At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the competition for the deer in the world

Chapter 229 The capture of Anqing Road seeks separation without encirclement

Chapter 229 The plan to capture Anqing Road - Separation without encirclement

Until May 13, 25.

At this time, Feng Guoyong led [-] troops to station in Lujiang City, Li Sanqi led [-] troops to station in Tongling City, and Geng Zaicheng led [-] troops to station in Wuwei Prefecture.

Dark clouds shrouded the entire sky over Lujiang City, and there was a biting chill in the air.

Feng Mansion in Lujiang City, this mansion was chosen by Deng Youde as Feng Guoyong's resting place.

It's just that the surroundings of Feng's mansion tonight are filled with a sense of chill.

All directions of the Feng Mansion are guarded by elite soldiers from the Ming Dynasty to prevent outsiders from intruding.

But in a lobby in Feng's residence, a group of people gathered, among them were: Feng Guoyong, Deng Youde, Liu Chongwu, Zhang Yu, Li Sanqi, and Geng Zaicheng.

No one would have thought that Li Sanqi from Tongling City and Geng Zaicheng from Wuwei Prefecture came to Lujiang City tonight.

However, the expressions of Li Sanqi and Geng Zaicheng looked exhausted, and there were obvious bloodshot eyes.

Among the crowd was a big case. On the big case was a detailed map of the Ming Dynasty and its surrounding forces. Everyone stood around the big case.

Feng Guoyong didn't look at the map first, but looked at Li Sanqi and Geng Zaicheng first, and said: "General Li and General Geng have worked hard, if I didn't have to, I would definitely not let you hurry up Come here. The reason why I asked you to come here is to make some arrangements for the upcoming battle of Anqing. After I led the army to Lujiang City, I have been thinking about how to break through Anqing."

Speaking of this, Feng Guoyong deliberately paused for a while, and then continued: "This general has already thought of a plan. In my opinion, this plan must be foolproof. Next, I will tell you about this plan. .”

Everyone set their eyes on Feng Guoyong, with extremely surprised expressions.

Especially Deng Youde was extremely surprised, and at the same time, he felt admiration for Feng Guoyong in his heart.

Feng Guoyong took a look around everyone present, pointed at Anqing Road on the map with a long knife in his hand, and said, "Big cities like Anqing and Nanjing are bound to be well defended by the enemy. If we attack the city directly, we will hit the enemy directly. Apart from adding casualties to himself, there will be no benefit. Before, General Geng fought Na Yu Que many times, so he must have a deeper understanding of this."

"Besides, I also asked about the battle between General Geng and Yu Que. Yu Que's defense against Anqing was extremely solid, and there was nowhere to attack."

Feng Guoyong was silent for a while, but everyone was lost in thought.

Afterwards, Feng Guoyong saw that everyone still had no clue, so he continued: "Therefore, if we want to attack a place like Anqing, we must first clear the periphery, cut off the grain roads leading to the city, encircle without fighting, and wait. The food and grass in the city are cut off, so naturally we can't hold on. If we go to attack the city at this time, we can easily take it down."

Deng Youde and Li Sanqi frowned upon hearing this.

Deng Youde asked: "If General Feng wants to take Anqing Road, wouldn't it take a long time to take it?"

Li Sanqi also echoed, "What General Deng said is also my doubt."

Feng Guoyong's complexion suddenly became serious, and after a while, he said: "Soldiers, the important affairs of the country, the place of death and life, the way of survival, must be investigated."

"For an important city like Anqing, the enemy is bound to rescue it with all its strength. It is inevitable that we must besiege the city and send reinforcements at the same time. If we are besieging the city with all our strength while attacking the enemy's reinforcements at the same time, it may cause our disaster. The troops are insufficient and stretched. Therefore, according to the actual situation, this time we are 'surrounding but not fighting', but 'separating but not encircling'."

When Deng Youde, Li Sanqi, and Geng Zaicheng heard the words, their eyes lit up.

"Separate but not besieged" means that they don't even engage in siege, but choose to garrison at key points outside the enemy's city, with deep trenches and high fortifications, so they will not take the initiative to attack easily, mainly waiting for the enemy to attack.

Although doing this will not cut off contact with the enemies inside and outside the city at all, but I am standing in front of your house with a kitchen knife, you can't just ignore me, right?What's more, Daming Kingdom occupies the enemy's strategic points, which will make the enemy very, very uncomfortable, and will definitely send troops or ask for reinforcements to fight.It's easy to fight. The Ming Dynasty relies on deep ditches and high fortifications, which can kill and injure the enemy in large numbers.In this way, the tasks of siege and aid are actually taken into account.

"This method of siege, I call it a defensive attack. Our Ming army does not absolutely not attack, but our attack seems to be defensive. Our attack always seems to be slow like a tortoise crawling. Going forward, we must build fortifications again, deep ditches and high fortifications, and prepare to meet the enemy's counterattack."

