Chapter 187
Yang Lian stepped forward quickly, and came to the leader of the servants in the Wumuchi mansion, and skillfully delivered a piece of silver to the leader of the servants, while avoiding other people's sight.

The leading servant secretly weighed it with his hands, and estimated that there were ten taels of silver, and showed a gentle smile on Yang Lian's face.

"What is your purpose here?" The leading servant looked at Yang Lian.

Yang Lian replied without thinking, "I'm here to send money to General Wu Muchi."

The eyes of the leading servant suddenly brightened, and when he looked at Yang Lian again, the leading servant was already happy.

"The rules, do you know all about it?" The lead servant squinted at Yang Lian.

As soon as Yang Lian heard this, he knew that the leader in front of him was implying that he wanted to increase the money.

Yang Lian cursed secretly in his heart: For his mother, ten taels is not enough, what a bloody greed!

But Yang Lian didn't show the slightest expression on his face. Instead, he greeted him with a smile, with a flattering expression: "It's easy to say, easy to say."

After all, Yang Lian's eyes showed heartache, and he took out an ingot of ten taels of silver from his bosom, and handed it to the leading servant. This time, Yang Lian did not hide it from the other servants, but handed it in front of others. It is in the hands of the leader.

"Ten taels of silver is enough for all of us to eat a few meals. Honorable guest, wait a moment, I will go to ask my master first."

As soon as the leading servant finished saying this, he hurried into the mansion, while the other servants present showed smiles on their faces.

They are all thinking that these few good meals must be carefully counted up.

Yang Lian understood the expressions of the other servants present at a glance, and there was a cold light in the depths of his eyes.

Hmph, this is my hard-earned 20 taels of silver, so I'll leave it with you for now!Wait for the general to take Jiqing Road, and then let you spit them out twice as much.

How happy you are laughing now, when the time comes, how sad you will be laughing.

not long time.

The leading servant appeared in a hurry, and when he saw Yang Lian, he smiled and said, "Your honored guest, my master is here to invite you."

"These things—" Yang Lian faced the leading servant, but pointed to several big boxes behind him.

The leading servant gave the other servants present a look, and the other servants started to move.

Seeing this, Yang Lian was startled.

Originally, he thought that the other party would let people like himself in, but it seemed that he was overthinking.

"My master only sees one distinguished guest, the others should stay here and wait. I don't know what the honored guest thinks?"

Yang Lian: "."

When he saw that Wumu Chixia had already lifted several big boxes in his hands, he couldn't help but slander: Damn, your people have carried all my money, what can I do if I don't agree?

So, Yang Lian nodded with a smile, but in his heart he greeted the eighteen generations who were leading the servants one after another.

Then, Yang Lian entered the mansion under the guidance of the leading servants, first went straight, then turned left three times, and finally turned right once, and came to a quiet courtyard.

The gate of this courtyard is guarded by two groups of soldiers, one group of 20 soldiers, and each group of soldiers stands on both sides of the gate.

Under the watchful eyes of the two teams of soldiers, Yang Lian entered the quiet courtyard.

According to the leading servants, it was Wu Muchi who lived in this courtyard.

In front of a room in the middle of the courtyard, the leading servant and the servants behind him all stopped. Yang Lian watched the leading servant step forward and knocked on the door three times in a row.

"Come in!"

The words are full of exhaustion.

Yang Lian thought to himself: The person who spoke in the back room must be that Wu Muchi!

Yang Lian cheered up and followed the lead servants into the house.

After the door of the room was opened, Yang Lian saw clearly the situation in the back room: a sturdy-looking nine-foot-long man was leaning on a chair, shirtless, with his left and right arms each holding a girl in palace costume, and the girl on the left was wearing a palace costume. The color is blue, and the color of the girl's palace dress on the right is red.

However, when Yang Lian saw the stains under the big man's feet, and the rosy faces and blurred eyes of the two young girls, he thought to himself: dripping on the ground, the children and grandchildren will turn into mud.What a beast!
The leading servant signaled the servants carrying the suitcases to put down the suitcases, bowed to the big man and said, "Master, these are given to the master by this distinguished guest."

After finishing speaking, the leading servant left with the servants carrying the boxes, and quickly closed the door before leaving.

In the room, only Yang Lian, Wu Muchi, and the two girls beside him were left.

Wu Muchi raised his head and glanced at Yang Lian: "What's in the box?"

Yang Lian replied, "1 taels of silver."

Wu Muchi's eyes lit up immediately, and when he looked at Yang Lian again, he showed a gentle expression: "Do you know my rules? Do things with money, and say what you say. Of course, these things must be within my ability. And, I have the right to say no to things I don't want to help with."

Yang Lian was overjoyed, and thought to himself: This ebony red fruit is really different!
So, Yang Lian said: "General Wu Mu Chi, please rest assured, I will never let you feel embarrassed."

