Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 158 There's an Honest Man Here

Chapter 158 There's an Honest Man Here

The neutron star that Nidaville surrounds is very large, with a diameter of nearly [-] kilometers. This is a super fat man in the neutron star, and it will be collapsed into a black hole by its own gravity if it is bigger.

"It should have been a blue giant star before. The star is too big, so it must be the result of a supernova explosion of a blue giant star." Mu Chenxing looked at the dark planet outside the porthole, telling his own judgment.

This neutron star should have been formed for an extremely long time, the outer shell has long since cooled, and it is difficult for the energy in the inner core to be transmitted to the surface of the star. It looks like a black coal ball floating in the deep space of the universe.

If the dwarf king hadn't used the neutron star furnace to extract energy before, causing the entire planet to emit high-energy radiation and burn the star red, at first glance, it really looked like a black dwarf star that had lost its energy.

"Is this your science? Have you been able to judge things in ancient times?" Saul asked suspiciously.

Before Mu Chenxing could answer, the tall dwarf Wang Ai Cui rubbed his hands and walked over with a embarrassed expression: "Has Midgard also started to study stars?"

Obviously looking for something to say.

Mu Chenxing knew why.

Sol also knew how to admit the result of forging when he looked at the guy who was known as the strongest craftsman in the universe with a smirk.

It turned out to be a simple failure.

The failure was particularly obvious.

Just before that, Ai Cui activated the neutron star furnace and began to build weapons with the dark silver provided by Mu Chenxing.

Needless to say, the physical properties of Ansuyin are extremely strong, extremely stable, and sharp enough to cut everything. This makes Ai Cui feel like a treasure, and vowed to create a super artifact.

Mu Chenxing deliberately didn't mention another characteristic of An Suyin, which is that it hardly reacts with any energy, which includes heat energy.

The neutron star furnace burned for a long time, and the dwarf's furnace was almost burnt out. Let alone melted a few pieces of dark silver, they didn't even turn red.

A complete forging failure.

For other craftsmen, failure is failure, but the dwarves are different, forging failure is a shame for the dwarves.

What a shame!

"How far has Midgard's research on astral bodies come? Maybe I can give you some good advice." Ai Cui continued to search for topics, wanting to get in touch so that he could leave those magical metals for good Research research.

How can there be metal that cannot be heated under the sun?He had never heard of it.

This kind of reaction is exactly what Mu Chenxing needs, and the biggest purpose of taking out Ansuyin is to arouse the interest of the dwarf king.

But now is not the time to close the net, and he needs to stretch it out. He unhurriedly began to explain the evolution of stars from a scientific perspective: "The nuclear fusion of stars is the fusion of four hydrogen atoms into one helium atom. Helium Heavier than hydrogen, it will deposit inward, gradually forming a helium nucleus.

When the helium core is large enough, the thermonuclear fusion inside the star will stop, because the temperature required for helium fusion is very high, at least [-] million degrees, and hydrogen fusion cannot meet this requirement.

At this time, the gravitational force will be unbalanced, and the hydrogen and helium will separate, becoming a form in which the core shrinks and the outer shell expands.A star in this form is a giant star.Most of them are red giants, and only a small number of massive objects will become blue giants.

The helium core is contracted by gravity to a certain extent, the internal pressure increases sharply, the temperature rises sharply, and thermonuclear fusion will start again to stabilize the gravitational field balance in the giant star stage.

Helium fuses into carbon, carbon nuclei are formed, and a new cycle begins.

When the helium atoms are almost consumed and the carbon core has not started to fuse, the giant star will go two ways. Most of the giant stars with low mass will be completely out of balance in gravity, the outer shell will dissipate, and the core will become a white dwarf.

What white dwarfs resist gravity is no longer the radiation field of nuclear fusion, but the degeneracy of electrons in atoms.

However, the massive giant star will continue to collapse, successfully achieve carbon fusion, and continue to maintain the balance of the gravitational field until iron fusion is achieved, and the situation will suddenly reverse.

Because iron fusion will not release energy outward, but will absorb energy, so at this point, under the action of gravity and iron fusion, the giant star will collapse sharply inward.

The speed of this collapse is so fast that the accumulated energy can smash the star's core into individual atoms or break the nucleus, releasing protons and neutrons.

Within a second, the star's inner core collapses to a core density.However, neutron degeneracy and nuclear repulsion within the nucleus prevent further collapse.

