Chapter 21 Conquering Xuyi
According to what He Jiusi said, there were tens of thousands of Yuan soldiers in Chuzhou. Facing the situation where the enemy was strong and we were weak, Cheng De had to give up his previous preparations to attack Chuzhou.

He decided that after attacking Xuyi, he would continue to attack Dingyuan, and then guard against Yuan general Jia Lu who was in Chuzhou, and develop in a low-key manner.

Later, Cheng De sent someone to invite He Sanwu, and then handed over the important task of guarding Sizhou City to him, leaving only [-] soldiers to him, and told him to guard Sizhou City no matter whether there were Yuan soldiers or not. In Zhoucheng, you must not go out of the city to fight.

He Sanwu agreed on the spot and left immediately.

That night, Luo Gongfu sent the bound "Historical Records" after dictation.

Cheng De patted Luo Gongfu on the shoulder and said: "You have worked hard these days! The Yangma City should be almost completed, right?"

"Reporting to the general, it will be completed in a few days! Actually, the subordinates did not work hard, mainly because the soldiers put in a lot of effort!"

"The soldiers who participated in the fortification of Yangma City this time will receive two taels of silver each after the completion of Yangma City."

"My subordinates thank the general for the reward on behalf of those soldiers!"

"Tomorrow I will lead the army to Xuyi. During my absence, you and Wang Shilin must help He Sanwu to appease the people. This time, I plan to keep He Sanwu to defend the city! Sizhou City cannot be lost, Don't be careless, understand?"

"Report to the general, the subordinate understands!"

After exhorting again, Cheng De let Luo Gongfu leave.

After Cheng De finished reading "The Chronicles of the Five Emperors" in "Historical Records", he couldn't help sighing: "This history is still beautified. The winners and losers have revealed the cruel truth of history!"

After putting down "Historical Records", Cheng De took a rest early.

The next day, drums were played in the military barracks on the school grounds, and all the soldiers assembled.

In front of more than 2000 soldiers, a high platform with a height of one foot and six feet, a length of two feet and one foot, and a width of nine feet stood majestically.

Standing on the high platform, Cheng De looked at the two thousand soldiers, and said, "Today, I will take you to battle. In this battle, we will show the prestige of our Sizhou Army. The state army is terrified! This battle must be won!"

"Definitely win!!"

"Definitely win!!"

"Definitely win!!"

Cheng Dexu raised his right hand and pressed down, and everyone fell silent immediately.

"All the personal guards will fight with me this time, and I will only take half of the captive camp this time, and the rest will stay to guard Sizhou City. He Sanwu will be the guard of Sizhou City. When I am not around , you all must obey He Sanwu's order!"

"This time, the generals following me are Li Sanqi, Yang Wei, Deng Youde, Wei Xiao, Zhang Qijiu..."

"The rest of the people who didn't read their names stayed behind in Sizhou City!"

Cheng De ordered 500 soldiers and horses. After preparing all the supplies, he wore a black armor and a long knife hanging from his waist. He rode a black horse and waved his hand, "Let's go!"

The group of people was mighty and mighty. After leaving the south gate of Sizhou City, they headed towards Xuyi. The soldiers and people of Sizhou City were looking forward to it, and they all hoped that Cheng De's trip would go well.

Under Cheng De's rule, the people had no taxes or corvees, and they were all in a state of recuperation. The people were grateful to Cheng De for everything he had brought to Sizhou City.

An hour later, Cheng De and his party arrived three miles outside Xuyi City.

"How to take this Xuyi City?" Cheng De said looking at Xuyi City.

"My lord, I think I can send some people to infiltrate the city, open the city gate in the middle of the night, cooperate with us inside and out, and take Xuyi City in one fell swoop!" Yang Wei replied.

Cheng De smiled and said, "That's a good idea! Li Sanqi, Deng Youde, what about you? Do you have any ideas?"

"Brother, I think we can set a trap here, and then I will personally go to the city to fight and lure the guards of the Xuyi Yuan army out of the city, and I will lead them here, and then the elder brother will catch them all!" Li Sanqi handed He clenched his fist and said excitedly.

