Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 56 I'm Not Just Talking To You

Chapter 56 I'm Not Only Talking To You
"President Feng already knows about us Biyou Village, right? How about it? Do you dare to make a big one?"

After Mu Chenxing "enlightened" Ma Xianhong and "solved" the entanglement in his heart, he continued to do the real thing: call Feng Zhenghao.

"The water in your village is too deep, I dare not go there." Feng Zhenghao refused very simply.

Feng Xingtong has raised several spirits, and he is good at scouting out information, and most of the secrets of Biyou Village have been found out.

The main reason is that the village doesn't care about these at all. If it is not located in the mountainous area, the traffic is inconvenient and the information is blocked, and Ma Xianhong's temperament of not rejecting anyone who comes, can build a strange city here.

Feng Xingtong is young and can't see anything, but his father is different. He has worked hard for these years and has a wealth of life experience, so he can see the clues at a glance.

Being able to easily turn an ordinary person into a different person is a big shot, he dare not do it, and he doesn't want to do it.

"The company already knows that your son is the upper hand in the village." Mu Chenxing's ability to play hooligans is still good, and he continued shamelessly: "We also want to help conceal it, but the temporary workers in the five major districts are all here. In the village. Guild Master Feng should understand that those temporary workers are too difficult to deal with, and there is nothing they can do about it.”

"Hey, boy, you can do it, you are very clever." Feng Zhenghao laughed angrily, he couldn't hide anything, you did it on purpose.

Whether it's changing skills or forming an alliance to deal with the Wang family, it's been a trick from the beginning.

Your calculations are quite deep!

"Tell me, what do you want?" He suppressed his anger and asked in a deep voice.

Things have come to this point, his son is also in the hands of the other party, it is useless to lose his temper.Useless emotional venting does not make things better and is meaningless.

"We want to do business with Chairman Feng." Mu Chenxing said straight to the point: "We have technology, and Chairman Feng has money. Recently, we also contacted the above through Miss Ren in Central China. Such a good condition is just to show great ambitions." when.

Chairman Feng doesn't think we are a terrorist organization, wanting to stabilize society?
That was a huge misunderstanding.

As we all know, in this world, there is no better business than working with the top.Only those with bad brains will become anti-social.

How about it?Do you want to participate in this transaction?The rich are not the only ones who grow up alone.If it weren't for the sake of being the inheritor of the Eight Miraculous Skills, the world will not be able to enter the eyes of our village chief. "

"All the temporary workers have entered the village. Are you so confident that you will not be wiped out by the company? The issue of aliens is very sensitive, young man, you are thinking too simply. Listen to my advice, now, surrender immediately, don't have the slightest Let’s save my life first and then talk about it.”

Feng Zhenghao is not someone who can be persuaded by just a few words.

Mu Chenxing sneered, and said disdainfully: "The issue of Yiren is very sensitive? How sensitive? Is it as sensitive as the mushroom egg back then? President Feng, don't think too much of yourself, Yiren is a fart in front of the country!

You have been trapped in this small circle for too long, and your thinking has solidified. Can you have a pattern?Can you pull your eyes out of the grievances and resentments in the alien world, and take a good look at this world?
I thought Chairman Feng, who was able to start the Tianxia Group from scratch, would be a man of great courage, but this is the result?I am so disappointed.

When Huaxia was founded, it was poor and white, what about now? 14 billion people, the world's second largest economy, what does it rely on?Is there a stranger in [-]?
Don't be so arrogant.

It depends on the hardships and hard work of thousands of ordinary people, and the determination and will of the ancestors to overcome obstacles.Leaders who can lead this country back up, I don't believe they will be short-sighted.

In your eyes, the self-cultivation furnace is a big trouble and a disaster, but in our eyes, it is the mushroom egg of the past. What we have to do is to learn from the heroes of the two bombs and one satellite, and become the backbone of this country!
Some people pursue the dual cultivation of life and life, and become immortals, while others pursue profound skills and outstanding achievements. What we pursue is to make ourselves great.

President Feng, this is my last invitation, would you like to join us?

Please rest assured that we have no intention of holding your son hostage. Whether you agree or not, Xingtong's freedom will not be restricted, and he will never be harmed. "

Mu Chenxing spoke impassionedly, not only for Feng Zhenghao, but also for Gao Erzhuang and the people behind her.

This temporary worker in the northeast region must be monitoring the communication of himself and others, especially after the other temporary workers are defeated, the monitoring will be more stringent.

The girl Er Zhuang must have thought that she was hiding so deeply that no one would find out, so she and the people behind her must have a great degree of trust in the monitoring results.

But why does anyone know the plot?

Therefore, Mu Chenxing made a long speech on the phone, deliberately leaking the intention of attracting investment and the action of contacting the above to the company through Ren Fei, and said that the goal is noble, quite a kind of patriotism for the rise of China, and diligent research Scientist style.

He wants to use the surveillance that the company thinks he doesn't know, to create the illusion that Biyou Village is already contacting private capital and high-level government officials.

