At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the competition for the deer in the world

Chapter 210 Kang Maocai turned against him and took Jiqing Road

Chapter 210 Kang Maocai turned against him and took Jiqing Road
Jiangning County and Shangyuan County are bounded by Qinhuai River.

Qinhuai is Shangyuan County in Hebei, and Jiangning County in Henan.

When the Jiangning County Government arrived in Shangyuan County, when the entire Sizhou Army had just marched to the Qinhuai River, there was already a large army waiting opposite the Sizhou Army.

If the Sizhou Army wants to take Shangyuan County, it must defeat the Yuan army in front of them.

The leading general of this Yuan army is Fushou's confidant Utuba, and the number of troops he leads is 3.

He received an order from Fushou, as the vanguard of the army, to stop the progress of the Sizhou army on the Qinhuai River.

As for Fu Shou and the other [-] troops, they were not far behind.

Originally, Fushou ordered that all the Dayuan soldiers in Shangyuan County have a full meal, but only halfway through the meal, a spy came to report that the Sizhou Army was about to march to Shangyuan County, which surprised Fushou.

When the incident happened suddenly, Fushou asked his confidant Wutuba to lead an army of [-] people to go to the Qinhuai River at the junction of the two counties to meet the enemy.

Even though Utuba was not happy, but forced by Fushou's power, he led [-] soldiers who had complaints in their hearts to the Qinhuai River.

As for Fu Shou and the other [-] troops, they lined up three miles away from Utuba after a quick meal.

Once Utuba and the Sizhou army are in a disadvantageous battle, Fushou plans to lead an army of [-] with high morale to rush forward to meet the enemy with an indomitable momentum.

From Fushou's point of view, after the Sizhou Army and the [-] troops led by Utuba fight for a while, their strength will definitely suffer.And the [-] troops he led were at their peak, and with this, the advantage in this battle was in his hands.

However, the Sizhou Army led by Cheng De was more restrained.

Four miles away from the army led by Utuba, Cheng De ordered to stay where he was.

In front of the army, there is an army of 100 soldiers composed of firecrackers, with [-] people standing in a row. This is an arrangement to prevent the opposing Yuan army from attacking.

The range of the firecrackers holding the firecrackers can reach [-] steps. Even if there are three rows of one round of strafing, at least ten rounds of strafing can be guaranteed. This can ensure that even if the Yuan army rushes up, it will not be able to rush in front of the army.

Furthermore, the entire Sizhou army looks neat and orderly, not chaotic at all.

Ten steps behind the firecrackers, Geng Zaicheng, Chen Ting, and Zhu Yuanzhang were ordering the soldiers to keep pouring buckets of steaming pork and vegetable soup.

Arrange them in a row and make five rows, each with [-] barrels.

Then, under Geng Zaicheng's order, some soldiers of the Sizhou Army held cattail fans and kept fanning the heat from the barrel.

After that, Geng Zaicheng even ordered the gang leaders in the army to bury the pot and cook.

For a while, the aroma of food wafted over the Sizhou military camp.

In addition, some soldiers on the side held cattail fans and fanned the fragrance towards the Yuan army.

What made Cheng De even more excited was that there was a gust of wind at this time.

This gust of wind happened to carry these fragrances to the Yuan army.

All of a sudden, Utuba led an army of [-], and under the lure of these delicious aromas, his stomach made "gurgling" sounds, one after another, as if they were playing a "hungry belly song" together.

What's more, splashing saliva kept flowing out from the corner of his mouth.

His eyes widened in the direction of the Sizhou army.

Therefore, the military appearance gradually became a little irregular.

When Utuba discovered this situation, he was even more worried. He was very worried that this situation would affect the next war.

So Wutuba sent someone to tell Fushou about the situation.

However, Fushou was in a very bad mood at this time.

Originally thought that the [-] Dayuan soldiers under his command should be full of morale after a full meal.It was indeed like this before.

But I never thought that the smell of meat and food wafting from the Sizhou army would continuously penetrate into the nose, making everyone salivate.

Morale continued to drop as a result, and the army's appearance was even a little disorganized.

