Chapter 189 Solve Chen Ting's confusion

September [-]th, Liuhe City.

The sky was still clear a moment ago, but unexpectedly, it was raining heavily in the blink of an eye.

After finishing government affairs and military affairs, Cheng De was sitting in front of the study door, holding a copy of "Han Feizi" in his hand, and was concentrating on flipping through it.

The sound of rain coming from his ears didn't affect Cheng De at all, and he never took his eyes off the book.

Cheng Dezheng read "Han Feizi·Wai Chu Shuo Bottom Left" 'If you use meat to remove ants, the more ants will be; if you use fish to drive flies, the more flies will come. ’, Chen Ting appeared in the rain.

The rapid "da da" sound made Cheng De raise his head subconsciously.

Chen Ting had already appeared in front of Cheng De, and Cheng De's eyes met Chen Ting's.

next moment.

Chen Ting saluted Cheng De politely: "My subordinates pay respects to the general!"

The rainwater slid down Chen Ting's shoulders and fell to the ground, and the ground suddenly "ticked".

Seeing this, Cheng De lifted it up with his right hand: "Don't be too polite! Get up and talk!"

Chen Ting hurriedly said, "Subordinates dare not!"

Seeing the persistence in Chen Ting's eyes, Cheng De had no choice but to give up, and said helplessly: "In this weather, why don't you come to my house to rest well? What's more, you came here in the rain, in case you get a cold because of it , wouldn’t it make me uncomfortable then.”

There was a burst of emotion in Chen Ting's eyes: "This subordinate is grateful to General for your kindness. However, this subordinate does have something that must be said in front of the general. Moreover, this matter is extremely important to this subordinate. If this subordinate finishes speaking, I also hope that the general will not blame me."

Cheng De looked at Chen Ting in surprise.

Chen Ting, a military talent personally recommended and discovered by He Jiusi, and his personal strength is extremely powerful, he is often ranked among the top in the three-army competition, and he is also known by the three-army soldiers.

Cheng De really paid attention to Chen Ting because he conquered more than 500 people in Ping'an Village with nine people outside Sizhou City.

This incident not only reflected Chen Ting's flexibility, but also revealed Chen Ting's extraordinary military talent.

Seeing the big from the small, Cheng De also agreed with this person even more in his heart.

Later, in frequent contact with Chen Ting, Cheng De became more satisfied with him.

Although Chen Ting is tall and tall, he has a gentle personality, works in an orderly manner, and does not get angry at will.

Cheng De quickly recalled these in his mind, and when he looked at Chen Ting, his eyes became more gentle: "Tell me, let me hear what it is?"

A flash of joy flashed across Chen Ting's eyes, and he gradually breathed a sigh of relief.

Therefore, Chen Ting said: "The general divided the army into four groups at first, except for the army led by the general to attack Jiqing Road and Jinling. It is to isolate Jiqing Road. First, we will take down all other sites around Jiqing Road that can be supported. In this way, the Yuan army on Jiqing Road will inevitably be isolated and helpless, and then the general will concentrate on dealing with the Yuan army on Jiqing Road. Finally, this episode Qinglu must belong to the Sizhou army."

Cheng De smiled and nodded, looking at Chen Ting full of appreciation: "I have to say, what you guessed is indeed consistent with what I thought at first. Your ability to think of this level is already better than others There are a lot. It's just that what I want to know is what you said earlier, what exactly is it?"

Chen Ting didn't hesitate at all: "Reporting to General, my subordinates think that now Zhenzhou and Quanjiao have been captured, and General Li will also capture Wujiang. Once General Li captures Wujiang, Jiqing Road will be isolated and helpless." If the general can attack Jiqing Road with all his strength at this time, he will definitely be able to take Jiqing Road quickly."

Hearing this, Cheng De clapped his hands and praised: "Yes, what you said is correct. I have to admit that your military talent is indeed very high. Maybe in the future, you can become a world-renowned commander."

Hearing Cheng De's words, Chen Ting's face turned red immediately: "This subordinate is just talking on paper. Compared with the general's record of victories in hundreds of battles, it can't be put on the table at all."

Cheng De took a deep look at Chen Ting: "Although I think what you said is right, I still keep the plan I made before. You may want to know why."

Chen Ting nodded several times in succession, and looked at Cheng De suspiciously: "The general, please tell your subordinates why."

Cheng De looked at Chen Ting with a gratified look: "Okay! Since you want to know, I'll tell you everything!"

Chen Ting immediately stood up straight, leaning forward quickly, with his ears pricked up, he held his breath and looked at Cheng De intently, as if wanting to listen.

Cheng De: "Do you know what the purpose of our Sizhou Army's fighting is?"

Chen Ting was stunned: "Expel the barbarians and restore China. Set up guidelines and disciplines to help the people."

Cheng De said with a smile: "Now that you have understood, it is not difficult to understand why I did this."

Chen Ting's expression was dazed, and after a while, he revealed a look of sudden realization: "I see. The general wants to occupy as much territory as possible for the Yuan army. Land Duo laid down the territory of the Yuan army. After the general took these territories, for the people in those territories, our Sizhou army was the one who gave them a way to survive. In this way, those people will definitely Support our Sizhou Army, and their hearts will also go to our Sizhou Army."

Cheng De stepped forward and patted Chen Ting on the shoulder: "He has good understanding. Now is indeed a great opportunity. If possible, I hope that Feng Guoyong and Li Sanqi will continue to fight in the direction I gave them, and strive to take advantage of the situation." In front of Jiqing Road, if you build up more territory, you should accumulate more strength for our Sizhou Army."

After Chen Ting understood it, he looked a little depressed: "General, before, it was because the subordinates thought too simply. It is the general who has far-reaching wisdom, and the subordinates admire him very much."

Cheng De waved his hand and said, "You just lack some training. As you participate in more and more battles in the future, you will understand what I said to you today better."

Chen Ting was thoughtful, and stood there motionless.

Seeing this scene, Cheng De quietly left here, went to the barracks, and prepared to inspect.

a long time.

Chen Ting suddenly realized: "What is done on paper is always shallow, and I know that this matter must be done in practice. Sure enough, the ancients did not deceive me!"

When Chen Ting raised his head, he realized that Cheng De was no longer there, and felt a little sad in his heart.

After quickly calming down, Chen Ting was ready to go back and continue to train hard. He only needs to make enough contributions in the battle when the general orders to attack Jiqing Road.

A man must have aspirations in all directions.

Chen Ting thought that in this battle, with the spear in his hand, he could make contributions to the Sizhou army and the general.

At present, it seems that he can only continue to train well, and he can get enough credit from it when the war starts.

Thinking of this, Chen Ting raised his head and looked around, then turned and left immediately.

There is only one empty chair left here, accompanied by the sound of rain, it seems extremely quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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