Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 203 Fascinating Power

Chapter 203 Fascinating Power

"You really know everything." Mu Chenxing looked at the Supreme Mage who stepped out of the space gate, and felt that the time gem was a bug.

"I'd rather not know anything." Gu Yi smiled and shook his head, sometimes the gift of fate is not so sweet.

The conversation between the two was clouded, and Tony, Banner, and Ethan, who were standing next to them, only half understood what they said, knowing that there was something in the words, but they didn't understand what it meant.

But Mu Chenxing had no intention of explaining, and reached out to take the time gem that Gu Yi handed over.

Gathering all six infinity gems, this is what he thought of a few years ago, to complete the divine manifestation without harming the earth, and let Tiamat be born in the best growth form.

It was related to all life on earth, he pondered for a moment, if he was not going to release Tiamat now, he had to test the mighty power of the six infinite gems in order to make an accurate operation.

What if the operation is wrong and the earth is blown up?
I have to be careful.

Anyway, with his physical strength, it wouldn't be a problem to snap his fingers a few more times.

The time gem was brought into the dark plane, using dark silver as the base material and Ulu metal as the wire, a hexagonal metal platform the size of a palm was made to install the gem.

After the installation was completed, he teleported to outer space and snapped his fingers pretendingly.

Snapping fingers is not a ritual of manipulating gemstones, but a psychological suggestion to strengthen one's will and to clarify one's own thinking.

Then, his dark plane collapsed.

The platform carrying the gems appeared in the main space emitting black smoke.

A huge amount of energy impacted every cell in the body, overloading the four generations of divine bodies, with colorful plasma sparks all over the body, and damage to the gene engine in many places.

"It really hurts." Mu Chenxing grinned happily, baring her teeth.

Because he got what he wanted.

A light golden crystal about the size of a little finger with a glowing white glow inside.

This is a completely new substance.

The six phases of quarks are composed of six photons, and the protons are composed of three quarks. The protons are aggregated into atomic nuclei, and the collision of atomic nuclei produces electrons. The entanglement of electrons aggregates atoms into molecules.

This is a substance composed of photons as elementary particles.

real substance.

It is not like his photon form, which simulates the pseudo matter of the structure of the four generations of gods by photons.

He was very excited. The basic material of the five generations of gods was found. A real material that has both light energy and material properties, does not react with the Higgs field, has no static mass, can reach the speed of light, and has infinite dynamic mass. Made it.

Although there is still the scattering of photons, but this belongs to the radiation of the weak mutual force, and it is the half-decay phenomenon of matter.

Moreover, it can actively capture photons to maintain its own material composition, and its half-life is in units of hundreds of millions of years.

"The fifth-generation divine body project can continue." He couldn't even wait for the wounds on his body to heal, and ignored the collapsed dark plane, and immediately passed the crystal built by photons to Yan.

"You discovered another strange substance?"

Yan took out this small crystal pillar from the storage space, and just had a preliminary understanding of its physical characteristics, his pupils dilated in shock, and he said with unbelievable emotion: "I can only describe it as magical, The multiverse is really exciting."

"I made it!" Mu Chenxing's pride was almost overflowing, and said proudly: "I made it with my own hands, a new substance that has never appeared in the known universe. It imitates the elementary particles in the early days of the Big Bang to build matter." the process of."

"Although I haven't had time to understand all its characteristics. But it is more than enough to support the fifth generation of divine body technology. I even have the idea of ​​the sixth generation." He didn't say a word.

That is, since the composition of atoms is already known, the Void Controller can continuously manufacture. As long as he wants, he can even use this material to completely transform a new race.

"My male god is too powerful." Yan praised his little male god across a universe.

"Your compliment didn't mean anything, forget it, how about a bet?"

"What bet?"

"I bet Zhixin will definitely name this substance Holy Light Crystal." Before Mu Chenxing had time to name the new substance, he immediately passed it to Tiancheng, in order to let Zhixin conduct detailed research.

Of course Hiko knew this.

"I think Zhi Xin will name it the Holy Light Crystal." She made her own judgment.

Mu Chenxing was a little confused, and asked, "What's the difference? Holy Light Crystal, Holy Light Crystal, what's the difference? There's only one word missing, and the meaning is the same."

