark’s Dawn Mech was also equipped with injectors as he wished, with a function of flight.

The four teams of hunters took four air-dropped armored vehicles and swooped down from an altitude of 2000 meters.

The airdrop armored vehicle is a large vehicle with eight rocket injectors installed on the chassis, which can achieve rapid airborne, and it is an important equipment that will never be used unless it is an emergency mission.

The landing process was safe and sound. Even though there were as many polar-eating beasts as ants in the ecologically dense area, under the burning of 32 injectors in four vehicles, an open space was still cleared for wild hunters.

The heavy machine guns on the four armored vehicles fired, and two Falcon hang gliders cooperated in the air. They successfully rushed out of the area where the snake dogs were entrenched and entered the territory of the ground roar.

Ground Roar is also a panbiotic polar devourer, capable of long-range attacks. There is a vocal sac under the neck, which can condense energy such as high-concentration scarlet, and launch it in the form of energy bombs.

It's as powerful as a high-explosive grenade.

On Earth Roar's territory, the two Falcons were all damaged in battle, and they had to use heavy equipment to get rid of the pursuit of this polar-eating beast, and successfully arrived at T69 medical collection point, a pharmaceutical company called Nirvana.

The battle to obtain the medicine was fierce, and they encountered the metamorphic extreme-eating beast: the calyx, and their subordinate species, the pan-biotic extreme-eating beast: the eel.

The spiny eel is a small pole-eating beast, extremely fast, good at camouflaging and lurking, and can kill mid-range and long-range by spewing bone spurs, so it is difficult to deal with.

The Calyx Beast is more difficult to deal with. It will excrete bromine mist to pollute the environment and resist damage. It will build an energy field to transmit the source of life, which is used to quickly revive the eel. .

In order to save Mark, Haji was blown to the lower part of his body, and Xuefeng died under its slap.

The most uncomfortable thing is that there are two of this thing.

The wild hunter suffered heavy losses and paid more than half of the casualties before he could get the first aid medicine that Morgan Santo needed from the medicine storehouse.

Mark knew that destroying the energy center of the Pole Devourer would kill them, and so did the other wild hunters, but the situation was extremely unfavorable, and they didn't have time to open their stomachs and search slowly.

The first calyx beast was overthrown by joint efforts, and if it entangled with the second one, the casualties would be even heavier, and the entire army might be wiped out. Mark ordered the others to withdraw first with medicines, and he left alone.

The speed of resurrection of the Pole Devouring Beast is very fast, if you don't leave, you won't be able to leave.

Everyone knows this truth. Wilderness hunters don't have the habit of being hypocritical, so they withdraw very simply.

Mark's power armor is dawning, the newly modified spraying device is very powerful, and the new weapon folding sword is much better than the previous wheel-saw sword. The missile slot on the shoulder can launch six missiles at a time, and the firepower is as fierce as one horse. He had a great time fighting the second calyx beast.

But the sudden appearance of the team of strangers on the top floor of Nirvana Company distracted him, and the energy of the injector was exhausted, and was swallowed by the calyx beast.Although he took this opportunity to launch missiles to bombard the internal organs of the calyx beast and overturned the guy, he also suffered serious injuries.

At this time, the first calyx beast had been revived. When he was in despair, for some reason, the pole-eating beast in the building seemed to be stimulated by something, gave up attacking, and rushed to the distance instead.

It's strange, but it's useless. Now he is pinched by the dead calyx beast, his body and weight are paralyzed, and he can't escape at all.

Fortunately, some team members were able to escape, and the medicine should be sent back to the lighthouse, so the sacrifice was not in vain.

When he was waiting to die in peace, Dustman 4068 suddenly appeared in his field of vision. He is really a guy who is not afraid of death, a born wild hunter.

Mark would like to boast a few more words, who the hell knows why this bastard wanted to kill himself?They are all human beings, I saved you before, am I so ungrateful?
Mark, whose throat was cut, is unbelievable.

He didn't understand.

Then passed out.

An inexplicable thing happened again, his soul suddenly floated out of his body, he watched the spine gu parasitize on his spine, watched Mo Cheng and others turn around and found him, after some first aid, temporarily saved his life .

