Chapter 70

All the spare genes of the power of the galaxy have been injected into the body, and Mu Chenxing feels uncomfortable, not because of the pain, but because every cell in his body is twitching.

There is an illusion that the cells are alive, and they want to abandon themselves and scatter away at any time.

But this is my own choice, no matter how uncomfortable it is, I have to bear it.

Glancing at Mu Chenxing grinning in the nutrition cabin, Lianfeng turned his head and stared at every parameter on the instrument seriously. This was the first time someone loaded two sets of genetic engines in more than ten thousand years.

Although there is a set of super theological colleges that cannot detect it, there should be some reactions to this kind of deep-rooted gene embedding, right?
But the physical parameters are all normal, and the normal exceeds expectations.

Super genes are not perfect for just anyone.

Take the same type of Ge Xiaolun as an example. The gene of the power of the galaxy was implanted in his ancestors thousands of years ago. However, the original genes of the people on earth are too fragile to carry the embedding of the dark matter computer.

The genes of the power of the galaxy circulated in their bodies, and each generation was more adaptable to the super genes than the previous generation. It took nearly 1000 years to give birth to Ge Xiaolun, an individual who could fully carry the power of the galaxy.

It's really not easy.

Whether it is Deno before or Lieyang now, neither can produce a super gene that perfectly fits everyone, and the technology cannot reach it.

If Mu Chenxing hadn't been determined to be a super soldier, and the test results also showed that his gene expression ability was very strong, I probably wouldn't have had the idea of ​​implanting him with the super gene of the Shenhe system.

It's just that the child's original genes are too strong, right?
Every time the gene chain is damaged, it can quickly complete self-repair, and improve the ability to adapt to the super gene, and the implantation process is unbelievably smooth.

The fluctuations of various body parameters are extremely small.

It's as if he exists specifically to carry super genes.

The perfect gene carrier!
It took only two hours to complete the gene implantation of the power of the galaxy.

Unimaginably smooth.

You know, it took nearly 1000 years for the optogenetics implantation in the last Galactic Force project.

The original plan was completely disrupted. I wanted to complete a part of the infrastructure first, then activate this part, and then slowly implant other modules.

There is no need for it now, it is all invalid, and the plan that I have racked my brains can be thrown away.

If you knew this earlier, why bother!So many brain cells died in vain.

It will age faster!

Lianfeng was mixed with sadness and joy, sighed heavily, and stared blankly at the nutrient solution being discharged from the cabin, and watched Mu Chenxing wipe his body indiscriminately after getting up, and hurriedly put on his coat.

"Is there a need to be so shy? Auntie has seen a lot, so she won't have strange ideas." She didn't even know how she came up with such a sentence.

I've been feeling weird lately.

Mu Chenxing didn't want to continue this kind of topic, so he asked, "Is this the end? I don't feel like I've become stronger."

"Now the gene implantation is just completed. I need to open the energy access authority for you to start the dark matter computer in your body, and then register your identity information to complete the activation. Do you need to rest for a while? After all, the gene implantation It's a bad time."

Lianfeng calmed down and answered Mu Chenxing's question.

"Start activating, I can't wait."

"it is good."

As Lianfeng activated the command, Mu Chenxing's consciousness was instantly pulled into a black plane that seemed to be a cosmic space, and also seemed to be a black plane with various cell models floating around.

Two voices sounded in his mind at the same time.

"Welcome to the Kamigawa genetic system."

[Ding, found external information interference, trying to rewrite consciousness, blocked]

Fuck, this is the pit left by the angel, right?
The power of the galaxy is the product of the joint research of the Kamigawa civilization and the angel civilization. The underlying gene is the original male angel gene 3 years ago, which contains the female angel's longing for the male angel.

So rewrite consciousness when activated?

These female angels really know how to play, can they be cultivated directly at the genetic level?Co-authoring the power of the galaxy is the largest married son-in-law in the known universe?
He didn't doubt the Super Seminary, because the Deno survivors don't have technologies such as mind intrusion and consciousness rewriting.

