Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 246 Let's talk about a deal

Chapter 246 Let's talk about a deal

Mu Chenxing knew in his heart that the cleaner he found now was not the singer who appeared in 70 years, but the one who destroyed the three-body problem in the original book.

Both should belong to the same civilization.

I don't know the name of that civilization, and there is no specific information, so it can only be called Singer Civilization.

With just a few words, he couldn't judge how far the singer civilization had developed.

Ordinarily, one should not provoke unknown civilizations when the information is unknown.

However, the track of the Trisolaran Second Fleet headed straight for the solar system. If the track left by the conventional vector engine is okay, the diffuse dust cloud will fill and eliminate the track.

But that fleet is equipped with space curvature drive engines, and the slow fog formed by them compressing space is difficult to repair naturally in a short period of time, and it is also extremely conspicuous, and will be judged as a threat by the higher civilizations of this universe.

Because they are afraid that the civilization that has mastered the curvature engine will surpass them.

Space curvature-driven technology is an inescapable threshold for technological civilization to enter the space age, whether it is the Trisolaran universe or other universes.

The theory is not bad, but the application is different.

Take the Three-Body Universe and the Chaoshen Universe as examples.

The former is a brutal direct compression of space, like plowing, it will leave an indelible track in space, which will have a very large impact on time and space. The advantage is that there is no upper limit to the speed in theory.

The slow fog of low-power engines and the dead line of high-power engines are both products of this technology, which is an injury that cannot be recovered for thousands of years.

The super god universe first builds a space bubble, then compresses the space field structure at the front of the space bubble, and stretches the space field structure at the back, so that it is pushed forward by the main space of the universe, just like a fish swimming in water.

The advantage is that the trajectory is not obvious, the space field recovers quickly, and the impact on the universe is minimal.The disadvantage is that the speed of the ship is almost meaningless. Basically, more than 3000 times the speed of light is the upper limit, and it is impossible to reach ten thousand times or hundreds of thousands of times the speed of light.

The pros and cons of the two cannot be judged simply and crudely.

This is just a different choice caused by the difference in the "social ecology" of the two universes.

The top civilization of the super god universe built the big worm bridges all over the universe, and other god-making civilizations also have their own short-range worm bridges. The main navigation method of them and their affiliated civilizations is not the curvature engine.

It can also effectively prevent the development of curvature-driven technology that destroys the space-time structure of the universe.

Just like with airplanes and high-speed rail, is there still a need to be harsh on the speed of cars?

Why bother?no need.

But the Three-Body Universe is different. This is a cruel universe where every meeting is life-and-death. There is no soil for building a bridge of insects. Whoever builds that thing will be a target.

Hiding themselves and killing the enemy is their pursuit, and other needs have to be sidelined, so there is only one way to go to the dark, driving the car out of the speed of the rocket.

The pressure of survival is too great, and everyone is a persecuted delusional patient.

Low-level civilizations are on the verge of death, and pre-nuclear civilizations that can send out interstellar broadcasts must be cleaned up, and civilizations that have mastered the space curvature drive technology are regarded as a great threat.

Over time, under hundreds of millions of years of natural selection, hiding oneself and killing the enemy has become the mainstream value, and the law of the dark forest has enveloped the entire universe.

Singer civilization calls it the hidden gene and the cleansing gene, and regards it as a necessary condition for survival.

The Three-Body Universe has embarked on a road of no return for low-level civilizations to imprison themselves or die, and for high-level civilizations to kill their enemies at all costs.

Then keep reducing the dimension, and finally reached the point where it can only restart the universe.

This is the general environment, and it is also the prerequisite for Luo Ji to be able to deter Trisolarans, and it is also the reason for the successive destruction of Trisolarans and the earth.

In the original book, the three-body attack the earth, and Gravity sent out a gravitational wave broadcast.The gravitational wave signal travels at the speed of light, and it takes three years to be transmitted to the Trisolaran galaxy, and it will take a longer time to transmit it to the wider deep space of the universe.

But it only took one year from the broadcast from Gravity to the destruction of the Trisolarans.

That means that the cleaners sent by the singer civilization are not the Trisolaran civilization that was discovered after receiving the coordinate information sent by the earthlings.

Instead, he found out and launched a light particle attack without hesitation, destroying one of the stars in the Trisolaran galaxy and exterminating the Trisolarans.At that point, gravitational wave broadcasts would take another two years to pass through.

