Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 249 Light Chaser

Chapter 249 Light Chaser

Time flies like a flash, and more than two years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the last piece of four-dimensional matter turn into a ray that seemed to penetrate the universe, Mu Chenxing looked back regretfully.

It was the last tomb, and he was sure that there were living intelligent life in it.It's a pity that the people inside are unwilling to have any form of communication with their own low-dimensional life until they die.

Has he died long ago or has always maintained the pride of a high-dimensional civilization.

he does not know.

At the time of the final collapse, he still failed to establish a real four-dimensional space.I can only watch those cemeteries of four-dimensional civilization step into destruction one after another.

In the past two and a half years, the big clock has accelerated calculations for more than 200 years. In theory, the obtained data can already construct a four-dimensional space in the dimension of holy light.

As long as he has enough energy, he can even upgrade the entire Holy Light dimension to a four-dimensional world.

The energy supporting the space field is not difficult to find, just bombard the vacuum inside the atom with high-energy photons, induce quantum tides, generate virtual particle pairs, and then absorb the energy when the virtual particles react to annihilation.

This kind of energy is vacuum zero-point energy, also called space energy or dimensional energy, which can be used to construct and stabilize the energy string of space structure.

Space is composed of countless extremely tiny energy strings.

In the Marvel Universe and the Transformers Universe, he discovered the characteristics of the zero-point energy of vacuum. After carefully studying the four-dimensional space field in the Three-Body Universe, he has a deeper understanding of it.

It's a pity that time waits for no one, theory does not equal application, and there are still some technologies that need to be verified.

The data to be analyzed has been analyzed, and the four-dimensional fragments have completely collapsed. There is no need to worry about upgrading the holy light dimension. The big clock has been running at full power for more than 300 years, and it needs to reduce the power to cool it down.

He is not going to look for other four-dimensional fragments, it is much more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

Go back to Earth and have a look, after all, I once said that I will be judged.

People can't stand without faith, and they can't break their promises and get fat.

Traveling or something has never been a problem for him, the distance is less than one light-year, and it can be reached in the blink of an eye.

The earth is much calmer than he expected. It seems that most people have chosen to lie flat, and carpe diem has become the mainstream trend of thought.

The vigorous promotion of religion in an all-round way will indeed have a great impact on society.

In particular, there is a judgment that does not know the standard hanging over the head, which makes many people give up thinking about the future.

This social experiment shows the disadvantages of the government's forceful promotion of religion.

But there are also some people who dance very happily, each with their own reasons for survival, and each with their own tricks for death.

Those who build shelters, study spaceships, and even live underground are easy to understand and use their ingenuity to find the way ahead.

Regardless of whether the method is right or wrong, at least it is worthy of appreciation in terms of spirit.

But those who abuse, slander, or even beat, smash, rob, commit evil deeds such as wounding and killing others, and vent their emotions by hurting others can really be classified as social dregs.

"The Church of the Holy Light currently has 13 believers. I hope you will be satisfied with our work." Luo Ji seriously reported the achievements of the past three years of missionary work.

It is hoped that the number of believers, which is nearly one-third of the world's total population, can reduce the intensity of judgment.

Mu Chenxing asked unsurely: "Have you registered the names of everyone who has been to the church?"

There are not so many people who believe in the holy light and can provide spiritual power for the holy light dimension.There are less than 14 truly devout believers.

Others are either pan-believers or false believers.

Whether it is a fake letter or a genuine letter, he can distinguish clearly.

"They felt the baptism of the Holy Light and prayed devoutly. They..."

"There's no need to explain." Mu Chenxing interrupted Luo Ji's explanation by raising his hand, and said, "I don't mean to blame, I have seen your efforts to grow to such a large number of people in three years, and I have also seen your nostalgia for this world.

Then take the position of pope and protect your world in your own way.

Now, the trial begins. "

The words "judgment begins" sounded in the minds of 42 billion people around the world. Everyone's slander, insult, praise, belief in the Holy Light, as well as the harm and help to the believers of the Holy Light came to their minds one by one.

