Chapter 195
Of the five artillery fires fired in the first wave, one artillery fire took the life of Sang Tushili, while the remaining four artillery fires fell on the city wall, flying stones splashed randomly, and hit the Yuan soldiers on the surrounding walls, howling. one slice.

After the artillery fire fell to the ground, several large pits appeared on the ground of the city wall in the blink of an eye.

The surrounding soldiers of the Yuan army were already pale with fright.

First, Timur looked at the big pits, and the corners of his eyes twitched for a while, and then he saw that the soldiers around him were so frightened that they lost all courage, and his heart sank suddenly.

Inadvertently, Yexian Timur's gaze stayed on the place where Sang Tu Shili was standing. There were only a few pieces of wreckage left, which seemed to be the traces that could prove that Sang Tu Shili had indeed died tragically.

Not only did the soldiers around look scared at this scene, in fact, Timur was also trembling in his heart.

He couldn't help thinking that fortunately he had the foresight to land a few steps behind Sang Tushili, otherwise, the person who was blown apart by the artillery fire would not be Sang Tushili, but himself.

Sang bald lost, go all the way, I didn't expect you to die like this, I hope you know, don't blame me!
Yexian Timur's eyes suddenly looked at Xu Da's group under the city, and when he saw that the five forts were busy loading explosives, Timur's heart backed down.

If this kind of artillery fire came again several times, the city wall might be destroyed.With a mortal body, how to stop the cannons of these bandits under the city?
Also Timur didn't have any way to deal with such a cannon. When he noticed that the five cannons of the bandit army below the city seemed to be firing again, Timur panicked and said to the Yuan soldiers around: "You guys continue to stay here. Stick to it, and find a bunker to protect yourself.”

After all, Timur ignored the soldiers who had lost their morale and went straight down the stone steps to the city wall.

When he just walked under the city wall, Timur heard the screams from the city wall again.

Moreover, at this moment, a flying stone on the city wall fell freely in front of Yexian Timur.

Yexian Timur was startled by the sound of "bang".

Can this Hezhou city still be held?

First of all, Timur didn't have much confidence in his heart.


The continuous sound of gunfire made Yexian Timur realize the cruel reality, that is, Hezhou City, and I am afraid it cannot be defended at all.

Thinking of this, Timur already had the intention to retreat, and he was going to retreat to Dangtu.

However, in order to prevent Dangtu from being bombarded by artillery fire like Hezhou, he decided to leave half of the 2 people in Hezhou to stop the Sizhou army from attacking the city.

More importantly, he wanted to consume all the enemy's artillery fire through these people.

In his view, the enemy's artillery fire is not endless, and it will always end when it is fired.

As long as the enemy's artillery fire can be exhausted, then Dangtu, Liyang, Hancheng and other places can be defended.

Perhaps the price is the loss of Hezhou City, but compared with losing the entire Taiping Road, this result is not unacceptable.

Now that he has decided to retreat, first Timur quickly ordered [-] soldiers and horses as quickly as possible. At the same time, before leaving, he left his confidant and asked him to be the supervisor of the troops who stayed in Hezhou. city ​​soldiers to prevent them from deserting or surrendering.

This confidant was once rescued by Yexian Timur, and when he knew that he was left behind, he already understood that it was time for him to repay his favor.

He was ready to die.

First of all, although Timur couldn't bear it, but for the sake of the overall situation, he could only reluctantly keep this confidant.As for himself, he led an army of [-], rushed out from the north city gate, and quickly marched towards Dangtu City.

It was not until late at night that the artillery fire from the Sizhou army under the city finally stopped.

At this time, the city wall of Hezhou City had already been destroyed.

With Li Sanqi's order, 3000 soldiers led by Xu Da rushed into the city of Hezhou.

At the same time, Li's army of three to seven forty-seven thousand followed closely behind Xu Da's soldiers.

In the night sky of Hezhou City, the shouts of "killing the Yuan thief" are floating everywhere. Tonight in Hezhou City is destined to be a sleepless night.

An hour later.

Hezhou City fell and officially became the territory of the Sizhou Army.

