At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the competition for the deer in the world

Chapter 262: The court conferred the title of Marquis to encourage the ministers, and the imitative

In March of the fifteenth year of Zhizheng, March of the second year of Shengwu.

On March 4, the second year of Shengwu, Li's 370,000-strong army captured De'an Prefecture and Xiangyang Road. The army increased from 70,000 to 120,000. On March 9, Cheng De sent Guo Xing to De'an Prefecture and Xiangyang Road. Guarding Xiangyang Road, Li Sanqi left 20,000 of the original Ming army behind. On March 14, Li Sanqi led an army of 100,000 troops back to Nanjing.

On March 11th of the second year of Shengwu, Mianyang Mansion and Zhongxing Road were captured by Feng Guoyong with an army of 60,000. Feng Guoyong's army expanded to 100,000. On March 14th, Cheng De issued an order to surrender. Feng Jin guarded Mianyang Mansion and Zhongxing Road. After leaving behind 30,000 Ming troops, on March 17, Feng Guoyong led 70,000 troops back to Nanjing.

On March 16, the second year of Shengwu, Hanyang Mansion, Wuchang Road, Xianning, Tongshan and other places were captured by Zhang Jiuyi's army of 40,000. Zhang Jiuyi's army expanded to 150,000. On March 19 , Cheng De issued an imperial edict to recruit Hucheng garrison Hu Hai to guard Hanyang Mansion and Wuchang Road. After leaving 40,000 troops behind, on March 23, Zhang Jiuyi led 110,000 troops back to the court.

On March 18, the second year of Shengwu, Anlu Prefecture, Jingmen Prefecture, and Xiazhou Road were all captured by Deng Youde's army. Deng Youde led an army of 70,000 that expanded to 130,000. On March 23, Cheng De ordered Tang Shengzong to guard Anlu. In the Lu Mansion, Zheng Yuchun was guarding Jingmen Prefecture, Hua Yunlong was guarding Xiazhou Road, and Deng Youde left behind an army of 60,000. On March 27, Deng Youde led an army of 70,000 to return to the court.

On April 1, the second year of Shengwu, all armies had returned to Nanjing.

On April 3, the second year of Shengwu, Cheng De ordered Luo Mao, Yao Guangxiao and other generals to return to Nanjing.

On April 7, the second year of Shengwu, the second imperial examination of the Ming Dynasty was held as scheduled.

On April 17, the second year of Shengwu, a total of 2,000 imperial examination scholars were admitted to Confucianism and Science in the Ming Dynasty.

On April 19, the second year of Shengwu, Cheng De ordered newly recruited scholars to go to various places in the original Chen-Han territory. Depending on their talents, they would serve as county magistrates, magistrates, general magistrates, or magistrates.

On April 24, the second year of Shengwu, Ming Dynasty held a court meeting in Xuanzheng Hall.

This court meeting is very different from previous court meetings.

The civil and military ministers of the Ming Dynasty all gathered in the Xuanzheng Hall, and they were arranged on the left and right according to their official rank.

At this time, Cheng Degao was sitting on the dragon chair, looking at the civil and military ministers on the jade steps, feeling very happy in his heart.

Minister of Civil and Military Affairs, full of talents!

Cheng De looked at Cheng Ru who was standing aside.

Cheng Ru bowed and stood on the left side of Cheng De. Now receiving the hint from Cheng De's eyes, he took a few steps forward, and then took out an imperial edict from his arms.

Seeing this, all the civil and military ministers below held their breath and stared at Cheng Ru.

Cheng Ru began to spread out the imperial edict and read:

"The emperor was entrusted with the destiny of heaven and said: I have followed the orders of Haotian and established the Ming Dynasty. Apart from the son and the second baron, only the Duke, the Marquis and the Uncle are left to reward the civil and military meritorious officials."

"Hereby is Feng Guoyong, the commander-in-chief of the right army and the commander-in-chief of the left. He knows the troops well and is good at attacking cities and territories. He successively captured Luzhou Road, Mianyang Mansion, Zhongxing Road and other places. He also defended Hukou Pass to resist Chen Han and Chen Youliang. He has made great contributions. He also killed Chen Youliang and made great contributions to the country. He was promoted to Feng Guoyong as a Marquis of Ying and enjoyed the food and salary of three thousand households."

