Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 64 You vent your anger first, then me

Chapter 64 You vent your anger first, then me
Mu Chenxing spoke fiercely, but he knew in his heart that Liu Chuang was not easy to deal with.

The gene of Nuoxing God of War is a god-level project that surpassed the three generations of super genes. Just after it was activated, the impact force of its bare hands exceeded eight tons.

He doesn't know how far he has grown now.Wearing a dark alloy battle armor and holding a god-killing battle ax, the lethality cannot be underestimated.

I must not be able to resist even an axe.

Standing face to face, only a few steps away, Liu Chuang can rush in front of him with one stride.It will be very troublesome if you let him do it first.

Today I came here for the sake of standing up. If I can't be chased and hacked like a rabbit, it would be a shame.

"Are you ready?" He shook his right hand out of thin air, and the long sword Qingming appeared, pointing obliquely at the ground, his left hand naturally drooped, and an iron gall slowly spun in the palm of his hand.

The Psychic Force Field unfolded, covering the entire training ground, and the Psychic Scanner kept a close eye on Liu Chuang's every movement.

Unsurprisingly, he couldn't break through his energy field. So far, all the super genetic warriors who can mobilize dark energy have been unable to break through their energy field with their mind power. This has abolished the most destructive way of mind power.

If it is attacked from the outside, the force of a ton will cause much less damage.

Liu Chuang is holding an ax in both hands, the handle of the ax is protecting his chest, and the blade of the ax is pointing obliquely from his right shoulder to the sky.

The intention of wanting to fight in close combat is obvious, and he can only fight in close combat now.


As soon as Liu Chuang finished speaking, he kicked his hind legs on the ground, strode forward with his front legs, raised his hands, and raised his tomahawk high, intending to slash his opponent close to his face.The principle of striking first is the strongest, he has been fighting for so many years, and it has already penetrated into his bones.

The blue light in Mu Chenxing's left hand exploded, and the sharp buzzing sound pierced the eardrum with pain. He turned his wrist and turned his palm forward, and a blue light flashed, heading straight for the opponent's chest and abdomen.

He made up his mind that Liu Chuang must be repelled in the first blow and distanced.

Xingyun's move failed to fully charge, and the trajectory of the thought power was only a few meters, and the power did not even show [-]%, but his qi increased several times, and the power of the thought power reached the ton level, and the impact force of the instant burst could at least reach Ten tons.

Although Liu Chuang's strength is great, his weight is there. Even wearing armor, the total weight will not exceed [-] kilograms.

The iron guts carrying more than ten tons of impact instantly hit the armor plate on his chest, offsetting the force of the forward charge, and lifted him into the air, knocked him into the air for 20 meters, and fell on his back. .

The few onlookers exclaimed, the only person in the Xiongbing Company who could repel Liu Chuang head-on was Leina who had upgraded her divine body for three generations, and no one else could do it.

But Mu Chenxing was not satisfied with the effect of the first blow, the distance was only a few steps.

He raised the long sword high, moving the sword body with energy, and a sword energy as tall as a man slashed out. In the blink of an eye, it struck Liu Chuang who had just got up. He still failed to break through the armor, but knocked him down again. on the ground.

However, the ground of the training ground was cut with sword marks of more than 20 meters by the sword energy, the dust was flying, and the visual effect was extremely amazing.

"Damn it! This fucking is called super power!"

"Sword Qi! It's so handsome!"

"Why? Why can I only shake my fists with people? I also want the ability to be handsome."

Zhao Xin, Ge Xiaolun and others were drooling with envy.

Mu Chenxing knew that these two blows did not cause much damage, and Liu Chuang's body hardness and the defensive ability of the dark alloy armor exceeded his expectations.

This kind of meat tank is really disgusting.

It's not easy.

Taking advantage of the opponent's figure losing control, one after another sword qi was sent out one after another.

The sword energy in the training field was criss-crossing, cutting the ground into ravines and criss-crossing, beating Liu Chuang in a disfigured state, stumbling around, and the God-killing Ax fell to nowhere, and he hugged his head to avoid it.

"Admit defeat, admit defeat, stop fighting, stop fighting."

Xin Zhao became anxious, and shouted loudly from the sidelines: "Don't be Chuangzi, we have to double the training if you lose, rush up and do it!"

