Chapter 13 Offense and Defense

"This time the nine people left, it might be you next time. So you must cheer me up, or don't blame me if you get fired."

Back in the classroom, Zhou Yi said to everyone: "We're starting class now, and you basically satisfied me with the test just now, and most of you have completed the simple test of running.

At the same time, a classmate surprised me, Huo Yuhao, stood up. "

Huo Yuhao stood up. Standing in the center of the second row and beside him was a handsome guy like Wang Dong, he looked extremely eye-catching.

"Report your soul power level."

"Level eleven."

Hearing the words of the eleventh level, all the students present were stunned. The person who recovered his senses stared at Huo Yuhao incredulously, and began to gasp wildly.

Those who didn't know thought they had strayed into the Dou Po world by mistake, this kid was so terrifying, he took a breath!
Wang Dong couldn't believe his ears.

Eleventh level soul power, defeated himself?
"That's right, Huo Yuhao's soul power is only level eleven, I know, you are all curious why he was able to pass the academy's assessment and become a freshman.

I will only say this question once, and in the future, before he is eliminated, no one can ask him for this reason. "

"He is a specially invited student of the academy. When he enters the academy, he does not need to pass the examination. However, this is the only exception for the specially invited students. If he cannot complete the study tasks assigned by the academy, he will be eliminated. Alright, Huo Yuhao, sit down Down."

"Thank you teacher." Huo Yuhao sat down again, but he couldn't help being surprised. The words of this teacher Zhou were clearly protecting him!Explain the situation that he was admitted because of insufficient soul power level, so that no one will use it in the future.

Zhou You said that this teacher is still a bit human!However, there are, but not many.

"Look at all of you, you're so useless!" Zhou Yi changed the subject and said coldly to the whole class.Previously Li Wei Li was not enough, she had to do it again.

"Huo Yuhao is a specially invited student of the academy. He defeated Wang Dong in the duel with the lowest cultivation base in the whole class. Although there was an element of trickery, don't you guys feel ashamed?"

It seems that Zhou Yi is not stupid, want to use Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong to stir up the fighting spirit of the whole class?
But no one knows if it will backfire!
Even after Zhou Yi's affirmation, Wang Dong still can't believe that he was actually defeated by an eleventh-level soul master with a martial soul!

Zhou Yi didn't seem to care about the reactions of the students, so she turned around and wrote two large characters on the blackboard.

From this moment on, Zhou You's study and life in Shrek officially kicked off.

After finishing writing, Zhou Yi turned around again and scanned everyone in the seat with sharp eyes.

"I know that the vast majority of you are very dissatisfied with my penalty for running laps and firing Tai Long just now, but you dare not show it due to pressure."

"I don't need to explain to you. People with understanding will naturally understand in the future. If you can't figure it out, you can't figure it out. Now let's start the class."

Zhou You shook his head secretly in his heart, this time Zhou Yi is really not afraid of being expelled by her students, there will be a few ruthless people who don't bully young people and poor people.

But these have nothing to do with him, he only sweeps the snow in front of his own house, and doesn't care about other people's tiles!

"You should all know the two words I wrote on the blackboard. In today's first lesson, I'm going to tell you how to attack and defend as a soul master."

"Since ancient times, our soul masters have been divided into many factions. Some soul masters pursue the limit, and some soul masters seek balance."

"Zhou You, you can answer, among the soul masters of each department, who is better at attacking, and who should be more inclined to defend and assist."

Um?Shouldn't it be Wang Dong?
Zhou You stood up, thought for a moment, and replied: "Those who are suitable for offense are good at attacking, and those who are suitable for defense and support are good at defense and support. Of course, strength determines everything. A soul master who is good at attacking has no strength and cannot compare to a support with a high level of soul power." Department of soul masters."


Even under the pressure from Zhou Yi earlier, some people in the class couldn't hold back their laughter.

Undoubtedly, they all thought that what Zhou You said was nonsense, even Zhou Yi thought so.

"This is your answer?"

"Yes, that's my answer."

"What kind of bullshit are you talking about!"

Looking at Zhou Yi's ferocious face, Zhou You had no fear, and talked freely: "Attack and defense are not only determined by the spirit, but also by the direction and strength of the soul master. What are you good at and what direction is more suitable for you?"

"If it were me, I would say that I am better at attacking. This is not arrogance, but a clear understanding of my own strength, because I have never used a soul guide device, and the source of my strength depends entirely on my martial arts. Soul my battle!"

A sword cultivator can refine alchemy, refine weapons, set up formations and tame animals, but his major will definitely be swords, no matter what sub-professional swords he will have in the middle of his travels, he will never give up.

No matter how powerful the soul tool in Douluo World is, have you seen the sword pill of the sword fairy?Ever seen a mushroom egg cloud bomb?

When I am strong enough to move mountains and seas with one sword, destroy mountains, break mountains, cover seas and open the sky, what I say is what I say, what can a mere soul guide change?
In the final analysis, it is still a question of limitations, not a bragging rights. If the sword art takes root in this world, who would pay attention to soul guides when the sword energy spans [-] miles and [-] miles away?