Cheng De nodded and looked at Deng Youde again.

Deng Youde pondered for a while before opening his mouth and said: "Reporting to the general, the subordinate thought that one general and some people could be mixed into the city until late at night, and then set fires around Xuyi city, causing the Yuan army in Xuyi city to be in a hurry. Lead this part of the people and take the opportunity to attack the city gate and welcome the general into the city!"

Cheng De weighed it for a while, and then said: "Just follow Deng Youde's method! For the general who infiltrated the city this time, I decided to let you, Deng Youde, go. After all, you came up with this idea, so it is more appropriate for you to go. If you succeed this time, I will promote you to be the head of a hundred households!"

"My subordinates thank the general!" Deng Youde knelt on one knee and saluted.

"It's too late for you, kid. When we win Xuyi City, we will hold a celebration banquet in Xuyi City! During this trip, pay attention to safety, do nothing, and put your life first. In my eyes, you boy is not a small city. Xuyi City is comparable!"

Deng Youde was very moved after hearing this, and immediately replied: "General, Deng Youde will open the gate of Xuyi City!"

Cheng De ordered 100 people, handed them to Deng Youde, and said: "Take off all the black armor, in order not to arouse the Yuan army's suspicion, go in ten times, and mix in ten people at a time, remember to be careful! When the fire lights up in the city, I will bring people to the foot of Xuyi City, and join forces with you inside and out!"

"Subordinates remember!"

After speaking, Deng Youde quickly took off the black armor with the 100 people, and then rushed towards Xuyi City.

Cheng De looked at Deng Youde's back as a dot, and then said: "Li Sanqi, you bring 300 people with you, and set up more traps around here!"

Li Sanqi hesitated, "Brother, didn't we just agree to adopt Deng Youde's idea?"

"I'm just planning for a rainy day. Even if it doesn't work this time, what about the next time? You must know that Jia Lu, the general of Chuzhou, is watching from the sidelines. I don't think he will sit back and watch us grow! This time, make more traps. , it will be quite good to entertain the Yuan army next time!"

"As for Deng Youde's idea, I don't think there is any problem, it should be successful!"

Li Sanqi suddenly realized, "Brother, you are really cunning and cunning!"

"Ahem——" Yang Wei quietly moved away from Li Sanqi.

With a dark face, Cheng De gave Li Sanqi a shudder, "I told you before, it's called resourcefulness!"

"Hiss!!" Li Sanqi gasped, rubbing his aching head and looking at Cheng De aggrievedly.

"Okay, hurry up and set a trap for me, your eyes give me goosebumps!" Cheng De waved his hand at Li Sanqi.

"Yang Wei, you go too. By the way, teach Li Sanqi how to set up traps. The core of this trap is the most lethal!"

Yang Wei responded, and then he and Li Sanqi led 300 people to set up traps.

Looking at Yang Wei and Li Sanqi's busy backs, Cheng De was thinking about building a cavalry in his mind. If he wanted to truly destroy the Yuan Dynasty, he had to build a cavalry, but the establishment of this cavalry needed horses, and he couldn't do without horses!

There are horses in Dadu, but Liu Futong is blocking it. The road to Dadu is full of Yuan troops, and Yuan troops are almost everywhere. As an anti-Yuan force, in the eyes of the Yuan army It is hated to the bone!

Rubbing between his brows, Cheng De thought he could only take his time.

As for the general of the cavalry in his mind, he had already selected Deng Youde.

It's just that nowadays it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice!
Cheng De patiently stared in the direction of Xuyi City, while Li Sanqi had already laid countless traps under Yang Wei's guidance, and it was only waiting for the Yuan army to try it out in the future.

With a flick of a finger, the night enveloped the earth.

When the night sky was full of stars, the direction of Xuyi City was full of flames. Cheng De was overjoyed when he saw it, "Everyone, follow me!"

Cheng Degang led everyone to the foot of Xuyi City, at this moment, the gate of Xuyi City opened wide, and a figure stepped out from it—it was Deng Youde!
"General, this east city gate has been controlled by our people! Other Yuan troops in the city are coming towards us!" Deng Youde said to Cheng De with a smile.

