Chapter 241
Mu Chenxing was not surprised by Luo Ji's answer.

He had read Luo Ji's biography, and he was not a gentle man, he would be quite a scumbag when he was young, and he only chose projects that could gain attention and swindle funding for his research.

Ya is not a good person.

If it wasn't for ETO forcing him to death, and later having Zhuang Yan, he really wouldn't have embarked on the road of saving the world.

In the Crisis Era, the Trisolarans were a guillotine hanging over the heads of the people on Earth, and they were a threat of annihilation. Human beings were extremely panicked. However, the panic was only a psychological factor. hurt the people of the earth.

After all, the First Fleet’s voyage speed is only 1% of the speed of light, and it takes hundreds of years to fly to the earth, and sophons have negligible impact on the macro level.

It's the ball thugs, the ETOs, who really do the damage.

If no one forced Luo Ji, he would probably continue to mess around and live an ordinary life, and he would never have any contact with the Three-Body Problem until his death.

But the turning point of fate appeared in front of Yang Dong's grave. Luo Ji, who went to visit his classmate's grave, met his classmate's mother, Ye Wenjie. After a few gossips, he was forced to embark on a road of self-help.

The Trisolarans regarded him as a threat, and ETO tried to assassinate him again and again, so he had to save himself.

Then the dark forest deterrence that pulled the enemy to die together was born.

For the rest of Luo Ji's life, he was always in a state where I wanted to drag the two civilizations to die together.

He has long since overcome the fear of death, and he has long since let go of the moral burden of sending the entire earth civilization to hell with his own hands.

To put it bluntly, he is not afraid of death, nor is he afraid of dragging the earth people to die together.

Without such awareness, he could not survive the inner condemnation of more than 60 years, let alone the criticism and blame from his compatriots.

The confrontation between civilization and civilization cannot tolerate the slightest weakness.

"Okay, if you want to hear it, I'll talk about it." Mu Chenxing said jokingly: "The answer is very simple. Sometimes, if you can't beat it, you can choose to join."

After finishing speaking, he changed his tone: "Then, here comes the question, what qualifications do you have to join us?"

"join in?"

This answer is something Luo Ji never thought of. The relationship between civilizations in the universe that he understands and verifies is the law of the dark forest, a killing field where you can live and die, and a hell where you will suffer a fatal attack if you are exposed.

Do high-level civilizations need to absorb low-level civilizations?

what is the benefit?
Low-level civilizations are not even qualified to be the bottom labor force of others, right?

What is the picture?

"Aren't you joking?" The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it didn't make sense.

A strong man who can destroy the three-body body with a single raise of his hand, how powerful the opponent's civilization will be, has exceeded the limit of his imagination.

With such a civilization, where on earth can the other party look at it?
"I'm not joking, I can indeed provide an option for you to join, and I can also shelter you. But, again, why do you impress me?"

Mu Chenxing doesn't have a good impression of the earthlings in the Trisolaran universe, but he wants to do an experiment here, an experiment that requires official cooperation and folk approval.

The cultural reflection of the Three-Body Problem for decades and the earth's generous social security system have weakened the bodies and wills of most of the earth's people. They are weak and blindly obedient, which is a good experimental field.

"Your social trend of thought pursues refinement, softness, and beauty, and you yearn for a protective god in your heart, but I want to become a real god, a god that requires the belief of all living beings.

However, you should have the most experience. Your compatriots don't know how to be grateful at all, and their hearts are not beautiful.I am hesitating whether to accept you. "

Mu Chenxing explained his intention a little bit, but he didn't explain it clearly.

As a dimensional lord, there are now hundreds of thousands of mages borrowing their magic power, and the magic attribute of Holy Light has indeed improved to a certain extent.

The magic power of the holy light increases the energy level of the holy light dimension, which will naturally grow accordingly, and promote the growth of the soul.

But there is a threshold for mages. It is not possible to become a mage by simply pulling someone in. The loan business of magic power is also very cumbersome, and there will be a day when the upper limit will be reached.

He has been thinking about whether to take the line of faith recently.There are not so many restrictions on belief, and the body size will increase tens of millions of times.

Therefore, he needs a test field.

It is necessary not only to accumulate experience in developing believers in modern society, but also to pay attention to the balance between religion and society, and whether it is possible to achieve organized and planned missionary work initiated by the government.

