Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 99 is like the commanding army of thousands of horses

Chapter 99 is like a commander of thousands of horses and horses (repost the chapter, subscribed before, be careful not to subscribe again)
The explosions over Tianhe City have never stopped.

The missile exploded on the shield of the alien fleet, roaring, blazing, smoke filled, shrapnel flying across, the sound and light effects were excellent, and the damage was almost non-existent.

However, the counterattack of the alien battleship has a very high hit rate.

The fighter planes in the air came to support one formation after another, and within a few minutes they wiped out the entire establishment. Every moment, pilots spilled blood in the sky, and the fighter planes that could support still rushed to the sky above Tianhe City without hesitation.

It wasn't just the air combat troops that were lost. Many missile positions knew that as long as they opened fire, the entire army would be wiped out, but the missiles bombarding the alien fleet never stopped.

They are rushing to death, they are practicing their beliefs and glory.

Huge casualties covered the evacuation of the people of Tianhe City, and great sorrow filled the hearts of every Chinese commander.

Mu Chenxing entered the battlefield amid such sorrow.

The probing eyes are turned on, scanning the entire theater of operations.

A flagship like a big cross, the main body is six kilometers long, and the diameter of the external parts is nearly seven kilometers, and the storage space cannot fit it.

Three large cigar-like frigates, the main body is five kilometers long, and the diameter is only 600 meters. This is fine.

Twelve flat, short and thick fireships, the main body is only a little over two kilometers, this is also fine.

A total of sixteen warships are scattered in the airspace of more than 300 kilometers, and I need to deal with them one by one.

The enemy has not yet fully entered the low-altitude area, and those small gunboats and individual aircraft that are like wasps have not released a few, which saves a lot of trouble.

The battlefield investigation is completed, let's go!
"I am the Xiongbing Lianmu Chenxing. Brothers in the Air Force can retire and rest. Now, I will take over this battlefield. It is a great honor to fight side by side with you." The battlefield is too chaotic. My own people were beaten.

In fact, he somewhat overestimated the capabilities of both parties in the air battle. Neither the gluttonous warships nor the Huaxia fighter planes could lock on to the figure that was constantly teleporting in the air using the ground shrinking technique.

A psychic force field with a radius of ten kilometers cannot cover the entire battlefield, but it can cover enemy warships.

Continuously teleport, close to the enemy ship, wrap the mind, collect it, and then look for the next target.

This process was repeated fifteen times, and Mu Chenxing felt that he was not fighting, but more like an assembly line worker driving screws in a factory.

Less than a certain level, in front of him, he has no resistance at all, and he can wipe out an entire army of the enemy by himself.

Quantities are meaningless.

Breathing the diffuse gunpowder smoke, shuttled through the airspace where shrapnel was lasing, suffered accidental injuries from friendly troops, avoided enemy lasers, and experienced the baptism of war, Mu Chenxing clearly realized his own strength.

Vegetable abuser, battlefield harvester, well-deserved.

When the former enemy headquarters contacted the Xiongbing Company to confirm his identity, there was only one flagship left in the entire gluttonous fleet.

Both sides were dumbfounded.

This style of play has never been seen.

This kind of efficiency has never been heard of.

"Where is our battleship? Where is it?" Feng Lei, the commander of the advance fleet, slapped the console and roared.

He can accept that the battleship is destroyed, whether it is blown up by artillery fire or beheaded by a surprise attack, it is clear and visible.But watching the fireships and frigates disappear out of thin air one by one without any news, he didn't know how to deal with it.

"The enemy is the God of Time and Space. He is constantly teleporting and cannot be locked. Our battleship should have been transported away." Another commander Buck made a reasonable inference: "What a terrible divine power, it should be It was transported into the star, otherwise the communication would not be broken."

"Retreat, we are not opponents." He made a wise choice.

It's a pity that Mu Chenxing, who was standing on the outer armor of the Taotie flagship, didn't want to let them go.

Just because it can't fit into the storage space doesn't mean he can't take down the enemy.

"Remove the wings, and then kill the leader, and none of them will try to escape."

In just one sentence, the power of thought swept across the flagship, the brains of ordinary gluttonous soldiers were smashed by the power of thought, and the guy who transformed into a mechanical body was cut into pieces by the flying silver blade.

