Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 141 Evolutionary Biological Armor

Chapter 141 Evolutionary Biological Armor

Calyx Beast gave Mu Chenxing a surprise.

It's not how powerful this thing is, but it solves one of his doubts.

The Pole Devourer has a brain, an internal organ, and a neural network, and if it hits these deadly parts, it will freeze.

If it weren't for the spiritual breath seeds to provide energy to repair the body, they would not be fundamentally different from ordinary animals.

So the question is, since there are already so many weaknesses, why did the deadly part of the spirit seed evolve?Wouldn't it be too extravagant to just store energy and use it to restore the body?Obviously doing more harm than good.

If these energies are stored in the body cells, with the resilience of the extreme beasts that can bring the dead back to life, they can even achieve instant recovery like Wolverine.This way of recovering while fighting, relatively speaking, the fighting ability will be stronger.

The part of the spiritual breath seed is completely superfluous.

It wasn't until he took out the spiritual breath seeds of the metamorphic polar-eating beast, the calyx beast, and compared it with the pan-genetic one, that Mu Chenxing solved this doubt.

The spiritual breath seed is the real body of the Pole Devourer, and the other body structures are like its coat, or an exoskeleton mecha made of biological cells.

They will instinctively absorb the source of life, promote the evolution of spiritual breath seeds, and then drive the transformation of the external body.

Maybe there are some ecological cycle steps in the actual operation, for example, the panbiotic polar devourer cannot evolve by itself, and needs the promotion of the flower of mana;

Or a single body cannot gather enough energy for evolution, and the group needs to work together to complete the evolution of some individuals first;

Or the polar-eating beast cannot achieve sexual reproduction, and can only spread scarlet to infect other creatures to cultivate spines, and then the spines will complete parasitism, giving birth to new spiritual seeds, and become new extreme-eating beasts.

The process may be somewhat complicated, but in essence, the mana ecology is a set of parasitic ecology, the spiritual seed is the key, and the external body is only a tool to ensure evolution.

Back then, underground vines appeared on the surface on a large scale, spreading countless spores to parasitize the surface ecology. Humans, animals, and plants were all their parasitic targets.

The product of the genetic technology of the old world gave these underground creatures a ladder to take off. The two ecology gradually merged. First, the flower of mana appeared, and then various extreme devouring beasts appeared. The original spores also evolved into the current spirit. interest seeds.

It took only a few decades for the Mana ecology to occupy the entire earth.

The achievements of human genetic technology were perfectly absorbed by them, and successfully opened a more excellent evolutionary path.In addition to not being born with advanced intelligence, Mana creatures are indeed physically stronger than humans and evolve at an astonishing speed.

"Very interesting creature."

Mu Chenxing stood next to the nearly two-story-high Calyx Beast corpse holding a fist-sized Spirit Breath Seed, and the way he exclaimed with joy made the other hunters think that this person was a bit perverted.

But he is really happy, because he has found a new evolutionary route, the kind that can support a civilization.

And the gene fusion of the Eternal Race also has a good idea.

Isn't it something to be happy about?
Although it is useless to improve his own strength for the time being, it is really not so easy for him to become stronger at this stage, at least he will not gain too much in the low-level civilization.

"Another big guy came." Mark only heard the movement of crawling inside the building, and he decisively gave an early warning, because he knew that it was the second calyx beast.

"Here's a new material, not bad." Mu Chenxing's words were pretentious, but the other seven people didn't think there was anything wrong.

The hall on the first floor of Nirvana Company has thousands of square meters, and there are hundreds of beasts lurking, but this one just hooked his fingers, and more than 100 spiritual breath seeds were piled up at his feet.

"I have an idea. I wonder if you can accept the biological coat?" Mu Chenxing ignored the calyx beast approaching the hall, but turned to ask several other wild hunters, focusing on Elon.

"What is the biological coat?"

Mark's doubts are also the doubts of others.

Mu Chenxing tapped his power armor, and replied, "It's built with biological cells."

In fact, implanting spiritual breath seeds into the body can exert more powerful power, but this method is prone to spiritual pollution, and human beings are not very able to accept the behavior of themselves or similar monsters, even if they can turn back into human beings again. The body shape will also appear to be repulsive.

Therefore, it is better to make it into armor-like equipment.