Obviously, the track of the curvature engine left by the Second Fleet on the outskirts of the Trisolaran galaxy is the biggest reason why the Trisolarans exposed the coordinates of their parent star.

Mu Chenxing didn't care if Trisolaran would be destroyed, anyway, the Trisolarans on it were all dead, so it didn't matter if it was bombed again.

But he is not sure whether the singer civilization will pursue the course of the slow fog and finally discover the earth.

Moreover, even if it escapes this time, it will not be able to escape the two-way foil that Singer launched into the solar system in 70 years.

Cleanup will come sooner or later.

"It's not difficult to kill this gadget, but once it is done, a big war will inevitably break out, and the singer civilization will not let go of any enemy that may pose a threat."

Mu Chenxing is not afraid of wars, but cosmic wars have to be fought for thousands or ten thousand years. Is the earth in the Trisolaris universe worth spending so much time on?
That's why he hesitated.

"Luo Ji, you need to come up with a reason why I must protect you." Mu Chenxing called the old man Luo Ji.


Luo Ji was a little confused. The Church of the Holy Light has the support of the government, and its development is not slow. Although the referendum resolution of the United Nations meeting is unreliable, there is still an attitude. It will not anger the other party, right?

What reason do you want him to think of?
His plan to use the believers of the Church of the Holy Light to deeply bond with the other party has not yet been implemented, and it is impossible to be discovered.

He calmed down and asked, "What happened?"

"An alien civilization is about to discover the earth." Mu Chenxing sent the track seven light years away, and with the radio telescope on the earth, it will take seven years to see this.

"That is a powerful civilization." He emphasized: "I may not be able to defeat them. Even if I can win, I will have to pay a huge price."

"Seven light-years." Luo Ji looked at the images of the microwave background radiation in the deep space of the universe, and there was indeed a track extending from the direction of the constellation Taurus to the solar system.

"Seven light years..." He muttered this word in his mouth, it was quite a long distance, and the thought of luck inevitably appeared in his heart.

Of course, Mu Chenxing could hear the fluke in his words, and said with a sneer: "Seven light years is far away for you, but on the scale of the universe, this distance is about the same as at the door of your house. Do you think he will knock on you politely?" Is it the door of the house?"

If other earths recognized by him quietly helped them get rid of the enemies, there would be no problem.

But the Three-Body Universe is different. The people on this earth don't recognize their good looks, call him barbaric and dirty, and don't hide their disgust at all.

Go to Nima, why should I help you fight while being scolded?

Want to get my asylum?Can.But you have to pay accordingly.

Singer civilization is not easy to fight, and people on earth may not be able to afford it. Therefore, it has to fall on Luo Ji, who let himself take a fancy to this old man.

"Can I take it to the PDC for discussion?" Of course Luo Ji knew that aliens would not knock on the door.

Recently, because of the attitude of Mu Chenxing, an alien who claims to be an Earthling, he has some doubts about the law of the dark forest that he has comprehended, but it is impossible to think that an alien civilization will have good intentions.

"Yes, but as soon as possible." Mu Chenxing agreed.

"Thank you very much." Luo Ji thanked him with a sad face. He really couldn't think of how to deal with another unknown alien civilization. He rolled his eyes and asked, "Do you have any suggestions?"

"Heh, did you use all your cleverness on me?" Mu Chenxing almost laughed angrily. On the surface, these words were asking him for a solution, but the actual meaning was to express that his interests on Earth had been threatened .

I want to use him to check and balance unknown aliens.

"You misunderstood. We know too little about the universe. I would like to ask you to give me some advice." Luo Ji's tone was quite sincere, as if he was really asking for advice.

Anyway, if he was killed, he would not admit that he had other thoughts.

"It's okay to tell you. With your current situation, there are only two ways to go.

First, launch a space war, put the enemy on the ground, and the crisis will naturally be resolved.Second, issue a safety statement so that all civilizations think you are harmless. " Mu Chenxing didn't want to deceive Luo Ji, so he told the way to get through the crisis.

"What's the security statement?"

Luo Ji didn't even think about the option of launching a cosmic war.He would not naively expect Mu Chenxing to help the earth fight for free.

He doesn't know how much resources will be spent and what price will be paid for space wars, but it is definitely indispensable, and the earth can't afford it.

So, that safety statement became a life-saving recipe.But let everyone think that the earth will not threaten them, how can it be done?
He thinks this is a paradox.

