Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 86 I just want to lie down and become stronger

Chapter 86 I just want to lie down and become stronger
Banner's Chinese is so good that Mu Chenxing was surprised.

He can actually understand the mantra of purifying the mind.

Having experienced the baptism of the divine spell on the soul, Banner was obsessed with that peaceful and peaceful state. He was like a drowning man catching a life-saving driftwood, pestering Mu Chenxing to learn.

It's definitely okay to teach him, but I don't know if Banner can learn it.

In fact, Skye is the one who haunts Mu Chenxing the most. She follows her wherever she goes. Even when she is eating, she never leaves her eyes. The secret of her life makes her worry about her.

"Your father, Dr. Johnson, I don't know his full name. When he was practicing medicine in Huaxia, he fell in love with your mother, Jia Ying, and then stayed in Huaxia. After that, you were born. Your real name is Daisy. , Daisy Johnson."

"My name is Daisy." Mu Chenxing's words made Skye, no, he should be called Daisy now, burst into tears.She didn't know whether to believe it or not, but this was the only person who told her about her life experience all these years.

She has no choice.

She hoped it was true.

"What happened later? Why did you abandon me later?"

"They didn't abandon you. Your mother is an alien with superpowers. She can absorb the vitality of others to restore herself, but she didn't do evil until she was discovered by Whitehall, the leader of one of the hydra.

Your mother was dragged onto the bench, dismembered alive, and her internal organs were transplanted into Whitehall. "

"Didn't you say that my mother is not dead?" Daisy couldn't help asking anxiously after hearing such a tragedy.

Mu Chenxing answered her clearly: "Your mother is not dead. It's just that the Hydra people thought she was dead, so they dumped the body in the wild. Your father found her and sewed her body up again.

Remember what I said about your mother's powers?Absorb the life force of others to restore yourself.Your father arrested the whole village for your mother to absorb. As a result, only three members of your family survived in the whole village.

During that time, the Homeland Strategic Attack... Forget it, the full name is too long, let’s call it the abbreviation, for short. The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. discovered you and rescued you, causing you to be separated from your parents.

Don't hate them. They really think they are saving you. Many people have died to protect you over the years. You will have to change to a foster family in almost a year or two. This is also a means of protecting you. "

This story is full of twists and turns, with superpowers and organizations of justice and evil involved.

Daisy's head was a little messed up, she clutched her forehead and moaned: "The script is really good, it must be very attractive when made into a movie."

Of course, Mu Chenxing knew that empty words cannot be convincing, so he turned the notebook in his hand and turned the screen to Daisy.

"See for yourself."

He has invaded the internal database of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the page is the record about Daisy.

Seeing her earnestly and urgently looking up the information, Mu Chenxing walked away quietly.

She needs a quiet environment to think carefully.

"Why don't you accompany the little beauty you picked up?" Tony didn't soak in the laboratory for the first time, but sat drinking in the viewing hall.

"You're not waiting for me, are you? Is there something wrong?" Mu Chenxing was indeed a little puzzled.

"No, just resting for a while. You brought them back and want to absorb them into the council?" Tony changed the subject, not wanting to talk about why he stayed in the living room.

He just watched the battle video of the Culver University campus and felt a little frustrated. The well-conceived Mark III fell behind before production started.

The power to kick the monster 200 meters with one kick is estimated to be able to kick the newly designed armor into pieces.

There is no need to manufacture it.

"It still needs to be investigated." Mu Chenxing lay on the big sofa, enjoying the afternoon sun comfortably.

The storage space is continuously expanding, and the abundant energy of the space gem is nourishing every cell of him. Although he has not found a way to upgrade the three generations of gods, he can still feel that he is continuously becoming stronger.

The original gene is evolving, and the innate qi with the essence of life is also growing. Under the influence of the space gem, the shrinking technique has become more sensitive to the perception and manipulation of the space structure.

It feels so good to become stronger while lying down!
Although it is not like Captain Marvel, Carol, relying on the energy of the space gem to become a superpower across the universe.

But this feeling of continuous strengthening made Mu Chenxing still in a good mood.

His words also made Tony feel a lot better.

"Haha! I like this answer, not everyone can be as trustworthy as Uncle Tony. BOY, your vision is quite good!"

"You're so stinky." Mu Chenxing curled his lips. At the beginning, he wanted to save your life, so he directly invited you to join him. It has nothing to do with character.

"Tony, have you ever thought about how to protect your world? I have found a lot of information recently. Your earth is really messy and dangerous."

"So you started recruiting?"

"You made a mistake. I invited the directors to join me to strengthen the council. Your world needs your own protection. I don't have this obligation, do I?"

Mu Chenxing has no idea of ​​being a nanny. As a friend and a member of the council, he is willing to remind and provide help, but don't expect him to work hard and bear no complaints to contribute to other people's world.

"By the way, you look like you are going to die in the laboratory these days, why are you so leisurely now?"

What he said was purely out of curiosity, but it aroused Tony's full of resentment, and it wasn't because of you!
However, it is unacceptable to be beaten to death by a child under the age of 20 who has been beaten to the point of depression.

I can only find another topic: "I'm waiting for the test results of some materials. Some parts have more complicated requirements and require alloys with better performance. That's fine, don't ask, you won't understand even if you tell me."

"Use vibration gold! Don't tell me you don't know, how could you not know about the metal material your father discovered."

Mu Chenxing knew that vibration gold was rarely circulated in the outside world, but he remembered that there was a smuggler named Crowe who had a large amount of vibration gold in his hand. It was impossible for Tony to afford it. It was absolutely no problem to use some key components.

He doesn't want to go to Wakanda now, because it is now at a critical moment to analyze the energy field of the space gem, and doing things there will waste his computing power.

It is very difficult to analyze the structure of gemstones and the space link with the universe, and it will take 5000 years.

Therefore, he changed his goal to analyze the force field structure and fluctuations of the energy gathered in the vicinity of the entire cube, so that after Tony created new elements, he could quickly put them into practical application.

It is impossible for him to use the Ark reactor, which is a device that uses new elements for nuclear fusion and then generates electricity.

Whether it is nuclear energy or electric energy, they are all backward energy sources for the genetic engine of the power of the galaxy.

What he needs is dark energy.

Therefore, it is too wasteful to focus on the energy-gathering field of the space gem and prepare to imitate a set of energy supply devices to directly absorb new elements.You can't stare at the lamb when eating meat, you have to find a way to make it grow meat.

But Tony's answer made him speechless.

"50 a gram, there is a price but no market, it is not easy to buy."

Really expensive!

To be honest, he doesn't understand why Wakanda so strictly controls the vibration control money.

Obviously their technology has surpassed the entire world, and it can even be said that they have become a generation gap.The national power is stronger than any country in the world, but it has always been hidden, pretending to be poor and backward, and to enclose itself.

The social form also remained mixed with feudalism and slavery.

It can be said that it has the strength of a strong country, but it does not have the appearance of a strong country.

Has the king's selfishness overwhelmed his reason?Do you want to rule that land forever?
A twisted and sad state.

(End of this chapter)

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