Then he was taken back to the lighthouse, sent to the Institute of Biochemistry, and underwent surgery to replace the spine with spinal voodoo, and then the surgery failed, and the body was sent to the incinerator.

In the flames, his body mutated into a four-legged Pole Devourer.

He could only float aside and watch Ran Bing cry bitterly, watch the city defense army test their guns on him as a target, and watch him being imprisoned and abused.

A few days later, he was locked in the car, covered with a fig leaf, and traveled with Ran Bing.He wanted to control his body, but he couldn't do anything. He wanted to talk to Ran Bing, but no one could hear him.

He was very irritable, until the canvas that covered him was lifted, and all the people who saw him off saw the appearance of the monster.

Then he stopped being irritable, and became chilled. The people he desperately collected supplies to support, the people who once regarded him as a hero, now rushed up shouting the slogan of killing him, and wanted to chop him into pieces.

Human nature.

This is human nature.

Later, as everyone wished, he was brought to the stake, the flames were burning his body, the monster was roaring, his lover was crying, he could only float aside, doing nothing.


There is no pain in death.

But things got twists and turns again. People from the wild hunter team rushed to rescue the monster-like Mark, but they all fell into Charles' trap. He triumphantly explained everything in the communicator.

1225 went to ask Mark to change the heart of Shangmin Luke.

Ran Bing's breeding mission.

Let 4068 wipe Mark's neck.

It's all Charles' arrangement.

Even during the long journey, the first person who rushed up to lift Mark's fig leaf and wanted to kill him was the rescued Luke.

Charles wanted to take Mark's life, destroy his dignity, and get rid of those who were loyal to him.

The members of the Wild Hunter team could hear clearly in the communicator, and Mark's soul could also hear clearly, but his body was on the verge of collapse and he urgently needed the supplement of life source.

His body has already given birth to spiritual breath seeds, and has become an extreme devouring beast.Instinctively want to absorb the source of human life.

It was at this time that Ran Bing threw himself into his arms, preventing him from killing others. Under Mark's impotent rage, he turned to flesh little by little.

Then, he was shot in half by a golden masked man from the Church of Light and Shadow, and fell to the ground.

Mark has never been so generally want to kill!
The thought of tearing people into pieces occupied his entire brain.

"Mark...Mark...wake up!" The misty voice came into his ears, and the whole world was shaking.

Mark opened his eyes, full of murderous intent, and the person who woke him up sat down on the ground in fright.

"Mark! What's wrong with you? We've already returned to the lighthouse. There are no polar devourers nearby. You TND scared me to death." Jeff wiped off his cold sweat. Just now he suddenly had the feeling that Mark would rush up and bite him to death.

It's so evil.

"Huh?" Mark looked around suspiciously. He was leaning on the tires of the jumping spider search vehicle. There were several armored transport vehicles nearby, which were unloading under the command of the personnel in the material distribution room.

Ran Bing was joking with Erica and Feixue, and the other team members were also relaxing.

Except for Mocheng, he was walking towards the law priests, obviously wanting to meddle in his own business.

Vatican the Bearer of Light is announcing 4068's charges: "Dust people are not allowed to touch Shangmin's weapons for any reason, and offenders will be punished with twelve lashes."

The big dog Sharif stood behind Vatican intact.

How is this going?

I fell asleep just now?
Such a real dream, so real that I remember every fragment.

As for the clip in front of him, he experienced exactly the same plot in the dream.

In the next step, 4068 will protest.

He was indeed arguing.

Then he would be beaten, Mocheng would grab the law priest's wrist to stop him, and get a slap on the other side.

Sure enough, just as Mark thought, Mocheng was slapped by the law priest for meddling in his own business, but the guy didn't let go. His cold attitude made the law priest dare not do it again.

In the confrontation between the wild hunters and the Light and Shadow Society, I must come forward.

Mark's mind was a little messed up, and the sense of confusion that the dream was reflected into the reality made him stare blankly at Vatican the Bearer of Light, not knowing what he should say.

He had nothing to say.

Just kill them if you dare.

(End of this chapter)

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