Chapter 186
Zhixin cheered a little early, because she couldn't make the final decision.

Whether Hexi will open up her own database, and whether Yan will share the treasure house of knowledge is not up to her.

"Teacher, this is a technological leap across the ages. You will definitely support it, right?" She has already started the first step of project promotion: soliciting sponsorship.

She knew very well in her heart that she alone could not complete the scientific research project of Angel of Light.

Hexi's thoughts were not on the new technology, and he sighed faintly: "Oh~, the angel's dowry is a bit too much."

She has no objection to investing in the power of the galaxy, this is Keisha's choice, but will the investment be too much?
The prodigal little queen wanted to give away all of Angel's family fortune, and her good student wanted to give away herself.


She's right to want to watch the Battle for Love track, but angels can't be vassals of any existence.She, Kaisha, Liang Bing, and so many female angels of the older generation raised troops to overthrow the Tiangong, because the female angels did not want to be vassals of Tianzha.

"It took Tian 5 years to enter the god-level civilization and master the super gene technology. It took another 3 years to advance the technology to the three generations of gods.

It took 7000 years to go from three generations of gods to four generations of gods.As for the five generations of gods, we have studied them for 1 years.Mu Chenxing, the power of the galaxy, you want to get these technical reserves, so please tell me, what are you willing to pay? "

Information sharing is fine, as is technical support, but the angel has paid too much. She doesn't want to get anything right now, but needs to let the Galactic Power accepting the investment clearly see the angel's sacrifice.

"I will become Angel's most steadfast ally." Mu Chenxing really didn't know what to give Angel. The technology of the void controller was very impressive, and he didn't want to give it the technology of imitating the Infinity Gems. That was his trump card.

He has nothing else, and angels don't like small things, so they can only provide combat support.

As for bringing angels to plunder other universes, it is not in line with his values, and the current alliance cannot achieve the level of large-scale cross-universe development.

So, really nothing to give.

"Huh?" He Xi asked suspiciously: "Aren't you our most steadfast ally now? I always thought you were already. It seems that we are self-indulgent. This answer is really sad."

After finishing speaking, he shook his head and sighed pretendingly, as if he was very sad.

It's too fake, let alone her student's heart, even Mu Chenxing can tell that he doesn't want to fall into Pipixi's routine, so he asked directly: "What does King Hexi want, just tell me Bar."

"I want you to be Angel's most steadfast ally." He Xi blinked innocently, and said with a smile, "Wang Fu is also fine."

"Sister Yan hasn't said the guardian declaration yet, teacher, you shouldn't be involved in the affairs between her and the male god." Zhi Xin blurted out these words without thinking.

He Xi smiled even more happily, waved his hands, and said, "Okay, I agree, the Space-Based Computing Group will support your Holy Light Angel project."

Of course, this was said to Zhi Xin, and the authority was also allocated while speaking.

"Thank you teacher, let's go to Queen Yan to discuss this matter." Zhi Xin couldn't wait to grab Mu Chenxing's hand and flew out of King Tianji's garden.

Looking at the backs of the two, He Xi curled his lips and muttered in a low voice: "It's no wonder that the little queen objected."

Her inference was correct, and Yan had no objection at all.

Angel of Light officially approved the project.

Zhi Xin plunged headlong into the laboratory, devoting all her mind to the ocean of data, Mu Chenxing was appointed by her as the No. [-] experimental subject, and Yan was appointed as the No. [-] experimental subject.

The final results will be applied to the two experimental bodies, and no outward diffusion is allowed.

But it has not yet reached the stage of human experiments. These experimental bodies only need to provide computing power to help researchers complete preliminary data collation and data proofreading.

The specifications of the Holy Light Angel project are very high. Qiyuan, the sacred knowledge treasure house, the space-based computing group, and the sky-blade computing group all participate in the calculation. This is the highest computing power under the big clock, not one of them.

The confidentiality level is also listed as the highest level, only Mu Chenxing, Yan, Zhixin and Hexi have the right to know.

"Did you discover the leap in life form when you went out surfing? The vast universe and novel things are really fascinating."

Yan leaned lazily on the back of the chair, looking at Mu Chenxing, her eyes were full of longing, she also wanted to travel the multiverse and take a look at the colorful scenery.

