Chapter 219

And Zhoucheng.

The army led by Li Sanqi was supplemented by the [-] troops brought by Luo Guanzhong, and the morale of the whole army was effectively improved.


Hezhou City Li Mansion Bieyuan.

Li Sanqi was standing by a stone table in the courtyard, on which were the topographical figures around Dangtu City.

Accompanying Hou by Li Sanqi were Xu Da and Liu Bowen.

Xu Da and Liu Bowen looked at each other, and the next moment, they all looked at Li Sanqi in unison.

Since the first battle of Dangtu, Li Sanqi has always felt guilty for the brothers who died in the battle.

From that day on, Li Sanqi became more and more silent. He looked very serious, and the smile on his face was much less than before.

This kind of Li Sanqi made Xu Da feel a kind of strangeness and also a kind of fear.

He had often seen this kind of situation in the current Daming Huai King Cheng De before.

What Xu Da didn't expect was that Li Sanqi also had some obvious changes at this time.

From Xu Da's point of view, this change means that Li Sanqi's power is getting stronger and stronger, making people afraid to look up.

Li Sanqi didn't care about Xu Da and Liu Bowen's thoughts behind him, his eyes were fixed on every part of the terrain around Dangtu City, as sharp as a knife.

However, Li Sanqi's eye circles looked a bit dark, and his eyes were bloodshot.

When Li Sanqi saw a spot in the surrounding terrain of Dangtu City, his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Xu Da!" Li Sanqi shouted.

"Here!" Xu Da responded.

"Come and see, this place, do you know what it is?"

Hearing Li Sanqi's words, Xu Da leaned in front of Li Sanqi, and followed the place on the map that Li Sanqi was pointing at, his gaze suddenly fixed.

"Report to Commander Zuo, this place is called Dangyanji." Xu Da said hastily.

Li Sanqi heard the words, his eyes revealed deep thought.

"The battle of Dangtu was the shame of the Dudu. After so many brothers died, the Dudu has always been ashamed in his heart. Every day, he thinks about revenge for his brothers. The emperor pays off. Today, the Dudu finally found it." A chance." Li Sanqi's mouth suddenly curled up, but his eyes were filled with endless murderous intent.

Xu Da was startled, and then said: "The meaning of Zuo Dudu, could it be that the opportunity for revenge is in Dangyanji?"

At the same time, Xu Da was full of doubts. He fixed his eyes on the location of Dangyanji on the map, and his mind turned quickly, but he still didn't understand where the fighter Li Sanqi said was?
Li Sanqi saw that Xu Da seemed to be still in deep thought, so he didn't remind him that he had high expectations for Xu Da in his heart. Cheng De has a lot of trust in Cheng De, and has always believed in the extraordinary vision of his elder brother Cheng De.

Li Sanqi thought that if Xu Da was given some time, he would definitely figure out his strategy this time.

After all, the strategy he decided on this time was a strategy that he finally came up with after a lot of thinking and meditation that could defeat Dangtu Yexian Timur.

After recovering, Li Sanqi turned to look at Liu Bowen, seeing the calm look on Liu Bowen's face, Li Sanqi's gaze was no longer as gentle as that of Xu Da, but a deep and peaceful one.

"Mr. Liu, will there be a north wind in the future?"

Hearing Li Sanqi nod himself, Liu Bowen met Li Sanqi's eyes, was silent for a while, and then said: "I want to report to Governor Zuo, I watched the sky last night, and there will be a north wind from Mao to noon the next day." .and"

Li Sanqi's knife-like eyes focused on Liu Bowen, making Liu Bowen's body stiff and his expression a little unnatural.

Liu Bowen still didn't quite understand why General Li in front of him looked at him after the first battle in Dangtu, without the previous trust, but with more scrutiny.

Of course, Liu Bowen also understands that this is related to the strategy he offered before.

However, Liu Bowen didn't expect that Yexian Timur was not fooled. Instead, he took the opportunity to launch a night attack in the middle of the night, causing the Sizhou army to suffer a crushing defeat.

Because of this, Li Sanqi lost the trust he had in the past.

Liu Bowen sighed softly in his heart, the world is unpredictable, the specific battle situation at that time was like yesterday.