Nearly 14 portals lit up, more than 180 million sacred flames rose, and tens of millions of people were healed or injured.

Surprise, cheers, screams, and lamentations sounded in different regions at the same time.

Everyone understands that judgment has come.Life and death are all in the mind of the Lord of Holy Light.

"Observing the three-dimensional world from a four-dimensional perspective is so clear at a glance." This is not the first time Mu Chenxing has opened up the virtual four-dimensional field, but every time he is amazed.

"Goodbye Luo Ji, I will pay attention to you, continue to show me your loyalty, I hope we will meet again while you are alive." He bid farewell to Luo Ji, and left the Trisolaran universe with 12 devout believers.

"Goodbye." Luo Ji muttered in a low voice, feeling the lingering aftertaste of the holy light healing his body, his whole body was relaxed, but he felt lazy and didn't want to move.

Sighing: "I will definitely see you again, I sold you my soul long ago."

"The statistics are out."

Luo Ji enjoyed the pleasure of being healthier than a young man for a while, and his subordinates came to his office with statistical data.

The awaited trial finally came down, like a second boot, even though I haven't seen the specific data yet, I felt inexplicably relieved.


He stabilized his mind and listened to his subordinate's report.

"It has been established that the scope of the trial has global reach.

A total of 180 people were burned to ashes by the holy flame, and more than 120 million people fell ill, with varying degrees of illness, none of which were critical or life-threatening.

Most of the above people have spoken and acted to slander the Church of the Holy Light and harm the believers of the church.

More than 3000 terminally ill patients have been cured, 200 million people have proved that there are traces of healing in their bodies, and more than 500 million people claim to have received holy light treatment.

Most of the above people are believers of the Holy Light Church, or people who have helped the believers of the Church.

There are more than [-] million people who insist that they are protected by the Light, but we suspect that these people may be hallucinating.

Surveillance records show that 12 people stepped into an arch made of light and have been confirmed missing.These people are all believers who have behaved extremely devoutly in the past.

There are more than 1 people who have also appeared around Guangmen.According to them, they have received the call of the Lord of the Holy Light, and they can reach the world of the Holy Light through the Light Gate. In the future, they will go to different worlds to spread the glory of the Holy Light.

But this part of the people refused for various reasons and did not suffer any harm. "

It has to be said that the widespread application of artificial intelligence has greatly accelerated the collection of data and provided strong support for statistical trial results.

Similarly, a super-information society also inevitably has some disadvantages. Now the Internet is full of noise, with various topics and endless debates.

The falling trial has made the people feel extremely complicated. Now no one is saying whether the Holy Light can be trusted or not, and whether the trial is a scam.

It's all about the casualties.

Regardless of the number of people who were burned to death or treated and injured, they all doubled countless times. Anyway, the total population of the earth's 42 billion is not enough.

At this moment, right or wrong, justice or evil, no one cares.

The vast majority of people are just venting their emotions, and I'm afraid they don't even care what they are saying.

They just want to speak at this moment, to prove the fact that they are still alive. More than 180 million people died at the same time, terrified them.

"Send the data to the United Nations." Luo Ji rubbed the corners of his eyes and reminded: "Control the comments on the Internet and guide them well. Remember, the Holy Light is still there, the church is still there, and the trial cannot be just this one time."


His subordinates left the office, Luo Ji stared at the place where Mu Chenxing had appeared before, and began to review the trial that had spread to the whole world.

More than 180 million people died, and he was prepared. If he hadn't ordered the church to be patient as much as possible, and organized believers to build settlements to quell the turmoil when the interstellar defense line was established, the casualties of the conflict alone would not be less than this, or even more.

Fortunately, Starship International stood on its side and overwhelmed many countries on the ground. Otherwise, war would really break out in the first place.

He knew that now was the best outcome.

However, 180 million, when this number was really put in front of him, he still felt panicked.

And where were those 12 believers taken?

What does the world of Holy Light look like?
What about going to other worlds to spread the faith?

Where do other worlds refer to?

Just when he was wondering about this, Starship International called and told him a piece of news that he didn't know whether it was good or bad.

"The glorious cross floating in the low-orbit orbit is missing a large piece."

