At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the competition for the deer in the world

Chapter 246: Governance of Susong and strategies for attacking Qi

Chapter 246: Governance of Susong and strategies for attacking Qi

Beside Taihu Lake.

Cheng De and his party were stationed here.

At this time, Cheng De stood outside the tent, looking up at the sky.

The moon is hidden and the stars are hidden.

Cheng De withdrew his gaze, looked at Su Song, then looked at Hukou Pass, a hint of haze rising in his heart.

Feng Guoyong is at the tiger's mouth. I hope he can hold on for a while.


A soldier suddenly came to Cheng De.

"See Your Majesty!" The soldier knelt down on one knee and lowered his head.

Cheng De: "What's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, after investigation, no ships were found."

Hearing this, Cheng De remembered that when he was stationed near Taihu Lake, he ordered people to search around in order to find ships that could cross Taihu Lake.

If there is a boat, you can cross directly.

If there are no ships, go around.

No boat? Cheng De frowned slightly.

"Pass on my order, starting immediately, let the three armies rest for half an hour. After half an hour, the three armies will bypass Taihu Lake and go straight to Susong!"

"Follow the order!"

Half an hour later, the army continued to move forward.

Two days later.

Outside Susong City, banners cover the sky.

Deng Youde, Geng Zaicheng and others came to Cheng De one after another, and they all knelt down and said:
  "I will meet your Majesty at the end!"

The [-] troops behind Deng Youde and Geng Zaicheng saluted one after another.

Cheng De was sitting on a black horse. After getting off the horse, Cheng De made a virtual support movement with his right hand and said calmly: "Stand flat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" everyone said in unison.

"Your Majesty, please follow me into the city. Everything is arranged." Deng Youde said with a smile to Cheng De.

Cheng De nodded with satisfaction, "Very good. Let's go to the city together later. I have something else to ask you."

Deng Youde nodded quickly.

Then, Cheng De looked at Geng Zaicheng again, "How about your subordinates Zhu Yuanzhang and Chen Ting?"

Geng Zaicheng looked startled, and quickly replied: "Your Majesty, the two of them are fighting more and more bravely, and they are eager for a big battle, hoping to make contributions to the Ming Dynasty."

Cheng De nodded lightly, "Let's go to the city!"

All the people in Susong City had already received news that His Majesty the Ming Emperor was coming.

Everyone crowded the roads on both sides of the street, standing on tiptoes to look in the direction of the city gate.

Cheng De, surrounded by everyone, slowly walked into the Susong City Gate.

People on both sides of the street cheered and were in extremely high spirits.

Cheng De felt a little moved when he saw this scene.

The people were so enthusiastic about him, which showed that he still had a status in the hearts of the people of the Ming Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, the people in Susong City are so warm and simple. The fact that they welcome Your Majesty in this way shows that Your Majesty governs the country well."

Cheng De was very happy after hearing Kang Maocai's words.

However, Deng Youde, Geng Zaicheng and others looked at Kang Maocai unkindly.

Could this man be just a flatterer?
  Everyone commented on Kang Maocai in their hearts.

Kang Maocai didn't care what others thought. In his view, if he wanted to gain His Majesty's trust, he had to start with every little thing.

This flattery is exactly one aspect.

Whether this flattery is good or not is related to his future.

Fortunately, he saw that Cheng De was in a good mood, and his anxious heart gradually calmed down.

"Your Majesty, the general has arranged a place for your Majesty to live in Susong City. This place has a quiet environment. I believe your Majesty will be satisfied." Deng Youde suddenly changed the subject.

After Cheng De heard this, he glanced at Deng Youde in surprise: "You are serious!" Deng Youde heard this with a smile on his face, "Your Majesty said seriously, these are just the responsibilities of the general."

Kang Maocai looked at Deng Youde as if he were looking at a fellow-minded person.

He secretly remembered Deng Youde's flattering move.

"Kang Maocai, what do you think of Susong City?"

Hearing Cheng De's question, Kang Maocai carefully looked around Su Song, pondered for a moment, and then said: "The people are simple and honest, and the government is friendly and harmonious."

Cheng De then looked at Deng Youde: "Who is running this Susong City?"

Deng Youde heard Cheng De's question, recalled it carefully, and then said: "He is a scholar. This man was captured by me to help me manage Susong City."

Cheng De looked at Deng Youde suspiciously.

