Chapter 231 Lian Zhou Kangming
To the 13th year of July [-]th.

The sun is shining brightly in the city of Nanjing.

Prince Huai's Mansion.

Cheng De flipped through the memorials sent from various parts of the Ming Dynasty with a serious expression.


A memorial caught Cheng De's attention.

This memorial was sent by Yao Guangxiao in Gaoyou City, and the content of the memorial stated that Da Zhou had frequently deployed troops in recent days.

Cheng De looked at the map of the Ming Dynasty lying beside his desk, and then focused his eyes on the territory of Dazhou, his eyes sparkling.

"Could it be that this soldier is going to use troops against the Ming Dynasty?" Cheng De frowned and thought.

Does he have the guts?
Immediately, Cheng De thought that the Great Zhou Kingdom had two people of his own who he arranged to lurk: Xu Yingjie and Liu Ren.

Of these two people, one holds a high position in the court, and the other holds the power of one hundred thousand soldiers.

If there was any change in Zhang Shicheng's side, presumably these two people should have passed the information through Jueshengwei long ago.

At present, they have not sent any news back, which shows that Zhang Shicheng probably does not intend to use troops against the Ming Dynasty.

Since Zhang Shicheng was not using troops against the Ming Dynasty, Cheng De guessed that maybe Zhang Shicheng was going to attack the Yuan army in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.

However, Zhang Shicheng had already used troops against Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces before, but the results were not great.Then, Zhang Shicheng has been resting and recuperating.

Now, looking at it like this, Zhang Shicheng has always coveted the land in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, and he is going to get serious.

However, Cheng De also took a fancy to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.

It's just that the generals who can command thousands of troops are busy now.

Feng Guoyong has been sent by him to surprise Huangzhou Road, and Deng Youde and Li Sanqi are fighting Yu Que on Anqing Road.
Thinking about it this way, Cheng De still felt that he still lacked the talent of a general in his hands.

It would be great if Sapphire and the others could grow up.

Thinking of this, Cheng De dismissed his thoughts about Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.

In Cheng De's view, let Zhang Shicheng go to work first, and when he is free to deal with Zhang Shicheng in the future, the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces may be taken down without any effort. Contact Xu Yingjie and Liu Ren and ask them to find a way to arrange their own people to go there.

Zhang Shicheng and the others made great fanfare this time, which shows that they are determined to win this matter.

If Zhang Shicheng wins the province of Jiangsu and Zhejiang this time, then he must quickly arrange for his own people to fill the province.

After reading this, Cheng De quickly thought about it several times in his mind. Then, Cheng De already had a draft in his mind, and then picked up a brush and quickly wrote on a piece of blank paper.
In a blink of an eye, Cheng De filled ten sheets of paper, all of which he instructed Xu Yingjie and Liu Ren to quickly arrange for his people to go to important places in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces after Zhang Shicheng took over them. places and keep them active.

After finishing writing, Cheng De checked it several times, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, he asked Jueshengwei to encrypt it into ciphertext and send it to Dazhou Xu Yingjie.

After arranging the matter, Cheng De continued to concentrate on processing the memorial.

While Cheng De was dealing with the memorial, Chen Youliang on the other side was extremely upset after learning that Cheng De of the Ming Dynasty sent troops to use troops on Anqing Road.

From Chen Youliang's point of view, this Anqing Road was clearly his favorite, but he didn't expect that this Cheng De didn't know what to do, and wanted to play Anqing Road.

However, he has no time to care about Anqing Road.

But the more Chen Youliang thought about it, the more unhappy he became, so he summoned his counselor Gao Jian to discuss the matter.

Chen Youliang met Gao Jian in the Qianqing Hall, the palace of the King of Han.

After Gao Jian arrived at the Qianqing Hall, he directly bowed to Chen Youliang and said, "I pay homage to the King of Han!"

Chen Youliang waved his hands and said, "There's no need to be too polite. I called you here because I can't figure out something, and I want you to help me figure out a solution."

Gao Jian was overjoyed, but said without showing any emotion, "My minister is willing to share the worries of the King of Han. I don't know what the King of Han is thinking?"

Chen Youliang went straight to the point and said: "Right now, my big man is expanding the territory. However, I suddenly heard that Cheng De's people are attacking Anqing Road. You also know that I am determined to win Anqing Road, but due to the current situation, there is no Enough energy to deal with Anqing Road. Tell me, what should I do?"