He was thinking, and Luo Ji was thinking too.

"People's hearts." The old man sighed quietly, and said with emotion: "It is the human heart that releases the infinite light, and it is also the human heart that creates the boundless darkness. Light and darkness are intertwined. This is the world we are nostalgic for but helpless.

You stand high in the sky.But standing in the sky and looking at all living beings, all living beings are ants.That position does not generate sympathy and empathy, all you see is a dog in the dust, and you just feel disgusted. "

His life of more than a hundred years has been full of ups and downs, and he has a deep touch on human nature.

"I don't want to discuss philosophical issues with you, it's meaningless." Mu Chenxing casually made a storage device that could be read by the earth, which recorded a large amount of image information about the destruction of the Trisolarans.

After handing it to Luo Ji, he said, "Let me see if you are worthy of protection."

After speaking, he took Luo Ji back to the sophon shielding room, and the four people inside did not leave. They were all relieved to see the two returned, especially the broadcast switch in Luo Ji's hand was not damaged.

In the past few minutes, their hearts were exactly like the barbecue spread on the iron plate, sizzling with oil.

"You know what I want, right?" Mu Chenxing asked with a smile.

Only Luo Ji could understand these words. Ignoring the doubtful eyes of the other four people, he nodded and said solemnly, "Please give us some time."

He knew clearly in his heart that the earth was not qualified to refuse, but he didn't know how to persuade the leaders of various countries and the people who hated him.

The three-body problem can be deterred, how should this person deal with it?

He is really afraid that some people will not understand the situation and will fall into the earth to death.

"We need a little time to discuss this matter, I hope you can understand. We will give you a satisfactory answer as soon as possible."

"Okay, I can give you time." Mu Chenxing's biggest goal today was to use the destruction of the Trisolarans to break Luo Ji's psychological defenses. Now that his goal has been achieved, he is in a good mood, and he is not going to forcibly force this future director.

"It contains my contact information, so I'm leaving." As the words fell, his figure also disappeared in this narrow sophon shielding room.

"Luo Ji, where have you been? What does he want?" the chairman of the PDC asked anxiously.

In the past six months, his hair was turning grey, and the attitude of the Trisolaran was ambiguous, like a guillotine that could fall down at any time. The new aliens could not be found at all. I thought it was because Luo Ji was getting old. Hallucinations appeared, or lies to fool the Trisolarans.

Today, it is confirmed that there are really other aliens, and they have directly landed on the earth, and they can appear and disappear at any time, which is obviously more powerful than the technology of the Trisolarans.

While waiting for Luo Ji to return for a few minutes, he felt that after a century, he was afraid that water droplets would suddenly appear and completely destroy the gravitational wave antenna.

Several other officials from the United Nations and Starship International were also full of anxiety and doubts.

"Look for yourselves, the Three-Body Problem has been destroyed." This was originally good news, but Luo Ji only felt tired.

He handed over the knuckle-sized memory chip, and then put the gravitational wave broadcast switch tightly in his hand on the chair, as if he had delivered a heavy task.

There is no reading device here. Several people hurriedly opened the iron door and came to the nearest conference room. They didn't care about whether the information would be leaked to Sophon, and began to seriously check the information in the chip on the computer terminal. information.

The amount of information is huge, and the whole process of the collapse of the Three-body civilization is recorded from a high-altitude perspective. The explosion of the human body, the collapse of the building, the destruction of the equipment, and a full set of high-definition images record the collapse of a civilization.

"In a few minutes, the two of you went to the Trisolaran galaxy 4.2 light years away, wiped out the entire Trisolaran civilization, and then returned to Earth unscathed."

The chief of staff of Starfleet International felt that he was watching a sci-fi movie, and it was the kind of imagination that had no limits.

"It's unscientific!" He couldn't believe it.

"Although I don't think it's real, it's the truth." Luo Ji still hasn't figured out what kind of scientific theory he should use to explain his experience.

"The First Fleet that the Trisolarans changed course at the beginning was not destroyed." He reminded.

But his reminder was not taken seriously, and several others were trapped in panic, trying to deduce the technology used by the aliens, so that their hearts could gain even a little sense of security.

The unknown is the most frightening thing.