Deng Youde looked at Cheng De and looked at him, and quickly explained: "Your Majesty, I misunderstood. When I said arrest, I used wine to impress this person. This person is very good at drinking. You can't impress this person without wine." However, this person is indeed talented and knowledgeable, and is well-known in Susong City."

Cheng De: "This person, if you think about it, is really capable. You can make good use of this person. At least he can stabilize your rear."

Hearing this, Deng Youde smiled and said, "I will remember your Majesty's words."

The group of people walked through the streets and alleys, and finally arrived at their destination, a deep and vast courtyard.

In the courtyard lobby, Cheng De left behind Deng Youde, Geng Zaicheng, Kang Maocai, Fu Youde, and Ding Pulang.

Outside the courtyard, there were heavy guards, one man at a time, surrounding the courtyard like an iron barrel. Not even birds could enter.

Cheng De sat in the middle of the lobby, Deng Youde and Geng Zaicheng sat on the left, and Kang Maocai, Fu Youde, and Ding Pulang sat on the right.

Then, Cheng De looked at Deng Youde and said, "How to quickly capture Qizhou Road? Do you have any good strategies?"

Cheng De's voice just fell, and everyone else in the lobby looked at Deng Youde.

Deng Youde stood up immediately. He pondered for a moment and then said: "Back to your Majesty, the general has been thinking about how to break Qizhou Road these days, even to the point of forgetting to sleep and eat. Fortunately, before your majesty came down, the general had already I’ve thought of a countermeasure.”

"My countermeasure is very simple, which is to use a trick to break our people into parts, disguise themselves as common people, sneak into Qizhou Road, and then meet at Guangji in Qizhou, and quickly attack the city from Guangji to the surrounding areas, taking the enemy by surprise. Take Qizhou Road."

Cheng De's eyes narrowed and his brows furrowed, "Then how are we going to transport the weapons in? We can't just go empty-handed, right?"

After hearing this, Deng Youde said, "Your Majesty, this weapon can be transported by ship through Qishui."

Cheng De's brows were still frowning, not relieved at all.

"It's still a long way from Susong to Qishui. You have to at least cross Leishui first, and then you have to cross mountains and ridges. Are you sure it won't be a long time?"

Hearing Cheng De's question, Deng Youde kept a calm expression on his face and continued to talk: "Your Majesty is unaware of something. There is a trail from Susong to Qishui that can be reached overnight."

"In this case, I will leave it to you to handle this matter."

"I have only one request, and that is to capture the entire Qizhou Road quickly."

Deng Youde: "Please rest assured, your majesty. The general will definitely live up to your majesty's trust and will definitely capture the Qizhou Road as soon as possible. According to Wei Chen's estimate, the entire Qizhou Road can be captured within three days at the latest. Please also ask your majesty." Waiting for news from the general."

After that, Deng Youde was about to leave.

Cheng De stopped him in time, "Wait!"

Deng Youde looked at Cheng De doubtfully.

"After taking Qizhou Road, you must inform me immediately that Feng Guoyong is waiting for me to rescue him!"

Deng Youde responded loudly: "The last general will take orders."

After watching Deng Youde leave, Cheng De turned his attention to Geng Zaicheng.

Geng Zaicheng also looked at Cheng De.

"Geng Zaicheng, I order you to lead [-] troops and deploy them thirty miles outside Huangmei City to monitor Huangmei City day and night."

"Remember, once Deng Youde's countermeasures work and there is some chaos in Huangmeicheng, we will immediately send troops to capture Huangmeicheng. Are you confident in completing this task?"

"Your Majesty, the general is willing to issue a military order. Please rest assured, your majesty. If the general cannot complete this task, he will come to see you."

Cheng De glanced at Geng Zaicheng: "In that case, then go down and make arrangements. If you need anything, you can mention it to me directly."

Upon hearing this, Geng Zaicheng nodded and immediately bowed and left.

Then, Cheng De set his sights on Kang Maocai, Fu Youde, and Ding Pulang.

Kang Maocai, Fu Youde, and Ding Pulang had a glimmer of hope in their hearts. They also wanted to go to the battlefield as soon as possible and make meritorious deeds.

However, Cheng De's next words shattered their hopes.

"As for the three of you, just accompany me to go shopping on Susongcheng Street."

"Yes." The three of them replied weakly.

(End of this chapter)

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