"However, the biggest advantage of our doing this is that we can achieve a big victory with relatively small casualties."

Hearing Feng Guoyong's words, Deng Youde showed hesitation. He looked at Feng Guoyong and said, "It's okay for General Feng to think this way, but according to King Huai's intention, our Daming Kingdom must win Anqing Road in the shortest possible time. OK, lest Chen Youliang's power grow stronger because of our attack on Anqing Road for a long time, this is also the worry of Duke Huai."

Feng Guoyong stared at Deng Youde for a while, which made Deng Youde a little stunned. Deng Youde was extremely puzzled, and said, "General Feng, is what I said wrong?"

Feng Guoyong shook his head and said, "You're right. In fact, I've thought about it over and over again, and my method should be the safest method. As for Duke Huai's concern about Chen Youliang doing something big, in fact, in my opinion, Duke Huai You can choose another general to lead the army to the west of Lujiang Road, then climb over Dabie Mountain, and go straight to Huangzhou Road, and catch Chen Youliang by surprise."

"It's just that if the leading general wants to lead the army to successfully cross the Dabie Mountains, there may be certain dangers, and even life-threatening risks. After all, there are many dangers in the Dabie Mountains."

Luzhou Road and Huangzhou Road are separated by a Dabie Mountain.

Everyone present knew this.

Everyone present frowned even more when they heard Feng Guoyong's words.

It's not that this method is not good, but that this method is a bit risky.

Moreover, generals who implement this method may die in the Dabie Mountains.

If you want to cross Dabie Mountain from Luzhou Road and enter the territory of Huangzhou Road, I am afraid that many soldiers will die along the way?
This is a big test of life and death for the leading generals and the soldiers fighting with the army.

The crowd fell silent.

Feng Guoyong glanced at everyone present, and then continued: "I have already written these thoughts into a notebook and sent someone to Nanjing City. Presumably Duke Huai saw my notebook at this time, and I also recommended myself as an official in the notebook. You don't need to think too much about the general who has crossed Dabie Mountain and attacked Huangzhou Road."

Deng Youde and others lowered their heads in shame.

Did they think that Feng Guoyong would recommend one of them?Unexpectedly, he recommended himself.

This is really beyond everyone's expectations.

"This time, the attack on Anqing Road may take a long time. I will make some arrangements first. As for the attack on Chen Youliang Huangzhou, I think Duke Huai will definitely agree. As for who will preside over the overall situation after I leave, I have already recommended General Deng and General Li to King Huai. As for who King Huai will choose, then I don’t know. You two, no matter who succeeds me to preside over the overall situation, I hope you will remember the principle of attacking Anqing Road. Attack the tough, don't attack, separate without encircling, encircle without fighting, first cut the branches and leaves, and then take the root, the water will come when it is ripe, and the melon will fall when it is ripe."

Feng Guoyong's eyes swept over Deng Youde and Li Sanqi one by one.

Deng Youde and Li Sanqi looked at each other, and immediately said in unison: "General Feng, please rest assured, I, Li Sanqi (Deng Youde), will definitely keep it in mind."

Feng Guoyong nodded and said: "I sent a lot of scouts to investigate the terrain to the east of Anqing Road and the northeast of Anqing Road, combined with some information obtained by Jueshengwei from Anqing Road, I came up with a kind of The plan for advancing troops. As for the specific plan for advancing troops, I will tell you in detail now."

Deng Youde and others held their breaths and waited for Feng Guoyong to continue speaking.

Feng Guoyong didn't hesitate at all, and said directly: "First of all, our Ming army must capture Zongyang Town in the northeast of Anqing Road. According to the information obtained by the scouts, there is a Pogang Lake connecting Zongyang Town and Anqing. On the Anqing Road, the grain and reinforcements of the Yuan army can reach Zongyang Town first, and then transported to Anqing by water. Therefore, Zongyang Town is actually an important traffic artery for Anqing. However, the scouts detected the Yuan army's defense of this place But it is quite lax. Therefore, our Daming Army can send people to secretly dig the dam between Pogang Lake and the Yangtze River, and then our Daming Navy will go straight to Zongyang Town. This time, I also Please send [-] sailors to help. After our Ming army captures Zongyang Town, we can cut off an important passage on Anqing Road."

"Secondly, our Ming army must take Tongcheng. Although Zongyang Town is very important, there is still Tongcheng on Anqing Road. At the same time, the defense of Tongcheng's Yuan army is strong, and it will not be able to conquer it for a while. Direct Attacking Tongcheng is bound to be a tough battle, but as I said at the beginning, the strategy of attacking Anqing Road this time is to divide and not encircle. At that time, we only need to send one general to lead [-] Ming troops to the trailer near Tongcheng He implemented a typical strategy of 'separate but not encircled'. Even though the connection between Tongcheng and Anqing has not been completely severed, but with the [-] troops ambushing here, it is almost impossible for the two places to contact each other."

