Chapter 81
Super genetic warriors can observe micro-wormholes through the dark plane, even if they are not space-time genes, they can do it, but different models have different observation accuracy.

The power of the galaxy unlocks the genetic authority of angels, and the observation ability of the probing eye is very powerful. It can even calculate the landing point of space transportation through the trajectory of micro-wormholes and phenomena such as distortion, entanglement, and resonance.

Mu Chenxing discovered that someone nearby was manipulating space through the distortion of the micro-wormhole.

This person's space ability is stronger than his own. Whether it is the micro-wormhole observation or the space perception of the earth shrinking technique, he can't grasp the specific location of the opponent, let alone break the space barrier and force him to show up.

No need to guess, it must be Gu Yi.

The location where she is should be the mirror space.

This kind of magic that only allows me to look at you, not allowed you to look at me, and can manipulate space distortion, as well as the gravity and matter in the space at will, made Mu Chenxing drool.

There are also some other spells of Gu Yi, which he is also very interested in.

However, as for Kama Taj's borrowed mana, I would like to thank you for not being sensitive. He just wants to know the principle of manipulating space and soul, and wants to learn from it and absorb it into his own power.

Seeing the big boy in front of him "rolling his eyes", looking around him, Gu Yi smiled and shook his head, opened the space door and returned to Karma Taj.

Now is not the time.

She has observed the timeline thousands of times, and has seen various future trends. Every active contact will deflect things to the bad side.

This child is like a wounded little beast, any active contact will make him explode, and he needs to wait patiently for him to come over by himself before things can develop on the good side.

too sensitive.

Is it because of a physical disability?
Perhaps this question needs to be left to the next supreme mage to think about. She has observed too many timelines and feels that her mind is becoming more and more numb and boring.

Those who fool time will inevitably be fooled by time.

She is tired.

It's time to rest.

The trajectory of the micro-wormhole returned to normal. Mu Chenxing understood that the person had already left. Regarding this supreme mage, he was a little hesitant to pay a visit.

I am not what I used to be, and there are many means of self-protection, so I won't be helpless to fight back.

After pondering for a while, I decided to talk about it later. At this time, the most valuable thing on earth is not the spell of Kama Taj, but the space gem that has no powerful protection.

Why don't you use such a good opportunity to study and study, but to learn spells instead?He will feel like a fool.

"Chen Xing, what's wrong?"

"There are enemies?"

Ethan and Tony saw Mu Chenxing's eyes light up with white screens, as if he was searching for something carefully. Although in their eyes, the place was just an empty hall, the trust in their partners still made them feel very nervous .

Living in the outer universe together, doing business across the universe together, walking out of the cave where they were kidnapped together, and being members of the same organization, the common experience allowed them to naturally establish a good friendship.

"It's okay, I'm leaving." Mu Chenxing closed his probing eyes, and answered the two people's questions lightly.

"Was there someone just now?" Tony ran to the place where Mu Chenxing was watching just now, lowered his head and carefully observed the ground.

"There is no trace of walking, and the window has never been opened." He raised his head and asked Jarvis: "Are there any abnormalities found in thermal energy, metal, and spectrum?"

Someone broke into his home without him noticing, so he couldn't help being nervous, especially when he was just kidnapped two months ago.

"No abnormalities were found, Mr. Stark." Jarvis's answer was not good news.

"Has the stealth technology developed to such a high level? Why don't I know?" He murmured in confusion.

"It's not stealth technology, it's space technology." Mu Chenxing explained: "I found that the trajectory of the micro-wormhole was abnormally distorted, but I didn't grasp the specific space coordinates."

Tony's eyes widened, and a sense of absurdity that had been refreshed came to his mind.

"This is my world, right? When did space technology appear? I don't know anything about it?" He emphasized, "This is space technology! It's not that some restaurant invented a new burger, Did you say you made a breakthrough?"

He really doubted life a little bit, did he travel to the wrong world?I haven't heard of this thing in the past 40 years.

Facing the infiltration method supported by space technology, how should we deal with it?He is at a loss.

He felt very frustrated when someone else entered the house and there was nothing he could do.

His brows were wrinkled into a furrow, and his face was full of distress.

"Are you panicking? The smart Mr. Stark is panicking like a little baby who can't find its mother?" Mu Chenxing looked at him seriously, and said with an emphasis: "The Tony I know is not this look."

"Hey! BOY, don't worry, Uncle Tony will take care of everything." Tony habitually stiffened his mouth, but when he walked by, he still said in a low and almost inaudible voice: "Thanks, buddy."

Regardless of whether others could hear him or not, he strode towards the door: "Pepper, I want to hold a press conference."

There are many things, he needs to do one by one!

Pepper is still in the emotional turmoil of her lover's safe return home, surprise at seeing an angel, disbelief, and more.

Hearing the call, he instinctively followed the familiar figure.

The host ran away without saying anything, leaving only two guests staring at each other.

Ethan shrugged his shoulders, saying that he was used to it for a long time: "Tony has such a temperament, he is not bad, just get used to it."

"What does he mean by leaving us here? He promised to treat me to dinner before." Looking at Tony who was leaving the house, Mu Chenxing was a little helpless. What he said just now had a great stimulating effect.

"Then let's go out and find a place to eat?" In Ethan's heart, he really didn't want to stay in this luxury villa. After returning to this world, his original social status would naturally be restored.

He and Tony are not of the same class, and it's time to return to their respective life trajectories.

There are no partners who stay together forever.

At this time, it was approaching the evening, and it was time to consider the issue of dinner and accommodation.

The Marvel Universe team is about to disperse. This is not what Mu Chenxing wants to see. It's a mess here. There are ghosts and monsters everywhere. Dispersion is not a good thing.

Not only can't they disperse, but he also wants to incite Tony and Ethan to pull up a powerful force. The situation on the earth is not suitable for a large-scale military route, and a large number of ordinary soldiers is useless. A powerful squad is the most suitable.

Rather than letting the Avengers gang join the Snake and Shield Bureau, it is better to let Tony organize it. Anyway, he has a lot of money and technology, and he is just a step away from pulling people.

"Ethan, I think it's best for you not to show up now. Tony's kidnapping incident has had a huge impact, and there are many people staring at this place. If you go out of his house suddenly, it will be dangerous.

Let's wait for a while, and wait until I get acquainted with this planet. "He has nothing good to say, and he doesn't want to disclose the plot of Marvel directly, so he can only stabilize Ethan first.

After reading the earth's information with the probing eyes, a lot of information will have a "source", and it will be easy to arrange at that time.

To be honest, I really envy Keisha, who can get an overview of the earth in one minute, but I need to read it bit by bit, and the time is much slower.

(End of this chapter)

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