This creates a huge energy hedge that creates a shock wave that acts like an igniter, and a fraction of a second later, the supernova explosion begins.

The explosion of a supernova is another test. The atomic nucleus will be completely smashed. If the neutron degeneracy cannot resist the gravitational collapse, a black hole will be formed after the explosion. If it can hold on, a neutron star will be formed. "

Mu Chenxing pointed to the neutron star outside: "When it was first formed, it almost reached the critical value of forming a black hole. It must be a blue giant star that can retain such a large mass."

Sol didn't understand this popularization of science, and it was different from his previous understanding of the universe.Ai Cui is also a little confused, he understands nuclear fusion and gravity, but he doesn't understand electron degeneracy and neutron degeneracy.

What is that?
But this is not important, he coughed, and commented calmly: "Very well, Midgard has also begun to understand the universe, which is gratifying. You can do this by just observing, how can you do it?" Many wise men, very powerful."

As an advanced civilization, he felt that it was necessary to encourage the attitude of the people in the atrium to explore the universe first, and only after gaining a good impression could he take the opportunity to raise the topic of leaving materials for research.

Mu Chenxing looked at Ai Cui with a smile, and felt that the other party was not anxious enough, so he thanked him slowly: "Thank you King Ai Cui for your affirmation, it seems that we did not take a detour, and the conversation with you was very pleasant, but unfortunately we can't stay long, we have to go gone."

Asgard's warriors and dwarf craftsmen have already begun to move the weapons and equipment in stock, and it is really time to go back. The next world is still waiting to suppress the rebellion.

He took the opportunity to urge: "King Ai Cui, can you return the Ansu silver to me? That material is very rare. I want to find someone to help make a main weapon."

At this point, Ai Cui finally couldn't hold back anymore, no matter whether it was the loss of novel materials, or the other party's contempt for his craftsmanship, he couldn't tolerate it.

"In this universe, there is no better craftsman than mine! I can't make it, who else can make it? Just put the materials here, and I promise to make you an artifact!"

The tone was very urgent, Mu Chenxing felt that the fire was almost ready, took out the Flying Sword of Fate from the dark plane, and while showing it to the dwarf king, said in a deliberately embarrassed tone:
"The god Tiamat once made a dagger for me. Now that I have obtained more materials, I may be able to find her again and ask her to make a main weapon. King Aitri, I'm sorry."

"Don't...don't, let's discuss it again." Ai Cui looked at the Flying Sword of Destiny held in his hand, his eyeballs seemed to be stuck, and he couldn't even speak to stop him, so he couldn't help asking: "This is the forged dark silver weapon? It's so beautiful, can you let me observe it for a few days?"

"Impossible, this is my fate!" Mu Chenxing flatly refused, and quickly put away her fate.

Damn it, I wanted to use dark money to catch you, but I didn't expect you to have such a big appetite that you would even want to keep your fate, that's impossible, this is his trump card.

"Hey!" Ai Cui sighed regretfully, and had no choice but to settle for the next best thing: "Mu, you have to trust me, I am the best craftsman, leave those materials to me, you will definitely not regret it."

His eyes were burning with anxiety, he waved his arms to try to increase his persuasiveness, the beard on his face was jumping with excitement.

"Sol! Tell me something for me, am I the best craftsman? Come on, tell me something for me." He is just a blacksmith who is immersed in the research of forging technology. Helping to intercede is already the biggest detour.

Seeing that he was about to leave, he was so anxious that his head was about to smoke.

"Ai Cui is indeed the best blacksmith." Saul was shaken by the dwarf king, and nodded amusedly, but that's all he said. If he wanted his friend to keep the precious materials, he said no. exit.

When the steps were at the bottom, Mu Chenxing stepped down from the donkey, pretending to be troubled and said: "King Ai Cui, since my friend is begging for you, then how about this, An Suyin, I can leave it to you, but I need to exchange some knowledge .”

Ai Cui seemed really anxious, and before the voice fell to the ground, he agreed without thinking: "What do you want? Just say it."

"The technique of restraining gravity and mind-controlling weapons." Mu Chenxing had just finished speaking, but Ai Cui didn't hesitate at all, leaving a sentence "Wait for me to get it!", turned around and ran away, running like a five-hundred-pound child.

Both of these are unpopular technologies. Although they are very high-end, they do not affect Nidaville's foundation in the field of forging. He thinks it is a good deal to get the opportunity to research new materials.

