Chapter 42 Harvest
The golden sun was sinking, and the night was filled with darkness. After Zhang Lingyu left with a dark face, Mu Chenxing quietly came to Tian Jinzhong's residence.

Enveloped by Nianli, he lay in the shadow on the roof, quietly waiting for Lu Liang's arrival.

The noise in the distance was getting louder, and there were fires in several places.

In fact, the timing of the attack on the mountain planned by Gong Qing, the acting head of Quanxing, was really good.

Because today the old celestial master will die after passing on the celestial master degree.There will be an extremely weak window period in Tianshi Mansion.Yijueding is gone, and most of the direct disciples of the Celestial Master have not yet returned to the mountain.

This is top-secret news that he found out after lurking in Longhu Mountain for three years.

And from Zhang Chulan's refusal to pass the test, Lu Jin summoned people to help defend the Tianshi Mansion, and we can see the clues.The old heavenly master will really die.

Otherwise, the Tianshi Mansion, the most powerful in the alien world, needs others to help defend the mountain gate?Isn't that a joke?But the old heavenly master acquiesced, and didn't object at all.

This is very telling.

The movement in the distance is getting louder and louder. The small courtyard where Tian Jinzhong lives is a very remote place, and the movement can be heard here, which shows that Quan Xing's movements are really serious.

Lao Tianshi's apprentice, Lao Jiu, Zhang Rongshan, was also tricked away.

Gong Qing, who pretended to be Daoist Tong Xiaoyu, showed his true colors, and told that the purpose of this all-out attack on the mountain was for the secret obtained by Tian Lao when he went down the mountain to find Zhang Huaiyi.

Mu Chenxing lay on the roof without moving, because the full-sex demon Yu Huadu's disguise technique was too sophisticated, and he couldn't tell what Lu Liang was dressed up at all, and he had to wait until he showed up.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before a Taoist priest from Tianshi Mansion opened the door and walked in. He walked around and revealed his true face: a child with square glasses and a height of 1.5 meters.

"Lu Liang, it's up to you." Gong Qing's words confirmed the identity of the visitor.

That's right, Mu Chenxing smiled, and the two children in Tian Lao's house disappeared instantly.

It's that simple.

Right timing, right location, one shot, goal achieved.

The importance of intelligence is unquestionable, which is why he didn't waste time in an unfamiliar universe.

Efficiency is too low.

"Who's there?" Tian Jinzhong asked loudly in surprise.

Of course he didn't find Mu Chenxing hiding on the roof, just because he was ready to be tortured again, but the enemy suddenly disappeared, which made him restless and afraid of another conspiracy.

In order to keep the secret, he dared not sleep for decades, and his fellow apprentice brothers were also concealed. Now that he is seen through, his mind is shaken and it is difficult to maintain peace.

Mu Chenxing didn't answer, and left quietly.

In the original plot, Gong Qing ordered Lu Liang to forcibly read Tian Jinzhong's memory, and then gave the old man permanent relief. This seems to be very responsible.

Killing is killing, villains are villains, how can there be so many twists and turns?After killing a person, show a disgusting look that I respect you very much, I am doing it for your own good, and let the whole body take care of you.

What to wear?

Who cares about Tian Lao's will?Who cares about the idea of ​​Taoism's precious life?Decades of tenacious practice ended when he asked you to sleep?

Is it too shallow?
Tian Jinzhong himself chose to keep the secret, and he chose to practice hard for decades. He is a person who seeks the way, he is not a terminally ill patient, and he does not need others to "euthanize" him.

That is an insult to a great monk.

People like Mr. Tian don't need pity from others. If you really respect him, don't bother him.

Or heal his broken limbs and damaged meridians, so that he can rely on his own strength to keep the secret he wants to keep.

This is called respect.

The secret of the Jiashen Rebellion, the secret Zhang Huaiyi told Tian Jinzhong, Mu Chenxing was not interested, and he didn't even care much about the secret of Yuhua.