But Zhou You can't deny the soul guidance technology in this world, and what kind of person should do what kind of thing.

Soul engineers, in a sense, these people should be regarded as scientists and scholars, and should not be a combat profession.

Facts have also proved that the fighting ability of most nine-level soul engineers is really weak, and it is better to mow grass on the battlefield.

After 1 years, the soul instructors of the Douluo III era are no longer regarded as a combat profession, but have become real scholars, manufacturers, workers, etc.

A powerful soul master uses a powerful soul tool made by a powerful soul engineer. This is a win-win choice.

Now, the Sun Moon Empire has gradually awakened, and is even moving towards the path of civilianization, universalization, and de-transcendentalization of soul tools.

And the decadent Douluo Three Kingdoms, including Shrek, are still immersed in the glory of the past and cannot extricate themselves, lying on the credit book of 4000 years ago and complacent.

Little did they know that in the interstellar era 2 years later, even the gods they fanatically believed in were just a matter of one shot from the main gun of the interstellar warship.

The way Zhou Yi looked at Zhou You changed, and became serious in an instant.

She didn't expect that such a strange thing as Zhou You would appear in the first class of freshmen.

Although this contradicts the point she wants to make, she cannot deny Zhou You's theories and ideas.Strength, only one's own strength is the most fundamental, forging iron requires one's own hard work.

"If you put it before the Sun Moon Continent collided with our Douluo Continent more than 4000 years ago, your answer is correct. However, because of the appearance of the soul guide, the attack and defense have become blurred. This is also the topic I want to talk about today. Sit down .”

"Attack and defense are blurred. Anyone in a soul master team can act as an attacker. However, only by improving your own quality can you maximize your survivability on the battlefield. Unless one day the soul guide can be developed to the point where it can completely replace your body, Otherwise, the cultivation of physical fitness and the selection of spirit rings are the most important things in your future cultivation."

Zhou Yi didn't know that after [-] years, the soul tool had really developed to the extent that she said it could replace the body.

"In the next three months, your main training will be on physical fitness. No matter who you are, no matter what background you have, no matter how good your talent is, if you can't pass my assessment after another three months, then you will be with me. Just like Tai Long before, get the fuck out!"

"That's all for this morning's class, give me a good meal at noon, and start physical fitness training in the afternoon, get out of class is over!"

"Zhou You, Huo Yuhao, you two come to the office with me."

After saying this, Zhou Yi turned around and left without delay.

At this moment, the bell for the end of get out of class in the morning was far from ringing, so she had to leave.

The first lesson of the new term has already been finished, so it is meaningless for her to stay here, there is nothing to talk about, and the rest needs to be absorbed by her students.

Until Zhou Yi walked out of the teacher's gate, the classroom was still peaceful.

However, the violent breathing of most of the students proved that their hearts were not peaceful at this time, and the collective panting seemed to vacuum up the classroom.

While walking, Huo Yuhao stared at Zhou You's back and remained silent. He always felt that he had felt the aura of this person before.

Zhou You and Zhou You followed Zhou Yi to the office next to the classroom. Zhou Yi motioned for the two to close the door, and she walked behind the desk and sat down.

"I don't like to talk nonsense. I am curious about the martial souls of the two of you, but I can't feel what your martial souls are. Now I want to know the answer."

"Teacher Zhou, my martial soul is Lingmu, the spiritual attribute body martial soul."

After hearing Huo Yuhao's words, Zhou Yi was obviously pleasantly surprised.

"Eyes?" Huo Yuhao nodded.

Zhou Yi suppressed the excitement in her heart, and motioned Zhou You to introduce her martial soul, looking at him with a hint of anticipation in her eyes.

"Teacher Zhou, my martial spirit is an iron sword!"

After saying that, he summoned his own martial soul—Xumeru Sword!

It was an iron sword with a very ordinary appearance, a bright golden line ran across the blade and flowed to the tip, and it had no special features other than that.

Iron sword?

A martial spirit that is too ordinary, even if the soul master's physique is strong enough to face a high-quality martial spirit, is powerless to fight back, unless it can evolve twice or even mutate!
Seeing Zhou You's martial soul, the light in Zhou Yi's eyes disappeared instead, and she said with a little disappointment, "Well, you should go back first..."

Zhou You is not upset, because his awakened martial spirit is indeed too common. Even if he has a sword body, the world doesn't know how to cultivate it. When he doesn't have enough talent and ability, he can restrain his edges and corners. It takes a long time and he can always shine !

As for the soul tool industry, he has no interest at all. If he has the time, he might as well learn how to make missiles!
Seeing Zhou You leaving, Zhou Yi closed her eyes slightly, as if she was thinking about something. After a while, she asked Huo Yuhao, "Can you tell me what is your first soul skill?"

(End of this chapter)

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