16 Three Months Later
Three months later, the first class of freshmen.

"Today's physical fitness class is suspended." Zhou Yi stood behind the podium, her old face was still lukewarm, but as long as it was her class, almost all the students sat upright, and no one dared to sit up. There are abnormalities.

"Three months have passed since the start of school. You will also have the first assessment to enter Shrek Academy.

Only by passing the assessment can you officially become a first-year student, and thus truly become a member of Shrek Academy. If there is no accident, at least until the first-year graduation exam, you can continue to practice in the academy.The assessment will start tomorrow. Today I will tell you the key points of the assessment. "

It was rare for Zhou Yi's voice to be relatively peaceful. Her eyes flicked over the 68 students below, and she was actually quite satisfied.

The quality of this group of students may not be better than that of the previous students, but after these three months of training, their willpower definitely exceeds that of any class that Zhou Yi has ever led.

For Zhou Yi, this can definitely be called a surprise.

"Huo Yuhao."

"Here!" Huo Yuhao instantly stood up and replied respectfully.

It's been three months, and Huo Yuhao's respect for Zhou Yi is definitely from the heart, not because of Zhou Yi's strength.

Zhou Yi did often make some strange tricks in teaching, and sometimes even tortured them, these students felt that life would be worse than death.

But what I have to say is that Zhou Yi's teaching ability is extremely strong, and the effects of those strange moves are much better than they imagined.

It is precisely because of this that not only did the first class of freshmen undergo a major mental change, but today, three months later, the remaining 67 students have a rock-solid aura.

Huo Yuhao also observed the students of other classes, but he didn't see the same temperament appearing.

Just like what Beibei said, although Zhou Yi is strict, as long as she perseveres under her teaching, then she will definitely be able to become an excellent student, and even become a real strong person in the future.

If Zhou You knew this childish idea, he would definitely laugh at it. Haste makes waste. The mental outlook is indeed completely renewed, but each student does not know how many hidden dangers are left behind!
The improvement of physical fitness is indeed visible to the naked eye, but the speed of cultivation has dropped!
It can be said that for some students, Zhou Yi's teaching method is completely suicidal and self-inflicted, ruining their future with this momentary advantage!

What kind of person should do what kind of thing, forcing support system soul masters to start at the same starting line as assault system soul masters, how can they really improve?

Zhou Yi waved to Huo Yuhao, and Huo Yuhao hurried to the podium, took the stack of papers that Zhou Yi handed over, and without Zhou Yi's instructions, he quickly distributed them to every student in the class.

Zhou Yi said: "After the freshmen's assessment is over, it's time to teach students according to their aptitude. Write down the direction of your future cultivation and give it to me later."

The cultivation directions she refers to are, for example, the classification of soul masters such as strong attack, defense, control, and assistance.

In the first three months of teaching, everyone can be together, but after the real first-year study, they have to be differentiated. After all, the cultivation tendencies of different types of soul masters are very different.

Zhou You wrote down his goals word by word. After thinking for a long time, he wrote down a "Spirit Master of Sensitive Attack Department", and signed his name on it.

Since Zhou Yi won't give him much help, it's better to get wet early, and it would be good to change a teacher.

But he didn't notice that the little girl beside him, Xiao Xiao, glanced at what he had written before he began to write his own inclination.

Zhou Yi said: "You are all the students I taught. Although the new students will be divided into classes after the assessment, I hope you little bastards will not forget what I taught you. The papers in your hands will be handed in after class. .Now I will tell you the main points of the freshman assessment."

While talking, Zhou Yi turned and walked towards the blackboard, and simply drew a few lines on the blackboard.In the center of the blackboard, two large characters of fighting were written. .
"Fight! That's right, the freshman assessment is to fight, and it is a battle that everyone must participate in.

I know that the tool soul masters among you, especially the tool soul masters of the auxiliary system and food system, will be very strange, why do you want to participate in the battle?"

"I'm not wrong, you really have to appear on the battlefield, just like battle soul masters.

Although Shrek Academy cultivates comprehensive talents, the most important thing is their ability on the battlefield.

I said on the first day of school that with the appearance of soul guides, the classification of soul masters has become blurred. "

"Even if you are a tool soul master of the auxiliary system or the food system, you can also use the soul tool to explode a powerful combat power.

But, where does your fighting instinct come from? Could it be that a soul master can foolishly go to the battlefield and survive by giving a soul tool? Of course not!Combat ability must come from combat.

Therefore, all of you must undergo a combat assessment. "

"Of course, the academy will never allow auxiliary system weapon soul masters to compete with assault system war soul masters, that would be unfair to you.

Therefore, the freshman assessment will be conducted in the form of team battles.

But the number of people will not be too many. In the end, it is decided that the scale of this year's team battles will be three people per team. "

"When splitting up a group, it is required that there can only be at most one assault-type battle soul master, and the other two members can be randomly prepared.

First of all, the students in the same dormitory will be considered as a team, and the others will be combined freely by you. Those who fail to complete the free combination will be determined by lottery.

Later, I will give you a more reasonable plan for group division. "

"The freshman assessment will be conducted uniformly throughout the year, because the number of students in our college has been quite large over the years.

This time, nearly 150 groups of students participated in the freshman assessment, but only half of them were able to stay, that is, the top [-] groups.

This ranking is based on your battle game points. "

"The competition will draw lots, and each group of students must fight at least ten battles, and finally they will be ranked according to their victories.

Among them, the top 64 teams will have a knockout match, and the top four colleges in the knockout match will have different rewards, and the rewards for the champion team will be very rare. "

Every student listened intently. For them, the freshman assessment is the key to whether they can stay.

