Chapter 171
Blue sky, white clouds, green grass, and a little skirt dangling around.

"You're gone, Zhi Xin." Mu Chenxing lay lazily on the grass, talking nonsense.

"No, I'm in the blind spot of your vision, you can't see it." Zhi Xin answered seriously, and was very sure that the guy lying on the ground didn't peek at him.

Such a blunt way of speaking was really heart-warming, and Mu Chenxing almost laughed out loud.

"You are dangling around, what do you want to do? If you have anything to say, just say it."

"The force field bomb you used to kill Tianzha Huaye is too powerful. Is it a black hole? I want to know the structure of a black hole. But I don't have the technology to exchange it with you." Zhixin felt a little guilty, the value of this cutting-edge technology It was tall, but she couldn't help but be curious.

"Why are you struggling with this matter?" Mu Chenxing directly sent the technical information of the black hole bomb.

He would definitely not give it to others, but Zhixin is different. When he didn't understand anything at the beginning, he was guided by her a lot. The void controller is also the underlying structure she helped to create, and he is the most familiar with her in the angel.

"This technology is not so much a black hole bomb as a micro-wormhole simulated by a dark energy force field." He carefully explained: "We all know that the structure of a space force field is incomplete. Come on, there are some topological errors.

These topological errors are called space-time vortices, small black holes, or micro-wormholes at the microscopic level.The principle of the black hole bomb is to simulate this wrong structure at the macro level.

Because it is originally a defect, once the erupting dark energy field is exhausted, the space will automatically correct itself, and it looks like a black hole that rises and disappears instantly.When the energy bursts out, it has no power. When the space converges, the atoms will be torn to pieces by the space energy.

When dealing with Hua Ye, I deliberately induced him to release the energy of the black hole engine with all his strength. At this time, he would face the pressure of rewinding the energy he released and preventing the black hole from forming around him. Then I took the opportunity to detonate the black hole bomb, which caused a chain reaction. It completely broke the energy balance, so it seemed particularly powerful.

This is a special case. Normally, the range and effect of the black hole bomb are not that strong.Pay attention to this when you use it in the future, it is not as powerful as a real black hole. "

Zhi Xin thanked him contentedly, and then continued to wander around near Mu Chenxing.

"According to what I know about you, shouldn't you rush back to the laboratory to research new technologies? Why are you still wandering around here?" Mu Chenxing sat up curiously, and looked back at Zhi Xin behind him: "You unusual."

"Sister Yan told me to watch over you and not let you go secretly to fight the devil."

"I don't even know where the devil is, and I can't hit it even if I want to." Mu Chenxing shook his head helplessly. He used the space-time controller to observe the future countless times, and he couldn't find any trace of the devil within a hundred years.

As for the information after a hundred years, it is worthless.

The future is uncertain, and it will continue to change with the current choices. Let alone a hundred years, the information ten years later will not have much reference value.

The only valuable intel he got by looking into the future was that the demon was hiding.Also hiding is Karl.

Karl's residence is no longer in the original place. He used the big clock to eliminate all traces, and he couldn't find it at all.

Mu Chenxing really understood what the leader of the Yiren Civilization under the command of the angels said. He was helpless. In a jihad between angels and demons, they would fight against eighteen generations of their ancestors.

It's not that it takes a long time to exchange fire, and angels don't need them to fight head-on with demons, but it is too time-consuming to find traces of enemies in the vast universe.

In every war between angels and demons, it takes thousands of years to find the enemy, and it takes hundreds of years to fight intermittently after finding them.

This fucking is the rhythm of space war.

Mu Chenxing leaned back and lay down again.

bored to death.

"I know Du Qiangwei is with Morgana, you must have contacted her." Zhi Xin was very sure of her judgment.At the beginning, all the heroes and soldiers were equipped with miniature dark blue and the quantum communication system loaded on it.

"Well, I got in touch. She told me not to seek death, and then ignored me." Mu Chenxing felt his friend's concern, but this kind of concern was a waste of time.

There is nothing to hide. Zhixin and the more than 100 angels stationed on the earth are equipped with the same communication equipment as the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company, so there is no way to hide it.

