Chapter 15

Five days passed quietly.

The weather is getting colder day by day, Sizhou City is filled with air-conditioning.

At this time, the ten heads of households in Sizhou City and those with higher positions than them all came to the meeting hall of Wanhu Mansion.

Cheng De sat at the head in the middle, while He Sanwu and Yang Wei stood on the left and right respectively, and the others ranked behind them according to their positions.

Many people were notified by Cheng De to come here to discuss matters, and they didn't know what happened.

Looking at Cheng De's expressionless face, they couldn't help but secretly speculate that it might have something to do with the next discussion.

However, Cheng De didn't speak first, and the whole hall was very silent, which made everyone notice a depressing atmosphere, which made people nervous.

Cheng De looked around and sighed softly, "Sizhou City is peaceful and peaceful on the surface, but I never thought that there is a huge storm hidden under this calm! If you are not careful, everyone present will probably be shocked." Die in that storm!"

"Five days ago, I asked He Sanwu to investigate some situations in Sizhou City. Unexpectedly, I found many people who wanted to kill us. How do you deal with such people?"

As soon as Cheng De said this, many people present were angry when they heard it.

"General, these people should be killed!"

"Yeah! These people deserve to be killed, there is nothing to say, their death is not a pity!"

"Please order the general, let your subordinates go and chop off their heads!"


Seeing that the conference hall was full of noise, like a vegetable market, Cheng De slowly raised his hand to suppress it, and the scene was suddenly quiet.

Everyone looked at Cheng De, waiting for what Cheng De would say.

"I said before that expelling the Tartars and restoring China is what we have been doing! And we are working hard for this goal, and we have won a city of Sizhou, but now there are people who want to be the Yuan Dynasty. , trying to join forces with the Yuan army to destroy us! I didn't want to use a knife, but someone forced me to use a knife! If this is the case, then their wish will be fulfilled!"

"So, I will not let any of these people go. Soon, I will lead you to win more territories. But before that, this Sizhou city should really be under our control! Right to take it The heads of these people need to be intimidated! It won't work just by exercising benevolence and righteousness!"

"He Sanwu, pass the list to Yang Wei, let Yang Wei read how many people want our lives? Let's all listen to it!"

Although Cheng De's tone was calm, everyone present could feel a deep chill -- piercing to the bone!
Yang Wei solemnly took the list as thick as a book from He Sanwu's hand, and after a quick glance, his expression changed.

"Read!" Cheng De's voice was sonorous and loud.

Yang Wei calmed down, and then began to read the list.

"On the morning of October [-]th, Gerimutu was in an agitated mood. He killed [-] Han slaves in a row before he calmed down."

"On the evening of October [-]th, Gerimutu cordially invited Yuan Dynasty merchants Erdenetu and Baliluhe to plan to take back Sizhou City at home. The method discussed was to poison and assassinate the general!"

"On October [-]th, Gerimu Tu secretly recruited a hundred Yuanren warriors successively with a lot of money!"

"On October [-]th, Gerimutu sent people out of the city to contact the Yuan army in Dingyuan and Chuzhou."

"On October [-], Gerimutu forced her into prostitution, causing Zhang's daughter to bite her tongue and commit suicide, while Zhang's legs and feet were broken."


"On October [-]th, Wei Qiliu was bought by Baliluhe, intending to bribe Wanmou, a man in Wanhu's mansion, to poison the mansion. He was discovered in time, and Wei Qiliu has already been arrested!"

"On October [-]th, Li Liujiu was bought by the Yuan people to monitor the movement of Wanhu Mansion. He was discovered in time. This person has been controlled, and he confessed that the mastermind behind it is Ednetu!"


In the hall, Yang Wei's voice never stopped.

After half an hour.

"Stop!" Cheng De looked at Yang Wei.

"Yang Wei, you immediately take 100 people to search Gerim Tude's house, and all the properties seized are sealed up in the treasury of the Wanhu Mansion. As for Gerim Tude, he will be killed directly! During the period, if anyone resists, they will all be killed! "

"Your subordinate obeys the order!" Yang Wei quickly turned and left.

"Li Sanqi, you immediately take 100 people to search Ednetu's house. All the property that was seized will be sealed up in the treasury of the Wanhu Mansion. As for Ednetu, just bury it! Anyone who obstructs it will be regarded as Yuan. Thieves rebelling, all of them will be executed! Out of the ten heads of households present, you can choose ten of them to go with you!"

"Thank you big brother, big brother, I will choose ten of them!"

Looking at the person Li Sanqi pointed at, Cheng De directly agreed.