"You, Deng Youde, took the lead in taking down Xuyi this time! Everyone, follow me! Kill ten Yuan soldiers, you will be promoted to one level, and you will be promoted to two ranks if you kill Yuan thief generals. Capture the Yuan thief, and you will be rewarded a lot! !"

As soon as Cheng De finished speaking, everyone's eyes gleamed fiercely.

"Punish the original thief! Kill!"

Cheng De took the lead in charging, and everyone surrounded him and entered the east gate.

A Yuan army of hundreds of people met Cheng De head-on in the dark, and after seeing the countless soldiers behind Cheng De, they turned their heads and fled.

Cheng De directly led his people to rush over, blazed a road paved with blood, and then encountered several teams one after another, all of them lost their lives under Cheng De's leadership.

Afterwards, Cheng De led people directly into the Wanhu Mansion in Xuyi City. Seeing a group of Yuan soldiers who were panicking in the mansion preparing to flee, Cheng De sneered, "Follow me to kill the Yuan thieves!"

Swords and swords, blood rain flying.

Heads all over the floor, eyes full of fear and resignation!
Immediately afterwards, Cheng De led people to wipe out the rebellious Yuan troops in Xuyi city one after another, and the rest all surrendered.

After sending people to clean up the battlefield, Cheng De asked Yang Wei to count the battle situation: Sizhou Army had a total of 510 people, 36 people were killed and 100 people were injured.Eliminate 800 yuan soldiers and [-] people who surrendered.

Those who surrendered were all Han Chinese, and this was the fundamental reason why Cheng De was willing to accept their surrender!
Cheng De received the generals who surrendered, and after dismissing them from their positions, he handed them over to Li Sanqi to arrange their duties. At the same time, the soldiers who announced their surrender were all included in the pro-barracks, under the leadership of Deng Youde.

At this time, Deng Youde was appraised as the first meritorious service in conquering Xuyi City. At the celebration banquet held, Cheng De announced Deng Youde as one of the hundred households in the military camp in front of all the soldiers.

The rest will be rewarded according to merit, and for a while, everyone is happy!
In the early morning of the next day, the streets of Xuyi City were no different from those in the past.

However, if you look carefully, you will still find bloodstains remaining between the stone slabs.

The people of Xuyi City woke up overnight and found that the sky in Xuyi City had changed.

In front of the people of Xuyi, Cheng De announced the abolition of corvee and tax reduction for three years.

At the same time, recruitment was carried out in Xuyi City.

To Cheng De's surprise, Xuyi recruited 1000 soldiers in one day!

However, in order to prevent no one working on the land in Xuyi City, Cheng De announced the end of recruitment the next day.

So far, Cheng De's strength has greatly increased after conquering Xuyi City.

For the newly recruited soldiers, Cheng De divided them into the Shenji Battalion, and he himself led them!
In the next three days, apart from appeasing the hearts of the people, Cheng De trained soldiers himself.

In addition, on the first day after Cheng De captured Xuyi City, he arranged for Yang Wei to take 500 people from the begging camp to go to Dingyuan first, and act as a pioneer army to explore the way.

That night, Cheng De handed over the Shenji Battalion to Li Sanqi to be in charge of guarding Xuyi City, and told him to train more on weekdays.

Cheng De also left 500 soldiers in the pro-barracks, handed over to Deng Youde to lead, and asked him to assist Li Sanqi to garrison Xuyi City!And those who stayed in Xuyi City to recuperate, about [-] soldiers from the pro-barracks, were handed over to Deng Youde to command!

As for the soldiers who surrendered in Xuyi, they were all taken away by Cheng De.

After settling in properly, Cheng De took 700 people from the pro-barracks and headed towards Dingyuan in the dark.

After this, Cheng De is going to win Dingyuan in one fell swoop.

Moreover, Cheng De knew very well that he had to be fast to take down Dingyuan before Chuzhou Yuan general Jia Lu could react.

The mountain is high and the road is far and deep, and the army is galloping.

Who dares to slash immediately, but I am General Cheng!
Dingyuan still belongs to someone from me!
(End of this chapter)

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