Used to bluff.

These words made Feng Zhenghao a little confused, he doubted his ears, is the current young man so enlightened?

His answer hesitated: "I... think about it."

If he speaks so grandly and uprightly, if he refuses directly, he will appear to be politically incorrect. If it is leaked out, what will the people above think of him?The Tianxia Group is not at peace.

Secondly, he is indeed a little tempted. Although the technology is sensitive, it is the real deal. The cutting-edge technology that is at the forefront of the world, as long as the top nods, the future is limitless.

Those who participate in this matter will definitely be able to obtain a lot of political capital, and the road ahead will be extremely smooth.

This matter, the investment value is extremely high.

"After passing this village, there will be no such shop. President Feng, do you think this is okay? It is not convenient for us to go to your place. You come to the village and meet with our village chief. The two of you sit down and have a good talk. Talk." Mu Chenxing proposed a compromise.

"Okay, I will visit Village Chief Ma." Feng Zhenghao finally decided to go to Biyou Village.

The big deal is to pick up his son, what can the company do to him?
"That's the deal, we're waiting for Guild Feng to grow up."

In fact, Mu Chenxing's words not only moved Feng Zhenghao, but also made Ma Xianhong beside him feel ashamed and panicked. I really didn't think so, I just wanted to restore my memory. I almost believe it myself.

It was Feng Xingtong, who was in the second year of hot blood, blushing, and said without hesitation: "Brother Chen Xing, I will not leave. I am the upper root of the village, and I have the responsibility to protect everyone."

Even Gao Erzhuang, who heard this passage, directly forwarded the monitoring recording to all relevant personnel. She has no right to decide, but she wants to do something, even if she will be punished afterwards.

She doesn't care, her father is reluctant to punish her.

Several temporary workers in Biyou Village sighed.

"When this matter is put into the movie, we are the villains from the beginning. Whether it is arresting Chen Duo or destroying the self-cultivation furnace, we are not good people."

"Hey, who told us to do dirty work! Wait for the order."

That is to say, but several people are a little bit unmotivated.

The people in charge of the district who received the recording were all silent, only Ren Fei cursed "cunning little devil" in a low voice, but did not speak to anyone to explain.

The directors of the company who were having a meeting looked at each other in blank dismay, and co-authored... have we become villains?
They can't afford to destroy the high-tech that benefits the country and the people.

How to write the report?How are files classified?What would the big leaders above think?
The technologies that can treat most difficult diseases, improve the physical fitness of the whole people, and improve the overall national strength are destroyed in their hands.

No matter what the reason is, I can't explain it.

Once it is disclosed, you will be a proper national sinner!
He will be scolded as a traitor, and future generations will not be able to lift their heads up.

Chairman Zhao Fangxu coughed, and said, "Let's talk, do you want to come over and have a talk? We really shouldn't destroy the self-cultivation furnace simply and rudely, otherwise, we will all become evil American imperialists."

None of the directors present were young, and most of them had experienced that era. They could understand this joke and understand how heavy it was.

Back then, for the rise of the country, how many people shed their blood.

Bi Youlong was born in the front line, and many of his comrades died for the country, and he has a lot of feelings about this.

"If these little things really think so, I admire them. If they use this as a cover, I will do it myself!"

Several other directors were in favor and opposed, but in the end most of them were in favor.

There are many reasons, the opponent's strength is not weak, the price of defeating is too heavy, and there is no guarantee that all the skills can be obtained;
There is no evil, and it is not suitable to use too drastic means;

The starting point is good, the situation has not intensified, it is within the controllable range, and so on.

Zhao Fangxu finally made a decision: "Send people to bring Ma Xianhong and those upper root organs to Beijing, and the villagers will be sent back to their original places, and the local staff will persuade and educate them."

Of course, everyone in Biyou Village did not know about the company's decision. They were considering whether to leave or stay.

Some people in Shanggeng are also considering this matter.

The first one to make a decision was Zhao Guizhen, taking advantage of the darkness that night, he quietly slipped down the mountain.

Little did he know that he had been spotted by scouting flying insects all over the village long ago. Ma Xianhong could see clearly through the eyepiece. He didn't feel angry, and he never insisted whether to leave or stay.

It's just that there is some resentment.

"Why should it be handed over to temporary workers? After all, they are people in the village."

"In order to practice evil kung fu to increase my cultivation base, I tortured and killed seven innocent children. This kind of person should not die too easily, but I don't have the skill to cut into pieces."

Mu Chenxing put away the phone that had just sent a text message, tilted his head and looked at Ma Xianhong with a smile: "Why don't you try it?"

"Forget it, I can't do it either." The old horse didn't want to talk about it any more, so he changed the subject and asked, "Do you think those people will come tonight?"

"Didn't Guo Liang use Granny Jinfeng's mobile phone to send a message, even if she didn't show up without knowing it, she would secretly check it out."

Hurry up, my lord is waiting for you anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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