"Hereby is the Left Commander Deng Youde of the Left Army Governor's Mansion. He has commanded well. In the battle of Luotian, he wiped out 300,000 Chen and Han troops. He has made great contributions to the country. He is specially promoted to the title of Deng Youde as a Marquis of Wei, and enjoys food and salary for 1,500 households. "

"Hereby is Li Dingguo, the left commander of the Central Military Governor's Mansion. He has led the army well. He has gone through hundreds of battles and opened up countless territories in the Ming Dynasty. He has made great contributions to the country. He has been promoted to the title of Li Dingguo as the marquis of the country and enjoys the food and salary of two thousand households."

"This is Zhang Jiuyi, the general of Andong of the Chen Han Dynasty. Knowing that the Ming Dynasty is a country of benevolence and righteousness in the world, he raised 50,000 troops and surrendered to the Ming Dynasty. He made plans to trap Chen Youliang, and then led his troops to capture Hanyang Mansion, Wuchang Road and other places. He has served the Ming Dynasty and specially entered The title of Zhang Jiuyi is the Marquis of Zhongyong, and he enjoys the food and salary of a thousand households."

All the civil and military ministers of the dynasty were shocked.

It turned out to be a feudal lord!

They would not be surprised if Feng Guoyong, Deng Youde, and Li Sanqi were granted the title of marquis, but the fact that Zhang Jiuyi could be granted the title of marquis made many people unable to sit still.

Including Fu Youde, Kang Maocai, Ding Pulang and other Chen Han surrendered generals, all of them had red eyes. When they looked at Zhang Jiuyi's figure, they looked envious.

Feng Guoyong, Li Sanqi, Deng Youde, and Zhang Jiuyi came out one after another, knelt down to thank Cheng De and said: "I will thank you for your majesty's grace!"

Cheng De looked at the four people and made a fussy support movement with his right hand, "Stand flat!"

Feng Guoyong, Li Sanqi, Deng Youde, Zhang Jiuyi: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Feng Guoyong was so excited that it was hard to describe. This was a Marquis title. Moreover, among the four Marquises granted by Your Majesty, he had the most salary and salary. Your Majesty treated him very kindly.

Li Sanqi, Deng Youde, and Zhang Jiuyi were no less excited than Feng Guoyong.

After Cheng De waited for all four of them to stand up, he continued: "Right now, the Ming Dynasty still has enemies. Zhang Shicheng, Fang Guozhen, and the Yuan Dynasty are all our enemies of the Ming Dynasty. I hope that you and the other four can continue their efforts. Marquises are hereditary or not. There are distinctions between the generations, and above the marquis there is the duke. The duke is also divided into the hereditary and the hereditary, and the hereditary duke is equal to sharing with the country. You are such talented marquises, don't stop here. You can remember Living?"

"Of course, other civil and military ministers can also apply."

Feng Guoyong, Li Sanqi, Deng Youde, Zhang Jiuyi and other civil and military ministers said in unison: "I will keep this in mind!"

All the civil and military ministers in the court were working hard to earn a hereditary marquis or even a duke for their descendants.

"As for the rest of the Ming Dynasty soldiers who have performed meritorious services after the battle of Chen Han, they will issue decrees later. For the time being, we will not announce them in the court."

"Next, let's talk about the Ming Dynasty's crusade against Zhang Shicheng and Fang Guozhen. I will not fight against Zhang Shicheng and Fang Guozhen myself, but will leave the battle to your generals."

As soon as Cheng De finished speaking, all the generals looked excited.

There are battles to be fought, and when there are battles, there will be opportunities to achieve military exploits, and after achieving military exploits, there will be opportunities to become marquises.

The civil servants on the other side couldn't sit still when they saw the movement on the general's side.

The military generals have already earned four marquises, but the civil servants have not earned any of them, so they are naturally unwilling to accept it.

They wished they could personally lead the troops on the battlefield and make achievements.

But they also thought that since there are specialties in the art industry, it is not that easy to accomplish this.