"You just said whether to gamble or not?"

"It's a bet!" He laughed and said, "If I win, I will ask for a new posture next time. If you win, the posture is up to you to decide."

"Little pervert!" Yan lightly spat, but there was some itch in his heart, and he didn't mean to refuse.

"Okay, that's it, I'll give it to Zhi Xin now."

"Waiting for your good news." Mu Chenxing smiled and activated the void controller, repairing the injuries on his body.

He deliberately didn't use void technology to enhance the strength of the divine body. He just wanted to know the energy characteristics of the six infinite gemstones combined, and the specific effect of impacting the four generations of divine bodies. Now that he has first-hand information, he can already target it.

【Redefining the divine body】

【Enhanced Radiation Resistance】

【Enhance cell strength】

【Strengthen energy conduction】

He repaired his injuries, strengthened his body, and recreated a platform carrying infinite gems. The second time he snapped his fingers, there was only a burst of colorful light on his body, and there was no injury at all.

Of course, the energy level used by the gemstones this time is also relatively small, because this time a complex energy buffer structure was burned on the original carrying platform, with the intention of transforming it into a mechanical component that can perfectly carry the energy scattered by the six gemstones.

very successful.

Mu Chenxing was so successful that he couldn't understand it.

The palm-sized platform turned into a flat hexagonal octahedron with a diameter of [-] centimeters, a bit like a thickened arm shield.

The base is still dark silver, but on the side inlaid with gemstones, Uru metal depicts an unusually complicated energy circuit, like a three-dimensional hexagram magic circle, with 1024 layers arranged on a thickness of one centimeter, each Layers are engraved with complex energy circuits like runes.

Mu Chenxing counted carefully, and there were more than [-] runes on each floor.

A total of more than 60 runes and criss-cross frame lines constitute a three-dimensional energy buffer and resonance structure.

Did he use scientific energy to buffer his thoughts and create a magic equipment?
Really amazing!
There are too many mysteries of the infinite gems, and the controller he imitated is as rough as a child's toy in front of the real gems.

Continue to experiment and accumulate research materials.

The third time I snapped my fingers, the gem bearing platform named by Mu Chenxing as the infinite stabilizer glowed with colorful luster, and countless rays of light flowed back and forth in the small hexagon, as brilliant as a galaxy.

He only felt a little pressure, like jumping into the water and feeling his whole body being pushed by the water pressure.

Not to mention being injured, not a single hair was broken.

It is estimated that any super soldier can control this kind of energy shock.

Sure enough, it was very stable, and there was no mistake in my thinking.

This time, with the soul gem as the main force, he purified his soul, and cut Qu Tong and Surter into two soul clones by cutting three corpses. They still relied on Mu Chenxing's will, But it has become an independent entity.

The heterogeneity of the soul has been completely resolved, and there are two more independent souls who claim to be his clones, which are both separated and unified, as if they are a trinity.

"In my subconscious mind, do I have the idea of ​​learning Weishandi?"

He didn't get too entangled in this problem. After three experiments, he almost figured out the operation mode after the six infinite gems were gathered.

The mind gem magnifies thinking, the space gem connects the universe, the soul gem locks the target, the reality gem maps the mind to the main universe, the power gem coordinates all energies, and the time gem solidifies the completed result.

That's it, his ideas are realized in the prime material universe and anchored as reality.

This kind of power is so intoxicating.

With a snap of your fingers, you can do whatever you want.

"But it doesn't mean I'm invincible." He was reminding himself not to drift, and keep in mind the truth that waves are easier to be beaten.

The power of the six infinite gems is very powerful, but it also depends on whether the people who use them have a thorough understanding of the universe.

Because when using them, it is impossible to do things beyond cognition.

How can it be possible if you can't think of it?
For example, Mu Chenxing wants to create a universe, even if the Infinity Stone has that kind of power, it is impossible to do it.

His understanding of the universe is still very shallow. He doesn't know the structure of black holes, the mechanism of action of the giant attractor, the secrets of dimensions, and so on.

If you can't imagine how to do it, you can't make gems.

Power is within the scope of cognition, just like fate cannot be separated from the light cone.