After Li Sanqi took the people away, the whole hall seemed a little empty!
"He Jiusi, you take 100 people to search Baliluhe's house! Anyone who obstructs it will be regarded as a thief in the Yuan Dynasty and kill them all!"

"Brother, I want them to go with me!" He Jiusi quickly pointed at seven of the ten household heads.

Cheng De directly nodded in agreement, and He Jiusi happily led them away.

"He Sanwu, you take 200 people to get rid of all the lackeys on the list who are colluding with the Yuan thief, don't let any one go! After finishing, you take these 200 people to take all the things in that place, and then seal them up Go to the treasury. The remaining ten heads of households will follow you!"

"Thank you bro!"

Watching He Sanwu take the people away, and the whole conference hall became empty again, Cheng De knew that today's Sizhou City would be bloody!
However, knowing this, the one who should be killed still has to be killed. He doesn't want to leave such a disaster by his side.

Perhaps, from today on, he, Cheng De, will be called an executioner by some people!

Even so, Cheng De never regretted it.

If you want to wear its crown, you must bear its weight!
For the smooth progress of the subsequent military expansion plan, he did nothing wrong!
It's just that if you want to lay down more territory, you must reserve enough talents.

Moreover, Sizhou City also needs someone who can help him handle government affairs, so that he can devote more energy to military affairs.

It's hard to find talents, maybe it's because I don't have enough strength to attract any talents!
I advise the Lord of Heaven to cheer up and send down talents of all kinds!

Regarding talents, Cheng De plans to select a few from Zhuangzi at the current stage to help with government affairs.

Already thinking about it in his heart, Luo Gongfu and Wang Shilin immediately appeared in Cheng De's mind.

With the help of the two of them, I must have felt a lot easier.

Although he has been busy dealing with official documents recently, these official documents are nothing more than some unprocessed political affairs accumulated by the Wanhu Mansion in the past, and he only has time to go through each of them, so that he knows what he knows, and then write a review.

The civil service system has almost collapsed, and every time he thinks about it, Cheng De almost feels dizzy.

It's not easy at all to work hard and do nothing!

These things can only be entrusted to professional people. At present, calling Luo Gongfu and Wang Shilin is just trying to drive ducks to the shelves.

After a while, when the land becomes bigger, he still doesn't believe that there are no scribes to converse!
So, Cheng De walked out of the conference hall, went to the gate, looked at the left and right teams of soldiers who were stationed dutifully, pointed to two of them and said, "Go to Qianlong Villa and bring Luo Gongfu and Wang Shilin!"

"Also, let Luo Yan move to live with me. As for the Qianlong Villa, let someone else take care of it, just tell Luo Yan everything I said!"

The two assigned tasks bowed their heads respectfully and said, "Yes, General!"

Regarding Luo Yan's identity, everyone in the army knew that she was the general's woman. Although Cheng De didn't say it everywhere, almost every soldier knew about it.

Looking at the figures of the two leaving in a hurry, Cheng De thought that when Luo Yan wrote a letter to ask Zhuangzi what name he should choose, he asked someone to tell Luo Yan "Qianlong Villa"!
Of course, Cheng De had his own ideas about choosing this name.

After eating some breakfast, Cheng De continued to read "Sun Tzu's Art of War", trying to gain more wisdom from it.

Time passed by little by little, and before you knew it, it was already noon.

Cheng De put down the book in his hand, walked outside the door, looked at the guards and asked, "Did Luo Gongfu, Wang Shilin, and Luo Yan arrive?"

"Reporting to the general, we arrived an hour ago, but the general was obsessed with reading at that time, and Madam told us not to disturb! At this time, Madam, Luo Gongfu and Wang Shilin are waiting in the courtyard where the general lives."

"Okay, I see! By the way, what's your name?"

"The young one is Deng Youde!"

"That's a good name. Judging by your appearance, you're not even 16 years old, are you?"

"General, I am sixteen years old this year!" Deng Youde said, puffing out his chest.

"Can you read and write?"

"Reporting to the general, the little one has read and can read!"

"What is your current position?"

"Reporting to the general, the young one is a small soldier under the general's account!"

"Interesting! Why do you want to be a soldier?"

"Reporting to the general, the young one followed the general! I was originally from Hong County, Sizhou City, but after hearing about the general's deeds, I admired the general's deeds, so I secretly joined the army without telling my family!"

"Who is your boss?"

"Report to the general, who is the head of the ten households!"

"Looking at your appearance, you were recruited recently, right?"