"Fighting while wearing a Polar Devourer? It's disgusting!" Erica felt goosebumps all over her body.

Others also felt a little bit chilly, they were really intimidated by the devouring polar beast.

"It's not a mistake for you to understand this way." Mu Chenxing didn't explain his thoughts in detail, and they probably couldn't understand the empty-mouthed explanation.

He waved his hand: "Come on, let's find a place to experiment, and you will understand."

As he waved his hand, a Spiritual Breath Seed flew out of the building, and there was a sound of a giant falling to the ground.Mark knew that the second calyx was also dead.

Everyone followed Mu Chenxing to the inside of the building, passing through corridors one after another. The overall environment was very dark and messy, with various books and objects scattered all over the floor, as well as collapsed construction waste, which had been deposited for decades. Dust, and the remains of fleshy soil and human skeletons.

There is nothing lacking here for what the end of the world should look like. The only thing that can make people less nervous is that there is no pursuit of the pole-devouring beast.

Along the way, they passed by exhibition halls displaying various commodities.

It is a display of the achievements of genetic technology and medical technology.

Following Master Mu's explanation, they had a clearer understanding of the genes and medical technology of the old world.

Optimizing genes does not need to allow only Shangmin to have breeding rights like the lighthouse, and genetic coding technology can be used to eliminate the dominant genes of genetic diseases.

Strengthening telomeres increases longevity and maintains youth.

Strengthening mitochondria can improve physical fitness.

Increase the content of hemoglobin can have more abundant physical strength.

Etc., etc.

It's all science.

What an advanced science in the old world!
Gained knowledge.

Nirvana Company has strong technical strength and a wide range of products. They also discovered an artificial heart and a mouse that has lived for nearly a hundred years.

The experimental code of the old era is printed on the ears of this little thing. Master Mu said that this is an antique that survived from the old world and belongs to the research material of the genetic laboratory.

In the end, the little white mouse was forcibly appointed by Erica as her pet.

"Pets? There are no pets in the lighthouse, only spare rations." Old Elon joked.

"Hmph, I won't eat it, I will raise it." Erica closed the visor angrily.Animals that are not polar devouring beasts are really rare, so she is reluctant to eat them.

The genetic enhancement is almost explained. Mark has a deep understanding of his genes. Mu Chenxing has also analyzed a lot of technology in this world. He thinks this is the way out for the spirit cage world, so he is willing to take the time to guide the local people's thinking.

As for the Nirvana company's completely clean body organ containers, which are exactly the same as Mark when he was a child, it is easy to cause unnecessary misunderstandings. There is no need to visit, and he destroyed the building far away.

It doesn't matter whether Mark is the original or a clone, let this secret be buried in the dust of history.

Mu Chenxing has no interest in pursuing it.

He led everyone to watch and go, and when he came to an empty hall, he stopped. The Nirvana company's product exhibition had been finished, and it was time to manufacture biological armor.

"Is Mr. Elon willing to cooperate with my experiment? Don't worry, you only need to provide some somatic cells, and after manufacturing the finished product, it will be fine as a driver to test the performance of the weapon."

"no problem."

Elon readily agreed to Mu Chenxing's request. Anyway, he will live in a few days, so try it, and die now at worst.

The basic material of the biological armor is the fusion of the cells of the calyx beast, the cells of Elon, and the cells of Mark.

The fusion process has gone through hundreds of millions of calculations by Qiyuan, as well as the abundant bioenergy provided by Mu Chenxing, using Mark's genes as a bridge to link the genes of Elon and Calyx beast, and fuse them into new embryonic stem cells.

This totipotent stem cell is a universal cell that can differentiate into any tissue and organ.

This process alone would have allowed pre-nuclear civilizations to fumble for decades, and he only took a few minutes.

The basic material is determined, and the design of the body incorporates Elon's body data and combat habits, and adopts the old man's opinions and aesthetics, and is finally manufactured by the void controller.

Watching the parts appear out of thin air one by one, a two-meter-high humanoid armor with bluish-gray bone armor on the outside and thick muscle fibers and various biological structures on the inside was constructed.

All the wild hunters were stunned.

"Don't tell me this is also science, I will think that the Lord of Light and Shadow is a fart!" Mo Cheng didn't believe in God, but he felt that he might have the potential to become a believer.

Several others had similar thoughts.