Wu Muchi was not impressed by this remark, but asked indifferently: "What do you want me to do for you?"

Yang Lian didn't hesitate at all: "General Wu Muchi, I want to join the army and make contributions. I hope General Wu Muchi can help me arrange a position of head of a hundred households in the army."

Hearing this, Wu Muchi was lost in thought.

Seeing Wu Muchi's expression, Yang Lian maintained a calm face, but felt a little uneasy in his heart.

a long time.

Wu Mu Chicai squinted his eyes and looked at Yang Lian: "Can you tell me why you joined the army?"

Yang Lian was silent, and then his eyes turned red, and his voice choked up: " only family member—my uncle, was killed by a flood of the Sizhou Army during the battle with the Sizhou Army. He was drowned, he was originally a hundred households in Jinling, and unfortunately died when he was ordered to support Lu Timur."

Ebony Chi looked a little unnatural.

He suddenly remembered that he went to support Lu Timur not long ago, and he might be the only survivor of that battle.

At that time, Wu Muchi was the leading general who went to Xuyi to support Lu Timur.

After Wu Muchi came back to his senses, he looked at Yang Lian with complicated eyes: "What's your uncle's name?"

Yang Lian didn't hesitate at all: "Bohan."

A rough face suddenly appeared in Wu Muchi's mind.

This Bohan was his personal soldier.

The reason why he became a survivor of that battle was thanks to Bohan who gave him the last chance of survival.

Suddenly, Wu Muchi remembered that before Bohan died, he really asked him to support his nephew Hulu.

So, Wu Muchi stared at Yang Lian closely and asked, "What's your name?"

"Hulu." Yang Lian immediately replied.

Long before Yang Lian came, he had already made full preparations.

This Hulu was the first person he sneaked into Jinling City to try to harm him. Without any accident, this real Hulu had already gone to hell.

But after Yang Lian investigated Hulu for a while, he came up with a plan, but suffered from not having much money. Later, he heard his subordinates say that Bian Yuanheng had come to Jinling City, so there was the scene where he borrowed money from Bian Yuanheng.

Wu Muchi naturally wouldn't know all of his own soldiers, and he wouldn't bother with that.

Wu Muchi stared at Yang Lian for a long time, and after confirming that there was nothing unusual in Yang Lian's firm tone, his eyes showed a gentle expression: "Your uncle, he has saved my life. Although Wu Muchi I'm not a gentleman, but I, Wu Muchi, will definitely repay you generously for saving your life. How can you be the head of a hundred households? From now on, you will be the head of a thousand households, and you will be in charge of guarding the east gate of Jinling City. Of course, I will send someone As your lieutenant general, he will assist you."

Yang Lian didn't expect Wu Muchi to surprise him so much, and while he was happy, he was also full of vigilance.

"Three days later, after I have made arrangements for your lieutenant general, you can hand over to the guard at the east gate of Jinling City!"

Hearing Wu Muchi's words, Yang Lian was startled.

Could it be that Wu Muchi wanted to take advantage of these three days to investigate himself?
Thinking of this possibility, Yang Lian secretly wondered if there were any flaws revealed after killing Hulu.

After thinking about it a few times, Yang Lian was relieved to be sure that he hadn't revealed any clues.

In order to dispel Wu Muchi's suspicion, Yang Lian decided to show his loyalty.

So, Yang Lian said: "Thank you, General! This subordinate swears to follow the General to the death!"

Wu Muchi waved his hand and said: "Okay, these few days, you can live in my house. Your uncle is gone, I should take care of you, otherwise, your uncle's life-saving grace will always be let I feel guilty."

Yang Lian nodded.

He was confident that he should have left nothing behind, and he was not afraid that Wumuchi's people would find out anything, so he simply lived in Wumuchi's mansion, planned the next step carefully, and secretly collected all kinds of information about Jinling City as much as possible.

Afterwards, Wu Muchi arranged for his servants to arrange a house for Yang Lian to rest.

After Wu Muchi finished doing this, the two faces of Bohan and Hulu appeared in his mind. After thinking about it several times, he always felt that the two people were not quite alike.

Suspicious in his heart, Wu Muchi arranged for someone to take the opportunity to approach Hulu within these three days, and try to extract some useful information as much as possible.

However, Wu Muchi's idea was destined to be a miscalculation.

Yang Lian has long been able to easily deal with this kind of temptation, and he can also quickly detect it.

After three days passed, Wu Muchi had no doubts about Yang Lian at all, and Yang Lian got his wish and became a head of a thousand households stationed at the east gate of Jinling City.

To positive September 12, [-] years.

Liuhe City.

Cheng De is dealing with government affairs in the study of the General's Mansion.


A soldier came to report that the Sizhou army who attacked the direction of Luzhou Road had a good news.

