It was March 2nd in the 16th year of Zhizheng and March 2nd in the third year of Shengwu.

The case of the Sizhou magistrate embezzling 500,000 taels of silver shocked the entire Ming Dynasty officialdom.

This matter also made the headlines of the latest issue of "Da Ming Daily".

The people in the Ming Dynasty secretly cursed the magistrate of Sizhou, saying that he was a dog official.

All officials in Sizhou who were involved in corruption with the prefect were convicted and sentenced by officials from the Ministry of Punishment in accordance with the "Laws of the Ming Dynasty".

This matter was also published in the "Da Ming Daily".

Cheng De took Cheng Ru out of the palace and conducted an incognito investigation on the streets of Nanjing.

Cheng De was followed closely by the imperial guards.

As soon as Cheng De and Cheng Ru walked to a market, he heard the vendors in the market starting to talk about the prefect in the "Da Ming Daily".

Cheng De stopped where he was, listening with his ears straight up.

"Your Majesty, you are truly a saint!"

"Who says it's not the case? His Majesty has not spared any of those corrupt officials."

"Those dog officials are the same before they become officials, and they are the same after they become officials. If not for the opportunity given by His Majesty, would they be able to become officials?"

"He's just an ungrateful person. I heard that His Majesty handles government affairs until late at night every day. Is this true?"

"His Majesty handles government affairs every day without stopping from morning to night. His Majesty's daily schedule has been published in the latest "Da Ming Daily"."

"I remember this. From Yin Shi to Mao Shi, your Majesty studied foreign languages. From Mao Shi to Si Shi, he dealt with state affairs. From Si Shi to noon, he read books, learned foreign languages, and ate. From noon to Xu Shi, he continued to deal with government affairs, and sometimes A court meeting will be held. From the time of Xu to the time of Hai, we will think about military strategy, the strategy of enriching the country and strengthening the people, driving the barbarians north, etc."


"According to this, Your Majesty only sleeps for two hours every day. How can he be more tired than us?"

"Who says otherwise? Your Majesty is diligent and caring for the people. He wakes up earlier than a chicken and goes to bed later than a dog every day. Not only does he worry about many state affairs for the Ming Dynasty."

"To put it this way, those dog officials are really hateful. Aren't they holding His Majesty back? His Majesty is already busy enough, and they are still looking for trouble for His Majesty. Damn it!"

"His Majesty also spoke on the matter of the prefect's corruption. His Majesty said that asking for money from the people was digging into the foundation of the Ming Dynasty. If he found out who did this, he would never let anyone go. He also said that it was him. The bottom line is. If you know someone, you will be severely punished and never spared lightly."

"You don't know that since Concubine Yan left, I heard that Your Majesty doesn't think about food and tea every day, and even the Queen rarely goes to see her."

"Be careful! Those assassins are really hateful. Concubine Yan is a living Bodhisattva like the Queen! It's really God's will to trick people!"

When Cheng Ru heard this, he looked at Cheng De with some worry.

Cheng De glanced at Cheng Ru and said, "Don't worry, I won't be guilty of what I said. The incident with Concubine Yan is over."

Cheng Ru nodded and said no more.

After that, the two left here.

They walked through the streets.

An hour later.

Cheng De decided to return to the palace.

Just arrived outside the palace.

Cheng De asked Cheng Ru: "Cheng Ru, did you tell Shi Naian about my schedule?"

Cheng Ru was startled, "Back to Your Majesty, Shangshu Shi wanted to see Your Majesty before, and His Majesty was resting at that time. The "Da Ming Daily" was about to be published, and then Shangshu asked me for a copy of His Majesty's daily schedule. Arrangement list. Because Shi Shangshu said that this matter would be beneficial to His Majesty’s reputation among the people, so I polished it a little bit.”

Cheng De shook his head, "I don't blame you for this matter. Whatever it is, in my heart, making sure that all the people in the Ming Dynasty can have enough food, warm clothes, and houses to live in is what I want to solve. . You see, from the founding of the Ming Dynasty to the present, I still have not achieved this. Do you think I have failed as an emperor?"

