Chapter 38
Small building in the heart of the lake.

Zhou You stood up and drew his sword out of its sheath casually. There was a melodious sound of "choking" from the sword, and a bright light flashed away.

However, Zhou You was not in a hurry to practice swordsmanship. Instead, he closed his eyes, and countless figures holding swords appeared in his mind, and every detail of the Kuangfeng Kuaijian flashed clearly in his mind.

The Kuangfeng Kuaijian is a high-level fighting skill of the Mysterious Rank, also known as the Kuangfeng Nine Swords. It is one of the two scrolls left by Yao Lao, and it is very powerful.

These days Zhou You has not formally practiced the Kuafeng Kuaijian, but he has figured out the sword tactics countless times, and the sword moves have been disassembled and combined countless times. In terms of moves alone, Zhou You has already reached the state of proficiency up.

Suddenly, without any warning, the Qingfeng sword in Zhou You's hand flicked casually, and it turned into a gust of wind and howled out.

Following this strong wind, Zhou Youren walked with the sword, and the sword moved with his heart, stabbing or chopping or slashing or chopping, and a set of extremely fast swordsmanship came out of his hands like clouds and flowing water.

Every time the sword is swung, a ray of strong wind emerges out of thin air. Countless strong winds surround his body with the swordplay, whizzing back and forth, and the light blue strong wind becomes more and more intense.

As Zhou You's sword moves faster and faster, gradually he can no longer see the trajectory of the sword's swaying blade, only the vague sword shadow keeps flickering, like a howling wind, criss-crossing.

Not long after, I saw Zhou You slashing out with a sword, and the cyan whirlwind around him suddenly roared out, with a cold edge, the sword's momentum was like mercury leaking out of the ground, penetrating into every hole.

The eighth style of Kuangfeng Kuaijian: Gusty wind and rain.

Like the Liuyun sword technique, the last two moves of the Kuangfeng Kuaijian are the ultimate moves of this sword technique, which are extremely powerful and extremely difficult to practice.

However, after unleashing this violent storm, Zhou You didn't continue to perform the final ultimate move: Gale Storm, instead he slowly retracted his sword and rose.

It's not that it's too difficult to cultivate in the Galeful Wind Absolute Prison, but that Zhou You didn't want to destroy the bamboo house, so he had to put it down for the time being.

Even if he is alone now, every time he sees this familiar environment, the young figure who works hard to practice swords and the teachings of the sword master will come to his mind!

A few days ago, the turmoil in the sword world caused by the awakening of Zhou You's second martial soul made the sword master finally grasp the shadow of Zhigao's kendo through countless comprehension and practice, and touched a sword that is not like a sword in the world. !
That swordsmanship is unstoppable, turning sentient beings into ruthless, it is the crystallization of his lifetime of swordsmanship!

So he is going to realize the strongest sword and fulfill his long-cherished wish in this life-to surpass the nameless!
But Zhou You knew that the sword twenty-three involved the power of the primordial spirit, and once the sword master's current body was activated, he would die of exhaustion.

Therefore, Zhou You refined half of the life's gold with different fires to heal injuries and increase the lifespan of the Juggernaut, and even made the Juggernaut embark on the path of going to Dongying to find the secret book of the Six Destroyers left by the previous Juggernaut Huangfujian!

On the one hand, it is for the Sword Master to perfect the strongest Destroyer Sword Twenty-Three to fulfill his long-cherished wish; meaning!
The journey of swordsmanship starts from the basics, practice swordsmanship hard, and comprehend the world.

The realm of the sword can be divided into foundation, sword energy, sword momentum, sword intent, sword way...

The foundation of the sword, the beginning of the way of the sword, swinging, stabbing, cutting, etc., pure swordsmanship skills, do not understand the sword, do not understand the world, and float on the surface of the weapon.

Sword Qi, the meaning of the sword, does not contain internal force, and the Qi is stimulated by the body of the weapon, which is sword Qi.