There were only three spaceship operators left, tremblingly looking at the powerful leader who had been blessed by the main god, shattered into pieces of metal all over the place.

"You should be able to understand Kamigawa language." Mu Chenxing teleported to the control room of the Taotie flagship, and ordered to the three operators: "Go down slowly."

The reason why they were kept was because they were afraid that such a large spaceship would crash directly into the urban area, and Tianhe City hadn't completed the emergency evacuation yet.

"You are only worthy of smelling the fart of my god Karl! I will never..." Among the three of them, there was a die-hard one, but unfortunately he was killed by the silver blade before he could finish speaking, and the blood from the spatter collapsed. The two of them were full of heads and faces, and they instantly became extremely obedient.

The big cross-like flagship stopped all firepower, stood against the starlight barrier silently, let the Huaxia army bombard wildly, and slowly landed towards the outskirts of Tianhe City.

The enemy was defeated too quickly, and the front line had not yet received the order to retreat.

"This is Xiongbing Lianmu Chenxing. The gluttonous fleet has been captured. Please stop attacking. Repeat. The gluttonous fleet has been captured. Please stop attacking."

It wasn't until this time that the headquarters realized that this war with disparity in combat power was ended by a soldier from the Xiongbing Company.

The comparison of combat power is indeed very different. It turns out that we are the dominant side.

"Stop attacking, we have won!"



The news of victory spread throughout the theater, and everyone was cheering. The panic of emergency evacuation finally calmed down, and the people who had been transferred could also return to their homes.

The sporadic gluttonous soldiers who fled to outer space were chased away by the swarming fighter jets like bereaved dogs.

Huaxia's pilot let out a bad breath. Without that kind of eggshell-like shield, aliens are just like that. It's not like we can't fight!


"Victorious?" The soldiers of the Xiongbing Company who were about to change helicopters and rushed to the battlefield looked at each other. Is the war with the aliens over?Is it too fast?
"Great." Qilin breathed a sigh of relief, hoping that some uneasy guy wasn't seriously injured.

Lena, who originally wanted to rush to the battlefield and taunt Mu Chenxing, complained dissatisfiedly: "I really can't resist the beating, my goddess hasn't even arrived yet!"

"This kid is quite capable, not bad." Monkey King laughed and didn't make a fuss.It is not difficult to wipe out a squadron.

"It's a pity that Lao Du's military training plan has troubled him." He was a little amused in his heart, with such a thorny head, it's hard to manage.

Ducao was really annoyed. He watched the whole battle between Mu Chenxing and the Glutton Fleet in the command center of the Juxia. It was too easy. The child's strength exceeded his expectations.

The stronger it is, the harder it is to control.

Today's face-on disobedience shows that they didn't take themselves seriously at all, joined halfway, didn't go through joint training, and didn't have a sense of belonging to the Xiongbing Company.

Fortunately, he is willing to fight for Huaxia, which is a good signal.

Let's think about it later, now there is an embarrassing thing in front of us, in order to encourage the resistance of the people of the whole country, the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company were introduced on the news, and each one of them was very powerful.

But there was only one person who participated in the battle.

What should the masses answer when they ask about other people?Said that they didn't get to the battlefield in time, so they didn't participate in the battle?
That would be a shame.

Can't say that.

I have to quickly make up a rhetoric to fool the past.

There is also a follow-up plan to boost the morale of the people. You can't just promote it by yourself, right?And whether the thorn will cooperate, he has no idea.

If this is not handled properly, it will be detrimental to the overall situation.

"General Ducao, the video conference of the former enemy headquarters."

"Okay, I'll go over immediately."

There are only two main topics of the meeting.

The first is to sum up the experience of this war.

Summing up and summing up, only two words were summed up: crushing.The crushing of the conventional troops by the alien fleet, and the crushing of the alien fleet by the Xiongbing Company.

The ten super fighters of the Xiongbing Company wiped out the enemy's entire fleet with only one of them. Such a result made the participants extremely optimistic about the future battle situation, and also raised the strategic position of the Xiongbing Company to a very high level. levels.

Ducao smiled wryly, not everyone is Mu Chenxing, the few recruits in the Xiongbing Company, it's good if they don't feel numb when they go to the battlefield.

The plan to train recruits in actual combat was aborted halfway, and they still don't know what chains will be lost in the future battle situation.

But he did not open his mouth to explain that the Xiongbing company has a high rank, but it has not really entered the regular sequence of the military, which is not acceptable.