"Space warp or Einstein's Rosen bridge can probably achieve such an interstellar voyage, but I really don't want to understand how a billion lives and so many equipment and buildings are destroyed in a few minutes of."

None of the five people sitting here are cutting-edge physicists, and no one can explain how the alien named Mu Chenxing did all this.

"We may need to gather some scientists to verify the authenticity of these materials." A UN official at the meeting expressed his opinion: "Perhaps we also need some psychologists and psychiatrists."

He doubted whether Luo Ji's experience was falsified, and continued: "All of this needs to be verified, and Sophon, we need to talk to her, and check the information on the three bodies from the side."

"He suddenly appeared and left suddenly. There was no sign of the shielding room being opened halfway. He obviously mastered space technology that we can't understand. I think the authenticity is very high."

"Everything needs verification."

Several high-level officials were arguing, and Luo Ji sat on the sidelines in silence, thinking about the issue of faith raised by Mu Chenxing.

Listening to the other person and being believed in can give him strength.

What power is that?What kind of technology?
If it is true, then why have there never been gods and Buddhas all over the earth?

Hard to understand.

Mu Chenxing didn't care about the debates at the higher levels of the earth and Luo Ji's distress. He was browsing some materials copied from the Trisolarans.

Most of them are not used for birds, only carbon-based bio-recovery chambers, sophon-related research and data on space curvature-driven engines are pretty good gains.

While watching the bionic robot Tomoko perform the tea ceremony, he deleted useless information from the database.

Theoretically speaking, Kaiyuan's storage device can be increased infinitely, but it records the relevant information of [-] universes, it is better not to occupy the capacity with some unnecessary information.

Although it is not necessary, Mu Chenxing still maintains a good habit of cleaning up useless information and redundant garbage.

Sophon's movements of making tea are skillful and smooth, and there is a certain rhythm of the body, which is indeed a bit of beauty. The bionic robot technology on the earth is not bad, and the spiritual cultivation of the operator of the Trisolaran opposite is not low.

"You should have already received the news that the mother planet is destroyed, don't you hate me?" He had no idea about the remaining Trisolarans, neither did he have the desire to chase them down, nor was he afraid that they would reveal the coordinates of the earth.

Coming to Tomoko is more like visiting a tourist attraction and relaxing your brain.

To be honest, I was quite exhausted after studying the four-dimensional fragments without sleep for more than half a year.

"We have long since lost our home planet." Sophon's voice was soft and soft, and the volume was just barely audible, which fit the peaceful and peaceful atmosphere in the courtyard very well.

"I hope you can find a place to park as soon as possible." Mu Chenxing's blessing came from his heart, and he understood what the other party expressed.

They should have been abandoned more than 60 years ago when Luo Ji issued a deterrent declaration and the mother star ordered to turn around, and they were abandoned and became a starship civilization.

Interstellar travel is not like driving a car. It is not easy to turn around.

Especially those backward spacecraft of the Trisolaran First Fleet, they rely on inertial navigation most of the time, and the engines of the spacecraft will not be turned on all the time, just to save fuel.

Regardless of acceleration, deceleration or steering, because the fuel carried is limited, it is pre-planned according to the destination.

The First Fleet didn't think about returning home at all, and the Trisolarans believed that the earth didn't have the power to allow them to return home.

Therefore, when they received the order to turn, it meant that they were abandoned by their home planet and had to survive alone.

Slow down, turn around, and accelerate back to Trisolaran, their fuel is not enough.

They became a starship civilization more than 60 years ago, and the only consolation is that they have not entered the sophon blind zone and can keep in touch with their parent star.

After Mu Chenxing killed the Trisolarans and everyone in the Second Fleet, the First Fleet became the supreme authority of Sophon, and the bionic robot Sophon and the microscopic detector Sophon were all under their command.

"I won't hunt you down, I think you can understand what I mean." He didn't want to waste computing power on these poor creatures floating in the deep space of the universe.

I hope Yun Tianming and these poor Trisolarans can survive.

"We promise not to broadcast Earth's coordinates when there is no threat to it."

Although Tomoko's tone was soft, this sentence was indeed a threat.

"You're a quick learner." Mu Chenxing shook his head, and said with a sneer, "Not everyone is called Luo Ji, I won't kill you just because I'm too lazy to kill you.

If this can give you some inexplicable sense of security, then it's up to you. "

(End of this chapter)

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