Two more days passed.


Inside Hukou Pass.

Feng Guoyong patrolled around Hukou Pass with great concern, accompanied by Feng Jin.

Feng Jin had a disheveled look on his face and looked tired.

When Feng Guoyong saw that the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty in Hukou Pass were all depressed and their faces turned yellow, he asked, "Feng Jin, how many days will the food be enough?"

Feng Jin was silent, his eyes dimmed, and he looked absently at the place where Chen Youliang's army was stationed outside Hukou Pass.

"General, it's only enough for one day." Feng Jin's voice was hoarse.

Feng Guoyong also fell silent, looking in the direction of Nanjing.

Your Majesty, haven't you arrived yet?

Feng Guoyong withdrew his gaze and looked at where Chen Youliang's army was stationed at Hukou Pass.

The place was endless and densely packed with people from Chen Youliang.

Silent for a long time.

"General, Your Majesty, he should have received the news about our request for help, right?" Feng Jin turned around with difficulty and looked at Feng Guoyong, with a hint of hope in his eyes.

Feng Guoyong was silent.

His eyes were a little solemn:

"His Majesty's reinforcements should still be on the way. This is Chen Youliang"

"Have you noticed it before? There were people moving in different directions in Chen Youliang's camp."

When Feng Jin heard this, his heart sank suddenly, "Those people, are they going to intercept the reinforcements sent by His Majesty?"

Feng Guoyong said in a deep voice: "That should be the case."

The two fell into silence again, and no one spoke.

"Tiger's Pass, I'm afraid it will be lost." Feng Guoyong's eyes were a little sad and he sighed softly.

Feng Jin looked at Feng Guoyong, whose eyes were dull at this moment, and felt a sudden pain in his heart, "General."

Feng Guoyong shook his head, "Feng Jin, even if you don't tell me, I know what you want to say. Don't ever think like that again. Ah Sheng is still in Nanjing. I will never abandon Ah Sheng. You should know that." .Besides, Your Majesty treats me well, and I cannot let Him down."

Feng Jin was dejected, "General, no matter what, I, Feng Jin, will definitely follow the general and live and die with him!"

Feng Guoyong chuckled, "I'm not lonely with you by my side on the road to hell. I'm just a little sorry for you. I haven't found you a wife yet, so you can start a family and leave a legacy."

Feng Jin also laughed, "The general is joking. I, Feng Jin, have always been willing to follow the general. From the time I decided to follow the general, I will never change my mind."

Feng Guoyong was stunned on the spot. After a long while, he smiled bitterly and said, "You... I don't even know what to say!"

Feng Jin suddenly pointed at Chen Youliang's military camp and shouted to Feng Guoyong: "General, look, there is movement in Chen Youliang's camp!"

Feng Guoyong looked around and saw that the number of people in Chen Youliang's camp dropped sharply.

Feng Guoyong was not happy about this, but his eyes were a little heavy: "Looking at it like this, they seem to be heading towards Qizhou Road."

Feng Jin was startled and suddenly realized, "General, you mean that they are all going to intercept the reinforcements sent by His Majesty?"

Feng Guoyong squinted his eyes for a moment, "That should be the case."

"Damn it, can the people sent by His Majesty be defeated?" Feng Jin said to himself.

Feng Guoyong was also thinking about this issue in his mind, and according to his judgment, these people might have made some big move, and they were targeting the reinforcements sent by His Majesty.

Once the reinforcements sent by His Majesty are severely defeated, the Ming Dynasty will be in danger!

"General, look, can we find a way to stop it?" Feng Jin was a little anxious.

He thought to himself: If something happens to His Majesty's reinforcements, they will really be doomed.

Feng Guoyong was moved in his heart, but when he took a closer look at Chen Youliang's camp, his fiery heart became cold again.

"No, although many people from Chen Youliang's camp have indeed left, there are still many people left in his camp. In addition, our brothers have not had a full meal in the past few days, and their morale is low. The combat power has been greatly reduced. If we leave the city, I am afraid that it will be what Chen Youliang wanted."

Feng Jin slapped his right hand hard on the wall of Hukou Pass, "Hey, what should we do?"

"Wait!" Feng Guoyong looked determined.

"Wait?" Feng Jin looked at Feng Guoyong. When he saw Feng Guoyong's expression, he became silent.