"To tell the truth, the general, Xiao's family used to have contacts with He Shi's household head, and He Shi's household head was willing to accept me only at Xiao's request!"

Cheng De looked at Deng Youde who was talking eloquently in front of him, and admired him very much.

"By the way, have you ever practiced martial arts?"

"The little one has practiced with my father for several years!"

"Very well, from today onwards, you will follow me and be the head of ten households of my personal soldiers for the time being! As for those who are lacking, I will replenish you in a few days! From now on, you will work in front of me, and sometimes help run Running errands! Would you like it, kid?"

"I'm willing, thank you General for promotion!" Deng Youde respectfully knelt down on one knee towards Cheng De, with a smile on his face!

"Get up! Be good in the future!"

After finishing speaking, Cheng De walked towards the yard where he lived, turned left, and walked straight for a while, which was Cheng De's residence in Wanhu Mansion!
Deng Youde hung a long knife at his waist, kept a distance of three steps from Cheng De, and followed closely behind, as if he quickly brought himself into the duty of a personal soldier!

Cheng De, who was observing secretly, was very satisfied with this.

Unexpectedly, in the army he led, he discovered a talent capable of fighting, and he was quite happy in his heart!

Not long after walking, Cheng De had already come to the courtyard, and he also saw Luo Gongfu, Wang Shilin and Luo Yan.

Deng Youde stood silently behind him, not squinting!

"I pay my respects to the general!" Luo Yan bowed respectfully.

"I have seen the general!" Luo Gongfu and Wang Shilin bowed and saluted, with serious expressions, and said in unison.

"Don't be too polite!" Cheng De looked dangerously at Luo Gongfu and the other three.

"Luo Gongfu and Wang Shilin listened to the order. The two of you have been enlisted by me as messengers. The treatment is the same as that of ten household heads. Tomorrow, you will report to Wanhu Mansion and assist me in handling government affairs!"

"My subordinates thank the general!" Luo Gongfu and Wang Shilin kowtowed excitedly to Cheng De!

"Get up! Didn't I tell Luo Yan to tell you to kowtow less and bow more? Just forget it!" Cheng De scolded with a straight face.

"Remember, you must be serious and not sloppy! Luo Gongfu, Wang Shilin, did you hear that?"

"Luo Gongfu (Wang Shilin) ​​remember the general's teaching!"

"Okay, the two of you will live in the office on the right side of the meeting hall of Wanhu Mansion from now on! Tell me what you need, and I'll ask someone to deal with it! If you have nothing to do now, go and rest first!"

"I'll take my leave!" Luo Gongfu and Wang Shilin thanked each other again and left.

Cheng De looked at the backs of the two leaving, and said to Luo Yan: "You have worked hard during this time!"

"This is what a concubine should do, but the general is busy with affairs, so don't get tired!"

"Since you come here, consider this place your home. I usually live in the house in the middle of the yard, and you will live in the house on the right from now on. I had someone tidy up that house earlier, so it should make you live comfortably! "

"Thank you, General, for your concern!"

"From tomorrow onwards, this Mansion of Ten Thousand Households will be renamed the Mansion of Generals, and a beautiful sign will be hung on the gate. Deng Youde, I will leave this to you. If you need money, tell Madam!"

"Yes, General, the little one must do well!"

"Luo Yan, if you think it's cold, you can sleep in my room! The General's Mansion lacks servants, Luo Yan can handle it according to your needs! Also, tidy up a room in the General's Mansion and let Deng Youde live in it!"

After Cheng De finished speaking, he took Deng Youde back to the meeting hall of Wanhu Mansion to read the official documents.

Luo Yan looked at Cheng De's back with shyness in her eyes, "The general just said that it was cold and asked me to sleep in his room. Is this implying me?"

"It seems that I should also take the initiative! A hero like the general will definitely not be the only woman in the future!" Luo Yan murmured, her gaze became firm.

After lunch, Cheng De continued to watch "Sun Tzu's Art of War".

Two hours later, a soldier brought news: He Sanwu's second uncle had arrived in Sizhou City!
Cheng De was very excited when he received the news. He had a lot of ideas in his mind, and he could just use Uncle He Sanwu's hand to bring those things to this world in advance.

Thinking of this, Cheng De was very excited!
So, Cheng De thought for a while, and asked people to place He Sanwu's second uncle in a courtyard next to He Sanwu's residence, and at the same time sent someone to invite He Sanwu's second uncle to come to him. I want to meet He Sanwu's second uncle in person, and I'm going to investigate it myself!
(End of this chapter)

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