He originally had Morgana's communication channel, but now the Demon Queen changed the communication frequency and completely lost contact.As for using wide-area communication to make an appointment, that is pure brain damage, and will be calculated to death by the secret enemy.

Everything has pros and cons.

The act of standing up has consolidated the precarious order of justice, and the low-level civilization of the earth once again has a safe environment for development, but it also allows the enemy to hide deeper.

It is really difficult to tell which is better and which is worse for a while.

"Qiangwei is right, don't seek death." Zhi Xin's words made Mu Chenxing very speechless, he was like a stunned young man, who stipulated that Yue Zhan could not bring Yan and He Xi there together?

The three fourth-generation gods all have the blessing of void technology, and the devil is nothing. The only one who can defeat them is Karl, and Karl has to use the big clock with all his strength.

But after thinking about it, it doesn't make any sense if I can't beat it here. The enemy can't be found, so what's the use of having a high combat power?
"It's so boring." He couldn't help complaining.

He kept observing the future before, and the sequelae began to appear. After experiencing thousands of years in a short period of time and seeing various future developments, he is not interested in anything now, and feels that life is very boring. too lazy to do it.

This emotion cannot be allowed to continue to develop.

Since there is no way to elevate the state of mind to a particularly high level all at once, then it is necessary to find something new to stimulate the mind that has begun to become numb.

"I have something to do with Hiko."

After talking to Zhi Xin, he got up in a jiffy, spread his wings and flew towards Yan's palace.

Yan is listening to the reports of his subordinates in the palace hall. There is nothing too urgent, most of them are trivial incidents of affiliated civilization.

There are even individuals in some civilizations who pray to angels for help in the injustice they encounter.

Mu Chenxing sympathized with what happened to these people, but he really didn't think it was a big deal, which civilization was fair?Suffering happens all the time, and there is no sympathy for it.

But it's part of the everyday life of an angel.

Maybe...maybe...this is Kesha looking for a way for Angel to pass the boring time?He's in a bit of a state of mind right now, so maybe he's seeing things a bit out of the ordinary, but he really thinks it might be a good idea.

Longevity species really need something to pass the time, otherwise life would be so boring.

"Yan, I have something to tell you, can these angels avoid it for a while?" Mu Chenxing said to Yan in the communication channel after entering the hall.

"The angels present, please go out first." Yan waved and ordered, and after all the angels in the hall saluted and left, she stepped off the throne, came to Mu Chenxing's side, and asked, "Is there anything urgent? Let's talk about it in advance." , I will not agree with you to challenge Morgana."

"It has nothing to do with the devil. There are some things that I should let you know." Mu Chenxing was not a long-winded person, and directly sent out an invitation to join the council.

This is the first time he has sent an invitation to a creature that does not belong to the earth.Well, Tiamat does not count, in his heart, Tiamat was conceived by the earth.

Yan flipped through the information in his mind, and was so surprised that he almost shut down. The higher the civilization, the more he could understand the great power of traveling through the universe.

It took her a long time to calm down.

"So, during the period of time when you didn't have dark information records on your body, did you go to another universe, instead of deleting those information?" After she finished speaking, she felt that this question was a bit mentally retarded, shook her head, and sighed:

"It's unbelievable! The multiverse is just a conjecture, and no one can prove it. I never thought that there would be a life that can travel through the multiverse, right in front of me. Moreover, there is an organization that spans the universe."

"Will you join?"

"Of course, I have to catch up with you. As I said, I pursue you as an angel's future, but this future is different from what I imagined, and it's a bit unexpected." Yan agreed to join with some sighs, Became the No.11 director of the council.

When she just joined, she was not in a hurry to reply to the welcome of other members, but frowned and thought for a moment, and then used the treasure house of knowledge to deeply encrypt the dark information during this period.

While encrypting, he warned: "Before Karl is defeated, don't expose it."

Of course Mu Chenxing understood this truth, nodded and replied: "I know, I have been using Qiyuan to encrypt related information."

"You suddenly invited me, are you going to leave again?" This is not difficult to guess, Yan can figure it out in an instant, she asked with full expectation: "Will you take me to travel to other universes in the future?"

"When will you be able to walk away?" Mu Chenxing asked softly, both of them knew that it must not be possible now, Queen Keisha has not been offline for a long time, and if this queen goes offline again, what kind of chaos will happen to the angels.