However, Luo Mao and Yao Guangxiao among their civil servants really wanted to lead the army in battle and make contributions to the Ming Dynasty.

On the other hand, other civil and military ministers chose a safe approach.

Everyone wanted to make suggestions.

Cheng De glanced at the list of civil servants and said, "How to defeat Zhang Shicheng and Fang Guozhen, all my beloved ministers can come up with suggestions. Anyone whose suggestions are adopted will be credited. If this plan can be effective in the battle against Zhang Shicheng and Fang Guozhen, then, I will never be stingy with the Marquis to reward meritorious ministers."

As soon as Cheng De finished speaking, Li Shanchang, a group of civil servants, stood up first, and then said: "Your Majesty, I have just thought of a plan."

Li Shanchang's words caused ripples in the hearts of all the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty.

Then, everyone was racing against time to think about how to defeat Zhang Shicheng and Fang Guozhen in the hope of being adopted.

Cheng De's eyes fell on Li Shanchang, "What's the plan?"

Li Shanchang: "As far as I know, Emperor Zhang Shicheng of the Great Zhou Dynasty allowed Zhang Shixin and other subordinates to amass excessive wealth, which caused dissatisfaction among the people and boiled up their resentment. In addition, Zhang Shicheng and Fang Guozhen fought hundreds of times. Zhang Shicheng wanted to seize the provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, while Fang Guozhen wanted to To prevent Zhang Shicheng's invasion, although the two sides stopped fighting because His Majesty killed Chen Youliang, they are in harmony in appearance but not in heart. In my opinion, this is my opportunity for the Ming Dynasty."

"If His Majesty sends an astute person to cause trouble on the border between the two sides, causing a war between the two sides and causing mutual attrition, and I, the Ming Dynasty, sit on the mountain and watch the fight, and when the winner is determined between them, I, the Ming Dynasty, can kill them both at the same time. .”

"With the current national strength of our Ming Dynasty, we can definitely do it. Moreover, in a few months, when some grains from various places are harvested, or some are bought from the people, then these grains will definitely be able to support the Ming Dynasty. Zhou Zhang Shicheng and Fang Guozhen caught them all in one fell swoop."

Cheng De looked at Li Shanchang and said with satisfaction: "Li Aiqing's words are reasonable, and I will accept them. As for the candidate for this astute person, it is up to Li Aiqing to choose the suitable person. If it is done well, then I will not be stingy. Reward from the Marquis.”

Li Shanchang heard this and said hurriedly: "I obey the order."

The other civil servants could no longer bear it.

Everyone wants to stand up and offer advice.

Cheng De agreed one by one.

For a time, the court was quite lively.

From morning to night, the quarrels in Xuanzheng Hall never stopped. Cheng De asked Li Ru to tell the people in the imperial kitchen to make more and prepare them for the Manchu ministers.

It was not until the end of the day that all the civil and military ministers announced their strategies.

Of course, there are some of these people who are just pretending to be fake, and there are also some who really have original insights.

Cheng De put Gong Bosui's eldest son Gong Wenjie in charge of recording the strategies of the civil and military ministers at the court meeting.

This Gong Wenjie was familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics and wrote quickly. He was a very good note-taker.

Cheng De gave him a sixth-grade official position, specifically as a secretary responsible for recording documents and drafting documents.

It wasn't until midnight that the court meeting finally ended.

After the court meeting, Cheng De learned from the documents drafted by Gong Wenjie that the strategy to destroy Zhang Shicheng and Fang Guozhen was nothing more than the following:

One is to support the strategy proposed by Li Shanchang.

One is Xu Da's proposal to attack Zhang Shicheng in order to be prepared versus unprepared.

There is another one proposed by Lu needless to do, which is to rely on the national power of the Ming Dynasty to directly fight Zhang Shicheng and Fang Guozhen in a decisive battle to demonstrate the national prestige of the Ming Dynasty.

The last one is Li Sanqi's proposal to arm the Ming Dynasty's 30,000 Ming Dynasty fire gun army with new fire guns, combined with the Ming Shengwu cannon, to directly attack the Great Zhou Dynasty with firepower and push the Great Ming Dynasty sideways. Then, using the same method, he pushed Fang Guozhen aside.