If he hadn't offered advice that time, would it have been different?
Liu Bowen quickly dismissed these thoughts from his mind, met Li Sanqi's eyes, and said unhurriedly: "Besides the north wind, there may be another rain. This rain will probably fall at about six o'clock and last until noon. .”

"Really?" Li Sanqi's face became more solemn.

Immediately, Li Sanqi clenched his fist and slammed it hard on the location of Dangyanji on the map, muttering in his mouth: "If it really rains, then, when the time comes, God will help me. At that time, my Daming Sizhou Army Must win!"

When Liu Bowen heard Li Sanqi's words, he inadvertently looked at the place where Li Sanqi's fist was resting on the stone table.

In just a moment, Liu Bo was so gentle and blessed to his heart, he had an insight into Li Sanqi's thoughts in an instant.

At this moment, Liu Bowen looked at Li Sanqi more solemnly, and the expression on his face changed drastically.

Li Sanqi seemed to have noticed Liu Bowen's strangeness, and turned his head to look, with a somewhat distracted expression: "You should have thought of it, right?"

Liu Bowen stood there silently and did not answer. Xu Da who was on the side woke up instantly. Seeing this scene, he became more and more puzzled. He didn't know what Li Sanqi and Liu Bowen were playing.

a long time.

Liu Bowen raised his head slowly, his eyes were extremely bright, and he met Li Sanqi's gaze: "Captain Zuo, do you really want to do this?"

Li Sanqi glanced at Liu Bowen: "Could it be that you want to stop me?"

Liu Bowen shook his head: "One general will be successful and ten thousand bones will be ruined. Every drink and peck, there is a definite number. But, has the Zuo Dudu considered the consequences of this matter clearly?"

Li Sanqi's face froze, and after a while, he said seriously: "The governor has a clear conscience!"

Liu Bowen looked at Li Sanqi with a bright light in his eyes, and he felt a little more respect in his heart.

Liu Bowen: "I will cooperate with Commander Zuo in this battle, and I will guarantee that no news of this battle will be leaked."

Liu Bowen's words from the heart made Li Sanqi look a little more surprised.

"However, paper cannot contain fire. One day, this matter will be known by the world. As a scholar, Liu Junshi, you don't have to follow me to risk the world's disgrace. This will not be conducive to your future. " Li Sanqi persuaded Liu Bowen.

Liu Bowen smiled, with a faint smile on his face: "Zuo Dudu, it seems that you don't understand me, Liu Bowen. Although I, Liu Bowen, have a good name, I know better that Zuo Dudu's actions are actually for the sake of the whole world. In my opinion, what the Zuo Dudu did was really a last resort, and it was also for the sake of peace in the world as soon as possible. Then, the right and wrong can only be judged by future generations. However, the Zuo Dudu must not forget, I, Liu Bowen Still a reader."

Li Sanqi took a deep look at Liu Bowen: "You are different from other scholars."

Liu Bowen shook his head: "Maybe, I also have other plans?"

Li Sanqi was silent and did not answer, and turned to look at Xu Da: "Xu Da, from now on, you will lead 2 people to Dangyanji, and when you arrive with your troops, wait for my next step." instruct."

When Xu Da heard the words, he immediately replied: "The last general obeys the order!"

Afterwards, Xu Da left in a hurry.

After watching Xu Da leave, Li Sanqi glanced at Liu Bowen meaningfully: "I will leave this matter to you. After this battle, Duke Huai will definitely want a detailed battle situation, and , this matter cannot be kept from Duke Huai. I hope you can think about how to deal with this matter before then."

Liu Bowen smiled wryly.

Dangyanji is also the burial place of Yexian Timur.

As for the strategy Li Sanqi thought of, it can be summarized as: setting fire to mountains and poisoning water.

The location of Dangyanji is very special, it is connected to the inner city of Dangtu City, and the nearby water source is the main water supply point in the city.

After the addition, there will be a northern start at the time of Rimao. At that time, the mountain will be set on fire, and the billowing smoke and dust will blow along the wind to tens of thousands of homes in the inner city, and the north will make the fire more and more prosperous.

If it is supplemented by water poisoning, then this Dangtu city will be a dead city.

On the battlefield, everything is used to the extreme, but there is nothing to blame.

But once this matter is leaked out, it will deal a devastating blow to the Daming Sizhou Army.

When Liu Bowen thought of this, his heart suddenly felt heavy.

(End of this chapter)

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