Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 196 Mr. Carl You Let Me Down

Chapter 196 Mr. Carl You Let Me Down
A huge black claw grabbed it head on, very fast, and appeared in a very tricky position, but it could only return in vain in the face of the speed of light.

Mu Chenxing frowned slightly and looked at Liang Bing. He was able to summon weapons from the dark plane, indicating that he was at a disadvantage in the confrontation of space technology.

The computing power occupied by the photon form is still too much, and Kaiyuan is at a disadvantage in the competition with Devil One.

He didn't have the idea of ​​rushing over to attack Liang Bing in close quarters.

The opposite side has already set up an energy shield, and the attack in the photon form is very strong, but the strength of the body is much lower than that of the fourth generation of gods.

Going straight to the energy shield, he may not be able to withstand the momentum recoil.

No way, the stability of the energy structure is naturally weaker than that of the material structure. This is the physical characteristic of the main material universe. My current technology has not yet reached the level of completely subverting the universe.

The [-] spirit bodies in his right hand were compressed by him into a volleyball-sized jet-black mass of energy, but he didn't break them up directly, nor used them to attack Liang Bing, but continued to compress them.

He has other plans.

The index finger of the left hand was stretched forward, and the wrist-thick Heavenly Blade Judgment was like a golden streamer, which instantly hit the cold ice shield, and the violent energy explosion sent the Demon Queen thousands of kilometers away.

The photon form is extremely powerful in manipulating light energy. Although the Skyblade Judgment is only as thick as the wrist when it is launched, it does not mean that the energy level is insufficient.

This is an improved version of the Heavenly Blade Trial that has undergone transformation and compression of the divine body. Its energy level is more than ten times higher than that of the original version, and it also solves the problem of weakening the impact caused by the overflow of energy.

In terms of simple energy damage, the effect has been increased dozens of times, that is, if you don't know Liangbing's super genetic data, otherwise, you can really hit the soul and blast this demon queen into scum.

Liang Bing used the energy shield to block the Heavenly Blade Judgment. Mu Chenxing was not surprised. The corner of his mouth was raised slightly, and his left hand was pulled horizontally. The Heavenly Blade Judgment was like a huge golden long sword, slashing fiercely on the wings of the demon. .

His goal was not cold ice.

The material and energy in the Eridanus void are extremely scarce, and the total amount of energy that the devil can use is limited. Facing the improved and compressed version of the Heavenly Blade Trial, the energy shield cannot do both.

Especially when the space structure is disturbed, the space-time shield can't be used at all, and they can't escape. The devil has no other choice.

The energy was allocated to Liang Bing, and the protection of the Demon Wings battle group was naturally reduced.

This is not a disadvantage at first, because here, the energy of both the enemy and the enemy is equally lacking, but Mu Chenxing has the support of more than a dozen outer universes, and the energy is almost endless.

Therefore, he can feign attack on Liangbing first, mobilize the enemy's arrangement, and then break the demon's stronghold in one fell swoop.

If you can’t compete with Devil One in terms of computing power, then just blow it up.

This is one of the benefits of sinking the celestial-level computer into the dark plane. Keisha suppressed Karl in this way, right?The computing power of the big clock is invincible, but it can be blown up in the main material universe.

The tactics are simple and crude, but they work well.

The shield of the devil's wings was extinguished in a violent explosion, and a torrent of golden photons swept across, cutting both the devil's wings and the devil one in two before the cold ice rushed back.

【Redefining the spatial structure】

【Completely block the space barrier】

Without the confrontation of Devil One, Kaiyuan successfully completed the task, and the notification sound of the smart assistant Xiaofan was very beautiful.

Now, this space is my domain.

Not in vain, he used the space-time controller to observe more than 800 kinds of futures before he came, and finally grasped the node of victory.

For those who can take an open-book exam, the tricks don't need to be too complicated, just making the right choice at the right time is enough.

"Bichi!" Liang Bing looked at the wreckage of the demon's wings burning silently in space, feeling the drop of computing power like a cliff, and the completely uncontrollable micro-wormhole, with a gloomy and complicated expression.

She understood that her path had come to an end.

"Come on, let me feel the power of the new generation of gods." She opened her arms, quietly waiting for the fatal blow.

As one of the former three kings of angels and now the queen of demons, Liang Bing is a decent person, even if she dies, she will die calmly, and she will never allow such ugliness of struggling and begging for mercy to appear on her body.

Well, except when her sister hits her.

