Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 49 It's Good to Be an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Chapter 49 It's Good to Be an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ma Xianhong was obviously fooled by Zhang Chulan.

Mu Chenxing shook his head helplessly.

Lao Ma is indeed a very simple person, a technical nerd, without so much extravagance. Although he is nearly ten years older than Zhang Chulan, his playfulness is not as good as that forbearing and treacherous Bilian.

"Chen Duo was originally a temporary worker in the southeast region. Five people who entered the village today are at the same level as her. Don't you think it's strange?"

Mu Chenxing can't directly tell the truth of the matter, because he can't explain it that way, he can't tell where he got the answer, he will only be suspected, and it is not a good way to persuade people.

"What's so strange? How many people do you know?" Ma Xianhong hadn't reacted yet.

"The one in the green sportswear is Xiao Zizai from East China Region;

The one in black clothes with a strong figure is the clarinet from Central China;

Wearing short-sighted glasses, the short and frustrating one is Lao Meng from the Northwest Region;

Erweizi with long golden hair is Wang Zhenqiu from Southwest Region;

The silly girl with long hair and straight eyes is Feng Baobao from Lubei District.

These are all temporary workers at the same level as Chen Duo, and they belong to the company's high-end combat power on the surface.These are not particularly confidential matters. If you inquire carefully, you can always find out the beginning and the end.

You know, I'm good at this. "Mu Chenxing used his own power of concealment as an excuse to reveal the enemy's intelligence.

"Why are the company's high-end combat capabilities temporary workers?"

"You've misplaced your attention, is this the time to struggle with names?"

"Haha." Ma Xianhong laughed dryly, and said, "I understand what you mean. Five people of the same level were dispatched just to catch Chen Duo. It is indeed a bit of a mobilization."

In fact, it was six, Mu Chenxing added in his heart, but Gao Erzhuang, a temporary worker in the Northeast Region hidden on the Internet, has no source of information that can be used as an excuse, so he can't say it clearly.

Fortunately, there is not much difference between five and six, and they can both cause vigilance.

"You don't think they came here for Chen Duo?" Ma Xianhong really raised his vigilance.

Mu Chenxing tilted his head to gesture to the self-cultivation stove.

"Do you think they came here for the cultivation furnace? Why?" Old Ma was puzzled.

His original intention of building a self-cultivation furnace was actually to heal his brain and retrieve his memory.Later, someone asked to come to the door, and he didn't have the heart to refuse.Isn't it just to cure diseases and save people, and let some ordinary people who have been in contact with alien circles be able to practice qi?
What a big deal?
During the meeting during the day, Wang Ye, who is also the inheritor of the Eight Miraculous Skills, took up this issue and said that his fate is low.Now, Brother Chen Xing suspects that the company has sent a master, and the goal is also to cultivate the furnace.

As for?
"Why does the self-cultivation furnace hinder the company? I haven't heard that the company has targeted the successors of the Eight Wonders." He still didn't turn the corner.

"It's not just the company that targets the self-cultivation furnace." Mu Chenxing sighed heavily, and asked with a frown: "What do you think is the most important thing for a country?"

"That's too much. Why did you suddenly ask this question? Can the self-cultivation furnace affect the country?" Ma Xianhong couldn't laugh or cry.

He waved his hand: "Stop talking nonsense, it's not that I'm underestimating myself, how can our petty troubles affect the overall situation of the country? A single police station can arrest everyone in Biyou Village.

Who dares to resist law enforcement?We are not terrorists. "

"Brother Ma, the most important thing for a country is stability." Mu Chenxing's tone was very solemn: "And you do have the ability to influence the general situation.

The self-cultivation furnace can let ordinary people practice Qi, and there will be more and more strange people.

As the saying goes, with a sharp blade in your body, you will kill yourself. The more strangers, the more sources of chaos.The government does not want to see Yiren affect social stability, so it has been concealing the matter of Yiren.

We are also used to not using our abilities in public.

But there is a limit to blocking information. If there are too many strangers, it will be impossible to hide it. Therefore, the government has drawn a red line of [-] to one.

In other words, the entire Inhuman World cannot exceed 3 people, otherwise, the government will intervene.Maintaining the stability of the country is the general trend. Under the general trend, the world of aliens cannot hold it, so the company wants to nip the influence of the self-cultivation furnace in the bud.

This is not difficult to understand, right?With a self-cultivation furnace operating at full capacity, how many ordinary people can be turned into strangers in a day?What about ten?What about Baigu?more?

Mastering the power of the self-cultivation furnace can pull up an army of aliens in a short time.

The company is only a semi-official department responsible for managing the affairs of other people. They dare not let such technology appear in the world, and they cannot bear it on their shoulders.

Therefore, destroying the self-cultivation stove is the easiest way.Temporary workers from the five regions gathered in Biyou Village, with an obvious goal. "

"Is the self-cultivation furnace unable to keep?" Ma Xianhong was not so rampant that he thought he could resist the country.

"Companies don't want to see this kind of technology in the world, and the government doesn't want to see hidden dangers that are out of control, so we have to cooperate directly with the government. Accepting Zhao'an and entering the system, it's not difficult to understand, right?"

After laying the groundwork for a long time, Mu Chenxing finally came up with a solution to the problem.

"I think it's good to be an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences." Ma Xianhong was purely having fun while suffering, and he suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

"Then, let's start the first step." Mu Chenxing stood up, walked towards the self-cultivation furnace, and said as he walked, "Let's show our muscles first, let the other side see our strength, so as to facilitate the conversation.

Brother Ma, don't make a move, you have to be the last big boss, let the company be afraid, and let them understand that we have no intention of going to war on a large scale. "

He pushed open the furnace door, turned around and said: "Shuangquanshou, Juling Dispatches General, Sword Qi, Ghost Shadow Walk, Earth Traveling Immortal."

Ma Xianhong sighed: "You are really greedy, you have to control it, don't let your desire run wild, it will only destroy yourself."

"I see."

When the blue light of the self-cultivation furnace was on, there was also a small meeting with the company's temporary workers.

Xiao Zizai stared at the phone screen, his face full of happiness.

"What is Brother Xiao looking at? You look in a good mood, let's share something good, so that everyone can have fun." Zhang Chulan wanted to open the topic here with Xiao Zi.

Temporary workers, a bunch of freaks, he always felt awkward getting along with them.

"Zhao Guizhen, please do me a favor, this prey is mine." Xiao Zizai flashed out the screen of his phone, and showed everyone a photo of Zhao Guizhen, one of Biyou Village's upper roots.

"This Daoist of the Shangqing sect, is there anything that attracts Brother Xiao?" Wang Zhenqiu stretched his neck and took a look.

"Meet a patient." Xiao Zizai explained: "I am a patient. When I tell you to leave, you must stay away from me."

"Well, I have always been very obedient, so everyone likes me. Brother Xiao wants to meet that Taoist master, and I have no objection."

Clarinet and Feng Baobao did not express any objection, which is the default.

If Lao Meng is not here, it means that there is no objection.

"Thank you." Xiao Zizai felt that it was very pleasant to get along with these temporary workers from other regions.

He turned the screen and continued admiring Zhao Guizhen's photos, as if he was looking at a delicacy, pleasing to the eye and mouth watering.

"Since brother Xiao has decided on the target, let's discuss how to deal with the other root devices." Zhang Chulan continued the topic, turned on the phone, found a photo, and showed it to a few people just like brother Xiao. .

"Mu Chenxing, one of Biyou Murakami's roots, participated in the Luotian Dajiao, killed three of the four madmen of the whole sex, and is recognized as the number one master of the younger generation."

(End of this chapter)

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