"That's right, that's right, come on Chuangzi, fuck him!" Ge Xiaolun and Cheng Yaowen didn't want to redouble their training either.

Mengmeng doesn't care much about training, it's much more relaxed here than when she was working part-time, she held Qilin's hand, and said adoringly: "Sister Qilin, brother-in-law is amazing!"

"Don't yell, it's not." Qilin was full of helplessness, she yelled, why did she even call out her brother-in-law, who is younger than you.

Du Qiangwei didn't participate in the booing, and frowned quietly looking at Mu Chenxing in the field. Didn't he mean that he is also a time-space gene?How can it look like a space-time gene?

Defeating Nuoxing God of War head-on, is this something that time-space genes can do?Then what am I?Little trash?

When Mu Chenxing heard Liu Chuang admit defeat, his voice was full of anger. It was obvious that it was only a pain from the beating, and there was no serious injury at all.I have a lot of attack methods, but in terms of destructive power, it is still a little bit interesting, and there are other comrades beside me, so I don't have a chance to be ruthless.

This is the only way to go.

But he felt that it couldn't end like this, Liwei's goal had not been achieved yet.

My own character design is a super soldier who has activated the time-space gene, and it is not enough to defeat the enemy with sword energy.

With the power of thought, Liu Chuang was put into the storage space, and he was placed at an altitude of 500 meters in an instant. The power of thought dragged him and smashed him to the ground bitterly.

"Ah~~ ah! Help! Admit defeat! Admit defeat!" Liu Chuang plummeted into the air like a cannonball, his speed getting faster and faster, and his terrified screams spread throughout the academy.

"Chen Xing, stop quickly! You will kill him." Qi Lin quickly persuaded, the speed of the fall was too fast, if it hit the ground, it would kill people, and super soldiers may not be able to hold it, so this is not a good thing It's over.

There will be a death feud, and the country will not let the murderer go.

Mu Chenxing turned his head and smiled: "Don't worry, Sister Qilin, she was just teasing him."

These words were actually not from the heart, but to dispel the hostility of other people. The seven super soldiers stared at him with scorching eyes, so as not to really do something wrong.

The effect was immediately apparent. Except for Qi Lin, the other six people obviously relaxed their bodies. After all, they are the boyfriends of comrades in arms.

The height of the fall was only 500 meters, which was much lower than the height of their airborne training. Except for Qi Lin, a fragile generation of fighters, the others did not feel that their lives would be in danger.

Mu Chenxing didn't intend to kill anyone either, he wasn't tall enough to kill Nuoxing God of War.

He was just showing off his "time and space ability". When Liu Chuang was about to fall to the ground, he was wrapped up in his thoughts, and was put into the storage space again, and then placed horizontally on the ground.

However, the inertia of falling from a high altitude has not been eliminated, it has only changed from vertical potential energy to horizontal acceleration. He is like a stone floating in water, rolling away along the ground with a clang.

Accompanied by the sound of squeaking and screaming, he rushed out of the training field several hundred meters wide, and slammed into a big tree outside the field.

The impact made the tree tremble, and the leaves rustled down, covering a large area of ​​the ground and covering Liu Chuang underneath.

"Ouch! I'm dying, my hands are really black, it hurts me so much." He shook his head and stood up with the help of the big tree in a dizzy state.

"哕~" There was nothing left for lunch, and it was all contributed to the roots of the tree.

Although he was dizzy, vomited, and hurt all over his body, he was not seriously injured at all. The genes of Nuo Shen and God of War made his body extremely hard. The training ground was smashed into dozens of holes, and the oily skin was not scratched.

He just looked ashamed and looked embarrassed.

"The super genetic warrior is really resistant to beating." Mu Chenxing glanced at Ge Xiaolun, who was even more resistant to beating.

Where is his spare gene hidden?I really want to find it quickly and complete the activation as soon as possible.

"Have you vented your anger?" Lena walked to Mu Chenxing in full armor, holding a sword and shield.

"Come on, let's fight again, it's time for the goddess to vent her anger for her subordinates."

What is the reason for this "challenge"? Qilin has already told her that she is willing to make it happen. If there is any grievance, just fight.

However, that doesn't mean she can watch her teammates being beaten and remain indifferent.

You vent your anger first, and then, it's my turn!
(End of this chapter)

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