"Leng Bing, you little scumbag..." Qiangwei flew over in a hurry, but she opened her mouth, and finally swallowed the pleading words.

There is no way to say it.

Time-space Qiangwei can forgive what the devil did to the earth, but Du Qiangwei, a soldier guarding the earth, absolutely cannot forgive it.

Seeing Liang Bing calmly going to death, she had mixed feelings, and in the end she could only sigh.

"Qiangwei, grow up quickly, don't let down the time-space gene, unfortunately, I can't be with you anymore." Liang Bing looked at Qiangwei with a smile on his face, unlocked the time-space gene lock, and also changed the calling authority of the devil's claw. sent it.

"Okay, the funeral is over, little bastard, you can do it now." She didn't look forward to death, but she wasn't afraid of death either.

Mu Chenxing was not in a hurry, and squeezed the souls of more than 4000 demons compressed into the size of a ping-pong ball, and said regretfully: "I thought Liangbing was your true love, but it turned out that it wasn't, Mr. Carl, you let me down. .”

He was really disappointed that the well-prepared methods didn't work. Karl still didn't lick enough. In the future he watched before, Karl really didn't appear a few times, but the chances were small, but it still made him a little lucky.

"Mr. Carl is ashamed to appear in front of the cold ice queen?" Mu Chenxing is still working hard, he knows in his heart that the big clock is always paying attention to the cold ice's movements.

"The aggressive method is very low-level." Carl's projection appeared in this airspace.

"So your real body doesn't dare to come over? Remotely controlling the big clock can't break my blockade." Mu Chenxing replied with a sneer.

Karl ignored this level of ridicule, the image flashed, and appeared in front of Liang Bing, inviting him affectionately: "Leng Bing, I have always reserved a void particle for you, start the era of void with me. "

"Carl, did you come to see my old lady's joke? Then you will be disappointed." Liang Bing didn't have a good impression of Carl. After the other party proposed to take the initiative to invest in the void, the differences in ideas made it impossible for them to return to the joint research and development of time and space. Gene period.

If Keisha hadn't been too strong, she wouldn't have formed an alliance with Karl at all.

Karl's void theory negates everything about the main material beings, and he wants to let all the main material beings die. This kind of idea is unacceptable to Liang Bing.

"The Age of Void is bound to come." Carl still persuaded with full expectation.

But with this attitude that if you don’t join me, I’ll just watch you die, not to mention that Liang Bing is very disgusted, Mu Chenxing has the urge to curl his lips, and Qiangwei frowned even more, looking at Carl’s back in disgust.

"What does it have to do with me? My old lady is dying." Liang Bing urged impatiently: "Little bastard, you want to use me to catch Carl, that's pure nonsense, if you want to do it, just do it, don't be a motherfucker Yes, let me look down on you."

"As you wish, Ice Queen." Mu Chenxing sighed, it was a pity that Carl's licking dog still didn't come over.

That's it for now.

It's time to call it a day.

【Construct the Void Barrier】

【Building a Light Energy Furnace】

[Redefining light energy, defined as: infinite]

The area where the cold ice was located was blocked by a golden void barrier, and then golden-red energy exploded in it, gradually turning into blazing white.

The huge amount of light energy with an infinitely high energy level has a destructive power exceeding that of a supernova explosion, destroying every atom of the cold ice.

Dazzling rays of light bloomed in the pitch-black space, as if a super bright miniature sun had been born.

During this period, Karl's projection was always standing beside the void barrier, watching the cold ice fall intently.

I waited until the light energy furnace was extinguished before turning around, staring at Mu Chenxing with burning eyes, and said: "The old era will eventually pass away, and the new era has come. Who will lead the new era, you or me, I am looking forward to it This answer."

"In my eyes, you are a remnant of the old era." Mu Chenxing replied angrily at this coward who dared not show up for a fight.

Angry, he crushed the "bomb" constructed with the demon's soul.

Already discovered, this means no second chances.

Carl didn't care about praise or slander, and still said flatly: "If your eyes can only see war, it will disappoint me very much."

After speaking, he disappeared.

He didn't get all the results in one battle, and he didn't know when he would be able to catch Karl next time. He didn't like the kind of interstellar war that would last thousands of years.

"Chen Xing, well done, we finally got revenge." Ji An and the others flew over from a distance.

"Master Mu is so awesome. He defeated the whole demon by himself. I only knew you were awesome before, but now I know that you are so awesome." Xin Zhao was carrying a jetpack, looking at it like an alien creature. The Mu Chenxing in photon form.