After Li Sanqi took control of Hezhou City, he quickly ordered people to heighten and reinforce the city wall of Hezhou City overnight.

At the same time, Li Sanqi ordered Xu Da to count the battle situation tonight.

After some statistics, the battle situation is as follows:
The Sizhou army killed 700 people and injured 960 and 11 people.Hezhou Yuan army surrendered 760 people.They seized [-] battle armors, [-] horses, [-] bows and crossbows, countless arrows, knives and guns filled the entire treasury of Hezhou City, and nine boxes of gold, silver and jewelry.

After this war, all the explosive packs carried before have been used up.

Li Sanqi wrote the war report into a document, and ordered his soldiers to send it to Cheng De in Liuhe City overnight.

After Li Sanqi finished his military affairs, he asked Xu Da to be called to discuss the matter.

Xu Da was originally doing some ideological work with the captured Yuan soldiers, but after receiving Li Sanqi's order, he rushed to Li Sanqi's place in a hurry.

Li Sanqi did not live in Wanhu Mansion in Hezhou City, but chose a larger courtyard.

This courtyard is heavily guarded, and there are Sizhou army soldiers everywhere, even if a bird breaks in, it will be difficult to fly.

Xu Da came to a lobby of Li Sanqi's office, and he was brought here by Li Sanqi's personal soldiers.

However, in this lobby, he did not see Li Sanqi's figure.

About a cup of tea, Li Sanqi appeared from behind the screen in the lobby holding a wooden box about six feet long, Xu Da quickly turned around to look, when Xu Da saw Li Sanqi's figure, he quickly bowed to salute Said: "Subordinates see General Li!"

Li Sanqi smiled and said: "Xu Da, this time, we won Hezhou City, and you will be the first to contribute. Regarding your contribution, I have already written all the achievements in the victory report to the general, and the general will definitely treat you in the future." There is a reward. In addition, my soldiers found a sharp weapon from Wanhu Mansion, and I want to give it to you. The wooden box in my hand contains it."

Xu Da hurriedly said: "Xu Da regrets, this time Hezhou was able to win, thanks to the cannon improved by the research institute under the Academy of Sciences, otherwise, this time Hezhou City would not have been won at such a small price As for this sharp weapon, Xu Da thought it was better for General Li to hold it, but Xu Da would never accept it."

Li Sanqi looked at Xu Da and said: "Originally, I wanted to arrange a mission for you. If you don't use this sharp weapon to kill the enemy, I will not arrange for you to go. It seems that this mission can only be done by myself. Go and finish."

Xu Da was startled when he heard this, and smiled wryly in his heart.

This, can he refuse?
Therefore, Xu Da answered, "General Li, you should assign this task to me! As for this sharp weapon, Xu Da still has the cheek to accept it."

Li Sanqi handed the wooden box in his hand to Xu Da.

Xu Da took it from Li Sanqi carefully.

"Aren't you going to open it and have a look?" Li Sanqi said while watching Xu Da holding the wooden box but making no other unnecessary movements.

Xu Da shook his head: "No, General Li should talk about the task assigned to me first!"

After hearing this, Li Sanqi narrowed his eyes and said, "Hanshan City."

Xu Da was overjoyed: "General Li, do you want me to lead the army to attack Hanshan City?"

Li Sanqi replied: "That's right. From the Yuan soldiers who surrendered in Hezhou, I learned that there are not many defenders in Hanshan City, only 5000 people. Of course, there are not many defenders in places like Liyang. You go Fight Hanshan City, I will fight Liyang and Dangtu. Besides—"

"If you take down Hanshan City, you can try to take down Chao County. Also, I let you fight Hanshan City, and there is another purpose, that is, if I lead the army to attack Dangtu City , I will send troops to contact you and let you support me."

Xu Da's gaze met Li Sanqi's: "Then how many soldiers is General Li willing to give Xu Da?"

Li Sanqi said softly: "Twenty thousand."

Xu Da was extremely excited, and quickly said: "Xu Da takes orders!"

Li Sanqi took a deep look at Xu Da: "It's late at night now, you can lead the troops and set off again at Maoshi tomorrow!"

"Follow the order!" Xu Da responded.

(End of this chapter)

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