Discovering and mastering new materials is the root of continuous progress in forging technology.

Seeing the dwarf king running happily away like a child who got a new toy, Mu Chenxing felt like a profiteer who deceived honest people.

"Is it not good for me to do this?" He turned his head and asked Saul.

The eldest prince of Asgard is more familiar with the customs of the Nine Realms.

"Everyone takes what they need, and he is thanking you in his heart." Sol patted Mu Chenxing's shoulder with a smile: "It's not good to be too soft-hearted, you will suffer."

"There are not many honest people left, and they need to be well protected." Mu Chenxing pointed out something, and decided in his heart that the incident of Thanos' massacre of Nidaville was unnecessary in this world.

While the two of them were chatting, Ai Cui ran back and stuffed a few books that were half the size of a normal person into Mu Chenxing's arms, and said excitedly: "It's settled, no Repent!"

This stack of books is made of unknown materials. It is half-length wide and one meter high. It can't be grasped even with straight arms. It weighs several hundred kilograms. With Ai Trisai's huge force, Mu Chenxing almost failed to hug him.

Anyway, he also has hundreds of tons of strength, and he looks like a kindergarten kid in front of this dwarf. He thinks Ai Cui's strength is probably no less than that of Hulk.

Kaiyuan's scanning speed was very fast. He frantically held the book and put it into the storage space, and he had already completed the entry of pictures and texts.

Both of the required technologies are not lacking, and there are some related equipment forging skills. Very good, mind control can expand the scope of action of mind coding technology, and the scope of application of gravitational constraints is wider, ranging from planetary protection force fields to small ones. Body weapon drive is a good choice.

This kind of gravitational means that can identify friend or foe is really interesting and has extremely high practical value.

The difference between dwarves' magic and technology is much smaller than that of Asgard, and it is not difficult to analyze based on the existing information.

"King Ai Cui, the transaction is completed, and I am leaving." Mu Chenxing happily shook hands with Ai Cui to say goodbye.

"Mu, I will prove to you that I am the strongest craftsman in the universe, and your weapons will definitely be forged to perfection!" Ai Cuilin declared his oath when parting.

To be honest, Mu Chenxing has no shortage of dark silver, and only an angel in Chaoshen knows the forging technology of this metal. He doesn't think the dwarves can conquer it in a short time.

But there's no need to pour cold water on it, either.

"I'm looking forward to your good news." Leaving a word of encouragement, he and Sol led the team back to Asgard.

Naturally, special personnel are responsible for the storage of equipment, and this small army of more than a hundred people embarked on the journey again.

Muspelheim, the original place of fire giants, is the place where fighting is really needed.

The surface of the entire planet is incomparably desolate, without a trace of green, and there are landforms left over after the volcanic eruption everywhere. Black and gray are covered in every corner, and the smell of sulfur fills the nostrils.

"It feels like it's over 200 degrees, so there's plenty of heat." Mu Chenxing stretched out his hand and condensed a palm-sized fireball. He was going to try his "magic" here.

"The stones here can be ignited, but for the aborigines, it's a harsh winter, and they are hiding underground to keep warm. Be careful, don't be attacked by surprise."

Although Sol was speaking admonishing words, the excitement visible to the naked eye, as well as the hammer turning into a flywheel in his hand, all showed that this guy was a militant.

"I'll go check out the enemy's situation first, and be careful." He left an order that was not an order, and he flew away with a "swoosh" like a cannonball, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"What are we going to do?" Mu Chenxing was very uncomfortable with this command method.

"Get ready to respond. There will be a fight on his side in a while." Sif shrugged her shoulders in a familiar manner. They have fought together for thousands of years, and the eldest prince has also been stubborn for thousands of years.

"Defensive formation, shields set up, knives unsheathed, bows stringed, and spears in place!" Vostagg, one of the four warriors of Asgard, showed his presence and began to command the army.

Hogan and Fandral also pulled out their weapons with ease, waiting for something to happen on Thor's side.

Cooperating with your tactics is that the eldest prince flies out to attract monsters, and you guys just wait there?

Facts have proved that the four warriors of Asgard still know their prince very well. After a while, Sol was like stabbing a hornet's nest, chasing a lot of red-glowing stone men and ferocious beasts with strange shapes.

The most normal creature is a western dragon flying in the air.

Now that the fight has started, Mu Chenxing is also ready to try his skills, and shouted: "I'm going to set off a fireball, stand still!"

(End of this chapter)

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