"Finally, the most important thing is that the main general will lead the remaining hundreds of thousands of troops from the three cities of Lujiang and Tongling to approach Anqing City. According to Jueshengwei's information, the Ming army under the command of the main general can go to the north of Anqing City. Set up camp in Jixianji, and built fortifications. But remember one thing, that is, never take the initiative to attack Anqing."

"In addition, in Wuwei Prefecture, there are 7 troops under the command of General Geng, and 4 people are specially assigned to prevent the Yuan army from rescuing Anqing from Fanchang, Nanling, Xuancheng and other directions. The remaining 3 people are arranged in Tongcheng and Anqing The Qingcaoji in the middle, as the general reserve, is ready to receive all kinds of troops at any time."

"In this way, our Daming has laid a net against the Anqing Road Yuan Army. This time, the Anqing Road Guard General Yu Que will definitely be unable to fly."

After hearing what Feng Guoyong said about the plan for this attack, everyone was overjoyed.

Deng Youde: "General Feng is thoughtful and thoughtful, which I admire so much!"

Li Sanqi: "General Feng's strategy will definitely win Anqing Road for King Huai. After Anqing wins, the first contribution will be General Feng."

Geng Zaicheng: "General Feng is far-sighted and far-sighted, and he still has a lot to learn in the end!"

Feng Guoyong waved his hand, with a slight smile on his face: "Everyone, stop flattering me. The most urgent thing right now is to make arrangements according to the marching plan just mentioned."

"Also, within three days, King Huai will definitely have a new order. At that time, I will let go of the Anqing Road matter and attack Chen Youliang's Huangzhou Road."

Hearing Feng Guo's words, everyone fell silent.

Deng Youde even asked: "General Feng, why are you so sure that Duke Huai will let you attack Chen Youliang's Huangzhou Road?"

Feng Guoyong said with a smile: "Let me be foolish, you can ask Duke Huai about this matter, and I will not talk about it."

Deng Youde: "."

other people:"."

Cheng De, who was far away in Nanjing City, naturally received the paperwork submitted by Feng Guoyong, and he sent it urgently within [-] miles.

In the private study, Cheng De carefully looked at the notebook written by Feng Guoyong, reading it over and over again.

He carefully figured out Feng Guoyong's strategy of separating and not surrounding Anqing Road.

He thought about it, if Feng Guoyong's strategy is really adopted, then for Yu Que on Anqing Road, there are only two choices: either send out all the elite main forces of the Yuan army, and fight with the Ming army to lose both; or simply withdraw Anqing, preserve the strength of the Anqing Road Yuan Army.

However, all of this depends on whether Yu Que will think of this step.

According to the dozens of previous battles between Geng Zaicheng and Yu Que, as well as the personal information about Yu Que that Jueshengwei inquired about, after a comprehensive analysis, Cheng De believes that Yu Que will never think that the Yuan army on Anqing Road cannot defeat him The Ming Army.

After all, the Yuan army on Anqing Road now has 15, or even more.

Cheng De thought to himself: Maybe no matter how Yu Que sees it, it won't be an unequal battle.

However, although the Battle of Anqing has not really started, Cheng De already understands that the Ming Kingdom has already won strategically, and there is no suspense in this battle.

a long time.

Cheng De wrote a word on the paperwork submitted by Feng Guoyong: accurate.

In addition, Feng Guoyong mentioned in the excerpts that he borrowed the road from the west of Luzhou Road, crossed Dabie Mountain, and then attacked Huangzhou Road by surprise.Obviously, what Feng Guoyong meant was that since he and Chen Youliang would face each other sooner or later, it would be better to strike first.

At the same time, the point mentioned by Feng Guoyong also took into account that the battle of Anqing will achieve great results with relatively small casualties, but it will take a long time for Chen Youliang to grow stronger, which can be regarded as solving his long-standing worries .

However, Feng Guoyong recommended himself to surprise Huangzhou Road.

On this point, Cheng Desizhi agreed again and again.

Regarding Feng Guoyong's recommendation of Li Sanqi and Deng Youde to take over the follow-up matters of the Anqing Battle, after some careful consideration, Cheng De decided to choose Li Sanqi as the main and Deng Youde as the assistant, and let them take over from Feng Guoyong to preside over the Anqing Battle.

Thinking of this, Cheng De continued to write on the back of the approval letter on the booklet: "In the battle of Anqing, Li Sanqi was the main one, and Deng Youde was the assistant."

After correcting the papers, Cheng De sealed the papers, and sent someone to rush them to Lujiang City in the same way.

night, deeper.

Cheng De walked out of the study, looked up at the sky, saw the faint starlight in the night sky, and fell into reverie.

(End of this chapter)

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