Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 89 Found the Answer

Chapter 89 Found the Answer

There was no rush for the base, and Pepper was notified to send someone out to inspect the land. Jarvis designed a detailed plan, and then had to find an engineering team for construction.

These all take time.

Tony's general meaning is to find an uninhabited island and build a large base that includes laboratories, manufacturing plants, docks, airports, combat readiness areas, and living areas. The main building is located underground.

After traveling through multiple universes, his home was invaded by human space, and he also learned from Mu Chenxing that there are other threats on the earth, he felt that Marbury's mansion was no longer safe.

There was a strong fortress that was very much to his liking.

Mu Chenxing originally only planned to have a laboratory, a small manufacturing workshop, and a place where some people could live.

But someone spends huge sums of money to build a large base, and he has no reason to refuse.Whether it is the council or Tony's own team, they always need to develop. It is a very good thing to have a good foundation.

He wanted to build a base because he was going to dig deep into Marvel.In fact, this plan has been planned for a long time, but he was worried that Gu Yi would drive him away like a dimensional invasion, so he didn't mention it before.

Now, five days have passed, and it has been four days since he got the space gem, and no big boss has shown up, indicating that he can stay at ease.

In the future, I will definitely go back and forth to this universe frequently. If I stay for a long time, I can't always live in Tony's house. That's not a long-term solution.

He needs a place of his own.

Things about the base can wait slowly, but there is one thing that needs to be done as soon as possible.

The progress of analyzing the space gem gathering ability field has passed 80%, and it will be completed in a little more than a day.

He needs the new element to come into the world as soon as possible.

He has scanned the materials left by Howard and the model of the 74 Science and Technology Expo. The atomic structure is clearly there. The only problem is how to make it.

In the original plot, Tony used an electromagnetic accelerator to accelerate charged particles to bombard a triangle to produce new elements.

The electromagnetic accelerator is not difficult, but Mu Chenxing cannot deduce which element is bombarded to change the atomic structure and become a new element.

To be honest, in terms of fighting, he can beat a hundred Tony Starks, but in terms of scientific research, Tony can beat him.

But Tony just saw the relic last night, and he hasn't started deducing the atomic structure yet, so how can he tell him?

I peeked at your father's relics and figured out the atomic structure of the new element. Now I can't solve the problem of making it?Saying this is a serious invasion of privacy, who would feel better about it?It will definitely be heartbreaking.

Although he only opened his probing eyes to read the information in the relic and didn't dig through it, the nature is the same.

Can't say that.

Have to change the angle.

He pointed to Tony's chest: "The energy provided by the palladium element cannot reach the level of fighting me. You need new energy sources."

He raised his hand and took out the space gem from the dark plane, and continued: "Universal Rubik's Cube, you should have heard its name?"

The story of Captain America is well-known to everyone, and the Rubik's Cube is the focus of the story. Few people have never heard of it.

Mu Chenxing is not afraid to reveal the news that he owns the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. Except for the big bosses, he doesn't care about other people who want the Rubik's Cube. S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra are all rookies.

"I heard that the Rubik's Cube has infinite energy, is it true?" Banner was very curious when he saw this cube for the first time.

Ethan was a little worried. That thing had caused a lot of chaos. He was afraid of bringing Mu Chenxing trouble, but he thought about the child's fighting power, pursed his lips, and didn't speak.

Tony is the most familiar with this, and it is often mentioned in the materials left by his father.

"You'll take it out for us to study? It's not like your style, BOY, you don't just want to show off, do you? That's too bad."

"It's a door that connects the universe, a two-way door, it's very dangerous, and you can't study it, at least not now."

The meaning of these words was understood by all three of them. If it was true, it would be a great hidden danger.

Before they could express their opinions, Mu Chenxing continued: "This cannot be studied by you, but I found an element with huge energy in its composition. I think this energy should be able to help you."

After finishing speaking, he shook his head and said with emotion: "I am too great to help others deal with myself."

"Chen Xing, we're not going to deal with you. It's just that power must be restrained. Unrestricted freedom is not a good thing." Ethan was afraid that Mu Chen Xing would lose his mind, so he quickly opened his mouth to explain.

Tony patted his arm: "Don't worry, Ethan, Chenxing can show this, which means he doesn't care. Boy, from today on, you're like an adult."

"Mu, you are worthy of admiration." Banner agrees with Mu Chenxing in his heart, because he is also a person who is willing to limit his own strength.

"Okay, I have already sent the atomic structure to Jarvis, you can see how to make it, I am not good at this." Mu Chenxing finally finished what he wanted to say, hoping that they would get it out quickly, He can then proceed to create energy that is common to other universes.

"Jarvis, turn on the holographic projection." Tony is the most urgent, because his father is the new element found on the Rubik's Cube, and he wants to know if it is the same.

The holographic projection was soon shown to everyone.

Both Banner and Ethan were amazed at the discovery of the new element.Tony felt a little sad in silence, but in terms of structure, it really resembled the description in the information.

Howard, someone else discovered the same element as you, unfortunately not me.He sighed, let me show it to the world!

"We need an electromagnetic accelerator, plus a block prism."

"Bombard heavy particles." Banner took Tony's words.

"I think the nucleus of the gold atom is good." Ethan added again.

"That's right! Let's get started, guys." Tony closed the topic.

It turned out to be the nucleus of a gold atom, Mu Chenxing smiled, and he was going to prepare some raw materials.

Sink the space gem into the dark plane again, and said happily: "You guys are busy, I'm leaving."

Just turning around, he remembered something, and turned back: "I said Tony, when will you receive treatment? I told you a long time ago that as long as I operate to remove the fragments of the bomb, I can restore you to the original, you What are you still hesitating about?"

There are many small bomb fragments in Tony's body, most of which are in the blood vessels near the heart. Mu Chenxing's mind control is not fine enough to extract the shrapnel from the blood vessels safely.

When the shrapnel is packaged into the storage space, it needs the force of the mind to interfere with the material world.But I'm afraid that if the force is too high, the blood vessels near the heart will be torn, and the blood vessels bursting in that part will be a big trouble.

The best option is to do a thoracotomy, and use instruments to magnify and observe to remove those fragments intact.

After that, the wound can be completely healed with both hands.

But Tony has not acted. He couldn't find a trustworthy doctor in other universes before. Now that he is back, he is still procrastinating.

I don't know what to worry about?
It seemed that he had to wait for the side under one person to settle down, and let Ma Xianhong use both hands to stabilize Tony's physical signs.

Tony didn't know that someone wanted to explode his heart vessels, so he patted his chest indifferently: "Uncle Tony has a big heart."

It doesn't mean to be cured at all.

All right, I'm looking forward to seeing your veins burst.Mu Chenxing's smile made Tony feel flustered.

(End of this chapter)

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