If Fushou hadn't killed a few people in time to stabilize the morale of the army, otherwise the army would have been in chaos.

After Fushou received Utuba's report, he became even more depressed.

Faced with this situation, Fushou had nothing to do.

More importantly, he also sent someone to investigate the formation of the Sizhou Army.

Even if Fushou wanted to break through the Sizhou army camp, there was no breakthrough in the camp set up by the Sizhou army.

Moreover, this time he led an army of [-] out of the city to fight, it was a last stand, it was out of helplessness.

For this battle, Fushou was always very cautious.

Because this battle was too important, he was always worried about gains and losses, and he had more things to worry about.

"Send someone to tell Utuba to kill some people and reorganize the military discipline. After doing this, let the [-] crossbowmen under him sweep the formation, and let the [-] cavalry march towards the Sizhou army and the [-] firecrackers. Rush forward and destroy the three thousand firecrackers. I don't believe that ten thousand cavalry can't defeat the three thousand firecrackers. Once the three thousand firecrackers are broken, break through the front camp of the Sizhou Army, Then the Sizhou army will inevitably be in chaos. Then, there will be no suspense in this battle." Fu Shou ordered to a soldier beside him.

"Follow the order!" The soldiers responded loudly.

"In addition, once Utuba breaks through the three thousand firecrackers, all the generals will go straight to the Sizhou Army camp with me, rush into the Sizhou Army's middle camp with an indomitable momentum, and then turn the Sizhou Army back The thief Cheng De's head was chopped off to make a urinal!" Fushou's eyes quickly swept across the faces of the generals beside him.


A general in the field suddenly asked Fushou: "My lord, what if Utuba didn't break through the three thousand firecrackers?"

Hearing this, Fushou frowned, followed the voice, and found that the speaker was Kang Maocai, so Fushou reprimanded him with a sullen face, "Wutuba is the strongest warrior under my command, how could he fail to break through? He is also a person who has gone through hundreds of battles. The Sizhou Army has three thousand firecrackers in front of the camp. It is easy to break through them. I believe in Utuba's ability. If you say anything that disturbs our army's morale, you will be severely punished. No punishment."

When Kang Maocai heard this, he lowered his head and remained silent.

However, there was a murderous intent deep in the eyes of the lowered head.

Seeing Fushou's attitude towards Kang Maocai, the rest of the generals dared not speak up.

Even if these generals thought of some countermeasures, seeing this situation, they didn't open their mouths and kept silent.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the entire venue was a bit oppressive, as if everyone could not breathe.

next moment.

The sound of shouting and killing was loud, and Fushou and others looked forward.

This is Utuba's attack on the Sizhou Army!

Everyone looked forward to it.

Fushou felt a little apprehensive: "Come here, let someone watch from the front, and report to me the situation of Utuba's attack on the Sizhou army at any time."

"Follow the order!" Fushou's personal hundred household head personally led dozens of people towards the Utuba battlefield.


A personal soldier came to report: "My lord, General Utuba has ordered the army to move forward one mile."

"Explore again!" Fu Shou said expressionlessly.

"Yes!" The soldier replied.

Fushou then said to the generals present: "Wutuba wants to close the distance with the Sizhou army, and then let the crossbowmen sweep the formation, which is just convenient for the cavalry to sprint. If they are fast enough, they will definitely be able to rush to Sizhou. In front of the three thousand gunfire soldiers of the state army. This time, the Sizhou army is about to miscalculate."

The voice fell.

"Report, my lord, General Utuba has ordered the cavalry to sprint, and has ordered five thousand crossbowmen to sweep the formation for the cavalry!"

"Report, my lord, Wutuba personally led ten thousand cavalry to charge, two miles away from the Sizhou army!"

"Report, my lord, Wutuba personally led [-] cavalry to charge, one mile away from the Sizhou army!"

"Report, my lord, Wutuba personally led ten thousand cavalry to charge, and they are still four hundred steps away from the Sizhou army!"

"Report, my lord, Wutuba personally led ten thousand cavalry to charge, two hundred steps away from the Sizhou army!"