Super soldiers are not perpetual motion machines, and it is impossible to undertake all combat tasks. Their role is to attack high-value enemy targets at critical moments, and conventional troops should fight the rest of the battle.

Therefore, they need the cooperation of a large force, even guards. Not only do they have a high tactical status, but it is also important to enter the regular sequence.

The headquarters has already stated that in the future, it will readjust its strategy and tactics with the Xiongbing Company as the core. At this time, you should not say discouraged words, and you must first get the position before talking.

I will find opportunities to sharpen those recruits in the future.

The opportunity he was waiting for soon came.

The second issue is to discuss whether to support North America.

While Taotie was attacking Xiahe City in China, a squadron was also attacking New York in North America.

Because of Mu Chenxing, the battle on China's side was over at high altitude, but the North American side was not so lucky. The gluttonous fleet had already defeated their air defense line and entered the low-altitude area. Beat like a grandson.

Seeing that New York is about to fall.

The calls for help never stopped.

Upon hearing this, Ducao expressed his stern attitude: "In the face of aliens, the earth must fight against the enemy. I think it is necessary to send troops to support. The army can be deployed at any time."

I have already missed an opportunity to train soldiers, this time I have to let those few recruits get a taste of the battlefield.

"Old Du, which fighter are you going to send there?" With the previous victory as a base, everyone's confidence is full, support is not a problem, the main discussion is who to send over to support.

Ducao smiled wryly in his heart, it is not enough to send one person, Wukong is the supporter, Reina has experienced how to lead troops, and the others have not reached the time to be alone.

So, I found a high-sounding excuse: "I'm going to send all the other nine people out, not only to intimidate the enemy, but also to deter the allies. The interstellar war is an all-round war, and internal rectification is also necessary."

"That's right, I support it!"

"I support it too."

The order to support North America was quickly conveyed to the Xiongbing Company, and they were going to fly directly to New York in a dark alloy aircraft.

Sun Wukong and Leina don't care, but Liu Chuang's boss doesn't want to: "Let's just stay at home, why go abroad to help others fight?"

"That's right, why go to fight for them?" Xin Zhao didn't want to go either.

Ge Xiaolun didn't even want to go, if it wasn't for Qiangwei, he didn't want to go to the battlefield at all.But Qiangwei boarded the plane without saying a word, and he could only follow silently.

Under the pressure of military orders, and teammates took the lead, the others boarded the plane reluctantly and sat down, and began the journey to support North America.

Ducao deliberately forgot the thorn who contradicted him, and the headquarters thought that this great hero needed to rest, so no one mentioned the issue of Mu Chenxing's return to the battle order.

But he is not relaxing now.

In other words, he was full of vigilance.

"I watched the battle, it was wonderful, but also a pity." Morgana invaded his communication channel, her tone was encouraging, but more regretful.

"Although those little fellows like Taotie can't really test super fighters, you still exposed a big problem."

"What's the problem?" Mu Chenxing didn't think there was anything wrong with him, but a great god-level figure who had fought for 3 to [-] years was interested in giving advice, so he must calm down and listen.

As for believe it or not?
Let's talk after listening.

"Your space-time ability is very strange. It is completely different from micro-wormhole transportation. I thought you relied on thought fluctuations to build a force field to drive space ability. After watching this battle, I overturned my thinking.

The thinking force field you show is actually the projection of the space field, right?
You have a space field with a radius of ten kilometers, within this range, space manipulation can be realized from the macroscopic level.Am I right? "Morgana didn't ask the question, but guessed the time and space genes of Mu Chenxing's fool.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Mu Chenxing didn't have the habit of helping others guess his abilities.

"Cut, it's really boring." Morgana complained, then paused and continued: "Since you want to know, this queen will tell you. Your time-space ability and void ability are completely unsystematic in this battle. No With the slightest cooperation and blessing, it is impossible to exert real combat power.

In retrospect, implanting the genes of the power of the galaxy would not have been wise.

Your original genetic ability is to manipulate space from the macro level, and the best choice is the time-space gene.

Think about it, how powerful would it be to transport the microscopic micro-wormholes in conjunction with the macroscopic space field?You will be the god of time and space like never before!
This queen is the creator of the time-space gene, do you want to implant the time-space gene? "

(End of this chapter)

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