"I'm powerful, but not invincible." He nodded, refreshing his self-awareness.

The data of several experiments were deduced repeatedly in Kaiyuan, and the six controllers imitating the Infinity Gems were also gradually perfected, and merged in one place like the Infinity Stabilizer.

A hexagonal octahedron with a diameter of ten kilometers and a height of three kilometers was gradually created in the void world.

Mu Chenxing named it the World Controller. It combines the functions of six infinite gems, but it is not bound to any universe. Its ability is not as powerful as the infinite gems, but it can travel with him in the multiverse.

The pros outweigh the cons.

Now, it's time to get down to business. He casually created a fully transparent viewing platform in space, maintaining the gravity, air, temperature, humidity, and radiation on the earth's surface.

Then Gu Yi, Tony, Banner, Ethan, and Daisy who was shopping in New York were all sent over.

They will be here to witness the super life that has been conceived by the earth for a billion years, complete the final step, and become the real gods.

"Tiamat, are you awake?" he called out to the sleepy Miss Celestial in the council's internal chat group.

"I can't wait." Tiamat replied happily.

"Wait, wait, I want to go there, and I want to witness the birth of the god!" Ma Xianhong shouted like a child who saw a new toy, afraid of missing such a grand event.

"Me too!"

"Wait for me!"

Several other directors also spoke one after another, expressing their desire to join in the fun.

Except for Qilin who didn't come over, the members of the council are basically all together.

Mu Chenxing knew that Qilin was hiding from him, he respected anyone's choice and acted as if nothing had happened.

He turned his head and asked Yan who hurried over: "As the king of angels, you always play disappearing, can't Tiancheng fry the pot?"

"The first time is familiar and the second time is familiar, they will get used to it." Yan urged with a smile: "Hurry up, I have to go back after I finish watching."

"Okay." Mu Chenxing took a long breath and stabilized his mind. It concerns all life on earth, and he is still under a lot of pressure.

"Tiamat, are you ready?"

"let's start."

Mu Chenxing opened his investigative eyes, and his spiritual consciousness and mental power were all shrouded on the earth. He went through his thoughts again, and then snapped his fingers with full concentration.

After the sound of "snap", the entire earth trembled slightly, and Tiamat's body curled up with four limbs, with a golden luster, suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

She stretched out her hands and feet, occupying all the sights of the directors, and her huge body comparable to the entire earth brought endless shock.

"Such a strange existence has given me a new definition of life." Yan's eyes glowed white, and his heart was filled with admiration.

"God..." Ji An opened his mouth. In the end, he didn't expect any word to describe Tiamat accurately. He sighed and said with emotion: "Sure enough, only the word God can describe such a great existence."

"This is the god?" All the directors felt that their brains and eyes were not enough.

Jaw-dropping is what they are now.

"Majestic, vast, and awe-inspiring. I salute you, Ms. Tiamat." Gu Yi bowed slightly, and gracefully greeted the mage.

"Hello, Ancient One." Tiamat's voice passed through the vacuum environment of outer space, and with a strong echo, it was transmitted to the viewing platform.

She stretched out her big golden hand, held the platform in the palm of her hand, and moved it in front of her. With eight red eyes, she carefully looked at the members of the council.

"Nice meeting, hello." They had chatted before, but this was the first time offline.

"Hello, Tiamat."

"I only know that you are very big, and now I know that you can reach this size."

"It is an honor to meet you, Lady Tiamat."

All the directors replied one after another, and the figure of the god was completely beyond the limit of their imagination.

Many people even worry about whether Tiamat's own gravity will tear the earth apart, or cause geological disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods.

But their worries are completely unnecessary. Even if Tiamat is placed in the entire Celestial Group, she can still be ranked in the forefront. She can control her own gravity and energy very well. Even standing next to the earth can make the ground People can't find her.

"Mu, I'm leaving. I was born with the mission of creating galaxies. There are more and more intelligent life forms. I need to create new galaxies as soon as possible to maintain the balance of the universe." She was about to leave.

"Can I go and see?" Mu Chenxing was particularly interested in creating galaxies, and wanted to know more about the power of the Celestial Group.

(End of this chapter)

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