Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 72 The Significance of the Council's Existence

Chapter 72 The Significance of the Council's Existence
Don't worry about Ji An's affairs. He has just acquired new abilities and needs to go to the world under one person to study hard for a period of time, and he was not noticed by people in this world so quickly.

There is a council that can block information interference, and can run away at any time, without fear of being caught and leaking information.

When Mu Chenxing grows up in the future, it doesn't matter whether he leaks the information of the council or not.

In the morning light at six o'clock in the morning, after a leisurely breakfast, I went back to the dormitory to sleep in the face of the envious eyes of the first-stage students of the Xiongbing Company who went out for morning training.

It was impossible to sleep. Although he hadn't slept for two days and one night, he didn't feel so drowsy with the benefits of innate qi and the blessing of the mantra for purifying the mind.

Don't want to sleep, Tian Jinzhong from Longhu Mountain can persist without sleep for decades, he only has two days and one night, it's a trivial matter.

Mainly there is business.

Since the binding of the council, because the underlying information is too large, it has not been able to read it until now. With the super gene of the power of the galaxy, it should not be burned out.

"Start transmitting the low-level information of the council." He ordered the smart assistant Xiao Fan in his heart.

【Information transmission starts】

[1%...5%...10%...90%...transmission complete]

The transmission of information took a very short time, and it was over in a few seconds, but it took more than six hours for Mu Chenxing to interpret it.

The brain worked extremely fast for six hours, and finally figured out what the void is and what the conceptual body is.

The void can say nothing, or it can contain everything. It is the starting point and the end point of all universes.If the void is regarded as an ocean, then the universe is the small bubbles in the ocean.

Bubbles are constantly being produced, and they are constantly bursting. They expand and collapse in the sea of ​​void.

All the matter, energy, and rules in the bubbles are just a part of the bubbles, they appear with the appearance of the bubbles, and shatter with the collapse of the bubbles, and cannot exist independently in the ocean.

Space, time, matter, and energy all appeared after the birth of the universe. It is impossible to use them to measure the void and describe the concept of the void.

Only by transcending the existence of the universe can one truly observe the void.

And this kind of existence must have at least one premise: eternal immortality.

Any matter, any energy, and any information cannot affect it, and the ego in all timelines and multiple spaces, the eternal and unique existence, can be called eternal and immortal.

At this point, you are qualified to step into the void.

After accepting the baptism of the void, the concept of "real existence" will be born, and this existence is the conceptual body.

The concept body has the intelligent life, and also has the concept creation.

The Council of the Pan-Earth Union is the creation of the concept.

The conceptual body will also disappear, as long as the concept of "existence" is erased.

And it is extremely difficult to achieve this step.

Everything about the target must be wiped clean, not a single residue can be left, including all memories and cognitions about him.

That is to say, if you want to kill a conceptual body, you must not only eliminate his own existence, erase all records about him, but also erase everyone's memory of him, including yourself.

Because even if there is only a piece of residual information left in this kind of existence, it can be reshaped by information.

It is very likely that the council has experienced such a big battle, or it may only be affected.

What the answer is, I have no idea.

He only knows that all the franchise directors have died, and even whether their universe still exists is unknown, because no relevant records can be found.

Possibly wiped out for possessing the memory of some existence.

I thought that after reading the underlying information of the council, I would be able to find a repair method for the lost system, but it turned out that it was completely useless. The functions directly related to the main material universe were all destroyed, and the relevant data disappeared without a trace.

He suspects that the council is likely to have been completely destroyed, and only the core conceptual body has been reshaped for some reason.

Then what happened to me?

Why can my soul appear in the void, and how was it discovered by the council?

It's better not to read this piece of information, to know the void, to know the eternity, to know the conceptual body that really exists.

Knowing that the imbalance of a singularity in the void created the birth of the universe.

Knowing that the essence of everything in the universe is just the combination of energy and information.

Know that the universe is not stable.

Knowing the birth and death of all universes, they are superimposed states in the void, and everything in them cannot be called real.

The meaning of the existence of the Council is to determine the positioned universe as the state of birth, and to give the concept of "truth" to everything in it.

I know a lot, but I have more doubts.

The only thing that is certain is that the Kamigawa civilization is not the enemy he guessed, and they cannot intervene in the war in the void at all.

If the Kamigawa civilization is to be associated with the council, then there is only one possibility, they may be one of the former joining forces of the council, and then they were affected.

Mu Chenxing felt that this guess was completely nonsense.

I guess I am going crazy after reading this information.A little frog in the well suddenly saw the vast sky, his outlook on life was shattered, and he just wanted to jump back into the well again.

He needs to be quiet and let his mind return to reality.

But the silence of the bedroom was suddenly interrupted.

Someone is knocking on the door.

After opening the door, A Jie, who was dressed like a black super special policeman, appeared in sight.

"Is there something wrong?" Mu Chenxing had no interest in talking.

"Haha." Ajie smiled brightly, full of emotions, and said in a straight voice: "Let me introduce myself again, the field officer of the Huaxia Extraterrestrial Civilization Bureau, the tactical instructor of the Super Seminary, Jess.

You have just arrived, and your training progress is different from other students. From now on, I will be responsible for your training until you catch up with the progress of others. "

"Oh." Mu Chenxing responded dully.

With an inexplicable excitement, Ajie didn't care about his attitude at all: "As a tactical instructor, I think you need to start learning from tactical theory!"


"follow me."

Ajie took him for a long walk on the tree-lined path, and came to a two-story European-style villa-like building.

I found a room on the first floor and started teaching.

Mu Chenxing didn't even eat lunch, and listlessly listened to a lot of super god combat theories, such as small team assault, beheading tactics, and space ability combined with sniper operations.

Balabara didn't stop talking all afternoon.

To be honest, the theory plus the battle example are very exciting, Ajie has something in his stomach, but his behavior of blocking himself from going to dinner is too much, right?
I didn't eat two meals, and my chest was sticking to my back!

"What do you mean?" Mu Chenxing's rationality came back from being hungry, and he finally realized that there was something strange in this matter.

"You have fallen behind too much training progress, you have to catch up."

Chase your head!

Mu Chenxing discovered that three angels were descending here.

He smelled a conspiracy!
(End of this chapter)

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