Sword power, listening to the sword weapon, comprehending the pulsation of the heaven and the earth, the meaning of the swordsman, the power of the heaven and the earth, and the spirit of the sword weapon, the three are combined into one and merged into the sword posture.

Sword intent, the extension of the origin of the sword, the fusion of the swordsman's heart and the extension of the origin.Sword intent is the artistic conception of the sword and the will of the swordsman!
Kendo, the origin of the sword, one of the avenues of heaven and earth, without the sword, everything can be a sword.


After a period of retreat, the cold fire that swallowed half a bone spirit and other beast fire burning formulas has evolved to the quasi-xuan level, and his second martial soul has also appeared!

Compared with the original Dou Qi cyclone in Qihai, not only is its holding area more than seven or eight times wider, but the dark white Dou Qi flowing in it is obviously of much higher quality than before, and there are faint flames emerging from the Dou Qi, which is even more powerful. fear!
And my own sword body is further awakened after incorporating the Xuanyin Twelve Swords from the sword world. Whether it is practicing swordsmanship or performing swordsmanship, the power of swordsmanship is much stronger than before!
The most important thing is that the Xuanyin Twelve Swords and him do not coexist, but the Xuanyin sword intent is completely integrated into it, fully accepted by Zhou You, and cannot be separated.

Stretching out his right hand, twelve small green snakes emerged, entwined with five fingers and circling upwards, alive as if alive, and following Zhou You's control, they escaped into the body and became extremely obedient!
The Twelve Swords of Xuanyin are extremely spiritual, but they have no real independent consciousness. Their essence is swordsmanship, and they are born to be used by people.

The fate of swordsmanship is to be used, so even if the sword intents of the Xuanyin Twelve Swords have enough spirituality to give birth to independent consciousness, they will not choose to give birth to independent consciousness.

The fate of the Xuanyin Twelve Swords is to find a suitable and powerful host, so that the sword intent can fully integrate into the opponent and become a part of the opponent.

And Zhou You, who is born with a sword body, is undoubtedly the most perfect target for the Xuanyin Twelve Swords!
He took the initiative to accept the Xuanyin Sword Intent, but his own disposition did not seem to change because of it, but completely grasped the Xuanyinsu Sword and used it as he wished.

But gaining powerful power in an instant will undoubtedly be fascinating, and Zhou You is no exception. He wants to challenge the world's swordsmen to sharpen his sword power and sword intent, and to perfect the Supreme Xuan Yin Yin Diagram!

Knowing how to use a sword does not mean knowing how to use a sword. Only by truly comprehending the Xuanyin sword intent can one take a further step in the way of swordsmanship!
Therefore, he has to think, to fight, to kill, to comprehend!
However, time is running out, he can't stay for such a long time at all!

Slightly closing his eyes, sinking his mind into the sea of ​​consciousness, the shimmering light on the huge bronze door exudes an ancient aura, which is hard to fathom, as long as he has a single thought, he can leave the world of Fengyunjue.

Before leaving, he wanted to scour all the good things in this world!

Rumor has it that Nuwa produced three extra stones when she smelted stones to mend the sky, namely Bailu, Heihan and Bingpo.

Among them, Bailu was obtained by the ancestors of the Nie family and cast into the coldest sword in the world, which is now hidden in the Lingyun Grotto of the Leshan Giant Buddha; Heihan is about to become the supreme sword in the hands of Tianrenmen!

The sky-replenishing stones each have their own magical functions, but Bing Po is a bit tasteless, and can only ensure that the corpse does not rot.

Both black iron and white dew can be cast into a peerless god, so ice soul must also be possible!
Zhou You doesn't think that Bing Po only has the ability of not rotting corpses, and there should be unknown attributes waiting to be discovered, otherwise how can it be called the stone of mending the sky?

He will go to Tianrenmen and Lingyun Grotto sooner or later, whether it is the legendary Evil Sword Juejian, or Fire Qilin and Xueyin Kuangdao will be in his pocket, the difference is only sooner or later!

Jue Jian is fierce, Huo Lin is evil, and his sword is even more sinister!

(End of this chapter)

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