During the Tiangong battle, Yan's prestige increased significantly. With Hexi voluntarily retiring, the first-line angels basically agreed with the new queen and began to accept her ideas.

Queen Keisha's silver blade domain was once again reappeared by the new queen, which made them very excited.

They still don't know that Yan is not good at transporting micro-wormholes, but prefers to play with lightning strikes.

And the style of the power of the galaxy was fully displayed in that battle, and it even had a taste of overwhelming the universe. Pursuing the power of the galaxy and bidding farewell to single-sex civilization were recognized by more and more new generation angels.

"You are not afraid of going offline suddenly and causing chaos in Tiancheng, you can do it at any time." Mu Chenxing was a little sluggish, 99% of Qiyuan's computing power was devoted to scientific research, a large amount of data calculation and frequent brain-computer interaction, let his brain a little tired.

He was deeply attracted by the angel's research materials on the five generations of gods. He has been reading day and night for the past few days, consuming a lot of brain power.

"Can protons really be manipulated? Can the idea of ​​using quark coherence to manipulate protons really be realized?" He had considered the idea of ​​continuing to develop microcosms before, but Angel went deeper than his thinking and had already started experiments in this area.

The proton in the nucleus is composed of three quarks. The angel's idea is to use the strong mutual force inside the nucleus to influence the quarks, plan the movement of the quarks with a ternary programming program, and finally realize the purpose of manipulating the protons.

Unfortunately, it has not been successful yet.

There are many reasons for the failure. The biggest obstacle is that the movement of microscopic particles cannot be found at all, and the coding cannot be completed. The uncertainty theory of quantum movement has been verified again.

"You need to learn to rest, otherwise you will get bored after a long time." Looking at Mu Chenxing, who is sluggish, Yan is a little funny. This kind of enthusiasm for knowledge is very interesting, but the unrestrained devotion seems clumsy and youthful. astringent.

"How long can your enthusiasm last? 100 years, or 1000 years? Excessive fatigue will only consume such enthusiasm. You need to learn to combine work and rest to keep yourself curious about knowledge. Otherwise, one day, you will stop."

She thinks it is really interesting to guide the development of the little male god, which seems to be called nurturing in the civilization of the earth.

Well, that sums it up pretty accurately.

She can keep this enthusiasm for 1000 years.

"Hehe." She couldn't help laughing.

"I think you're thinking something impolite in your mind." Laughing for no reason, it must be thinking of something good, Mu Chenxing is sure.

"If you want to do something disrespectful to me, I won't refuse." Yan tilted his head, blinked his big bright eyes, and asked with a smile: "Do you want to? I'm right here."

"Cut." Mu Chenxing rolled his eyes in disdain.

He knew this Yun Siji too well, and he was good at talking, so he must not really believe that once he took action, the abstinence package was waiting in front of him.

All angels have passed the test of abstinence, and Yan is the best among them. This guy was imprisoned by Keisha for 100 years.

He suspected that Yan's hobby of molesting male gods was the sequelae of being locked up.

"You can't live a day without teasing me, can you?"

"Well, that's a good summary." Yan didn't hesitate to praise himself.

Mu Chenxing curled his lips in disgust, and drove him away: "Go and deal with the angel's government affairs quickly, and don't disturb me from becoming a great scientist."

Yan had no intention of leaving at all, and complained: "Blue sky, white clouds, mild sunshine, refreshing breeze, and a beautiful angel beside you, but you only want to be a scientist. This pursuit is not right."

"Tiancheng doesn't revolve around the stars, where the sunlight comes from, it's all holographic projections."

"Shouldn't the focus be on my beautiful angel? There's something wrong with your focus."

"That means I already have the mind of a scientist."


Time slipped by amidst the vast sea of ​​data and Yan's occasional teasing, as if more than half a month had passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, Mu Chenxing found a cosmic void area where matter and energy were extremely scarce, and released the half-dead Ksitigarbha and the jade bottle containing Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Jizo's body was released by the destiny flying sword in the world of Journey to the West, triggering a chain annihilation reaction. After it was released, it fell into the dark and cold space, and the soul was also used by Mu Chenxing to break the treasure and clear the wind. completely destroyed.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's combat power is very strong, but this is not Journey to the West, the spirit energy cannot be replenished, and the laws are not well adjusted.

