Chapter 96
Except for Tony, the replicating ability was smooth, but he stayed in the self-cultivation furnace for nearly an hour.

Because the blood vessels around his heart burst three times.

It is more difficult than imagined to use the power of thought to take the shrapnel in the tiny blood vessel.

"Cut off all the body tissues around the base of the reactor. Anyway, the sternum needs to be reshaped. I can maintain his vital signs." Ma Xianhong proposed a new treatment plan.

Really simple and rude.

Mu Chenxing readily agreed.

After knocking Tony out, he took the knife without hesitation, and he had no worries at all in his heart.

The operation was successful, there is no doubt about it.

The only problem was solved, and everything else went smoothly, and this party of sitting and eating fruit and fruit came to a successful conclusion.

The busy people left one after another, and a few idlers continued to drink and chat.

Ji An sat next to Mu Chenxing, who was eating meat, and shook his head in amazement: "I've never seen you eat so much before, this must be ten catties of meat? Fortunately, I bought a lot today, otherwise it would not be enough for you alone of."

Mu Chenxing finished eating the steak on the plate, drank a sip of beer and ate it, and said slowly: "Where is this? Super genetic soldiers can eat it, and the Xiongbing Company also supplies special high-energy jerky. , otherwise it will not be able to keep up with the consumption."

The genetic engineering of the super god universe takes the way of micro-machines embedded in the gene chain. Before the three generations of gods, the genes have not really evolved in essence.

Once the super gene is activated, it means that every gene chain is under load, which consumes a lot of biological energy.

How can living things come about?
eat chant.

Mu Chenxing is much better than others. He recreated the body of a fairy, with high-end biological energy such as innate qi, which continuously nourishes the body. It will not damage the genes even if he does not eat special high-energy food, but the appetite has increased. few.

The other super soldiers spend a lot of money on meals every day, and they can't do without food. They can really be so hungry that the genetic system shuts down.

For this problem, Lie Yang specially clicked on the relevant technology chain, and blazed a path of high-energy ingredients. They call it alchemy, and it is famous in the known universe.

Other god-making civilizations should also have related technologies.

"Xiongbing Company." Ji An's complexion was a bit complicated. He didn't want to worry about some things in front of the enemy, but he still couldn't let go.

Once, the job he liked and the girlfriend he loved were all gone because of some people's malice, and his life fell into the abyss.

During those days, he couldn't count how many times he thought about dying.

If it weren't for the little brother beside him, he would still be a cripple lying on the bed and unable to take care of himself.

Forget it, it's all over.He sighed and asked, "I'm considered a superpower now, right? Will I be recruited by Xiongbing Company when I go back? I don't really want to go."

Of course Mu Chenxing knew the reason, and carefully analyzed it for him: "If you join the army directly, you will definitely be recruited, and the battle armor cannot be used on the bright side, and you can't use the dark metal armor, it will be very embarrassing.

I think, you need to contact the head of Huaxia and take the path of special warfare, so that you can exert your combat power. "

"Do you have a way?" Ji An used to be a small policeman, so he had no connections with the upper echelon, so he couldn't just go to the military compound and recommend himself, right?

"Don't worry, I'll help you figure out a way." In fact, Mu Chenxing doesn't have such connections, but Lianfeng does, so she can help introduce them.

With the excuse that he had thought it all over, he said that he was not at the level of a super soldier, but the enemy cannot bury talents, so he recommended it to the Huaxia military. There is also a reason for the battle armor.


So decided.

"I'll go back to Super Seminary after dinner, and find someone who can contact the above. You wait for my news."

"I'll go back with you, and I've almost practiced secretly. Anyway, I can't hold it to death, as long as I can find a direction."

"Okay, then let's go now."

Mu Chenxing said hello to Ma Xianhong and others, and traveled back to the Chaoshen universe with Ji An.

The return locations of the two are different. Mu Chenxing confessed in the chat group that he was waiting for news at home, spread his wings and flew to the East China Sea. He contacted Lianfeng on the way and found out that the Juxia had already sailed to the South China Sea.

Turn around and head south, speeding up to the coordinates sent by Lianfeng.He is not a real time-space gene, and he cannot be teleported there directly. The longer the distance is, the gap between the Earth Shrinking Technique and the time-space gene will appear.

As soon as he arrived near the aircraft carrier battle group, he was pointed at with a gun: "That black kid flying in the sky, quickly surrender to your sister, or I will beat you down!"

"Don't slander people, I'm not black at all."

Mu Chenxing replied in the dark communication channel of the Xiongbing Company, and then reported his identity to the command center. After completing the identification of friend and foe, he folded his wings together and dived at high speed towards the figure holding a sniper rifle on the deck of the aircraft carrier.

When it came to the top of the head, the wings spread out suddenly, and the wind pressure brought by it slammed down, making Qilin's figure unstable. Her high single ponytail broke the seal, and her long hair like a waterfall fluttered with the wind.

Well, destroying her body has achieved a lot.

"You're going to die, you!" Qilin brushed back her messy hair, and the long hair in the shawl was very charming.

"Wait for me here, I have something to do with you." Mu Chenxing confessed, his figure disappeared instantly, he had to deal with business first.

The business is to find Lianfeng to introduce the head of the military.

As soon as the matter was said, she had no objection, and thought of the candidate after a moment of pondering: "The person who has the most contact with our college is Mr. Huang. He is an admirable person. I can recommend it for you."

"It's not for me to recommend, but for Ji An."

"Ji An?" Lianfeng had an impression of this person, and sighed: "I can understand that he doesn't want to come to the Xiongbing Company. I didn't find out that he has super genes before?"

"He suddenly awakened." Mu Chenxing didn't want to explain, his current method of encrypting dark information is not very smart, and it is easy to be cracked.

"Well, he suddenly awakened." Lianfeng didn't believe it, but she didn't continue to ask. This child has a lot of secrets, and he doesn't want him to know, so it's useless to ask.

"I'll take you to meet him tomorrow, and then help introduce Mr. Huang, can I?" Mu Chenxing asked.

"Tomorrow, we will meet Mr. Huang directly. Let's go together. Do you think we can't see that you don't want to stay in Xiongbing Company? We don't have any malice towards Huaxia, you have to trust me.

Tomorrow, you can have a frank and honest talk with Mr. Huang.The big battle is coming, Taotie's fleet has entered the solar system, the war is not far away, I don't think you can go to the battlefield with doubts. "Lianfeng really doesn't want the God he believes to be divorced from the academy.

"Okay, I'll go there tomorrow too." Mu Chenxing nodded, settled the matter, then took out a cubic vibrating gold, and talked about another serious matter: "The metal I told you before, you take care of it." Do your research and wait for your results."

"Is it the kind of metal you asked about that has high physical strength, can absorb energy, and can also reflect energy? Pure natural?" Lianfeng couldn't believe it, and looked at Zhenjin curiously before waiting for an answer.

It was not enough to see with the naked eye, and immediately mobilized the equipment in the laboratory to start scanning.

That kind of energy of acting as if no one else is there makes scientists no longer scientists.

"I'm leaving, Aunt Lianfeng, don't forget about tomorrow." Mu Chenxing didn't want to stay any longer, there were still people waiting for him on the deck, so he took the opportunity to say goodbye.

"Let's go, let's go." Lianfeng waved her hand without looking back, as if she disliked others for disturbing her research.

(End of this chapter)

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