Xiao Fan, the smart assistant of the council, continued diving after a reminder.

The intelligent program of the power of the galaxy is still going through the process.

"It is absorbing energy for you."

"Energy source, Super Seminary: The Light of the Sun."

"Activation complete, registration is being completed."

"I am your super genetic system, and this is your dark plane."

"Complete the registration, the power of the Milky Way, Mu Chenxing, the first start, I wish you good luck."

The whole process went smoothly, and Mu Chenxing didn't ask any messy things. This is his own genetic system, and he will have time to understand it in the future, so don't be in a hurry.

It only took a few seconds for his consciousness to return to reality, and he is now one of the god-making projects, a super genetic warrior who activated the power of the galaxy.

Resisting the joyful heart that got what he wanted, following Lianfeng's instructions, he connected to the dark communication channel of the Super Seminary, connected to the channel of the Xiongbing Company, and connected to the link of Deno No. [-]. In the future, he can Then consult a part of the information, these are the knowledge to master.

Introduction to Dark Matter and Dark Energy

"Dark energy drive theory"

"The Reaction Principle of Gravitational Waves and Dark Matter"

"Strong Mutual Force and Dark Energy Interference Principle"

"Analysis of Micro Wormhole Transport Theory"

Etc., etc.

It's like a sea of ​​smoke!

There are too many things to learn. After all, the super soldiers in this world follow the technological route, and the gods are also the gods of knowledge.

Perfect interpretation of what is called knowledge is power.

"This is the dark alloy armor prepared for you. The call command and the micro-wormhole transportation template have been sent to you. Try to carry it, it should not be difficult for you, after the transportation, it can be included in your exclusive dark plane."

Lianfeng opened the academy's equipment library and took out a set of battle armor. Seeing that Mu Chenxing used the micro-wormhole to carry it directly on his body, he nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Use it for now, your exclusive equipment will be released as soon as possible." manufacture."

Mu Chenxing looked at the leather-based battle armor, which was about the same size as Qi Lin, and felt that it weighed less than ten catties, and it was estimated that the dark iron element only used a few grams.

Compared with other exclusive armors, the defense ability is low, and there is no built-in dark matter computer. The biggest function is to shield the detection of electromagnetic waves.

It's a mass-produced low-end version.

All right, it's good to have it, it's much stronger than the Wudou armor on my body.

The equipment provided by the Super Seminary is all integrated with the template for micro-wormhole handling, which is convenient for super soldiers to call.

In fact, all super fighters can carry micro-wormholes, but most of them are not good at it. They are limited to carrying exclusive equipment that has already been templated.

Unlike the space-time gene, it is loaded with various algorithms and can flexibly drive micro-wormholes to achieve the effect of manipulating space.

The mainstream space capability of Chaoshen Universe is micro-wormhole transport. The feature of this technology is not to aggregate wormholes to form a stable space channel, but to calculate the material composition of the target when transporting the target, and then drive the micro-worm The holes form a corresponding arrangement structure to realize spatial transmission.

Therefore, the stronger the computing power, the simpler the structure of the target material to be transported, and the faster the space transport will be.

How should I put it, the operation is very flexible, and the popularization of abilities is also very convenient, but the requirements for energy and computing power are too high, and I always feel that it is not as practical as the land shrinking technique.

One is to jump over a wall with a person on your back, and different body types consume different power.

One is to directly build a gate, no matter how tall, short, fat or thin you are, anyone can pass, there is no difference between Xiao Guo and Dayao.

Forget it, there is no need to worry about this, the most important thing now is to integrate one's own abilities, his abilities are too complicated, and the combat system must be rebuilt.

After saying goodbye to Lianfeng, on the way back to the dormitory, he was thinking about how to sort out his strength.

Some capabilities are outdated.

 Seeking to follow up, to collect, to vote.

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(End of this chapter)

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