Cheng Des thought over and over again and decided to adopt all these strategies.

Attack the army in several groups at the same time.

It is now April 24th, and in March, it will be time to launch a war to destroy Zhou Dynasty.

Once Zhang Shicheng was eliminated, then it would be easy to eliminate Fang Guozhen.

There are still three full months. What should we do in these three months?

By the way, you can learn French, you can find Marinoli for this; and Japanese, you can find those Japanese people for this.

Cheng De has his own ambitions for Japan.

The reason why he learned French, including the English he mastered, was because he was obsessed with some high-yielding grains in South and North America.

If the Ming Dynasty had those high-yield grains, it would definitely be able to ensure that everyone in the Ming Dynasty could have enough to eat.

Of course, if he could take all those lands into Ming Dynasty's possession during his lifetime, he would be able to smile after his death.

Thinking of this, Cheng De couldn't sit still anymore and went straight to the Academy of Sciences to find Marinoli.

In a classroom at the Academy of Sciences, Marinoli is teaching mathematics.

The classroom was not full of students, but also people from the Juesheng Guard and the Jinyi Guard, but they hid it well.

They were responsible for completely recording everything Marinori taught so that Cheng De could review it.

Cheng De stood outside the classroom and watched Marino telling the Ming Dynasty science scholars about mathematics with a smile.

Many of those science scholars scratched their heads and seemed to be struggling.

Cheng De's eyes were calm.

He looked at a small blackboard-like place in front of him. It was all geometric shapes.

The memory of death suddenly attacked Cheng De.

This geometric figure is still a three-dimensional figure, three-dimensional.

Cheng De's thoughts were in a daze for a moment. He recalled that when he was learning these three-dimensional figures, he could always get them right. Even in the college entrance examination he would take in the future, after he left the examination room, he was most confident that he could get full marks in mathematics. The main problem is the geometry of three-dimensional figures. As for the other problems, let’s not mention them.

Seeing everyone in the classroom in front of him with their hair pulled back, Cheng De smiled.

Memories of the past, like a tide, keep emerging in my mind one by one.

After Marinoli finished teaching a mathematical knowledge point, he gave a question to the students in the classroom, and Marinoli left the classroom.

Because just now, he discovered Cheng De.

Marinoli walked up to Cheng De and performed a European etiquette for him, but Cheng De didn't pay attention.

"Dear His Majesty the Ming Emperor, are you here to see me?"

Cheng De was a little surprised when Marlinoli suddenly spoke Chinese.

This Marinoli is quite easy to learn.

In a short period of time, I actually mastered Chinese.

"Marinoli, as you thought, I'm here to find you." Cheng De looked at Marinoli and said.

"I wonder why His Majesty the Ming Emperor is looking for me?" Marinoli's eyes were full of doubts.

Cheng De glanced at the situation in the classroom and then turned his attention to Marinoli, "This is not the place to talk. You come with me."

After saying that, Cheng De walked in front. Marlinoli thought for a while and then followed Cheng De.

The two came to a playground of the Academy of Sciences and chatted while walking.

"Marinoli, having said all that, I just want you to teach me French and other languages, such as Latin."

Hearing Cheng De's request, Marinoli's eyes were full of surprise.

"Dear Your Majesty the Ming Emperor, you have to deal with state affairs every day. Are you sure you have time to study?" Marinoli's eyes were filled with doubts.

Cheng De smiled, "Time is squeezed out. As long as you squeeze it, you will still have it. Every morning I get up earlier, and then I go to bed later at night. Isn't this time enough?"

Marinoli nodded in agreement, "Dear His Majesty the Ming Emperor, you are the wisest Emperor I have ever seen. I, Marinoli, admire you very much. I, Marinoli, agree to your request. "

Cheng De smiled and said: "Thank you, Marinoli. Starting from tomorrow, I will come here to learn French and Latin with you until you think I have mastered it. What do you think?"

"Very good!" Marinoli also smiled.

After that, the two started talking about some daily trivial matters, and they got along very happily.

Time is like smoke and fleeting.

In the blink of an eye, three months passed. (End of chapter)

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