"Master Mu turned into a small light man in seconds, so ferocious as a horse, this fucking is in the form of a nine-tailed beast! I've seen it in cartoons, and this is Naruto's tailed beast coat." Liu Chuang was very envious and wanted to have one. "Tail Beast Coat".

"Let's clean up the battlefield. There are still a lot of demons surviving, so get rid of them as soon as possible." Mu Chenxing switched back to the sacred body, and took the lead to fly to the battle group of demon wings.

In fact, his biggest goal is to get the celestial-level computer: Devil One, and the data inside.

Needless to say about the battle, Qiangwei's genetic engine was unlocked by Liang Bing. On the earth side, there are two fourth-generation gods and two third-generation gods, as well as two third-generation fighters and Xin Zhao, the second-generation speedster.

The surviving demons lost their faith, their fighting spirit was low, and they were quickly wiped out.

Mu Chenxing flew near the wreckage of Demon No. [-], preparing to increase his computing power for himself.

Countless silver lights flashed in the air, and the redundant external structures such as palaces and lawns were cut away layer by layer, gradually revealing the main body of the dark computer which was about the size of an asteroid.

Putting together the main structure that had been split in two, he began the restoration.

[Turn on the space-time controller]

【Lock target】

[Open time backtracking]

The core of Demon One was merged into one body in time travel, and all damage gradually disappeared.

[Start decoding, 1%...10%...100%]

【Complete decoding】

[Obtain the highest authority of Devil One]

It took a long time to crack, but no one controlled it, and the energy supply system was disconnected, and the intelligent program that could only run at low power was eventually erased. Xiaofan took over Devil One completely, and then entered the void world. Become a part of Qiyuan.

When he cracked Devil No. [-], Qiangwei led Ge Xiaolun and the others to dismantle some important parts of the Devil's Wings. If it wasn't for the Dark Plane, they wanted to move the entire Devil's Wings back to Earth.

The legacy of the top civilization is a good thing that can't be met but not sought after for the earth, and it must not be let go.

"There's no need to do this, right?" Mu Chenxing couldn't see this look of picking up trash.

He passed a piece of information about the Demon Twin Wings battle group to Ji An. This thing can be made with a void controller. Except for the core computer and the information in the database, the value of the others is not very high.

Of course, this is his perspective.

From Ji An's point of view, the demon battle group needs to occupy all of its computing power and energy, and it takes more than 1000 years to complete it.His computing power and energy are incomparable to those of Mu Chenxing.

After getting the information, I went to disassemble some parts that were not easy to manufacture to save manufacturing time.

This operation did save him more than 100 years of time.

Coupled with the previously disassembled parts, about 400 years later, he will also have his own astro-level computer, and the earth will have the top-ranked space battle group in the known universe.

Some technical information Mu Chenxing obtained from the angel, such as Tianren No. [-], the underlying structure of the knowledge treasure house, etc., was not passed on to others. It was the angel's investment in him, and it was inconvenient for him to spread it.

Now that I got the devil's inheritance, it belongs to the war seizure, and I can dispose of it casually, without considering other influences, and I can give it to whoever I want.

"Let's go back to Earth."

"Go home, go home. After killing the demon, it feels like Sun Wukong has taken off the magic spell, and I feel relaxed, and I don't have to worry about the demon returning to the earth anymore."

Ji An really breathed a sigh of relief. He is in charge of the extraterrestrial defense and space defense, and he is always worried about whether the devil will come back.

"My old grandson has never worn a magic spell." Sun Wukong joked with a smile.

Of course he knew the story of Journey to the West, it was a novel fabricated by his teacher based on him, and he was much more familiar with it than others.Many plots in the story have his suggestions, and the participation rate is quite high.

"Brother Monkey, you really haven't made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace? You haven't gone to the Western Paradise to get sutras?" Xin Zhao asked curiously.

"No, it's a novel, don't take the novel as real." Monkey King replied with a smile.He has only been a Taoist in heaven, and has never made a big disturbance in the heavenly palace, and there is no heavenly palace on the earth.

"Ah, my childhood is gone! I met Sun Wukong, but he is not Sun Dasheng."

A group of seven people chatted and laughed, passed through one space door after another, and returned to Earth not long after.

When they raided the demons, it was the same way, but the atmosphere was much more tense and the action was much faster.

(End of this chapter)

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