Cheng Ru did not dare to answer, and then Cheng Ru said: "Your Majesty, in the hearts of the people, you are the most merciful and sage emperor in the world, and in the hearts of the people of the Ming Dynasty, you have done a good enough job. Moreover, The founding of the Ming Dynasty is still short, and in a few years, I believe that Your Majesty will be able to achieve this, and he will definitely do it."

Cheng De was thoughtful when he heard the words.

"Forget it, after I unify the south first, and then drive the barbarians north, the Ming Dynasty will be the strongest at that time. I hope I can do it by then." Cheng Ru was relieved in his heart.

Cheng De, on the other hand, was thinking that people must be sent to search for better grains in places in South and North America.

Since Zheng He could sail to the seven seas, why couldn't he create a Zheng He.

Thinking of this, Cheng De's eyes fell on Cheng Ru.

Cheng De looked at Cheng Ru and said, "Cheng Ru, in the future, I have something to ask you to do. I don't feel at ease if I leave it to others."

Cheng Ru was startled and looked at Cheng De: "I wonder what your Majesty has entrusted to your subordinates? Your subordinates must try their best to complete it."

Cheng De looked into the distance and said, "Cheng Ru, one day in the future, would you like to command the army?"

Hearing this, Cheng Ru's face was full of disbelief, "Your Majesty, my subordinates are no longer humane. This is about uniting the troops."

Cheng De withdrew his gaze and looked at Cheng Ru: "In the whole world, I only remember that you were an outstanding soldier of the Ming Dynasty. You are inhumane and were injured for the Ming Dynasty. I have never despised you, and have always regarded you as Consider him my brother."

"Starting from tomorrow, I will have someone copy some military books for you to read. Also, for the Ming Dynasty navy, you will also serve as the commander-in-chief."

"In addition, you will adhere to my will from tomorrow and enter the Ming Military Academy to study. After you graduate, I will leave you with the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Ming Navy, leading an army of 30,000. Moreover, once I unify the south , the position I granted you will not be just the title of Commander-in-Chief of the Most."

"I hope you will not disappoint my intentions, study the art of war well, and study well at the Ming Military Academy."

"After you graduate from the Ming Military Academy, the Ming Dynasty should have unified the south by then, and the ships will be almost built. At that time, I will tell you about the tasks assigned to you."

"I have promised you in advance that this mission will lead to a narrow escape from death. But I would like to give you a promise. No matter whether you succeed or fail in this mission, after the Ming Dynasty unified the world, I will give you Cheng Ruzhi a hereditary marquis to protect you. Family and country share.”

Cheng Ru was very excited when he heard this.

Hereditary Marquis!

Even if the mission has a narrow escape, he is still willing to take it on.

Moreover, His Majesty has said that there will be success or failure in the mission.


But Cheng Ru showed hesitation, "Your Majesty, if I leave your Majesty's side, from now on, there will be no caring person to serve you, and I will be a little worried."

Cheng De smiled, "Today, I give you a task, which is to select a group of eunuchs with pure character among the new eunuchs in the palace. I have only one request. For what I have to tell you, They can all be followed truthfully.”

Cheng Ru nodded.

When it came to the eunuch, Cheng De was stunned.

Originally, he did not want to use eunuchs, but wanted to use Ming soldiers.

As a result, this was opposed by the ministers.

The next best thing is to use a eunuch, but His Majesty must be a eunuch of his own volition, or become a eunuch due to some accident, rather than being forced.

The ministers did not object to this anymore.

"You go down and take care of this matter. I want to go for a walk alone."

After that, Cheng De walked to the palace alone.

Cheng Ru looked at Cheng De's back and was extremely moved.

Even though he became an eunuch, His Majesty still remembered his meager contribution to the Ming Dynasty and actually trusted him so much.

This kind of thing is probably unique in all previous dynasties.

Your Majesty treated him very kindly!

He will never betray His Majesty, even if it means death!

Moreover, if his own death could complete that task for His Majesty, he would be willing to do so.

Otherwise, he failed to complete the task, and he always felt that this hereditary marquis did not take it appropriately.

After thinking for a moment, Cheng Ru also entered the palace and walked in the other direction. (End of chapter)

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