Once eliminated, they can only go back to choose the next level of college, and I am afraid that they will never be able to become the top powerhouse on the Douluo Continent.They have been working hard for three months, and no one wants to be eliminated at this time.

Zhou Yi said indifferently: "Our class currently has 67 students, we can divide them into 22 groups, and one person is rich.

I have classified you according to the characteristics of your respective spirits, and after careful analysis, I have completed the grouping for you.If anyone is dissatisfied, you can make changes after you go back.

But when I finally signed up tomorrow morning, no one raised any objections, so I must strictly follow my arrangement, otherwise, you will know the consequences very well. "

"Song Qinghan." Zhou Yi said in a deep voice.

"Here." A petite student stood up quickly. He was not very prominent in the class, so he obviously didn't expect Zhou Yi to be the first to call him.

Zhou Yi said: "The head teacher of each freshman class can propose a specially recruited student to pass the assessment directly, and the person I choose is you.

After my observation of you, I think that you are more suitable to go to the Soul Guidance Department to continue your cultivation.

Are there any problems? You now have two choices, either go to the Soul Guidance Department, or pack up and leave. "

Strong, really too strong!The eyes of all the students were cast on Song Qinghan in unison.

"I am willing, thank you Teacher Zhou." Song Qinghan didn't have any resistance to Zhou Yi's strength, and almost jumped up excitedly. The purpose of his coming to Shrek Academy is to enter the Soul Guidance Department!
Zhou Yi gestured to him, signaling him to sit down, "Let's start grouping. The first group, Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong, and Zhou You."

Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong stood up almost at the same time. Originally they planned to form a group, but when they heard Zhou Yi personally separate them, Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong looked at each other, and they could see the surprise in each other's eyes. color.

Immediately, the two of them glanced at Zhou You by the window again, and they never imagined that their last teammate was actually this boring gourd who never socialized in class and only immersed himself in cultivation!

Zhou You was naturally also a little surprised. He didn't know why he would take Xiao Xiao's place. It seemed that Zhou Yi had some wishful thinking again.

However, Zhou You didn't care, which group he was in would not affect his performance. It was naturally possible for a mediocre player to squeeze into the ranks of core disciples.

"The second group, Xiao Xiao, Ma Qingshuang, and Leng Leng."

Hearing this result, Xiao Xiao couldn't help but dim his eyes a lot. He sneaked a glance at Zhou You beside him, and then his little head stuck on the table like an ostrich.

"The third group,."

Zhou Yi looked strong, but after her grouping was announced, every student except Xiao Xiao felt relieved.

Zhou You observed secretly, and couldn't help admiring secretly in his heart. Don't look at Teacher Zhou who is always cold and strict, but in fact, he knows every student very well. It is obvious that she arranged for them to be divided into groups.

It's just that they didn't expect that he and Huo Yuhao would be assigned to a group!

"Okay, that's it, if you have any opinions, please raise them quickly, and I will give you a day to think about it when you go back.

The other classes are also dividing into groups now, but they are definitely not as fast as us, let them ink it!

Hand in all the papers in your hands, and then you can leave school.

Give me a good rest after you go back, and no one is allowed to mess around. The freshman assessment that starts tomorrow, the final result I want is that all 22 groups of you advance.

If anyone is eliminated, not only will he pack up and leave, but I will also leave some deep memories for you. "

Seeing the suddenly serious look in Zhou Yi's eyes, every student couldn't help shivering.

There is no doubt that Zhou Yi's memory will probably be a nightmare.

All of a sudden, the entire first class of freshmen suddenly became murderous.

Even if it's just to avoid being abused by this teacher Zhou, they still have to work hard to pass the assessment!
"Zhou You, Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong, Xiao Xiao, you four stay here for a while."

After the other students handed in the blank paper with their future cultivation orientation in their hands, they left the classroom and went back to the dormitory, leaving only four people, Zhou You.

At this time, other classes were still discussing the grouping of freshmen assessment.

"Give it to me! Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong, what are you two hiding?" Zhou Yi took the white paper from Zhou You's hands, Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong immediately lowered their heads, and took a step back quietly, hiding behind Zhou You.

Zhou Yi looked at the four blank papers in his hands, the corners of his eyes twitched, and then he looked up at Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao.

Seen by her sharp eyes, the three of Huo Yuhao felt as if their bodies had been penetrated.

"Okay! You three, are you trying to show me off, right?" She picked up one of the blank papers and patted it on the table.

"Bang!" Apart from Zhou You, Huo Yuhao and the other three trembled at the same time.

"Control system." Zhou Yi said coldly.

Then she took out a second piece of white paper and slapped it heavily on the table.

"Control system!" Her voice obviously raised a bit. Huo Yuhao looked at Wang Dong beside him in surprise. Without a doubt, the second piece of paper belonged to him!
"There's another one, it's also a control system!" Zhou Yi's voice actually showed a feeling of gnashing of teeth, one can imagine how angry she was.


Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong cried out in surprise, and looked at Xiao Xiao who was playing with the hem of his clothes with his head down.

After all, in the impression of the two of them, Xiao Xiao should be a soul master of the auxiliary system, how did he become a control system?
Perhaps in Shrek Academy only Zhou You and Xiao Xiao knew the secret that she was a twin martial spirit. The second martial spirit Jiufeng Laiyixiao combined with the Sansheng Zhenhunding to control it was also very bald, and the effect was remarkable!

The corners of Zhou Yi's mouth twitched along with the corners of his eyes, "Did you three bastards do this on purpose?"

"Although the freshman assessment restricts each group to only one attacking member, it also restricts the inclinations of the three to not be the same.

The three of you are fine, all of you are in the control department, are you doing it on purpose? If the race doesn't start tomorrow, I'll let you go out and run for five hours to stay awake.

(End of this chapter)

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