Hearing this, Fushou couldn't help but feel relieved: "Wutuba has rushed two hundred steps away from the Sizhou Army. This time, the Sizhou Army will be defeated! Later, once Utuba breaks through the Sizhou Army's three After the thousand-fire blunderbuss, we rushed forward immediately, and the whole army pressed forward! This time, I will let the Sizhou army come and go!"

"Your Excellency is wise!" Everyone greeted immediately.

"Report, my lord, General Utuba was shot by a firecracker, and our army lost hundreds of cavalry!"

"Report, my lord, General Utuba was hit by a firecracker and fell to the ground. Our army lost a thousand cavalry."

"Report, sir, General Utuba unfortunately died in battle, and our army lost [-] cavalry."

"Report, sir, General Utuba unfortunately died in battle, and our army lost [-] cavalry."

"Report, the Sizhou army has all come to kill, the cavalry fled in all directions, the front army suffered heavy losses, and all morale was lost!"

Fushou listened to the bad news one after another, his eyes were gloomy like water.

"This Wutuba is such a waste, I don't trust him so much!" Fushou said angrily with a dark face.

All the generals present lowered their heads, no one touched Fushou's fate.

Fushou took a deep breath, looked at the generals present and said, "Next, we are going to fight to the death. I hope everyone can work together to kill the enemy with me. After this battle, I will allow you to drink Three days!"

As soon as Fushou finished speaking, some generals at the scene echoed one after another: "My lord, we are willing to follow you to the death!"

After Fushou heard this, he felt relieved.

When Fushou got on his horse and was about to give the order to meet the enemy, suddenly, Fushou felt a gust of knife wind coming from behind, and his heart felt cold, which made Fushou subconsciously look behind him.

When it was clear that it was Kang Maocai who raised the knife with a ferocious expression, in the blink of an eye, Fushou's head was separated the next moment.

Until Fushou's death, his eyes were wide open—he would not rest in peace.

This scene happened so fast that no one present could react.

After they reacted, they glared at Kang Maocai one after another, surrounded Kang Maocai one by one, and looked at Kang Maocai with an unkind expression.

"Kang Maocai, you actually killed the lord! You white-eyed wolf!"

"Kang Maocai, you have no king, no father, no law, what do you want to do if you kill your lord?"

"Kang Maocai, what do you want to do? Why did you betray your lord?"

"Kang Maocai, you despicable and shameless person!"

"Kang Maocai, are you planning to surrender to the enemy by killing your lord?"

"Kang Maocai, you traitor!"

Kang Maocai listened to the bursts of cursing in his ears, but his face remained calm and calm.

"Have you finished?" Kang Maocai looked at everyone present calmly.

Kang Maocai's appearance made everyone present look stunned.

"You should also know that the general trend cannot be violated! Today's Dayuan is no longer what it used to be, and Dayuan is about to perish! Are you going to die with Dayuan? Also, Fushou, how he treats you on weekdays, I believe you I understand what kind of person he is, so I don’t need to say more!”

"Now that I have killed Fushou, you want to avenge him and kill me? But what's the benefit of you doing this? The Sizhou army will attack sooner or later, and you will die at the hands of the Sizhou army sooner or later."

Some of the generals present said coldly: "Kang Maocai, what do you mean?"

Kang Maocai said calmly: "My meaning is very simple. I directly join the Sizhou Army to find a way out for my brothers. Moreover, if you all intend to join me in joining the Sizhou Army, then the credit for killing Fushou is I would like to share with you, in this way, on the side of the Sizhou Army, even if we take refuge in the past, we can support each other, and we can also help each other at critical times. I wonder what you think?"

The hearts of all the generals present were pounding when they heard this.

They were moved.

Who wants to die if they can live?
"Will the Sizhou Army accept our surrender?" Someone asked Kang Maocai.

Kang Maocai looked at the situation in the field, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and secretly said: These people are really not that loyal to Fushou.

That's right, Fushou is used to bossing around on weekdays, and has never looked at them highly.

I believe that everyone present is dissatisfied!

