Cheng De stayed in the main account and handled government affairs with peace of mind.

There are many government affairs from various places, and they are all sent to him.

Among them, most of the intelligence messages were sent by the Juesheng Guards and the Jinyi Guards.

Cheng De gave instructions one by one.

at this time.

There were bursts of thunder in the sky, and a streak of purple lightning pierced the entire sky.

Cheng De paused, walked out of the tent, looked at the sky, and froze on the spot.

Black clouds rolled in, covering the sky and the earth.

In an instant, heavy rain fell on the ground.

Cheng De frowned deeply.

The water in Qishui may rise sharply. Will there be an accident on the ships transporting weapons?
  Can this original plan still be implemented on time?

The sudden increase in variables made Cheng De feel a little depressed. Cheng De felt powerless against this variable that was beyond his control.

  After Cheng De returned to the main tent, he immediately spread out the map of the Ming Dynasty and studied it carefully with a focused expression.

"On this map of the Ming Dynasty, there should be Qizhou Road!" Deng Youde pointed at the map and said to Zhu Yuanzhang and Chen Ting.

When Zhu Yuanzhang was about to speak, suddenly, it started raining heavily outside, so he remained silent.

Deng Youde's expression suddenly changed.

"It's so good, why did it rain suddenly today?" Deng Youde frowned and looked outside the tent.

Chen Ting also glanced outside the tent, with a trace of worry flashing in his eyes: "Captain Zuo, the weather has changed. Can the weapons from Qishui arrive at Guangji on time?"

Deng Youde was silent for a while, and then said: "Now, we are in Guangji, and there is some distance between us and Qishui. I don't know what is going on over there."

The venue suddenly fell into silence.

"Then Governor Zuo, if we can't come to Guangji on the Qishui side as planned, do we still have to capture Guangji as planned, and then capture Qichun, Huangmei and other places?"

Hearing Chen Ting's question, Deng Youde's eyes hesitated.

"It's only six o'clock now. I told the people over there to deliver it at unit o'clock. At present, there are still four hours."


"After four hours they still can't deliver the weapons in time, so we still have to act according to the original plan."

"General Feng's side may have reached its limit."

"We can't have any accidents here."

"Speaking of which, I'm going to make some new arrangements for you two."

Zhu Yuanzhang and Deng Youde both looked at Deng Youde.

Deng Youde also looked at the two of them with a serious expression.

"Zhu Yuanzhang obeys the order!"

"The last will obey!"

"If our people do not deliver the weapons on time after four hours, then, when the time comes, you take your men and horses, disguise yourself as common people and sneak into the east gate of Guangji City, and then quickly control the east gate and exit from the east city. Seize the weapon from the enemy at the gate. I have sent people to investigate and found that the east gate of Guangji City is the weakest in defense and is the most suitable place to strike."

"Follow the order! Please rest assured, Governor Zuo, if the other side does not arrive in time, the general will definitely capture the east gate of Guangji City."

Deng Youde nodded, then looked at Chen Ting: "Chen Ting, as for you."

"You take the people under your command, divide them into multiple groups, set off immediately, and sneak into Qichun City first. If we take Guangji by then, we will definitely attack Qichun City next. When the time comes, you will be in the city as an internal response, and we will coordinate internally and externally. , take Qichun City smoothly."

When Chen Ting heard this, he took a deep breath and said, "The last general will take your orders!"

Chen Ting left in a hurry.

Deng Youde looked at Zhu Yuanzhang: "You go down and have a good rest first. When the time comes, you have to fight this battle well. In this battle, you have a heavier responsibility." Zhu Yuanzhang looked solemn: "Commander Zuo, I will definitely win Guangzhou in the end. From the east gate of Jicheng."

Deng Youde nodded, and then Zhu Yuanzhang bowed and retreated.

Deng Youde looked at the map of the Ming Dynasty on the desk and fell into deep thought.

"The map of the Ming Dynasty is still not big enough!" Cheng De looked at it for a long time and said to himself.

"The battle on Huangzhou Road is crucial."

"This battle is related to the life and death of the Ming Dynasty."

"There are still too few generals available at the moment."

"Li Sanqi, Chang Yuchun, Tang He, and Xu Da must be transferred to the front line here. As for the places they are currently guarding, let others do it."

Thinking of this, Cheng De wrote quickly and wrote several order documents in succession. After sealing them carefully, an hour passed unknowingly.

"Come here!" Cheng De shouted outside the main tent.

"See you, Your Majesty!" Cheng De's captain knelt down on one knee and saluted.

Cheng De looked at the captain of the soldiers with gentle eyes and said, "Send these letters of mine to Li Sanqi in Nanjing, Chang Yuchun and Tang He in Zhenzhou, and Xu Da in Hezhou. place."

"Remember, these letters must be delivered to them personally. Do you understand?"

The captain of the personal soldiers responded quickly and loudly: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will definitely arrange this matter."

Cheng De smiled and nodded, "You go down first!"

The captain of the soldiers saluted Cheng De again, then bowed and exited the main tent.

After doing all this, Cheng De gradually breathed a sigh of relief.

With Li Sanqi, Xu Da, Chang Yuchun, Geng Zaicheng, Tang He, Deng Youde, Zhu Yuanzhang, Chen Ting, and Feng Guoyong at Hukou Pass, there should be enough generals.

However, in addition to the generals, those from the military aircraft department also need to be transferred to the front line.

Just thinking of this, Cheng De did not hesitate at all and decided to transfer Liu Bowen and others from the General Aircraft Department to the front line. Except for Yao Guangxiao who did not transfer, he still kept an eye on Zhang Shicheng's side.

Because the decisive battle with Chen Youliang was too important, he could not fail and could not afford to lose.

Facing Chen Youliang, a powerful enemy, his heart felt heavy.

This person is a powerful enemy.

There is no simple hero who can leave his name in history.

He must still make enough preparations.

In terms of food, it seems there is not enough.

We should find a way to ask Fang Ming, the Minister of Household Affairs, to bring in more grain.

I don’t know if the food supply at the Ministry of Revenue is tight.

Food is never enough.

It would be great if there were high-yielding corn and potatoes!

They must be found in one's lifetime.

Cheng De sighed slightly. The real dilemma must be faced directly and cannot be avoided.

Even if the Ministry of Revenue finds a way to allocate some food, I'm afraid it won't be too much.

In addition to relying on the Ministry of Household Affairs to allocate some food, can we just eat it from the enemy?
  However, after thinking for a moment, Cheng De gave up the idea.

If he really did this, what would happen afterwards?
  If the people don't support it, even if we take the city, what's the use?
  Cheng De subconsciously rubbed his eyebrows and thought: What a headache!
  After that, Cheng De wrote more than a dozen documents in succession and sent people to different places.

Night is coming.

Cheng De put down his government affairs and looked in the direction of Deng Youde - Guangji. (End of chapter)

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