Hearing the words, Gao Jian understood what Chen Youliang was thinking, so he was unambiguous, and said directly: "To the King of Han, I think that the king of Han should focus on expanding the territory at the moment. As for Anqing Road, I think it can be put aside temporarily put."

Chen Youliang looked worried: "What if I want to expand the territory, but I don't want to see Anqing Road being taken down by Cheng De?"

Gao Jian looked at Chen Youliang's expression, and said calmly, "In that case, I can only suggest that the King of Han send someone to Da Zhou, and secretly form an alliance with Zhang Shicheng to deal with the Ming Dynasty together, and ask Da Zhou to do more to contain Cheng De. At least let the Ming Dynasty not take Anqing Road so quickly, so as to buy enough time for me, a big man."

Chen Youliang looked closely at Gao Jian and said, "Zhang Shicheng, how do you think we big men can persuade him?"

Gao Jian pondered for a while before he opened his mouth and said: "Looking at profit and temptation, for example, we Dahan can make an agreement with Da Zhou that if we take down Daming Kingdom, we can share the territory of Daming Kingdom together. This can be used as the basic principle of the alliance agreement between the two parties."

Chen Youliang shook his head and said, "This is not enough."

Gao Jian continued: "Using high-ranking officials and beauties to buy the officials of the Great Zhou court and let them speak for us. As far as I know, the Great Zhou court is divided into three factions. One faction is headed by the Great Zhou Prime Minister Li Xingsu, and the other faction Zhang Shicheng's brother, Zhang Shixin, and others are at the head, and the other is headed by Xu Yingjie, Liu Ren, and others. Li Xingsu cannot be bought by us big men, and it is even more impossible for Zhang Shicheng brothers to buy him. The only one we can buy is Xu Yingjie's faction."

Chen Youliang was silent, and after a while, he opened his mouth and said, "Can this Xu Yingjie be bribed by us? Is this possible?"

Gao Jian quickly replied: "Reporting to the King of Han, human beings have weaknesses. I believe that this Xu Yingjie must also have weaknesses. As long as we catch his weaknesses, we will definitely be able to find opportunities to make Xu Yingjie submit."

Chen Youliang frowned subconsciously: "It's just that the news came from the Han secret guards I sent to hide in Dazhou, saying that Xu Yingjie is loyal to Zhang Shicheng, and he will do everything by himself. Can people be won over by us big guys?"

Gao Jian replied confidently: "I would like to report to the King of Han that this time I am going to Dazhou as an envoy, I invite you to go to Dazhou. I take advantage of this opportunity to get in touch with Xu Yingjie a lot. I believe that We must be able to find this person's weakness as soon as possible, then use it, and finally use it for the King of Han."

After Chen Youliang stared at Gao Jian for a while, he said: "That's fine, I will entrust you with the full responsibility for this matter. In addition, all the Han secret guards that I sent to the territory of Da Zhou will be under your command, and you must handle it well." This matter."

Gao Jianli responded immediately: "My minister obeys the order!"

Chen Youliang suddenly said: "If Xu Yingjie can't win over this person, you can let the big man's secret guards spread rumors about Xu Yingjie in the Dazhou territory, saying that he has been secretly subdued by my big man and is a pawn of my big man. From my point of view, all those in positions of power are people who are deeply suspicious. No matter how good the relationship between Zhang Shicheng and Xu Yingjie is, I am afraid that this matter will create a certain gap between the two of them. As time goes by, this gap It will only get bigger and bigger, and in the end, I believe that Xu Yingjie will definitely choose to join our big man camp."

Gao Jian: "The king of Han is wise, his wisdom is far-reaching, and I admire him!"

Chen Youliang smiled and said: "This time, I will give you a hundred personal guards, and they will protect you secretly. On the surface, I will give you 30 people, and they will escort a batch of supplies to follow you."

Gao Jianli bowed and said, "Thank you King of Han!"

Chen Youliang: "Go ahead and get ready, let's set off at Maoshi tomorrow!"

Gao Jian immediately nodded heavily and left quickly.

After watching Gao Jian leave, Chen Youliang thought to himself: I hope Gao Jian can persuade Da Zhou to form an alliance with Da Han to deal with the Ming Kingdom!

(End of this chapter)

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