Along with her were the souls of Lingji Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, both of which were destroyed by the Pobao Qingfeng Order.

Mu Chenxing became an immortal in Journey to the West, and his energy level didn't increase much, but his soul became much stronger, and the power of Juling dispatched generals also grew accordingly.

But he didn't arrest the souls of a few bodhisattvas for his own use, because after he became a fairy, he felt the disadvantages of mixed souls, and the detaining generals could no longer keep up with his growth.

The data of this battle, as well as the analyzed body data of Guanyin Bodhisattva, have greatly promoted the research progress of the Holy Light Angel project.

There has been a major breakthrough.

"The living cells are redefined by the void controller, the mass-energy conversion has been preliminarily completed, and the data model of the full-energy divine body structure has been established." Zhi Xin reported the progress of the experiment.

Speaking of this, she asked Mu Chenxing suspiciously: "According to the structure of Qiyuan, its calculation speed is extremely fast, at least hundreds of times higher than the theoretical computing power, and it has surpassed the treasure house of knowledge in this respect, no doubt It should."

Of course, Qiyuan did not surpass the treasure house of sacred knowledge. After all, it took the heavens 1 years to complete the construction of a large project.

The calculation speed has been increased by a hundred times, of course, because its time has been accelerated.

But Mu Chenxing didn't want to explain the function of the space-time controller, and said, "Don't care how fast it is, just say it's awesome or not!"

Zhi Xin smiled and nodded to confirm: "Awesome."

Since some secrets were involved, she didn't pursue it any further. Yan and Hexi didn't intend to get to the bottom of it. After smiling, they continued to listen to Zhi Xin's report:
"Angel's research on bioenergy cannot meet the standard of perfectly utilizing the new biological system you discovered. Therefore, we need to replace this new type of bioenergy with another energy system to support the underlying structure of the god's body cells."

She paused, frowned slightly and said: "Among the data you sent, I found a virtual experiment of using photons to build a human body structure, which is a very good idea.

But you made a mistake.

It is wrong to completely use the dark matter computer to control the body cells. Whether it is the simplest super gene of the first generation or the most complicated fourth generation god body, the main program to control the body is the thinking of intelligent life, and the dark matter computer is only an auxiliary.

No matter how powerful the computing power of a computer is, it cannot compare to the natural thinking of a living body. It is an instinct, a natural choice, and it is extremely smooth in controlling the body without a large amount of redundant data. "

"So we need to bring in the data of thinking fluctuations." She made a final summary: "We can go to the next step."

The next step after the data model is established is the time for the No. [-] experimental subject, Mu Chenxing, to go into battle.

"The photon chosen by the underlying material?" It was exactly the same as his choice when he thought about energy life.

According to metaphysics, life is inseparable from sunlight.

According to scientific theory, photons have wave-particle duality, and mass-energy conversion is relatively convenient.

Photons are not matter, they are extremely tiny energy groups one by one, which have both the characteristics of energy and some characteristics of matter, so it is the choice that everyone expects.

The data model deduced by the fifth-generation divine body project named Angel of Light is based on the sacred body of the fourth-generation divine body, and the structure of the sacred atom is constructed by photons to convert material life into energy life.

At this point in the deduction, for Mu Chenxing, the rest is easy.

Because he has a reality controller, he only needs to know what to do. As for how to do it, the reality controller said: Leave everything to me, and I will take you to fly!
It's just so unreasonable.

So, after receiving the data, under the astonished eyes of Zhi Xin, Yan and He Xi, he directly turned into a real light angel with golden wings and a blazing white body, constructed of photons.

"It's finished, so I don't feel a sense of accomplishment." Zhi Xin felt a little lost, as if she had just raised her enthusiasm and then it was over.

My heart is a little empty and dissatisfied.

Hexi's azure blue eyes are full of light, because the vitreous body of the eyes is reflecting the light from Mu Chenxing.

My heart is complicated.

For more than 2 years, Kaisha and her have been making continuous progress, constantly upgrading the divine body, and protecting the angels.Now, she finally doesn't have to live that tired life anymore.So happy and so empty, is this what retirement feels like?She can't say good or bad, it's just complicated.

Relatively speaking, Yan is a man of action, curiously moved to Mu Chenxing's side, and poked his chest with his hand.

"It actually feels real, and the new life form is very interesting."

(End of this chapter)

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