The screen turns.

Chen Youliang's camp. At this time, Chen Youliang was sitting in the main tent. In the main tent, there were also Gao Jian and others.

"Gao Jian, I have sent Dingbian to lead one hundred thousand troops to Luotian. Do you think his trip will be successful?"

At this time, Chen Youliang's face was rosy and he was excited.

Gao Jian heard Chen Youliang's words and began to think carefully.

"Your Majesty sent General Zhang to lead troops to Luotian in order to bury Cheng De's army in Luotian, but it will be difficult to complete the battle in one battle."

In fact, what Gao Jian was thinking about was that His Majesty was lurking around Cheng De. Is the news he sent back reliable?

Did something really happen to Nanjing City in the Ming Dynasty?

Cheng De, is his rear really unstable?

His Majesty believed so much in the people lurking around Cheng De that he wanted to persuade him to send someone to Nanjing to verify. He couldn't say this because he was worried that it would offend Chen Youliang.

He knew Chen Youliang very well.

Even if Nanjing is unstable, Cheng De still leads an army of more than 200,000 people.

His Majesty sent Zhang Dingbian there to kill Cheng De.

I'm afraid it's not that easy.

He admitted that Zhang Dingbian was indeed powerful in terms of force, but were the people from the Ming Kingdom inferior?


Gao Jian saw a trace of displeasure written on Chen Youliang's face and consciously closed his mouth.

"Gao Jian, I sent Zhang Dingbian as part of my arrangement. In fact, my arrangement is much more than this. There are other back-up plans, and Cheng De must have suffered a lot."

"My arrangements are absolutely foolproof."

Gao Jian didn't say anything after hearing Chen Youliang's words.

Since His Majesty has made other arrangements without telling him, and with His Majesty's resourcefulness, the outcome of the matter will not be too bad, and perhaps, it can actually be achieved.

"Your Majesty is wise!" Gao Jian said calmly.

Chen Youliang smiled slightly after listening to Gao Jian's words. He glanced at the others and said, "When I get rid of all of Cheng De's more than 200,000 troops, then all of you will follow me to Nanjing."

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

After that, the glasses were mixed with each other, and the cups were illuminated.

After Chen Youliang finished drinking, he asked Gao Jian and others to leave, and he began to concentrate on handling government affairs.

"Why are there more and more government affairs being dealt with?" Cheng De looked at the piles of memorials on the desk and felt helpless.

He put down his government affairs and summoned Deng Youde.

After Deng Youde entered the main tent, Cheng De asked him: "How?"

Deng Youde smiled and said: "Your Majesty, Chen Youliang has fallen into the trap. And"

Cheng De frowned and glared at Deng Youde: "If you have something to say, say it quickly, and if you have something to say, let it go! What kind of riddles are you putting in front of me?"

Deng Youde hurriedly said: "Back to Your Majesty, according to reports from my spies, there is a large army coming towards us from the direction of Huangzhou Road. Moreover, the army behind us has been sending spies to check around our camp. I'm afraid Soon, a big war will begin.”

Cheng De stared at Deng Youde closely: "Have all your arrangements been completed?"

Deng Youde: "It's all done! Moreover, the cannons that His Majesty brought from Nanjing can be used just in time. I believe they will have miraculous effects."

After that, Deng Youde immediately told Cheng De all his arrangements. Cheng De was very satisfied after hearing this.

So, Cheng De nodded: "I won't worry about this battle anymore. I hope you will fight this battle well. Judging from the current situation, Chen Youliang's three armies will probably gather in Luotian. , he wants me to stay here forever."

Deng Youde hurriedly patted his chest and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the general will definitely defeat them."

Cheng De stared at Deng Youde for a long time: "Okay! I believe in you! Don't let me down!"

Deng Youde nodded heavily. He was going to go back and think a few more things to improve his arrangements. He didn't want to betray Cheng De's trust.

After Deng Youde left, Cheng De sat beside the case and looked at the map of the Ming Dynasty in silence.

Perhaps, another land will be added to the map of the Ming Dynasty.

Luotian is the first tough battle.

Chen Youliang, since you want to kill me, I also want to kill you.

This time, in Luotian, I must compete with you. (End of chapter)

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