He has a way to complete the life leap, that is to find a way to obtain the spare gene of the power of the galaxy and complete the activation, and he does not want to waste too much time in this world.

But now, he was going to kill a few all-sex monsters.

Once a person is established, it is necessary to act according to the standpoint of the person.He is retreating in a quiet room, and he can come out late, but he has to do it, otherwise the human design will collapse.

Attention to detail in everything.

When flying near the main hall of the Celestial Master's Mansion, just in time for the old Celestial Master to show his power, the golden light curse condensed into a solid body like glass, and the surging spiritual energy filled the area with a radius of several hundred meters. Unstoppable.

"Old Heavenly Master, what's the matter?" Mu Chenxing asked knowingly as he landed on the roof.

"Ah, it's the Heavenly Master's Mansion's fault for disturbing my little friend's retreat." The old Heavenly Master replied calmly.

"At this time, the old master should stop joking. If there is anything you need to do, please feel free to speak up!"

"Since the little friend wants to exercise his muscles and bones, then let's do it as much as he wants. All the consequences will be borne by the old man."

I didn't say it clearly, but the meaning has been expressed very clearly, don't show mercy if you do it, kill someone, the old man will support you.


Mu Chenxing soared into the sky, letting go of the densely populated area of ​​houses, and flew towards the battlefield where spiritual energy erupted in the barren mountains and dense forests, the blue light in his hand hummed piercingly.

There, the four-man and Yuan Tao masters and apprentices are besieging the old man Lu Jin and Zhang Lingyu.

"Lingyu, get out of here." Lu Jin resisted the abnormality of his meridians and the restlessness of his mind, and ordered Zhang Lingyu to escape from this battlefield.Under the situation of twelve labors, it was difficult for him to protect this young man, and he had to fight to the death.

Using so many masters to attack Longhu Mountain was beyond everyone's expectations.

"It's not that easy to want the old man's life." Lu Jin's eyes were bloodshot, his mind was shaken, and he couldn't control it.

"The little Taoist priest is mine..." Xia He, the bone scraper, rushed to Zhang Lingyu, just about to take this little enemy away, when a blue light descended from the sky like lightning and flint, instantly piercing through the white and fat monk Yongjue. A cloud of smoke more than ten meters high exploded behind him.

Deafening explosions swept across the audience.

One of the four lunatics, Leiyan Cannon: Yongjue Monk Gao Ning, whose body was originally fat and white, had a big hole pierced in his chest, and was blown up like a rag doll by the subsequent explosion, with black and red blood all over the place. The land with a radius of more than ten meters was smashed, and he couldn't die anymore.

Zhang Lingyu swallowed her saliva, she actually wanted to resist this thing?What a fate.

Xingyun's "swordsmanship" move is too well-known, and there are no people present who don't know it.

"Flee!" Bane Miao, one of the four madmen, roared, turned around and ran away.

Lu Jin was tough enough, and Mu Chenxing would not be able to fight at all.

"Where to run?!" Gao Ning is dead, the Twelve Labor Formation has been broken, and Lu Jin's worries have been relieved. How can he still watch this group of monsters run away?

Spirit energy erupts, beard and hair fly, rushing towards the enemy like an angry lion.

Xia He gave Zhang Lingyu a regretful look, and just as he was about to run away, a long sword hung across his neck.

It's over, I can't leave.

She froze in place.In front of this stinky Taoist priest, she didn't want to use coquettish tricks to seduce others.

"Brother Chenxing..." Zhang Lingyu called out instinctively, wanting to stop the attack.

But Mu Chenxing's words interrupted his follow-up words: "Hey, sister-in-law, are you going to abandon my brother Zhang and run away with other men? That's not possible, a certain little uncle in Longhushan will be sad of.

Right, Master Lingyu? "

It's a little martial uncle in one thought, this allusion is well known in the world.

How could Mu Chenxing have the nerve to kill his wife in front of his friends?

That is disrespectful.

(End of this chapter)

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