"What does it mean that one piece is missing?" He was puzzled.

"The thickness has become smaller. It used to be more than ten kilometers thick, but now it is less than one kilometer. A large part disappeared instantly. We have not observed the separation process, and we don't know how that part disappeared."

"I see."

Of course, Luo Ji couldn't figure out what kind of high technology, or magic, made the cross of glory thinner.

It's even less clear where that nine-tenths part went.

It's like he doesn't know where the 12 devout believers have gone.

He suspected that he had gone to other planets to preach.

This is of course a wrong guess, whether it is a person or the Glory, they were all brought to the Tarot World by Mu Chenxing.

The correct way to say it is the upper space of the Tarot world.

This layer was originally above the clouds, and there were more than a dozen big insect bridges connecting different universes.But in the process of expanding the space of the small world, it is isolated from the lower space.

It looks like a small world with clouds as the ground, blue sky as the dome, and a round sky.

The sun is shining brightly here, and the air is fresh. There are more than a dozen large insect bridges with a height of hundreds of kilometers scattered around. The bases are islands floating above the sea of ​​clouds. The area is not small, covering thousands of square kilometers.

In the center is a continent with undulating mountains, shrouded in clouds and mist, full of rivers and lakes, and lush vegetation.

The area is no less than hundreds of thousands of square kilometers.

On the top of the highest mountain in this continent, there is a pure white cathedral. The cathedral stands on the top of the mountains and is magnificent. Looking around, you can have a panoramic view of the entire continent, and you can also have a panoramic view of the Worm Bridge in the distance.

A thousand-kilometer-high glorious cross is suspended directly above, and the holy light shines down. Along the low and gentle mountain, there are single-family villas and chapels dotted among green grass and flowers.

Together, they formed a large city built around the mountain.

12 people sprinkled it, like a few sesame seeds sprinkled on a biscuit.

Originally, Mu Chenxing wanted Luo Ji to manage these believers, first learn the magic of holy light here, master a certain amount of power, and then spread the faith to the earth in other universes through the Big Worm Bridge.

But Luo Ji did not meet the requirements for the time being, so he had to create an observer to manage it on his behalf.

Experiments done on the Earth in the Trisolaran universe have proved that using the government to promote beliefs, the speed of laying infrastructure and the development of believers is also very fast, but the proportion of devout believers is not high.

Moreover, the people's dissatisfaction with the government will involve the Holy Light Church, which is not a good way.

Therefore, Mu Chenxing decided to summon some pious believers and use them as a basis to preach to the earth in other universes.

If the effect is acceptable, make this situation a tradition, gather missionaries from believers, develop more believers, and then call more missionaries.

This is called snowballing.

He also gave these missionaries a name called Light Chasers.

Of course, the government can't give up completely, there is no need for the official to come forward, but it can't be an obstacle to preaching, it's better to be a back-up force.

When you are in trouble, it is always good to have one more place to ask for help.

"If I want to have a certain influence in the earth's officialdom by just inviting a few people, who do you think I should invite?" He asked several directors in the group.

"The five permanent members of the United Nations." Ma Xianhong gave his own answer, and then said: "If it is in my world, you only need to consider Huaxia."

"You unified the earth?"

"No, but enough influence."

"You are a special case, and you are not considered." Tony took over the conversation and said with a smile:

"Uncle Tony will give you a good idea. You only need to invite people from China, the United States, and Russia. Britain and France don't have much influence anymore, but the United States is more complicated. You may need to consider several financial groups and political families."

There is nothing wrong with what he said. Mu Chenxing nodded, pondered for a moment, and asked, "Does the council's exposure to the official view have a big impact on you?"

"I don't care." Tony replied without hesitation.He is building the fourth and fifth space battleships, and the governments of the Marvel universe can only look at his face.

"The chairman knows that I have unified China and am preparing to fight North Korea and Japanese pirates. I am the biggest official on earth, hahahaha." Yue Buqun smiled heartily.

Bai Yuekui and Mark immediately laughed and said, "If you say that, we seem to be the same."

(End of this chapter)

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