Cheng De asked the soldiers to bring the soldier who brought the good news to the study to meet him immediately.

After seeing this person, Cheng De asked directly: "Is the good news from Feng Guoyong about Quanjiao City?"

The soldier replied: "Report to General, General Feng captured Quanjiao City on September [-]th."

After finishing speaking, the soldier took out a sealed letter from his pocket, lowered his head, and presented it with both hands: "Report to General, this is the letter that General Feng asked the villain to give to General."

Cheng De's personal soldier took the letter from the soldier's hand, then came to Cheng De respectfully, bowed and handed it to Cheng De.

Cheng De immediately took it over for inspection, and after reading it several times, Cheng De patted his desk and laughed, "This Feng Guoyong is indeed a man who knows how to fight! He is a man who can defeat others without fighting, which can be said to be the pinnacle of excellence!"

After all, Cheng De looked at the soldier and said, "Tell Feng Guoyong that I have agreed to the request in his letter."

The soldier looked puzzled, but still responded: "Yes!"

Cheng De looked at the soldier and said, "It's hard work for you to run again."

The soldier felt a little flattered, with an excited expression on his face: "Farewell, little one, I will definitely bring the general's words with me."

Cheng De glanced at the soldier with satisfaction, but didn't say much, but watched the soldier leave.

Feng Guoyong mentioned in the letter that he used his soldiers to surrender without fighting, and directly made He Qimuer, the guard of the Yuan army in Quanjiao City, to open the city and surrender.In order to make He Qimu'er heart to Sizhou Army, Feng Guoyong specially interceded for He Qimu'er, and bluntly said that He Qimu'er should continue to serve as the guard of Quanjiao City.

After thinking twice, Cheng De agreed to Feng Guoyong's request.

Of course, after the acquisition of Jiqing Road, the arrangements for various places in the future will not remain unchanged, but will definitely undergo some adjustments.

I don't know what's going on with Li Sanqi now?
Cheng De thought about it, his thoughts were flying.

It didn't take long.

The people from Jueshengwei asked to see him.

Cheng De received the people from Jueshengwei in the study.

As soon as Jueshengwei saw Cheng De, he bowed and said: "My subordinates pay respects to the general!"

Cheng De looked at the Jueshengwei in front of him, felt strange for a while, and asked, "What position do you hold in Jueshengwei?"

Jueshengwei immediately replied: "Reporting to the general, my subordinate is in charge of a hundred households in Jueshengwei, and is also the person in charge of the Jueshengwei branch in Liuhe City."

"You came to me because—" Cheng De looked at Jueshengwei with doubts.

Jueshengwei: "Report to General, there is news from Jinling City."

Cheng De's expression brightened when he heard the words: "But there is news from Yang Lian?"

Jueshengwei: "Reporting to the general, it is indeed the news from Lord Qianhu."

Cheng De: "What news?"

Jueshengwei: "Master Qianhu said that he has successfully infiltrated into the Yuan army of Jinling City according to the general's wishes. It's just that"

Cheng De: "Say!"

Jueshengwei: "Master Qianhu said that he met Bian Zhongheng's elder brother Bian Yuanheng in Jinling City, and borrowed 1 taels of silver from him. Only then did he successfully complete the task assigned to him by the general. However, this Bian Yuanheng has a lot of money. Baiyin attracted the attention of the general guard of the Jinling Yuan army, Balubu, and ordered him to hand it over to him in three days. Bian Yuanheng said that the money would rather sink into the river than hand it over to the general of the Yuan army, Balubu. , up to now, Bian Yuanheng has become a wanted man in Jinling City. Also."

"Master Qianhu said that Bian Yuanheng has been arranged by him in a very well-arranged place. The Yuan army will never find this place."

"In addition, Master Qianhu also explained that he has become the confidant of Wu Muchi, the army under the guard of Jinling City Ba Lubu, and is currently serving as the guard of the east gate of Jinling City. If the general attacks Jinling City, he can attack from the east gate. It just so happened that Lord Qianhu joined forces with the general inside and outside, taking advantage of the situation to take Jinling City."

Cheng De was a little shocked when he heard this.

After a while, Cheng De said: "This Yang Lian is really good. You contact Yang Lian and tell him not to send any more news to me now, so as not to be noticed by the Yuan army. Let him take care of himself." Protect yourself carefully, and when I attack the east gate of Jinling City on Jiqing Road, I will cooperate with him."

Jueshengwei: "Follow the order!"

Afterwards, Jueshengwei bid farewell to Cheng De.

After Cheng De watched Jueshengwei leave, he couldn't calm down for a long time.

With Yang Lian in Jinling City, Jiqing Road can break through a hole by itself.

But in order to reduce unnecessary casualties, let's wait and see. When the Yuan army around Jiqing Road is basically wiped out, at that time, I will lead an army of 30, and I will definitely be able to take Jiqing Road in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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