Kang Maocai came back to his senses, and said, "In other counties, I have about 50 soldiers and civilians under my command. I will use this merit as my sincerity to surrender. Of course, the [-] troops here are all elite. If you Dedicate the [-] troops, and give an order to your people in other counties on Jiqing Road to open the city and surrender. Then, with this credit, even if you take refuge in the Sizhou Army, there will be a storm. Heaven is rich."

"If you are willing to believe me, come with me and meet Cheng De, the general of the Sizhou army. Let's go and surrender to him together to prevent the Sizhou army from coming to our side. Once they come to us , if we try to surrender, it will be too late!"

"Kang Maocai, you are right. Now we each order the soldiers under our hands to throw away the weapons in their hands, and then let them all kneel down, and let them shout surrender. As for us, we will go to see the Sizhou Army Zhenglu General." A general present said.

"Okay, let's all go together!"

Kang Maocai saw that all the generals present said so, and then smiled and said: "Okay! Everyone first ordered all the soldiers under their hands to put down their weapons, so as not to misunderstand the Sizhou army. As for us, let's put down our weapons and go together Let's meet General Zhenglu of the Sizhou Army!"

Everyone present nodded.

When Cheng De personally led the Sizhou army to kill the Yuan army's rear army, he was stunned.

Because all he heard was—"We surrender!!"

If you look around, you can see a mass of people kneeling in the dark.

The person kneeling at the front was a general of the Yuan army.

Cheng De stared at this scene carefully, and under the protection of the surrounding soldiers, he came to the kneeling Kang Maocai and others.

"Which of you is Fushou?" Cheng De asked while riding on a tall horse, looking down at Kang Maocai and other kneeling people coldly.

Kang Maocai replied: "General Fushou insisted on going his own way, disregarding the life and death of the soldiers, and tried to fight the general to the death. In addition, Fushou was always unpopular, and we had heard that the general was benevolent, so we joined forces to kill Fushou. If you want to serve the general to your death, I wonder if it is possible?"

Cheng De took a deep look at Kang Maocai: "Who are you? Report your name!"

"Report to General, I am Kang Maocai!"

Cheng De was shocked when he heard this.

Kang Maocai?
Famous people in history.

"Reporting to General Zhenglu, we have ordered the county guards to surrender to the rest of the counties on Jiqing Road. The general can directly send people to take over these counties. Also, the 50 soldiers and civilians under my command have also been explained. These people will surrender to the general." Kang Maocai continued.

Hearing this, Cheng De glanced at the kneeling people and said, "You are very good. I have seen your sincerity in your surrender. After I take over other counties, I will make other arrangements for you. However, before that, you I have to be guarded by my people. What do you think?"

Kang Maocai immediately said: "I thank the general! I am willing to serve the general with my life!"

The rest of the kneeling people also said: "I thank the general! I am willing to die for the general!"

"Geng Zaicheng, Zhu Yuanzhang, Chen Ting!" Cheng De shouted.

"General!" Geng Zaicheng, Zhu Yuanzhang, and Chen Ting responded loudly.

"You go to take over Jurong County, Lishui Prefecture, and Liyang Prefecture respectively, and you must stabilize each city as soon as possible." Cheng De instructed.

"Follow the order!" Geng Zaicheng, Zhu Yuanzhang, and Chen Ting responded.

"Kang Maocai, it's up to you to choose a few people, and follow my subordinates to take over those cities. As for you, you can also go along. You can follow Geng and make it better." Cheng De turned to look at Kang Maocai and said.

Kang Maocai replied immediately: "Follow the order!"

Immediately, Kang Maocai selected six people. These six people were the important generals of the remaining three places to be taken over, and they all controlled a troop.

The appearance of these six of them played a vital role in stabilizing the three places.

After watching Geng Zaicheng and others leave, Cheng De was busy organizing the prisoners.

Until late at night, Geng Zaicheng, Zhu Yuanzhang, and Chen Ting each sent back news, and successfully received Jurong County, Lishui Prefecture, and Liyang Prefecture.

At this point, the entire Jiqing Road fell into the hands of the Sizhou army.

This means that the foundation of Cheng De's hegemony has been completed.

(End of this chapter)

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