People think that the earth is safe and harmless at first glance, how is it possible?

"The safety statement is to wrap the solar system with slow fog and reduce the speed of light inside the galaxy. In this way, it will become extremely difficult for you to step out of the galaxy, and the flow of time inside the solar system is much slower than outside.

Maybe you have only passed one year, and tens of millions of years have passed outside, completely eliminating the chain of suspicion of the technological explosion, and turning into a harmless little rabbit.

This self-castration and self-imprisonment is a statement of safety.It is similar to your mainstream thought, perhaps you are more likely to accept such an option. "

Luo Ji could hear the sarcasm in Mu Chenxing's words clearly, and he could only feel bitterness in his mouth. There are two options, one is to die immediately, and the other is to die later. Anyway, it doesn't end well.

He is not in a hurry to pass the information on the approach of aliens to the PDC, it is useless to worry.

After pondering for a moment, he asked bitterly: "Just now you asked me to think about the reason for your asylum. Forgive me for my stupidity, but I really can't think of it. Why don't you just tell me what you want. If you can give it, we will give it, give it to me." No, we can just wait for death in peace."

He decided to lie flat and rot.

"Your reckless attitude annoys me very much. You are not afraid of angering me, so you have no chance of waiting to die?"

"It doesn't matter, it's all about death anyway, it doesn't make any difference if you die early or late."

"You're still playing rascals here over 100 years old, you're really good at it." Mu Chenxing shook his head dumbfounded, but he had to admit that he really didn't withdraw when he encountered a bad guy.

"Okay, I can help you fight off the enemies, but I want your souls, all of you."

"Everyone...soul?" Luo Ji couldn't help shaking his hands. There are 42 billion people in the world. He can't make this decision, and neither can the United Nations.

No one is qualified to determine the soul of others, if a person really has a soul.

"Let's change the conditions." He could ruthlessly drag the earthlings and Trisolarans to die together, but he didn't want to sell other people's souls.

"I can provide you with the technology to issue security statements, free of charge. I can also help you build a slow fog line of defense that deceives outside civilizations. The slow fog that only spreads on the edge of the solar system is very difficult. It needs to be exchanged with your loyalty and soul. .”

Regarding the condition proposed by Mu Chenxing, Luo Ji felt that he could talk about it.

"Can you tell me what is the use of your soul? It feels like a demon king in a fairy tale, wouldn't it be eaten?"

"I don't devour other people's souls, that will only pollute me. I want your souls to sign a contract, and believe in the holy light before and after death, that's all." Mu Chenxing didn't lie, he wouldn't follow those ancient gods to devour souls, Then go crazy.

He has received prayers from many people these days, which reminded him of the 24 heavenly Buddha Kingdoms of the Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha in the Journey to the West.

His world controller has the function of soul gems, so it might not be possible to create a soul space for the souls of the dead.

In this way, his followers will become more and more, and the number will only increase.

Very funny.

But he will not force others. How can a soul obtained by force have faith?
Still a better deal.

Luo Ji didn't know whether the other party was deceiving him, but he had no choice.

"I will dedicate my soul and loyalty to you, please help my world get through this difficult time."

"Don't you consider the first option? I was already thinking about how to make a hit with the singer's civilization." Mu Chenxing was a little bit regretful, the profit from this business was a bit small.

"I don't know about souls, but in this fucking universe, souls may be the only freedom for everyone. I have no right to deprive others of their last freedom."

"Okay, as you wish, sign the contract."

The contract was quite simple, and it directly appeared in Luo Ji's mind. It was an extremely complicated rune, which he didn't recognize, but the meaning expressed in it could be understood at a glance.

The rune will be imprinted in his soul, and after the body dies, it will guide his soul into the world of holy light.

There is nothing to hesitate, just brand it.

After successfully signing the soul contract, his consciousness returned to reality, and he picked up his mobile phone and asked, "When will we start building the defense line? How do we cooperate?"

"Cooperate? No need." Mu Chenxing looked at the 50-centimeter tall guy in the cockpit who looked a bit like an octopus, and asked casually, "Do you want to see the Octopus Man?"

What he said made Luo Ji a little confused. The topic changed too quickly, and he didn't know how to answer for a while. Instead, Mr. Octopus, who was in the cockpit and was responsible for cleaning up low-entropy civilizations like Singer, turned his head vigilantly.

"Low-entropy body?"

"Extremely dangerous! Call for help!"

(End of this chapter)

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