Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 16 It's Serious to Strengthen Yourself

Chapter 16 It's Serious to Strengthen Yourself

Du Qiangwei was very angry, but she didn't do anything in the end. With Mu Chenxing's weak appearance, she would faint in minutes with just one finger. She was afraid of being blackmailed.

She can hear the other party deliberately changing the subject, but she won't follow other people's train of thought.

Continue to ask: "You have the ability, why don't you want to fight for the country?"

Mu Chenxing raised his chin and pointed to the gate of the office building: "The gate can be opened, why don't you let me in? I respect their choice, so I stayed outside. I hope you also respect my choice and don't bother me I."

There is always some difference between ideal and reality, Du Qiangwei doesn't know how to persuade, this is not what she is good at.

Lena would not comment on such things. After all, she is an alien who just came to Earth. Although she has a casual personality, she is not really stupid.

It's better not to have such an embarrassing thing come out of her mouth.

And Qilin is still pondering over the phrase "My heart belongs to me".

Today's experience completely shattered her previous worldview, and she narrowly escaped death. Mu Chenxing's incoherent excuse got into her heart inexplicably, and she fell into deep thought unconsciously, trying to distinguish these words true or false.

Thinking about "the heart belongs to you", does it refer to yourself?Thinking back to the scene after scene that happened in the past two days, my heart was full of thoughts, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

For a while, the four were silent.

At the headquarters of the Xiongbing Company in the background, Ducao sighed and ordered: "Qiangwei, close the team and bring Qilin back to the academy. That Mu Chenxing, don't force him, let Ajie contact him later. You can't be friends, Don’t be an enemy either! Don’t forget to arrange someone to send him back to the hospital.”

The resources for the first phase of the Xiongbing Company have already been arranged. One more first-generation sniper left over from the Kamigawa civilization can be tightened up, and some materials can be picked up to make a set of equipment, and Mu Chenxing, who is not easy at first glance, can be added. , it's really not easy to arrange.

Since you don't want to come, let's think about it in the long run.

It is impossible to give up. With his vision of war for more than 1 years, how could he fail to see the value of this child.It should be transported by micro wormholes, right?A strategic weapon of the same level as Rose.

The humanoid crocodile that appeared at the beginning was definitely not a simple mutation. The gluttonous warriors behind must be hunting this crocodile, which means that the combat power of the two sides is almost equal.

The existence that needs to use team tactics to deal with must be the carrier of the super gene.

To be able to teleport a super soldier, one must have the computing power to solve the super gene, which is the basis of micro-wormhole transportation.Qiangwei hasn't been able to do this step yet, that Mu Chenxing did it first, it's not easy.

You must know that the purpose of Star of Promise's development of time and space genes was to limit the power of the galaxy that Dexing was developing.

Space-time Rose is a super gene that can rival the three major god-making projects. People who can compete with Rose are definitely not ordinary genetic warriors.

Such a high-level gene carrier has quietly appeared on the earth, and it has already been activated.

"It's troublesome!" He stared at Mu Chenxing's file with a sad face.

Capturing super fighters with space abilities is an unavoidable move. It seems that you have to work hard emotionally.

The policewoman named Qilin has greatly increased in value.I hope Ajie can grasp the proportions.

While Ducao was thinking about Mu Chenxing's problem, another person was also contacting his main god because of this problem.

Snow originally didn't care about it after reshaping Thornton the Crocodile God. Whether Taotie can subdue this ultimate beast body is their business.

But a man from Earth suddenly appeared and teleported Thornton away. He was standing near the place where the confrontation took place, but he couldn't track the space fluctuation no matter what.

It shouldn't.

Except for his main god, the space transportation in the known universe is all developed on the basis of micro-wormhole transportation, and it is impossible for him not to track it.

Snow's expression hidden behind the skull mask was very distressed, and his tone was full of entanglement: "My God, I can't trace the traces of the wormhole transport, that super soldier on Earth has strange abilities, do you want your subordinates to capture him? "

He had to be careful, Taotie's millennium war plan, on the surface, was to attack the earth, but in fact, the main god had a bigger plan in it, and he didn't want to destroy the layout of the main god because of his recklessness.

"Come back, now is not the time."

"My god, Thornton has disappeared, do you want to continue searching?" Snow was a little worried that such a big third-generation god would disappear if he said he couldn't see it. He was also a third-generation god himself. He still felt threatened.

"Don't worry about it, it's nothing important."

"Yes, follow my God's will."

Mu Chenxing didn't know that someone was secretly "missing" him, and he wouldn't care if he knew, because caring would be useless.

The water in the Chaoshen universe is very muddy, and there are too many secret schemes, but all the schemes are based on strength.He is just a little grasshopper who can't jump very high, what's the use of caring about these plots?Can he participate?Or can it be stopped?

both are not.

So, it's a serious matter to quickly become stronger.

After bidding farewell to Qilin and the others, after returning to the hospital, they ate something casually and fell asleep.

There are too many things in the past two days, he has not been able to sleep well, and he is very lack of sleep.

This sleep went straight from the afternoon to the early morning of the next day, and the body recovered well, at least not so weak that the legs were weak, and the tingling in the brain also subsided, and my body seemed to be getting more and more used to the existence of thoughts. .

This is good news.

When Ajie went to visit him in the hospital in the morning, he had already been struggling for a long time in the dirt pit of the super-power out-of-control universe.

The mentally handicapped council directly sent him back to the collapsed cave. Fortunately, when he unfolded from zero dimension, he had quick eyesight and quick hands, and received the earth and rock where he landed into the storage space, otherwise he would be embedded in the collapsed ruins. Either way.

Then, just like a groundhog digging a hole, use the force field and the remaining two cubic meters of space after installing Thornton to dig up bit by bit.

That is to say, mind scanning can accurately grasp the geological structure, otherwise, he probably will give up this universe.

"Is it possible to absorb space elements only during the first time travel?" He asked the smart assistant Xiao Fan boringly while working.He was very dissatisfied that the space was too small and it was inconvenient to work.

【Yes, Chairman】

"Why?" Putting the earth and rocks under his feet, he continued to use his thoughts to clear the obstacles above his head.

[Multiple interferences will lead to the collapse of the information structure of the cosmic barrier.The concept of peaceful coexistence of the council does not allow the destruction of the multiverse, and only absorbs fragments when it first intervenes. Once the channel is fixed, a new self-consistent cycle will be formed, and changes are no longer allowed]

"The moral level is quite high." Mu Chenxing covered his mouth and nose, took away the last small stone slab covering his head, and finally saw the light of day again.

After the chat was over, I wiped off the oozing nosebleeds, and it was time to get down to business.

When he came back here, he came here for that super crystal, but he came here to try his luck with the idea that it might increase his mental power.

However, according to the scanning results of the Psychic Field, the crystal cluster, which was as tall as a person, seemed to explode from the middle, and it was actually broken into slag, and only a few fragments were preserved.

What the hell happened that night?He was at a loss.

When he was underground, he had already used his thoughts to detect several larger crystal fragments.His deduction is not wrong, there is a kind of oscillating energy wave in the crystal, which can indeed enhance one's thoughts.

It's a pity that after walking around the ruins three times, all the energy has been absorbed, and his force field has only expanded to a radius of 40 meters, and the strength can only lift a stone the size of a human head, which is estimated to be less than ten kilograms.

When can I fly by myself?

(End of this chapter)

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