They really can't classify what's in front of them as science.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is no different from magic or miracles, so don't be surprised." Mu Chenxing explained casually.

Then he took out a calyx beast's spiritual breath seed, scanned the thinking fluctuations of this thing thoroughly, and used the consciousness rewriting technology to erase the extremely weak consciousness contained in it, and established Elon's thinking fluctuations with the spiritual breath seed. Link.

This is the energy core of the biological armor. It can allow the armor to absorb the source of life and continue to evolve. It can also feed back the source of life to the driver. It can not only restore injuries, but also promote gene evolution.

In fact, the thought fluctuations in the spiritual breath seed are not strong. Humans can manipulate the biological armor without this step, but they need to choose people with firm will.

The main operation method of this armor is the three-dimensional brain-computer integration technology, and the auxiliary operation is bioelectric conduction.

It is not a necessary condition to establish a thought link with the spiritual breath seed.

Mu Chenxing first used Elon's cells to build the body, and now he has erased the consciousness of the spiritual seed to complete the link of thinking, just wanting to make the operation more sensitive and smooth during the experiment.

Making exclusive equipment for Elon is incidental.

Put the spiritual breath seed between the chest and abdomen of the biological armor, the carapace and muscle tissue will automatically split, and it will be sucked into the body.The energy center was in place, and the "V"-shaped visual system on the head shone slightly. The moment the body was activated, Old Elon exclaimed.

"Huh? Why do I feel like I have an extra body? No, I can't control it, I just can feel its position."

"In order to prevent accidents, the nerve center of the biological armor is incomplete, and there is no brain, and it cannot make any actions without connecting to the driver."

Mu Chenxing walked around to the back of the armor, and pressed the third joint and the seventh joint of the spine, and the entire biological armor deflated quickly like a deflated rubber ball.

The outer armor began to deform, and finally assembled into a seventy centimeters high, forty centimeters wide, and forty centimeters thick bone storage box.

"Mr. Elon, let's try to dress." The biological armor is not like the heavy body, which needs to lift the shoulders and necks, and then jump into the cockpit, but transforms the clothes.

Elon tilted his weight, frowned and muttered: "It's too light, less than [-] kilograms, so big, so light, is the protection enough?"

"You will understand after dressing up." Mu Chenxing didn't explain the principles of energy recharging and cell regeneration. If it wasn't for protecting the spiritual seeds in it, these weights would be unnecessary.

The scientific principles can't be explained clearly to a veteran, and he will know the benefits after he tries the performance.

Elon stood by the storage box and yelled, "Dress!"

The corners of Mu Chenxing's mouth twitched a little. He's 70 years old, so he's a middle school student?

No need to shout at all, just complete the scan and confirm your identity.

With the roar of old Elon, the bone box unfolded in the air, and the source of life released by the spiritual breath seed was like a thick fog, completely enveloping the driver, and there was a sound of muscle creep and nail plate collision, After just two or three seconds, the two-meter-high biological armor appeared again.

Fully covered with bone armor, filled with thick muscle tissue, and the metamorphic beast's spiritual breath seed is used as the core. The body strength exceeds five tons. It is immune to light weapons and reduces damage from heavy weapons. It cannot be fatal with electromagnetic guns. If the energy is sufficient Under this condition, the body can be repaired without limit.

There are four ion injectors on the back, which can realize maneuvering flight. There are jet afterburners behind the elbows to enhance the attack power. The arm guards and leg guards have discharge devices to improve the mid-range and short-range strike capabilities.

Fits perfectly with Elon's fighting habits.

ASH brain-computer combination technology, Nirvana company's cell regeneration technology, and the biological ability of the calyx beast have created this evolvable biological armor.

Abandoned bromine fog, infrasound, and mental disturbance. The former needs to eat people, and the latter two cannot cooperate with human troops.But it retains the function of long-range energy transmission, and can establish energy links with other biological mechs.

"I feel much stronger." Elon made a fighting gesture, then punched, kicked, stepped, and dived. Stereo-like motion delay."

"I'll try jumping and balancing again." He liked the mech more and more.

Slightly squatting down and jumping, for some unknown reason, the ion injector on the back suddenly activated, and the blue-gray body leaped up to a height of more than eight meters with a "swoosh", and stuck its end on the roof.

His limbs swayed limply a few times, quite like a hanged ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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