Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 5 The first contact

Chapter 5 The first contact

Mu Chenxing rolled his eyes, pretended not to know them, and said angrily, "Who are you? Don't be sentimental, who cares about you!"

After speaking, he turned his gaze to Du Qiangwei, and said very seriously: "I'm obviously looking at a beautiful young lady! What's wrong? Why don't you let her look at you because she's beautiful?"

He could only make jokes, neither Ajie nor Du Qiangwei could afford to offend him now.

Although you can go to other universes at any time, it is better not to be exposed if you can not be exposed. If you can be exposed one day later, you will have one more room for growth.

These two words of his made Ajie appreciate him very much, he is really thick-skinned and has the demeanor of my generation.

Du Qiangwei snorted coldly, gave Mu Chenxing a hard look, then turned her head away, but she wasn't very angry in her heart, after all, this kid still speaks nicely.

The most important thing is that Mu Chenxing took advantage of his tender face. He is 19 years old, full of collagen, looks fresh and handsome, and his skin is fair after being hospitalized for half a year, which is a plus.

Try another greasy middle-aged uncle saying this kind of thing, do you think Du Qiangwei can beat him?
"Don't talk nonsense with me here, take out your ID card."

Ajie didn't forget the purpose of coming here. When she was at the gate of the Public Security Bureau just now, Qiangwei noticed that someone was peeping through a telescope, so they wanted to confirm the identity of the peeping person. The level of confidentiality of super soldiers is very high. Not recruited into the system, there is no room for sloppy.

"Who are you, you just check my ID card?" Mu Chenxing maintained the persona of a young guy who is fearless.

"National Security Agency." Ajie took out his ID card and gestured, and took it back regardless of whether others saw it clearly.

"The National Security Bureau is in charge of checking passers-by's ID cards these days? You guys are so good at stealing jobs from the police." Mu Chenxing murmured depressingly while taking out his ID card.

Fortunately, the lawyer that Ji An helped to find was a comprehensive lawyer. When he was about to inherit the property, he had completed all his documents early on, otherwise he might not be able to get them out today.

"So much nonsense! Stay here for a long time? What's the purpose?" Ajie asked while looking at his ID card.

"Can't I wait for my girlfriend to get off work? Middle-aged uncles like you can't understand the romance of our young people."

Hearing this, Du Qiangwei glanced at him contemptuously, "You dare to look at me even if you have a girlfriend, you little scumbag!"
"Don't get angry! Be careful to catch you in, is it romantic? I won't let you out!" Ajie has already received the communication from the intelligence team behind the headset. Mu Chenxing's past experience, in just a few words Inside, he was checked out.

He is innocent and just discharged from the hospital today, so there is nothing suspicious.

He stretched out his hand and returned the ID card. Since he was not a suspicious person, he naturally didn't have to put on a sullen face. He looked like someone who had come here, and warned with a smirk: "Be careful, young man, don't waste yourself in the hospital again." .”

"Is your national security so leisurely? Take care of everything."

"What's the matter? Go back for a walk with me?"

"No! I still have work to do."

The first contact with the government, or in other words, the first contact with the Super Theological Seminary, was neither good nor bad. Seeing Ajie's skillful "national security" posture, the relationship between these Deno survivors and the Huaxia government is very close. .

"Hey, what does this have to do with me." Mu Chenxing shook his head, not wanting to waste his brain cells. Whether the survivors of De Nuo sincerely contributed to China or had other conspiracies, it has nothing to do with him. It's someone else's business. He didn't So much free time to take care of those messy things.

Qi Lin, who saved her, and Ji An, who helped her, it would be nice to be able to take care of these two. When the favor is repaid, there will be no debts.

You can go about your day in peace.

The starting platform is just under his feet, and he will take Qilin to the hospital later to avoid today's danger, and he will start to travel the multiverse and start his own journey.

"My goal is the sea of ​​stars! So, Qi Lin, come out quickly!"

As expected, people couldn't bear to talk about it. It was late in the evening, and Qilin finally walked out of the police hall of the police station, and got into the police car that was out on patrol. He frowned.

These two people shouldn't be in the way, right?
Can't take care of that anymore!
When Qilin and the others drove away and chased them all the way to hit the police car, the nature would be different, and the trouble would be great.

Ignition, started, the rented Volkswagen turned out of the street, headed for the exit of the branch parking lot, aimed directly at the co-pilot seat where Qilin was sitting.

At this time, Qilin was complaining angrily: "That Liu Chuang is so lawless, he should be arrested and imprisoned for a few years!"

She was very dissatisfied, Liu Chuang was a habitual offender, the evidence of the crime was conclusive, and it was not the first time he had committed crimes, such as stealing, fighting, and committing crimes again and again.

Assaulting the police caused people to be seriously injured and disabled, but they were released after 37 days of criminal detention!
Molesting women today, smashing a brave college student into the concrete floor, the surveillance camera can clearly see the head-sized pothole on the concrete floor, which was smashed out by Ge Xiaolun with his swing. If not sentenced, he went to the detention center again.

She was so angry that her lungs were about to explode!

But can people really have that much strength?
"A hole was punched in the concrete floor. Is this really something that a human being can do?" Although it was clearly recorded on the surveillance, it was really unbelievable. Her tone was puzzled and complicated, with a bit of broken views a feeling of.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you." My colleague Xiao Liu took the opportunity to show his hospitality.

"I need your protection!" Qilin snapped back angrily.
The whole sub-bureau knows her strong character, and Xiao Liu doesn't care if she smiles.

Just when he was about to speak, he saw a Volkswagen driving towards the door, suddenly accelerated, ran into his car and ran into it.

"Fuck!" He slammed the steering wheel, trying to avoid the oncoming vehicle.

It's a pity, if you do mental arithmetic but don't care, how can you hide?

With a bang, the front of the car on the opposite side slammed into the passenger door of the police car.

Fortunately, the speed of the car was not fast. Although the speed was increased for the last time, the car door that was hit was not seriously deformed. The glass of the car window was only cracked and not broken. Qilin, who was sitting in the co-driver, knocked No blood was seen on the shoulders and head, and the chest was painfully strangled by the seat belt.

Xiao Liu asked nervously: "Qi Lin, how are you? Where are you hurt?"

"I'm fine." Qilin clutched her chest and didn't want to say more.

"Fuck, you dare to attack the police in broad daylight, I want to see who has the guts!" Xiao Liu took out his pistol and opened the door to check.

As soon as he got out of the car, Mu Chenxing opened the back door of the police car and shouted anxiously: "Sister Qilin, are you okay, sister Qilin? I'll take you to the hospital right away, hold on!"

While talking, his hands were not idle, he put down the co-pilot's seat directly from the back row, grabbed Qilin's shoulder and pulled it out.

(End of this chapter)

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