Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 46 The Devil Has Entered the Village

Chapter 46 The Devil Has Entered the Village

If you want to pull the world into the water, you have to go back to Biyou Village in time, preferably on the day when the temporary workers enter the village, so that Feng Zhenghao will have no time to repent.

Neither side could explain this plan clearly, so he could only find other excuses.

Tianxiahui has a ready-made reason here, Feng Xingtong's injury has not healed.

Biyou Village can only lie, saying that a friend wants to go to the village to find him recently, and that friend is called Zhang Chulan, please pay attention to Qiu Rang, if he arrives, call him.

After finding a good excuse, Mu Chenxing stayed in Tianjin with peace of mind. During the day, he followed Feng Zhenghao to learn how to arrest the spirit and dispatch generals, and at night, he meditated and practiced the mantra of purifying the mind, trying to truly enter the samadhi.

Although he failed to settle down, his mind power has actually increased a lot.

Time just slipped by day by day.

During this period, Fengzhenghao entrusted him with a household registration for him, and he somehow became Laofeng's long-lost nephew.

Biyou Village also received two news, one good and one bad.

The good news is that Lu Liang has grown his legs, imitating the blue hand aimed at the soul, and successfully used the red hand aimed at the body.While escaping, twelve bones were broken with a punch by Wukui little Lolita.

The bad news is that the self-cultivation furnace cannot reproduce Shuang Quanshou for the time being, and Ma Xianhong is enthusiastically transforming the furnace.This is also good news for him, because after getting Lu Liang's qi, the core of the self-cultivation furnace became more energetic, and he had new inspiration.

During the phone call, the technical geek kept chanting a bunch of incomprehensible words in an excited tone.

This frustrated Mu Chenxing's confidence in learning the magic tricks again.

It seems that this thing is a cutting-edge technology, and the requirements for related knowledge are a bit high.

More than ten days passed in a blink of an eye, Feng Xingtong had already been discharged from the hospital, and was "can't wait" to meet new friends.

There was no way, Lao Feng made him impatient, so Xiao Feng had to follow suit.

Recently, Mu Chenxing has been procrastinating on the excuse of learning how to dispatch generals, until Qiu Rang called.

"That friend of yours seems to be a bad person, they are chasing Chen Duo."

"Have you fought them?"

"You're not surprised by this at all, do you know something?"

"I know a little bit, I will tell you when I go back."

"it is good."

The flight ticket from Tianjin to Liupanshui was easy to book, and the next day, he took Feng Xingtong back to Biyou Village, and he didn't know if it was a coincidence of fate, or he was too accurate in the checkpoint card, just in time for the arrival of the five temporary workers. village.

Wearing a green tracksuit and square glasses, Xiao Zizai from the East China Region looked like a greasy middle-aged man, a gentle scum.

The clarinet from the Central China region has a rough appearance, full of tendons, messy hair and beard, like a decadent middle-aged uncle who is too lazy to take care of his personal hygiene and doesn't care about his image.

Lao Meng from the Northwest Region wears a myopic lens with thick lenses, his muscles are loose, and he looks like a weak middle-aged social animal.

Wang Zhenqiu from the Southwest Region has dyed his long blonde hair. At first glance, he really can't tell the difference between a man and a woman.

Standing with these people, the temporary worker in Lubei District, Feng Baobao, a silly girl, seemed to be particularly gregarious.

But her pendant, Zhang Chulan, felt a bit out of place.After all, he is not a stranger among strangers or a monster among monsters like a temporary worker.

The company's temporary workers, how should I put it, are really damaging the image of everything.Maybe, maybe, that's why they didn't get formalized?
"Zhang Chulan? Are you here too?" Seeing the acquaintance, Feng Xingtong's face was full of joy. It was great to come to a strange land alone and meet an acquaintance.

"Feng Xingtong? Mu Chenxing? What are you doing here?"

Zhang Chulan's heart skipped a beat. Of these two people, one was standing behind the Tianxiahui, and the other was strong. This mission was already strange, and it was difficult to deal with these two troublesome people.

"Brother Bilian, long time no see." Mu Chenxing greeted with a smile.

He knew what the temporary workers were here for, but now was not the time to do it.If the regiment wiped out these people, it would only bring disaster to the eighty dozen villagers of Biyou Village.

At this stage, the company didn't want to start massacres, and there was still room for buffering. If the first batch of manpower was lost, the next wave might be massacres around the village.

Maybe there are missiles targeting Biyou Village right now.

Don't underestimate the strength of the country, and don't underestimate the government's determination to stabilize the society.

In front of the country, Biyou Village is not qualified to be tough.

Even the entire Inhuman World, there are only more than 2 Inhumans, which is nothing compared to the population of 14 billion.

Things must never get to that level.The problem of Biyou Village should be properly handled at the company level.

The problems involved in the self-cultivation stove are very serious, and neither Ma Xianhong nor the people in the village realize the seriousness of the matter.

Either destroy the stove, or accept Zhao'an, there is no third way.

Therefore, the focus of this incident is to show strength without causing casualties, bring the company's top management to the negotiating table, and strive for better treatment for everyone in Biyou Village.

As for Chen Duo, she seemed insignificant in front of this matter, she really didn't have to die.

It can be used as a condition, brought to the negotiating table, and have a good talk.

Is there anything in this world that cannot be discussed?

There is nothing in the world that cannot be negotiated, it depends on whether you have the qualifications to negotiate.

Chen Duo, the Gu Body Saint Child whose humanity was wiped out by the Yaoxian Society with extremely cruel means, is actually mentally dead.

Later, he was rescued by Lao Meng, and after the care of Liao Zhong, Chen Junyan and others, he was resurrected again.

But after all, it was done in the special environment of the bunker, and she was like an experimental product placed in a laboratory.

No matter how the experimenters take care of it, the experimental product can only be the experimental product after all.

It wasn't until she came to Biyou Village that she began to truly live for herself as Chen Duo.She has just started a new life, and she still has to slowly adapt to this world.

However, the world failed to give her time.

The biggest reason why the company wants to arrest her is that she is afraid of losing control and endangering the society. The order to take back the Gu Body Saint Child is understandable.

As long as the primordial Gu can be resolved, this matter can be discussed.

In fact, how many people who know the whole story don't sympathize with this miserable little girl?How many must kill her?

It can be said that Zhang Chulan's calculations were involved in her death, and Mu Chenxing couldn't understand the messy way this matter was done.

After exchanging pleasantries, Ma Xianhong rushed to the entrance of the village, agreed to allow temporary workers to enter the village, and invited Zhang Chulan to talk in private.

The ancestors of the two were sworn brothers, and after all, they are still uncles and nephews.

Lao Ma, who is nearly 19 years old, is the eldest nephew, and [-]-year-old Xiao Zhang is the younger uncle.

No one asked what the two uncles and nephews talked about. Mu Chenxing was going to talk to Ma Xianhong about the self-cultivation furnace.

He felt it was time.

(End of this chapter)

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