"It may take 1000 years. I have never been like this at this moment. I hope that Anisid will grow up quickly."

"I never thought she would be a good king of angels." Mu Chenxing really had a hard time agreeing with a feudal queen in charge of angel civilization.

At that time, I don't know what attitude she will have towards the earth. After all, she is a king who has come out of conquest and plunder, so I'm afraid it's not a good thing.

"I'm not a good queen either." Yan shook his head, then looked into Mu Chenxing's eyes, and said with a smile, "My heart is no longer here."

Mu Chenxing couldn't bear it a little bit, avoided looking, and said: "Okay, all the benefits of the council have been paid to you, and I'm leaving."

After speaking, without waiting for Yan's answer, he started the traversal program and traveled to the newly positioned universe.

He couldn't tell what was going on with his feelings for Yan and Qilin. He had never been in love in his past and present lives, and he didn't believe in love either.

"A wise man does not fall in love."

"People who love have weaknesses."

"I have no weaknesses."

He stood in the quaint alley, muttering some gibberish.

Cleaned up his chaotic mood, scanned the surrounding environment, stretched out his hand, and transformed the clothes into a moon-white ancient gown, stroked his hair, and the hair instantly grew long, and it was tied into a bun. Don't worry about hosta.

A young man from the Tang Dynasty who had not yet grown a beard appeared.

He didn't wear a hairpin, let alone a hairpin. Although this thing belonged to the fashionable attire of men in the Tang Dynasty, it didn't meet his aesthetics.

Walking out of the alleys, watching the wooden buildings facing the street, listening to the strange local dialects, and feeling the charm of ancient Chang'an, surrounded by eight waters, connected to the world, and the imperial capital of the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

It is now the 13th year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty, and the influence of the troubled times has basically calmed down. It is the beginning of the prosperous times, with cars and horses like dragons and people flowing like weaving, which is quite impressive.

Mu Chenxing walked for a while in the direction of the palace, where there were not many people, so it was convenient for him to see the scenery.

After a while, I came to the south side of a promenade, and I could no longer go forward.He is a commoner and cannot walk in expensive places.

Facing the pawns who shouted, he didn't care about it, and replied with a smile: "Let's go now, let's go now."

Turning back to the south, I was going to find a place to eat and taste the original Tang cuisine, just to calm down and scan the complete information of this world carefully.

His external device is in the void world, and there are sixteen universes providing energy support, so he just scanned the world roughly, and did not rush to analyze the microwave background radiation, energy spectrum, and proofreading data.

Just a few steps away, I felt something strange above the clouds, looked up and saw a bloody head was falling from the sky.

Antlers, ears, whiskers, and fish scales are as big as a millstone, majestic and ferocious.

He had never seen what a real Dongfang dragon looked like, but when he saw this thing, the first thing he thought of was the dragon head.

There are dragons in this world, which is interesting.

He took a few steps towards the side of the street to avoid splashing blood.

The falling speed of the faucet was not low, and within a few breaths it hit the Thousand Steps Corridor. The soldiers on duty nearby were so frightened that they yelled and scrambled. Mu Chenxing happily watched the joke, who told you I just bombarded me, so I didn’t remind you to scare you to death.

But when he smiled, his face froze.

In the 13th year of Zhenguan, Qianbu Langnan, the cross street, the dragon's head fell to the ground.

Could it be Wei Zheng Zhanlong?

Is this head that fell off the Jinghe Dragon King's unlucky thing?
No, although he didn't scan it carefully, he was sure that this was the earth, so he quickly re-scanned it again. It was indeed a planet, and it also had dark energy, and the energy reaction was particularly active.

The world of Journey to the West is on Earth?

No way, isn’t the human world in that world the four major continents?

But then I thought about it, the Tang Dynasty is in Nanchan Buzhou, and Tang Sanzang is going to Xiniu Hezhou to learn Buddhist scriptures. The two continents are only equivalent to the distance from the west of China to India, and they have not yet left the Asian plate.

In this way, the four major continents are not that big!

No matter what, first establish the data model of the earth, and then you will know what's going on.

To be honest, he is a little flustered now, he may have come to a world full of gods and Buddhas, and he may have been discovered.

(End of this chapter)

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